1.项目后端整体迁移至PaddleOCR-NCNN算法,已通过基本的兼容性测试 2.工程改为使用CMake组织,后续为了更好地兼容第三方库,不再提供QMake工程 3.重整权利声明文件,重整代码工程,确保最小化侵权风险 Log: 切换后端至PaddleOCR-NCNN,切换工程为CMake Change-Id: I4d5d2c5d37505a4a24b389b1a4c5d12f17bfa38c
2784 lines
81 KiB
2784 lines
81 KiB
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making ncnn available.
// Copyright (C) 2017 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <limits.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class MXNetParam;
class MXNetNode
bool has_attr(const char* key) const;
bool is_attr_scalar(const char* key) const;
class AttrProxy
MXNetNode const* _n;
const char* const _key;
AttrProxy(MXNetNode const* n, const char* key)
: _n(n), _key(key)
operator int() const
return _n->attr_i(_key);
operator float() const
return _n->attr_f(_key);
operator std::string() const
return _n->attr_s(_key);
operator std::vector<int>() const
return _n->attr_ai(_key);
operator std::vector<float>() const
return _n->attr_af(_key);
AttrProxy attr(const char* key) const
return AttrProxy(this, key);
int attr_i(const char* key) const;
float attr_f(const char* key) const;
std::string attr_s(const char* key) const;
std::vector<int> attr_ai(const char* key) const;
std::vector<float> attr_af(const char* key) const;
bool is_weight() const;
bool has_weight(int i) const;
std::vector<float> weight(int i, int init_len = 0) const;
std::vector<MXNetNode>* nodes; // reference
std::vector<MXNetParam>* params; // reference
std::string op;
std::string name;
int output_size;
std::map<std::string, std::string> attrs;
std::vector<int> inputs;
std::vector<int> subinputs;
std::vector<int> weights;
class MXNetParam
std::string name;
std::vector<float> data;
std::string init;
bool MXNetNode::has_attr(const char* key) const
const std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = attrs.find(key);
return it != attrs.end();
bool MXNetNode::is_attr_scalar(const char* key) const
const std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = attrs.find(key);
if (it == attrs.end())
return false;
if (it->second.empty())
return false;
return it->second[0] != '(';
int MXNetNode::attr_i(const char* key) const
const std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = attrs.find(key);
if (it == attrs.end())
return 0;
if (it->second == "False")
return 0;
if (it->second == "True")
return 1;
int i = 0;
int nscan = sscanf(it->second.c_str(), "%d", &i);
if (nscan != 1)
return 0;
return i;
float MXNetNode::attr_f(const char* key) const
const std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = attrs.find(key);
if (it == attrs.end())
return 0.f;
float f = 0;
int nscan = sscanf(it->second.c_str(), "%f", &f);
if (nscan != 1)
return 0.f;
return f;
std::string MXNetNode::attr_s(const char* key) const
const std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = attrs.find(key);
if (it == attrs.end())
return std::string();
return it->second;
std::vector<int> MXNetNode::attr_ai(const char* key) const
const std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = attrs.find(key);
if (it == attrs.end())
return std::vector<int>();
// (1,2,3)
std::vector<int> list;
if (is_attr_scalar(key))
return list;
int i = 0;
int c = 0;
int nconsumed = 0;
int nscan = sscanf(it->second.c_str() + c, "%*[\\[(,]%d%n", &i, &nconsumed);
if (nscan != 1)
// (None
if (strncmp(it->second.c_str() + c, "(None", 5) == 0)
i = -233;
nconsumed = 5;
nscan = 1;
while (nscan == 1)
// fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", i);
i = 0;
c += nconsumed;
nscan = sscanf(it->second.c_str() + c, "%*[(,]%d%n", &i, &nconsumed);
if (nscan != 1)
// , None
if (strncmp(it->second.c_str() + c, ", None", 6) == 0)
i = -233;
nconsumed = 6;
nscan = 1;
return list;
std::vector<float> MXNetNode::attr_af(const char* key) const
const std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = attrs.find(key);
if (it == attrs.end())
return std::vector<float>();
// (0.1,0.2,0.3)
std::vector<float> list;
if (is_attr_scalar(key))
return list;
float i = 0.f;
int c = 0;
int nconsumed = 0;
int nscan = sscanf(it->second.c_str() + c, "%*[(,]%f%n", &i, &nconsumed);
while (nscan == 1)
// fprintf(stderr, "%f\n", i);
i = 0.f;
c += nconsumed;
nscan = sscanf(it->second.c_str() + c, "%*[(,]%f%n", &i, &nconsumed);
return list;
bool MXNetNode::is_weight() const
