1.项目后端整体迁移至PaddleOCR-NCNN算法,已通过基本的兼容性测试 2.工程改为使用CMake组织,后续为了更好地兼容第三方库,不再提供QMake工程 3.重整权利声明文件,重整代码工程,确保最小化侵权风险 Log: 切换后端至PaddleOCR-NCNN,切换工程为CMake Change-Id: I4d5d2c5d37505a4a24b389b1a4c5d12f17bfa38c
763 lines
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763 lines
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# Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making ncnn available.
# Copyright (C) 2020 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
# in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
# under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
# CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import sys
import numpy as np
import pytest
import ncnn
def test_mat_dims1():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1)
assert mat.dims == 1 and mat.w == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat(2, elemsize=4)
assert mat.dims == 1 and mat.w == 2 and mat.elemsize == 4
mat = ncnn.Mat(3, elemsize=4, elempack=1)
assert mat.dims == 1 and mat.w == 3 and mat.elemsize == 4 and mat.elempack == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat(4, elemsize=4, elempack=1, allocator=None)
assert (
mat.dims == 1
and mat.w == 4
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
and mat.allocator == None
mat = ncnn.Mat((1,))
assert mat.dims == 1 and mat.w == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat((2,), elemsize=4)
assert mat.dims == 1 and mat.w == 2 and mat.elemsize == 4
mat = ncnn.Mat((3,), elemsize=4, elempack=1)
assert mat.dims == 1 and mat.w == 3 and mat.elemsize == 4 and mat.elempack == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat((4,), elemsize=4, elempack=1, allocator=None)
assert (
mat.dims == 1
and mat.w == 4
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
and mat.allocator == None
def test_mat_dims2():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1, 2)
assert mat.dims == 2 and mat.w == 1 and mat.h == 2
mat = ncnn.Mat(3, 4, elemsize=4)
assert mat.dims == 2 and mat.w == 3 and mat.h == 4 and mat.elemsize == 4
mat = ncnn.Mat(5, 6, elemsize=4, elempack=1)
assert (
mat.dims == 2
and mat.w == 5
and mat.h == 6
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat(7, 8, elemsize=4, elempack=1, allocator=None)
assert (
mat.dims == 2
and mat.w == 7
and mat.h == 8
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
and mat.allocator == None
mat = ncnn.Mat((1, 2))
assert mat.dims == 2 and mat.w == 1 and mat.h == 2
mat = ncnn.Mat((3, 4), elemsize=4)
assert mat.dims == 2 and mat.w == 3 and mat.h == 4 and mat.elemsize == 4
mat = ncnn.Mat((5, 6), elemsize=4, elempack=1)
assert (
mat.dims == 2
and mat.w == 5
and mat.h == 6
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat((7, 8), elemsize=4, elempack=1, allocator=None)
assert (
mat.dims == 2
and mat.w == 7
and mat.h == 8
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
and mat.allocator == None
def test_mat_dims3():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1, 2, 3)
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 1 and mat.h == 2 and mat.c == 3
mat = ncnn.Mat(4, 5, 6, elemsize=4)
assert (
mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 4 and mat.h == 5 and mat.c == 6 and mat.elemsize == 4
mat = ncnn.Mat(7, 8, 9, elemsize=4, elempack=1)
assert (
mat.dims == 3
and mat.w == 7
and mat.h == 8
and mat.c == 9
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat(10, 11, 12, elemsize=4, elempack=1, allocator=None)
assert (
mat.dims == 3
and mat.w == 10
and mat.h == 11
and mat.c == 12
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
and mat.allocator == None
mat = ncnn.Mat((1, 2, 3))
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 1 and mat.h == 2 and mat.c == 3
mat = ncnn.Mat((4, 5, 6), elemsize=4)
assert (
mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 4 and mat.h == 5 and mat.c == 6 and mat.elemsize == 4
mat = ncnn.Mat((7, 8, 9), elemsize=4, elempack=1)
assert (
mat.dims == 3
and mat.w == 7
and mat.h == 8
and mat.c == 9
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat((10, 11, 12), elemsize=4, elempack=1, allocator=None)
assert (
mat.dims == 3
and mat.w == 10
and mat.h == 11
and mat.c == 12
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
and mat.allocator == None
def test_mat_dims4():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1, 2, 3, 4)
assert mat.dims == 4 and mat.w == 1 and mat.h == 2 and mat.d == 3 and mat.c == 4
mat = ncnn.Mat(4, 5, 6, 7, elemsize=4)
assert (
mat.dims == 4 and mat.w == 4 and mat.h == 5 and mat.d == 6 and mat.c == 7 and mat.elemsize == 4
mat = ncnn.Mat(7, 8, 9, 10, elemsize=4, elempack=1)
assert (
mat.dims == 4
and mat.w == 7
and mat.h == 8
and mat.d == 9
and mat.c == 10
