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* File: mod128.cpp (Formerly dir128.c)
* Description: Code to convert a DIR128 to an ICOORD.
* Author: Ray Smith
* (C) Copyright 1991, Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include "mod128.h"
namespace tesseract {
static const int16_t idirtab[] = {
1000, 0, 998, 49, 995, 98, 989, 146, 980, 195, 970, 242, 956, 290, 941,
336, 923, 382, 903, 427, 881, 471, 857, 514, 831, 555, 803, 595, 773, 634,
740, 671, 707, 707, 671, 740, 634, 773, 595, 803, 555, 831, 514, 857, 471,
881, 427, 903, 382, 923, 336, 941, 290, 956, 242, 970, 195, 980, 146, 989,
98, 995, 49, 998, 0, 1000, -49, 998, -98, 995, -146, 989, -195, 980, -242,
970, -290, 956, -336, 941, -382, 923, -427, 903, -471, 881, -514, 857, -555, 831,
-595, 803, -634, 773, -671, 740, -707, 707, -740, 671, -773, 634, -803, 595, -831,
555, -857, 514, -881, 471, -903, 427, -923, 382, -941, 336, -956, 290, -970, 242,
-980, 195, -989, 146, -995, 98, -998, 49, -1000, 0, -998, -49, -995, -98, -989,
-146, -980, -195, -970, -242, -956, -290, -941, -336, -923, -382, -903, -427, -881, -471,
-857, -514, -831, -555, -803, -595, -773, -634, -740, -671, -707, -707, -671, -740, -634,
-773, -595, -803, -555, -831, -514, -857, -471, -881, -427, -903, -382, -923, -336, -941,
-290, -956, -242, -970, -195, -980, -146, -989, -98, -995, -49, -998, 0, -1000, 49,
-998, 98, -995, 146, -989, 195, -980, 242, -970, 290, -956, 336, -941, 382, -923,
427, -903, 471, -881, 514, -857, 555, -831, 595, -803, 634, -773, 671, -740, 707,
-707, 740, -671, 773, -634, 803, -595, 831, -555, 857, -514, 881, -471, 903, -427,
923, -382, 941, -336, 956, -290, 970, -242, 980, -195, 989, -146, 995, -98, 998,
static const ICOORD *dirtab = reinterpret_cast<const ICOORD *>(idirtab);
* DIR128::DIR128
* Quantize the direction of an FCOORD to make a DIR128.
DIR128::DIR128( // from fcoord
const FCOORD fc // vector to quantize
) {
int high, low, current; // binary search
low = 0;
if (fc.y() == 0) {
if (fc.x() >= 0) {
dir = 0;
} else {
dir = MODULUS / 2;
high = MODULUS;
do {
current = (high + low) / 2;
if (dirtab[current] * fc >= 0) {
low = current;
} else {
high = current;
} while (high - low > 1);
dir = low;
} // namespace tesseract