for (int i = 0; i < (int)(*params).size(); i++)
const MXNetParam& p = (*params)[i];
if (p.name == name)
return true;
return false;
bool MXNetNode::has_weight(int i) const
if (i < 0 || i >= (int)weights.size())
return false;
const std::string& node_name = (*nodes)[weights[i]].name;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)(*params).size(); j++)
const MXNetParam& p = (*params)[j];
if (p.name == node_name)
return true;
return false;
std::vector<float> MXNetNode::weight(int i, int init_len) const
if (i < 0 || i >= (int)weights.size())
return std::vector<float>();
const std::string& node_name = (*nodes)[weights[i]].name;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)(*params).size(); j++)
const MXNetParam& p = (*params)[j];
if (p.name != node_name)
if (!p.data.empty())
return p.data;
std::vector<float> data;
if (!p.init.empty() && init_len != 0)
if (p.init == "[\\$zero\\$, {}]" || p.init == "[\\\"zero\\\", {}]" || p.init == "zeros")
data.resize(init_len, 0.f);
else if (p.init == "[\\$one\\$, {}]" || p.init == "[\\\"one\\\", {}]" || p.init == "ones")
data.resize(init_len, 1.f);
return data;
return std::vector<float>();
static void replace_backslash_doublequote_dollar(char* s)
char* a = s;
char* b = s + 1;
while (*a && *b)
if (*a == '\\' && *b == '\"')
*b = '$';
static void parse_input_list(const char* s, std::vector<int>& inputs, std::vector<int>& subinputs)
if (memcmp(s, "[]", 2) == 0)
int nscan = 0;
int nconsumed = 0;
int id;
int subid;
int c = 1; // skip leading [
nscan = sscanf(s + c, "[%d, %d%n", &id, &subid, &nconsumed);
while (nscan == 2)
// fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\n", id, subid);
c += nconsumed;
nscan = sscanf(s + c, "%*[^[][%d, %d%n", &id, &subid, &nconsumed);
static bool read_mxnet_json(const char* jsonpath, std::vector<MXNetNode>& nodes)
FILE* fp = fopen(jsonpath, "rb");
if (!fp)
fprintf(stderr, "fopen %s failed\n", jsonpath);
return false;
int internal_unknown = 0;
int internal_underscore = 0;
char line[1024];
char* s = fgets(line, 1024, fp);
if (!s)
fprintf(stderr, "fgets %s failed\n", jsonpath);
return false;
MXNetNode n;
bool in_nodes_list = false;
bool in_node_block = false;
bool in_attr_block = false;
bool in_inputs_block = false;
while (!feof(fp))
char* t = fgets(line, 1024, fp);
if (!t)
if (in_inputs_block)
// ]
if (memcmp(line, " ]", 7) == 0)
in_inputs_block = false;
// [439, 0, 0],
int id;
int subid;
int nscan = sscanf(line, " [%d, %d", &id, &subid);
if (nscan == 2)
if (in_attr_block)
// },
if (memcmp(line, " }", 7) == 0)
in_attr_block = false;
// replace \" with \$
// "kernel": "(7,7)",
char key[256] = {0};
char value[256] = {0};
int nscan = sscanf(line, " \"%255[^\"]\": \"%255[^\"]\"", key, value);
if (nscan == 2)
n.attrs[key] = value;
// fprintf(stderr, "# %s = %s\n", key, value);
if (in_node_block)
// },
if (memcmp(line, " }", 5) == 0)
// new node
if (n.name.empty())
// assign default unknown name
char unknownname[256];
sprintf(unknownname, "unknownncnn_%d", internal_unknown);
n.name = unknownname;
if (n.name[0] == '_')
// workaround for potential duplicated _plus0
char underscorename[256];
sprintf(underscorename, "underscorencnn_%d%s", internal_underscore, n.name.c_str());
n.name = underscorename;
in_node_block = false;
int nscan;
// "op": "Convolution",
char op[256] = {0};
nscan = sscanf(line, " \"op\": \"%255[^\"]\",", op);
if (nscan == 1)
n.op = op;
// fprintf(stderr, "op = %s\n", op);
// "name": "conv0",
char name[256] = {0};
nscan = sscanf(line, " \"name\": \"%255[^\"]\",", name);
if (nscan == 1)
n.name = name;
// fprintf(stderr, "name = %s\n", name);
// "inputs": [
if (memcmp(line, " \"inputs\": [\n", 18) == 0)
in_inputs_block = true;
// "inputs": []
char inputs[256] = {0};
nscan = sscanf(line, " \"inputs\": %255[^\n]", inputs);
if (nscan == 1)
parse_input_list(inputs, n.inputs, n.subinputs);
// fprintf(stderr, "inputs = %s\n", inputs);
// "param": {},
if (memcmp(line, " \"param\": {}", 17) == 0)
// replace \" with \$
// "attr": {"__init__": "[\"zero\", {}]"},
char key[256] = {0};
char value[256] = {0};
nscan = sscanf(line, " \"attr\": {\"%255[^\"]\": \"%255[^\"]\"}", key, value);
if (nscan == 2)
n.attrs[key] = value;
// fprintf(stderr, "# %s = %s\n", key, value);
// "attrs": {"__init__": "[\"zero\", {}]"},