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat(10, 11, 12, 13, elemsize=4, elempack=1, allocator=None)
assert (
mat.dims == 4
and mat.w == 10
and mat.h == 11
and mat.d == 12
and mat.c == 13
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
and mat.allocator == None
mat = ncnn.Mat((1, 2, 3, 4))
assert mat.dims == 4 and mat.w == 1 and mat.h == 2 and mat.d == 3 and mat.c == 4
mat = ncnn.Mat((4, 5, 6, 7), elemsize=4)
assert (
mat.dims == 4 and mat.w == 4 and mat.h == 5 and mat.d == 6 and mat.c == 7 and mat.elemsize == 4
mat = ncnn.Mat((7, 8, 9, 10), elemsize=4, elempack=1)
assert (
mat.dims == 4
and mat.w == 7
and mat.h == 8
and mat.d == 9
and mat.c == 10
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat((10, 11, 12, 13), elemsize=4, elempack=1, allocator=None)
assert (
mat.dims == 4
and mat.w == 10
and mat.h == 11
and mat.d == 12
and mat.c == 13
and mat.elemsize == 4
and mat.elempack == 1
and mat.allocator == None
def test_numpy():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1)
array = np.array(mat)
assert mat.dims == array.ndim and mat.w == array.shape[0]
mat = ncnn.Mat(2, 3)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (
mat.dims == array.ndim and mat.w == array.shape[1] and mat.h == array.shape[0]
mat = ncnn.Mat(4, 5, 6)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (
mat.dims == array.ndim
and mat.w == array.shape[2]
and mat.h == array.shape[1]
and mat.c == array.shape[0]
mat = ncnn.Mat(7, 8, 9, 10)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (
mat.dims == array.ndim
and mat.w == array.shape[3]
and mat.h == array.shape[2]
and mat.d == array.shape[1]
and mat.c == array.shape[0]
mat = ncnn.Mat(1, elemsize=1)
array = np.array(mat)
assert array.dtype == np.int8
mat = ncnn.Mat(1, elemsize=2)
array = np.array(mat)
assert array.dtype == np.float16
# pybind11 def_buffer throw bug
# with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as execinfo:
# mat = ncnn.Mat(1, elemsize=3)
# array = np.array(mat)
# assert "convert ncnn.Mat to numpy.ndarray only elemsize 1, 2, 4 support now, but given 3" in str(
# execinfo.value
# )
assert array.dtype == np.float16
mat = ncnn.Mat(1, elemsize=4)
array = np.array(mat)
assert array.dtype == np.float32
mat = np.random.randint(0, 128, size=(12,)).astype(np.uint8)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (mat == array).all()
mat = np.random.rand(12).astype(np.float32)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (mat == array).all()
mat = np.random.randint(0, 128, size=(12, 11)).astype(np.uint8)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (mat == array).all()
mat = np.random.rand(12, 11).astype(np.float32)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (mat == array).all()
mat = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(12, 11, 3)).astype(np.uint8)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (mat == array).all()
mat = np.random.rand(12, 11, 3).astype(np.float32)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (mat == array).all()
mat = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(12, 11, 7, 3)).astype(np.uint8)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (mat == array).all()
mat = np.random.rand(12, 11, 7, 3).astype(np.float32)
array = np.array(mat)
assert (mat == array).all()
def test_fill():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1)
array = np.array(mat)
assert np.abs(array[0] - 1.0) < sys.float_info.min
def test_clone():
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(1)
mat2 = mat1.clone()
assert mat1.dims == mat2.dims and mat1.w == mat2.w
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(2, 3)
mat2 = mat1.clone()
assert mat1.dims == mat2.dims and mat1.w == mat2.w and mat1.h == mat2.h
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(4, 5, 6)
mat2 = mat1.clone()
assert (
mat1.dims == mat2.dims
and mat1.w == mat2.w
and mat1.h == mat2.h
and mat1.c == mat2.c
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(7, 8, 9, 10)
mat2 = mat1.clone()
assert (
mat1.dims == mat2.dims
and mat1.w == mat2.w
and mat1.h == mat2.h
and mat1.d == mat2.d
and mat1.c == mat2.c
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((1,))
mat2 = mat1.clone()
assert mat1.dims == mat2.dims and mat1.w == mat2.w
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((2, 3))
mat2 = mat1.clone()
assert mat1.dims == mat2.dims and mat1.w == mat2.w and mat1.h == mat2.h
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((4, 5, 6))
mat2 = mat1.clone()
assert (
mat1.dims == mat2.dims
and mat1.w == mat2.w
and mat1.h == mat2.h
and mat1.c == mat2.c
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((7, 8, 9, 10))
mat2 = mat1.clone()
assert (
mat1.dims == mat2.dims
and mat1.w == mat2.w
