based on Caesium 1.7.0. You can get the original source code at [here]( Changes made by this fork listed below.
### Resolved issues
- Remove country/region flags since the original filename have encoding issue which can cause a build failure, and also to avoid some potential regional internationalization issues. (216e1a9)
- Resolution display as -1x-1 for some images with unregular filename (e.g. `2IGYT%BD]SYY77Q7R041(WD.jpg` and `G9E@W$_Y4GYMWJY)%R24X~2.jpg`): Recompile under newer Qt version should works. Original Caesium official binary comes with Qt 5.1.0, Recompiled and tested under Qt 5.15.2.
- Click "Auto preview" checkbox and then click any image item will lead a crash. (0e3d5c5)