nscan = sscanf(line, " \"attrs\": {\"%255[^\"]\": \"%255[^\"]\"}", key, value);
if (nscan == 2)
n.attrs[key] = value;
// fprintf(stderr, "# %s = %s\n", key, value);
// "param": {"p": "0.5"},
nscan = sscanf(line, " \"param\": {\"%255[^\"]\": \"%255[^\"]\"}", key, value);
if (nscan == 2)
n.attrs[key] = value;
// fprintf(stderr, "# %s = %s\n", key, value);
// "attr": {
if (memcmp(line, " \"attr\": {", 15) == 0)
in_attr_block = true;
// "attrs": {
if (memcmp(line, " \"attrs\": {", 16) == 0)
in_attr_block = true;
// "param": {
if (memcmp(line, " \"param\": {", 16) == 0)
in_attr_block = true;
if (in_nodes_list)
// ],
if (memcmp(line, " ],", 4) == 0)
in_nodes_list = false;
// all nodes parsed
// {
if (memcmp(line, " {", 5) == 0)
n = MXNetNode();
in_node_block = true;
// "nodes": [
if (memcmp(line, " \"nodes\": [", 12) == 0)
in_nodes_list = true;
return true;
static bool read_mxnet_param(const char* parampath, std::vector<MXNetParam>& params)
FILE* fp = fopen(parampath, "rb");
if (!fp)
fprintf(stderr, "fopen %s failed\n", parampath);
return false;
size_t nread;
uint64_t header;
uint64_t reserved;
nread = fread(&header, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read header failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
nread = fread(&reserved, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read reserved failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
// NDArray vec
// each data
uint64_t data_count;
nread = fread(&data_count, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read data_count failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
// fprintf(stderr, "data count = %d\n", (int)data_count);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)data_count; i++)
uint32_t magic; // 0xF993FAC9
nread = fread(&magic, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read magic failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
// shape
uint32_t ndim;
std::vector<int64_t> shape;
if (magic == 0xF993FAC9)
int32_t stype;
nread = fread(&stype, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read stype failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
nread = fread(&ndim, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read ndim failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
nread = fread(&shape[0], ndim * sizeof(int64_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read shape failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
else if (magic == 0xF993FAC8)
nread = fread(&ndim, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read ndim failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
nread = fread(&shape[0], ndim * sizeof(int64_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read shape failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
ndim = magic;
std::vector<uint32_t> shape32;
nread = fread(&shape32[0], ndim * sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read shape failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)ndim; j++)
shape[j] = shape32[j];
// context
int32_t dev_type;
int32_t dev_id;
nread = fread(&dev_type, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read dev_type failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
nread = fread(&dev_id, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read dev_id failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
int32_t type_flag;
nread = fread(&type_flag, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read type_flag failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
// data
size_t len = 0;
if (shape.size() == 1) len = shape[0];
if (shape.size() == 2) len = shape[0] * shape[1];
if (shape.size() == 3) len = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2];
if (shape.size() == 4) len = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2] * shape[3];
MXNetParam p;
nread = fread(&p.data[0], len * sizeof(float), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read MXNetParam data failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
// fprintf(stderr, "%u read\n", len);
// each name
uint64_t name_count;
nread = fread(&name_count, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read name_count failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