and mat1.h == mat2.h
and mat1.d == mat2.d
and mat1.c == mat2.c
def test_clone_from():
mat2 = ncnn.Mat()
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(1)
assert mat1.dims == mat2.dims and mat1.w == mat2.w
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(2, 3)
assert mat1.dims == mat2.dims and mat1.w == mat2.w and mat1.h == mat2.h
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(4, 5, 6)
assert (
mat1.dims == mat2.dims
and mat1.w == mat2.w
and mat1.h == mat2.h
and mat1.c == mat2.c
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(7, 8, 9, 10)
assert (
mat1.dims == mat2.dims
and mat1.w == mat2.w
and mat1.h == mat2.h
and mat1.d == mat2.d
and mat1.c == mat2.c
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((1,))
assert mat1.dims == mat2.dims and mat1.w == mat2.w
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((2, 3))
assert mat1.dims == mat2.dims and mat1.w == mat2.w and mat1.h == mat2.h
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((4, 5, 6))
assert (
mat1.dims == mat2.dims
and mat1.w == mat2.w
and mat1.h == mat2.h
and mat1.c == mat2.c
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((7, 8, 9, 10))
assert (
mat1.dims == mat2.dims
and mat1.w == mat2.w
and mat1.h == mat2.h
and mat1.d == mat2.d
and mat1.c == mat2.c
def test_reshape():
mat1 = ncnn.Mat()
mat2 = mat1.reshape(1)
assert mat2.dims == 0
mat2 = mat1.reshape(1, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 0
mat2 = mat1.reshape(1, 1, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 0
mat2 = mat1.reshape(1, 1, 1, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 0
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(1)
mat2 = mat1.reshape(1, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 2 and mat2.w == 1 and mat2.h == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape(1, 1, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 3 and mat2.w == 1 and mat2.h == 1 and mat2.c == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape(1, 1, 1, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 4 and mat2.w == 1 and mat2.h == 1 and mat2.d == 1 and mat2.c == 1
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(1, 2)
mat2 = mat1.reshape(2)
assert mat2.dims == 1 and mat2.w == 2
mat2 = mat1.reshape(2, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 2 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape(2, 1, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 3 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 1 and mat2.c == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape(2, 1, 1, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 4 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 1 and mat2.d == 1 and mat2.c == 1
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(1, 2, 3)
mat2 = mat1.reshape(6)
assert mat2.dims == 1 and mat2.w == 6
mat2 = mat1.reshape(2, 3)
assert mat2.dims == 2 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 3
mat2 = mat1.reshape(2, 3, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 3 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 3 and mat2.c == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape(2, 1, 3, 1)
assert mat2.dims == 4 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 1 and mat2.d == 3 and mat2.c == 1
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((1,))
mat2 = mat1.reshape((1, 1))
assert mat2.dims == 2 and mat2.w == 1 and mat2.h == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape((1, 1, 1))
assert mat2.dims == 3 and mat2.w == 1 and mat2.h == 1 and mat2.c == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape((1, 1, 1, 1))
assert mat2.dims == 4 and mat2.w == 1 and mat2.h == 1 and mat2.d == 1 and mat2.c == 1
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((1, 2))
mat2 = mat1.reshape((2,))
assert mat2.dims == 1 and mat2.w == 2
mat2 = mat1.reshape((2, 1))
assert mat2.dims == 2 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape((2, 1, 1))
assert mat2.dims == 3 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 1 and mat2.c == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape((2, 1, 1, 1))
assert mat2.dims == 4 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 1 and mat2.d == 1 and mat2.c == 1
mat1 = ncnn.Mat((1, 2, 3))
mat2 = mat1.reshape((6,))
assert mat2.dims == 1 and mat2.w == 6
mat2 = mat1.reshape((2, 3))
assert mat2.dims == 2 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 3 and mat2.c == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape((2, 3, 1))
assert mat2.dims == 3 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 3 and mat2.c == 1
mat2 = mat1.reshape((2, 1, 3, 1))
assert mat2.dims == 4 and mat2.w == 2 and mat2.h == 1 and mat2.d == 3 and mat2.c == 1
