AboutDialogAboutInformationThanksLicenseCloseName:Version:Author:Website: Website:Translations:For Metatag manipulationBase of the icon setCaesiumNameSizeNew SizeRatioQualityResolutionFull PathAddRemovePreviewA new version is available!Compression OptionsQuality:Set QualityFormat:JPGPNGBMPResizeAbsolutePercentageHeight:InputWidth:Keep Aspect RatioDo not enlarge imagesOutput Folder...Suffix:Not allowed!Waiting...CancelThe original files will be deleted!Original ImageCompressed ImageAuto previewFileEditActionViewToolbar Icon SizeHelpToolsAdd Pictures...Ctrl+OOpen List...Ctrl+LSave List As...Ctrl+SExitCtrl+QRemove ItemDelClear ListCtrl+DelCtrl+PMinimize to trayMinimize the application to system trayCtrl+Alt+QCompress!New ResolutionSame for allApplyKeep StructureRemember last folderSame folder as inputOnline SupportWebsiteCtrl+WCheck for UpdatesDonate to CaesiumAboutAbout QtShow ToolbarSettingsOpen Folder...Ctrl+Shift+ORemove Item From List and Hard DiskCtrl+Shift+D32x3224x24Save Profile...Load Profile...Save ListSelect file(s)Compression finished!
- compressed
- skipped
- Item count: Open DirectorySupported Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.jfif *.tif *.tiff *.png *.ppm *.xbm *.xpm);;PNG Files (*.png);;JPEG Files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.jfif);;BMP Files (*.bmp);;TIFF Files (*.tif *.tiff);;PPM Files (*.ppm);;XBM Files (*.xbm);;XPM Files (*.xpm)Select output directoryI can't set the quality!InfoPNG and BMP are loseless formats, and
can't be compressed like JPG do.
Caesium will set the quality level automatically
for those formats.Save as...Caesium List (*.clf)Open a list file...InformationYou are currently using a forked version of Caesium.
Update checker is temporary not available.ErrorFailed to create the directory.
Aborting.The list is empty! Fill it!Set an Output Directory first!Deleting original files...Compression done! error(s)
Time elapsed:
Saved space: Processing: WarningThis action will delete the selected files PERMANENTLY.
Are you sure you want to continue?YesNoThe output folder doesn't exists.
Do you want to create it?Caesium Profile (*.cpf)Select a profile file...RestoreCloseFailed to create the directory structure.ExitAre you sure?Do you really want to exit Caesium?Always checkYesNoPreferencesPreferencesGeneralDefault PathUse a default output directory if none is specified...Default Image ViewOriginal SizeFit WindowScan subdirectories when you open a folderLoad the last used profile at startupPrompt before exitCheck for updates at startupCheck for uptades at startupCompressionKeep EXIF Information while compressingDelete the original file from diskKeep the original Date InformationLanguageRestore last used list at startupRestore window size and layout at startupStyleWindowsXPSkip if the output size is greater than the originalDon't delete if input extension is different from output oneOptimize PNG files during compressionLevel:Medium (Average)OKCancelApplyInformationYou need to restart the application before
changes take effectSoft (Fastest)Hard (Slowest)Select default output directoryQDropTreeWidgetClear listPreviewRemove itemAdd pictures...Open folder...Open destination folderOpen input folderRemove from list and Hard DiskUpdaterCaesium updaterYour version is Checking version...StartCloseCaesium current version is: ERROR: Connection timed out...Server connection closed. Please download the new version manually.An error occurred. Please check your internet connection.Contacting server...Downloading Download completed.InformationCaesium will exit now in order to allow the update to runmainCaesium - Image Compressor