// fprintf(stderr, "name count = %d\n", (int)name_count);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)name_count; i++)
uint64_t len;
nread = fread(&len, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read name length failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
MXNetParam& p = params[i];
nread = fread((char*)p.name.data(), len, 1, fp);
if (nread != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "read MXNetParam name failed %zd\n", nread);
return false;
// cut leading arg:
if (memcmp(p.name.c_str(), "arg:", 4) == 0)
p.name = std::string(p.name.c_str() + 4);
if (memcmp(p.name.c_str(), "aux:", 4) == 0)
p.name = std::string(p.name.c_str() + 4);
// fprintf(stderr, "%s read\n", p.name.c_str());
return true;
static void fuse_shufflechannel(std::vector<MXNetNode>& nodes, std::vector<MXNetParam>& params, std::map<size_t, int>& node_reference, std::set<std::string>& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count)
size_t node_count = nodes.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++)
const MXNetNode& n = nodes[i];
if (n.is_weight())
// ShuffleChannel <= Reshape - SwapAxis - Reshape
if (n.op == "Reshape")
if (node_reference.find(i) == node_reference.end() || node_reference[i] != 1)
// "shape": "(0, -4, X, -1, -2)"
std::vector<int> shape = n.attr("shape");
if (shape.size() != 5)
if (shape[0] != 0 || shape[1] != -4 || shape[3] != -1 || shape[4] != -2)
if (i + 2 >= node_count)
const MXNetNode& n2 = nodes[i + 1];
const MXNetNode& n3 = nodes[i + 2];
if (n2.op != "SwapAxis" || n3.op != "Reshape")
if (node_reference.find(i + 1) == node_reference.end() || node_reference[i + 1] != 1)
// "dim1": "1", "dim2": "2"
int dim1 = n2.attr("dim1");
int dim2 = n2.attr("dim2");
if (dim1 != 1 || dim2 != 2)
// "shape": "(0, -3, -2)"
std::vector<int> shape3 = n3.attr("shape");
if (shape3.size() != 3)
if (shape3[0] != 0 || shape3[1] != -3 || shape3[2] != -2)
// reduce
nodes[i].op = "noop_reducedncnn";
nodes[i + 1].op = "noop_reducedncnn";
node_reference.erase(node_reference.find(i + 1));
MXNetNode new_node;
new_node.nodes = &nodes;
new_node.params = ¶ms;
new_node.op = "ShuffleChannel";
// new_node.name = n.name + "_" + n2.name + "_" + n3.name;
new_node.name = n3.name;
new_node.output_size = n3.output_size;
char group[16];
sprintf(group, "%d", shape[2]);
new_node.attrs["group"] = group;
new_node.inputs = n.inputs;
new_node.subinputs = n.subinputs;
nodes[i + 2] = new_node;
reduced_node_count += 2;
i += 2;
static void fuse_hardsigmoid_hardswish(std::vector<MXNetNode>& nodes, std::vector<MXNetParam>& params, std::map<size_t, int>& node_reference, std::set<std::string>& blob_names, int& reduced_node_count)
size_t node_count = nodes.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++)
const MXNetNode& n = nodes[i];
if (n.is_weight())
if (n.op == "_plus_scalar")
// HardSigmoid <= _plus_scalar(+3) - clip(0,6) - _div_scalar(/6)
const MXNetNode& n1 = nodes[i + 1];
const MXNetNode& n2 = nodes[i + 2];
const MXNetNode& n3 = nodes[i + 3];
if ((float)n.attr("scalar") != 3.f)
if (n1.op != "clip" || (float)n1.attr("a_min") != 0.f || (float)n1.attr("a_max") != 6.f)
if (n2.op != "_div_scalar" || (float)n2.attr("scalar") != 6.f)
// reduce
nodes[i].op = "noop_reducedncnn";
nodes[i + 1].op = "noop_reducedncnn";
node_reference.erase(node_reference.find(i + 1));
if (n3.op != "elemwise_mul" || n3.inputs[0] != n.inputs[0])
MXNetNode new_node;
new_node.nodes = &nodes;
new_node.params = ¶ms;
new_node.op = "HardSigmoid";
new_node.name = n2.name;
new_node.output_size = n2.output_size;
char alpha[16], beta[16];
sprintf(alpha, "%f", 1.f / 6.f);
sprintf(beta, "%f", 3.f / 6.f);
new_node.attrs["alpha"] = alpha;
new_node.attrs["beta"] = beta;
new_node.inputs = n.inputs;
new_node.subinputs = n.subinputs;
nodes[i + 2] = new_node;
reduced_node_count += 2;
i += 2;
else // HardSwish <= HardSigmoid - Mul
nodes[i + 2].op = "noop_reducedncnn";
node_reference[i - 1]--;
node_reference.erase(node_reference.find(i + 2));
MXNetNode new_node;
new_node.nodes = &nodes;
new_node.params = ¶ms;
new_node.op = "HardSwish";
new_node.name = n3.name;
new_node.output_size = n3.output_size;
char alpha[16], beta[16];
sprintf(alpha, "%f", 1.f / 6.f);
sprintf(beta, "%f", 3.f / 6.f);
new_node.attrs["alpha"] = alpha;