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as execinfo:
mat1.reshape((1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
assert "shape must be 1, 2, 3 or 4 dims, not 5" in str(execinfo.value)
def test_create():
mat = ncnn.Mat()
assert mat.dims == 1 and mat.w == 1
mat.create(2, 3)
assert mat.dims == 2 and mat.w == 2 and mat.h == 3
mat.create(4, 5, 6)
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 4 and mat.h == 5 and mat.c == 6
mat.create(7, 8, 9, 10)
assert mat.dims == 4 and mat.w == 7 and mat.h == 8 and mat.d == 9 and mat.c == 10
assert mat.dims == 1 and mat.w == 1
mat.create((2, 3))
assert mat.dims == 2 and mat.w == 2 and mat.h == 3
mat.create((4, 5, 6))
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 4 and mat.h == 5 and mat.c == 6
mat.create((7, 8, 9, 10))
assert mat.dims == 4 and mat.w == 7 and mat.h == 8 and mat.d == 9 and mat.c == 10
def test_create_like():
mat2 = ncnn.Mat()
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(1)
assert mat1.dims == mat2.dims and mat1.w == mat2.w
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(2, 3)
assert mat1.dims == mat2.dims and mat1.w == mat2.w and mat1.h == mat2.h
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(4, 5, 6)
assert (
mat1.dims == mat2.dims
and mat1.w == mat2.w
and mat1.h == mat2.h
and mat1.c == mat2.c
mat1 = ncnn.Mat(7, 8, 9, 10)
assert (
mat1.dims == mat2.dims
and mat1.w == mat2.w
and mat1.h == mat2.h
and mat1.d == mat2.d
and mat1.c == mat2.c
def test_addref_release():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1)
assert mat.refcount == 1
assert mat.refcount == 2
assert mat.refcount == None
def test_empty():
mat = ncnn.Mat()
assert mat.empty() == True
mat = ncnn.Mat(1)
assert mat.empty() == False
def test_total():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1)
assert mat.total() == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat(2, 3)
assert mat.total() == 2 * 3
mat = ncnn.Mat(4, 5, 6)
assert mat.total() == 4 * 5 * 6
mat = ncnn.Mat(7, 8, 9, 10)
assert mat.total() == 7 * 8 * 9 * 10
def test_elembits():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1, elemsize=1, elempack=1)
assert mat.elembits() == 8
mat = ncnn.Mat(2, elemsize=2, elempack=1)
assert mat.elembits() == 16
mat = ncnn.Mat(3, elemsize=4, elempack=1)
assert mat.elembits() == 32
def test_shape():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1)
shape = mat.shape()
assert shape.dims == 1 and shape.w == 1
mat = ncnn.Mat(2, 3)
shape = mat.shape()
assert shape.dims == 2 and shape.w == 2 and shape.h == 3
mat = ncnn.Mat(4, 5, 6)
shape = mat.shape()
assert shape.dims == 3 and shape.w == 4 and shape.h == 5 and shape.c == 6
mat = ncnn.Mat(7, 8, 9, 10)
shape = mat.shape()
assert shape.dims == 4 and shape.w == 7 and shape.h == 8 and shape.d == 9 and shape.c == 10
def test_channel_depth_row():
mat = ncnn.Mat(2, 3, 4, 5)
channel = mat.channel(1)
assert channel.dims == 3 and channel.w == 2 and channel.h == 3 and channel.c == 4
depth = channel.depth(1)
assert depth.dims == 2 and depth.w == 2 and depth.h == 3
row = depth.row(1)
assert len(row) == 2 and np.abs(row[0] - 6.0) < sys.float_info.min
def test_channel_row():
mat = ncnn.Mat(2, 3, 4)
channel = mat.channel(1)
assert channel.dims == 2 and channel.w == 2 and channel.h == 3 and channel.c == 1
row = channel.row(1)
assert len(row) == 2 and np.abs(row[0] - 4.0) < sys.float_info.min
def test_channel_range():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1, 2, 3)
channel_range = mat.channel_range(0, 2)
assert (
channel_range.dims == 3
and channel_range.w == 1
and channel_range.h == 2
and channel_range.c == 2
def test_depth_range():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1, 2, 3, 4)
depth_range = mat.channel(1).depth_range(1, 2)
assert (
depth_range.dims == 3
and depth_range.w == 1
and depth_range.h == 2
and depth_range.c == 2
def test_row_range():
mat = ncnn.Mat(1, 2)
row_range = mat.row_range(0, 2)
assert row_range.dims == 2 and row_range.w == 1 and row_range.h == 2
def test_range():
mat = ncnn.Mat(2)
range = mat.range(0, 2)
assert range.dims == 1 and range.w == 2
def test_getitem_setitem():
mat = ncnn.Mat(2)
assert (
np.abs(mat[0] - 1.0) < sys.float_info.min
and np.abs(mat[1] - 1.0) < sys.float_info.min
mat[0] = 2.0
assert (
np.abs(mat[0] - 2.0) < sys.float_info.min
and np.abs(mat[1] - 1.0) < sys.float_info.min
def test_from_pixels():
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 400, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels(pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_RGB, 400, 300) # chw
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 400 and mat.h == 300 and mat.c == 3
assert pixels[0, 0, 0] == mat.channel(0).row(0)[0]
