
437 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/core_c.h"
#include "opencv2/videoio.hpp"
#include "opencv2/videoio/videoio_c.h"
// Legacy structs
struct CvCapture
virtual ~CvCapture() {}
virtual double getProperty(int) const { return 0; }
virtual bool setProperty(int, double) { return 0; }
virtual bool grabFrame() { return true; }
virtual IplImage* retrieveFrame(int) { return 0; }
virtual int getCaptureDomain() { return cv::CAP_ANY; } // Return the type of the capture object: CAP_DSHOW, etc...
struct CvVideoWriter
virtual ~CvVideoWriter() {}
virtual bool writeFrame(const IplImage*) { return false; }
virtual int getCaptureDomain() const { return cv::CAP_ANY; } // Return the type of the capture object: CAP_FFMPEG, etc...
virtual double getProperty(int) const { return 0; }
// Modern classes
namespace cv
template <class T>
inline T castParameterTo(int paramValue)
return static_cast<T>(paramValue);
template <>
inline bool castParameterTo(int paramValue)
return paramValue != 0;
class VideoParameters
struct VideoParameter {
VideoParameter() = default;
VideoParameter(int key_, int value_) : key(key_), value(value_) {}
int key{-1};
int value{-1};
mutable bool isConsumed{false};
VideoParameters() = default;
explicit VideoParameters(const std::vector<int>& params)
const auto count = params.size();
if (count % 2 != 0)
("Vector of VideoWriter parameters should have even length"));
params_.reserve(count / 2);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < count; i += 2)
add(params[i], params[i + 1]);
VideoParameters(int* params, unsigned n_params)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_params; ++i)
add(params[2*i], params[2*i + 1]);
void add(int key, int value)
params_.emplace_back(key, value);
bool has(int key) const
auto it = std::find_if(params_.begin(), params_.end(),
[key](const VideoParameter &param)
return param.key == key;
return it != params_.end();
template <class ValueType>
ValueType get(int key) const
auto it = std::find_if(params_.begin(), params_.end(),
[key](const VideoParameter &param)
return param.key == key;
if (it != params_.end())
it->isConsumed = true;
return castParameterTo<ValueType>(it->value);
CV_Error_(Error::StsBadArg, ("Missing value for parameter: [%d]", key));
template <class ValueType>
ValueType get(int key, ValueType defaultValue) const
auto it = std::find_if(params_.begin(), params_.end(),
[key](const VideoParameter &param)
return param.key == key;
if (it != params_.end())
it->isConsumed = true;
return castParameterTo<ValueType>(it->value);
return defaultValue;
std::vector<int> getUnused() const
std::vector<int> unusedParams;
for (const auto &param : params_)
if (!param.isConsumed)
return unusedParams;
std::vector<int> getIntVector() const
std::vector<int> vint_params;
for (const auto& param : params_)
return vint_params;
bool empty() const
return params_.empty();
bool warnUnusedParameters() const
bool found = false;
for (const auto &param : params_)
if (!param.isConsumed)
found = true;
CV_LOG_INFO(NULL, "VIDEOIO: unused parameter: [" << param.key << "]=" <<
cv::format("%lld / 0x%016llx", (long long)param.value, (long long)param.value));
return found;
std::vector<VideoParameter> params_;
class VideoWriterParameters : public VideoParameters
using VideoParameters::VideoParameters; // reuse constructors
class VideoCaptureParameters : public VideoParameters
using VideoParameters::VideoParameters; // reuse constructors
class IVideoCapture
virtual ~IVideoCapture() {}
virtual double getProperty(int) const { return 0; }
virtual bool setProperty(int, double) { return false; }
virtual bool grabFrame() = 0;
virtual bool retrieveFrame(int, OutputArray) = 0;
virtual bool isOpened() const = 0;
virtual int getCaptureDomain() { return CAP_ANY; } // Return the type of the capture object: CAP_DSHOW, etc...
class IVideoWriter
virtual ~IVideoWriter() {}
virtual double getProperty(int) const { return 0; }
virtual bool setProperty(int, double) { return false; }
virtual bool isOpened() const = 0;
virtual void write(InputArray) = 0;
virtual int getCaptureDomain() const { return cv::CAP_ANY; } // Return the type of the capture object: CAP_FFMPEG, etc...