new_node.attrs["beta"] = beta;
new_node.inputs = n.inputs;
new_node.subinputs = n.subinputs;
nodes[i + 3] = new_node;
reduced_node_count += 3;
i += 3;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (!(argc == 3 || argc == 5))
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [mxnetjson] [mxnetparam] [ncnnparam] [ncnnbin]\n", argv[0]);
return -1;
const char* jsonpath = argv[1];
const char* parampath = argv[2];
const char* ncnn_prototxt = argc == 5 ? argv[3] : "ncnn.param";
const char* ncnn_modelbin = argc == 5 ? argv[4] : "ncnn.bin";
std::vector<MXNetNode> nodes;
std::vector<MXNetParam> params;
read_mxnet_json(jsonpath, nodes);
read_mxnet_param(parampath, params);
FILE* pp = fopen(ncnn_prototxt, "wb");
FILE* bp = fopen(ncnn_modelbin, "wb");
// magic
fprintf(pp, "7767517\n");
size_t node_count = nodes.size();
// node reference
std::map<size_t, int> node_reference;
// weight node
std::vector<int> weight_nodes;
// sometimes mxnet produce non-unique name for activation op
std::set<std::string> known_names;
for (size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++)
MXNetNode& n = nodes[i];
if (known_names.find(n.name) == known_names.end())
// non-unique name detected, append index as suffix
char suffix[32];
sprintf(suffix, "_%d", (int)i);
n.name = n.name + std::string(suffix);
// global definition line
// [layer count] [blob count]
std::set<std::string> blob_names;
for (size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++)
MXNetNode& n = nodes[i];
// assign global param reference
n.nodes = &nodes;
n.params = ¶ms;
const std::string& output_name = n.name;
n.output_size = 1;
if (n.op == "null")
if (n.is_weight())
if (n.has_attr("__init__"))
// init weight param
MXNetParam pi;
pi.name = n.name;
pi.init = (std::string)n.attr("__init__");
// null node without data, treat it as network input
else if (n.op == "_contrib_MultiBoxTarget")
n.output_size = 3;
else if (n.op == "SliceChannel")
n.output_size = n.attr("num_outputs");
// distinguish weights and inputs
std::vector<int> weights;
std::vector<int> inputs;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)n.inputs.size(); j++)
int input_index = n.inputs[j];
if (nodes[input_index].is_weight())
n.inputs = inputs;
n.weights = weights;
if (n.op == "_contrib_MultiBoxDetection")
// reorder input blob
int temp = n.inputs[0];
n.inputs[0] = n.inputs[1];
n.inputs[1] = temp;
// input
for (int j = 0; j < (int)n.inputs.size(); j++)
int input_index = n.inputs[j];
int subinput_index = n.subinputs[j];
std::string input_name = nodes[input_index].name;
// fprintf(stderr, "input = %s\n", input_name.c_str());
if (subinput_index != 0)
char subinputsuffix[256];
sprintf(subinputsuffix, "_subncnn_%d", subinput_index);
input_name = input_name + subinputsuffix;
int input_uid = input_index | (subinput_index << 16);
if (node_reference.find(input_uid) == node_reference.end())
node_reference[input_uid] = 1;
node_reference[input_uid] = node_reference[input_uid] + 1;
// output
// fprintf(stderr, "output = %s\n", output_name.c_str());
for (int j = 1; j < n.output_size; j++)
char subinputsuffix[256];
sprintf(subinputsuffix, "_%d", j);
std::string output_name_j = output_name + subinputsuffix;
// for (std::map<int, int>::iterator it = node_reference.begin(); it != node_reference.end(); it++)
// {
// fprintf(stderr, "ref %d %d\n", it->first, it->second);
// }
// op chain fusion
int reduced_node_count = 0;
fuse_shufflechannel(nodes, params, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count);
fuse_hardsigmoid_hardswish(nodes, params, node_reference, blob_names, reduced_node_count);
// remove node_reference entry with reference equals to one
int splitncnn_blob_count = 0;
std::map<size_t, int>::iterator it = node_reference.begin();
while (it != node_reference.end())
if (it->second == 1)
splitncnn_blob_count += it->second;
// fprintf(stderr, "%s %d\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second);
// fprintf(stderr, "%d %d %d %d, %d %d\n", node_count, reduced_node_count, node_reference.size(), weight_nodes.size(), blob_names.size(), splitncnn_blob_count);
fprintf(pp, "%zu %zu\n", node_count - reduced_node_count + node_reference.size() - weight_nodes.size(), blob_names.size() + splitncnn_blob_count);