assert pixels[200, 150, 1] == mat.channel(1).row(200)[150]
assert pixels[299, 399, 2] == mat.channel(2).row(299)[399]
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 500, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels(
pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_RGB, 400, 300, stride=500 * 3
) # chw
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 400 and mat.h == 300 and mat.c == 3
assert pixels[0, 0, 0] == mat.channel(0).row(0)[0]
assert pixels[200, 150, 1] == mat.channel(1).row(200)[150]
assert pixels[299, 399, 2] == mat.channel(2).row(299)[399]
def test_from_pixels_resize():
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 400, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels_resize(
pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_BGR2RGB, 400, 300, 200, 150
) # chw
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 200 and mat.h == 150 and mat.c == 3
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 400, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels_resize(
pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_BGR2RGB, 400, 300, 400, 300
) # chw
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 400 and mat.h == 300 and mat.c == 3
assert pixels[0, 0, 0] == mat.channel(2).row(0)[0]
assert pixels[200, 150, 1] == mat.channel(1).row(200)[150]
assert pixels[299, 399, 2] == mat.channel(0).row(299)[399]
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 500, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels_resize(
pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_BGR2RGB, 400, 300, 500 * 3, 200, 150
) # chw
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 200 and mat.h == 150 and mat.c == 3
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 500, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels_resize(
pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_BGR2RGB, 400, 300, 500 * 3, 400, 300
) # chw
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 400 and mat.h == 300 and mat.c == 3
assert pixels[0, 0, 0] == mat.channel(2).row(0)[0]
assert pixels[200, 150, 1] == mat.channel(1).row(200)[150]
assert pixels[299, 399, 2] == mat.channel(0).row(299)[399]
def test_from_pixels_roi():
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 400, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels_roi(
pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_RGB, 400, 300, 100, 75, 200, 150
) # chw
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 200 and mat.h == 150 and mat.c == 3
assert pixels[75, 100, 0] == mat.channel(0).row(0)[0]
assert pixels[150, 200, 1] == mat.channel(1).row(75)[100]
assert pixels[224, 299, 2] == mat.channel(2).row(149)[199]
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 500, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels_roi(
pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_RGB, 400, 300, 500 * 3, 100, 75, 200, 150
) # chw
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 200 and mat.h == 150 and mat.c == 3
assert pixels[75, 100, 0] == mat.channel(0).row(0)[0]
assert pixels[150, 200, 1] == mat.channel(1).row(75)[100]
assert pixels[224, 299, 2] == mat.channel(2).row(149)[199]
def test_from_pixels_roi_resize():
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 400, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels_roi_resize(
pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_RGB, 400, 300, 100, 75, 200, 150, 100, 75
) # chw
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 100 and mat.h == 75 and mat.c == 3
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 500, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels_roi_resize(
500 * 3,
) # chw
assert mat.dims == 3 and mat.w == 100 and mat.h == 75 and mat.c == 3
def test_substract_mean_normalize():
pixels = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(300, 400, 3)).astype(np.uint8) # hwc
mean_vals = [127.5, 127.5, 127.5]
norm_vals = [0.007843, 0.007843, 0.007843]
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels(pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_RGB, 400, 300) # chw
mat.substract_mean_normalize([], norm_vals)
assert np.abs(pixels[0, 0, 0] * 0.007843 - mat.channel(0).row(0)[0]) < 1e-5
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels(pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_RGB, 400, 300) # chw
mat.substract_mean_normalize(mean_vals, [])
assert np.abs((pixels[0, 0, 0] - 127.5) - mat.channel(0).row(0)[0]) < 1e-5
mat = ncnn.Mat.from_pixels(pixels, ncnn.Mat.PixelType.PIXEL_RGB, 400, 300) # chw
mat.substract_mean_normalize(mean_vals, norm_vals)
assert (
np.abs((pixels[0, 0, 0] - 127.5) * 0.007843 - mat.channel(0).row(0)[0]) < 1e-5