namespace internal {
class VideoCapturePrivateAccessor
IVideoCapture* getIVideoCapture(const VideoCapture& cap) { return cap.icap.get(); }
} // namespace
// Wrapper
class LegacyCapture : public IVideoCapture
CvCapture * cap;
LegacyCapture(const LegacyCapture &);
LegacyCapture& operator=(const LegacyCapture &);
LegacyCapture(CvCapture * cap_) : cap(cap_) {}
double getProperty(int propId) const CV_OVERRIDE
return cap ? cap->getProperty(propId) : 0;
bool setProperty(int propId, double value) CV_OVERRIDE
return cvSetCaptureProperty(cap, propId, value) != 0;
bool grabFrame() CV_OVERRIDE
return cap ? cvGrabFrame(cap) != 0 : false;
bool retrieveFrame(int channel, OutputArray image) CV_OVERRIDE
IplImage* _img = cvRetrieveFrame(cap, channel);
if( !_img )
return false;
if(_img->origin == IPL_ORIGIN_TL)
Mat temp = cv::cvarrToMat(_img);
flip(temp, image, 0);
return true;
bool isOpened() const CV_OVERRIDE
return cap != 0; // legacy interface doesn't support closed files
int getCaptureDomain() CV_OVERRIDE
return cap ? cap->getCaptureDomain() : 0;
CvCapture* getCvCapture() const { return cap; }
class LegacyWriter : public IVideoWriter
CvVideoWriter * writer;
LegacyWriter(const LegacyWriter &);
LegacyWriter& operator=(const LegacyWriter &);
LegacyWriter(CvVideoWriter * wri_) : writer(wri_)
double getProperty(int propId) const CV_OVERRIDE
if (writer)
return writer->getProperty(propId);
return 0.;
bool setProperty(int, double) CV_OVERRIDE
return false;
bool isOpened() const CV_OVERRIDE
return writer != NULL;
void write(InputArray image) CV_OVERRIDE
IplImage _img = cvIplImage(image.getMat());
cvWriteFrame(writer, &_img);
int getCaptureDomain() const CV_OVERRIDE
return writer ? writer->getCaptureDomain() : 0;
Ptr<IVideoCapture> cvCreateFileCapture_FFMPEG_proxy(const std::string &filename, const VideoCaptureParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoWriter> cvCreateVideoWriter_FFMPEG_proxy(const std::string& filename, int fourcc,
double fps, const Size& frameSize,
const VideoWriterParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> createGStreamerCapture_file(const std::string& filename, const cv::VideoCaptureParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> createGStreamerCapture_cam(int index, const cv::VideoCaptureParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoWriter> create_GStreamer_writer(const std::string& filename, int fourcc,
double fps, const Size& frameSize,
const VideoWriterParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_MFX_capture(const std::string &filename);
Ptr<IVideoWriter> create_MFX_writer(const std::string& filename, int _fourcc,
double fps, const Size& frameSize,
const VideoWriterParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_AVFoundation_capture_file(const std::string &filename);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_AVFoundation_capture_cam(int index);
Ptr<IVideoWriter> create_AVFoundation_writer(const std::string& filename, int fourcc,
double fps, const Size& frameSize,
const VideoWriterParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_WRT_capture(int device);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> cvCreateCapture_MSMF(int index, const VideoCaptureParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> cvCreateCapture_MSMF(const std::string& filename, const VideoCaptureParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoWriter> cvCreateVideoWriter_MSMF(const std::string& filename, int fourcc,
double fps, const Size& frameSize,
const VideoWriterParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_DShow_capture(int index);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_V4L_capture_cam(int index);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_V4L_capture_file(const std::string &filename);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_OpenNI2_capture_cam( int index );
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_OpenNI2_capture_file( const std::string &filename );
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_Images_capture(const std::string &filename);
Ptr<IVideoWriter> create_Images_writer(const std::string& filename, int fourcc,
double fps, const Size& frameSize,
const VideoWriterParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_DC1394_capture(int index);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_RealSense_capture(int index);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_PvAPI_capture( int index );
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_XIMEA_capture_cam( int index );
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_XIMEA_capture_file( const std::string &serialNumber );
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_ueye_camera(int camera);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> create_Aravis_capture( int index );
Ptr<IVideoCapture> createMotionJpegCapture(const std::string& filename);
Ptr<IVideoWriter> createMotionJpegWriter(const std::string& filename, int fourcc,
double fps, const Size& frameSize,
const VideoWriterParameters& params);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> createGPhoto2Capture(int index);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> createGPhoto2Capture(const std::string& deviceName);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> createXINECapture(const std::string &filename);
Ptr<IVideoCapture> createAndroidCapture_cam( int index );
Ptr<IVideoCapture> createAndroidCapture_file(const std::string &filename);
bool VideoCapture_V4L_waitAny(
const std::vector<VideoCapture>& streams,
CV_OUT std::vector<int>& ready,
int64 timeoutNs);
static inline
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const VideoAccelerationType& va_type)
switch (va_type)
case VIDEO_ACCELERATION_NONE: out << "NONE"; return out;
case VIDEO_ACCELERATION_ANY: out << "ANY"; return out;
case VIDEO_ACCELERATION_D3D11: out << "D3D11"; return out;
case VIDEO_ACCELERATION_VAAPI: out << "VAAPI"; return out;
case VIDEO_ACCELERATION_MFX: out << "MFX"; return out;
out << cv::format("UNKNOWN(0x%ux)", static_cast<unsigned int>(va_type));
return out;
} // cv::