int internal_split = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++)
const MXNetNode& n = nodes[i];
if (n.op == "noop_reducedncnn")
if (n.op == "null")
if (n.is_weight())
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Input");
else if (n.op == "_contrib_BilinearResize2D")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Interp");
else if (n.op == "_contrib_MultiBoxDetection")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "DetectionOutput");
else if (n.op == "_contrib_MultiBoxPrior")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "PriorBox");
else if (n.op == "_copy")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Noop");
else if (n.op == "_div_scalar")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "_maximum_scalar")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "_minimum_scalar")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "_minus_scalar")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "_mul_scalar")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "_plus_scalar")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "_power_scalar")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "_rdiv_scalar")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "_rminus_scalar")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "abs")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "Activation")
std::string type = n.attr("act_type");
if (type == "relu")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ReLU");
else if (type == "sigmoid")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Sigmoid");
else if (type == "tanh")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "TanH");
else if (n.op == "add_n" || n.op == "ElementWiseSum")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Eltwise");
else if (n.op == "arccos")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "arcsin")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "arctan")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "BatchNorm")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BatchNorm");
else if (n.op == "broadcast_add")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "broadcast_div")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "broadcast_mul")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "broadcast_sub")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "ceil")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "clip")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Clip");
else if (n.op == "Concat")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Concat");
else if (n.op == "Convolution")
int num_group = n.attr("num_group");
if (num_group > 1)
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ConvolutionDepthWise");
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Convolution");
else if (n.op == "cos")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "Crop")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Crop");
else if (n.op == "Deconvolution")
int num_group = n.attr("num_group");
if (num_group > 1)
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "DeconvolutionDepthWise");
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Deconvolution");
else if (n.op == "dot")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Gemm");
else if (n.op == "Dropout")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Dropout");
else if (n.op == "elemwise_add" || n.op == "_add" || n.op == "_plus" || n.op == "_Plus")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "elemwise_div" || n.op == "_div" || n.op == "_Div")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "elemwise_mul" || n.op == "_mul" || n.op == "_Mul")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "elemwise_sub" || n.op == "_sub" || n.op == "_minus" || n.op == "_Minus")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "Embedding")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Embed");
else if (n.op == "exp")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "expand_dims")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ExpandDims");
else if (n.op == "Flatten")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Flatten");
else if (n.op == "floor")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "FullyConnected")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "InnerProduct");
else if (n.op == "HardSigmoid")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "HardSigmoid");
else if (n.op == "HardSwish")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "HardSwish");
else if (n.op == "InstanceNorm")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "InstanceNorm");
else if (n.op == "L2Normalization")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Normalize");
else if (n.op == "LeakyReLU")
std::string type = n.attr("act_type");
if (type == "elu")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ELU");
else if (type == "leaky" || type.empty())
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ReLU");
else if (type == "prelu")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "PReLU");
else if (n.op == "LinearRegressionOutput")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Noop");
else if (n.op == "log")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "LogisticRegressionOutput")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Sigmoid");
else if (n.op == "MAERegressionOutput")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Noop");
else if (n.op == "max" || n.op == "mean" || n.op == "min" || n.op == "prod" || n.op == "sum")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Reduction");
else if (n.op == "maximum")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "minimum")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "BinaryOp");
else if (n.op == "negative")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "Pad")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Padding");
else if (n.op == "Pooling")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Pooling");
else if (n.op == "reciprocal")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "relu")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ReLU");
else if (n.op == "Reshape")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Reshape");
else if (n.op == "ShuffleChannel")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "ShuffleChannel");
else if (n.op == "sigmoid")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Sigmoid");
else if (n.op == "sin")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "slice")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Crop");
else if (n.op == "slice_axis")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Crop");
else if (n.op == "SliceChannel")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Slice");
else if (n.op == "SoftmaxActivation")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Softmax");
else if (n.op == "SoftmaxOutput")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Softmax");
else if (n.op == "softmax")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Softmax");
else if (n.op == "sqrt")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "square")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "squeeze")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Squeeze");
else if (n.op == "tan")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "UnaryOp");
else if (n.op == "tanh")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "TanH");
else if (n.op == "Transpose" || n.op == "transpose")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Permute");
else if (n.op == "UpSampling")
std::string sample_type = n.attr("sample_type");
if (sample_type == "nearest")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "Interp");
else if (sample_type == "bilinear")
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", "DeconvolutionDepthWise");
fprintf(stderr, "%s not supported yet!\n", n.op.c_str());
fprintf(pp, "%-16s", n.op.c_str());
size_t input_size = n.inputs.size();
for (int j = 0; j < (int)n.inputs.size(); j++)
int input_index = n.inputs[j];
if (nodes[input_index].is_weight())
if (n.op == "SoftmaxOutput" || n.op == "LogisticRegressionOutput")
// drop label
fprintf(pp, " %-32s %zd %d", n.name.c_str(), input_size, n.output_size);
for (int j = 0; j < (int)n.inputs.size(); j++)
int input_index = n.inputs[j];
int subinput_index = n.subinputs[j];
if (nodes[input_index].is_weight())
if (n.op == "SoftmaxOutput" || n.op == "LogisticRegressionOutput")
// drop label
if (j == 1)
std::string input_name = nodes[input_index].name;
if (subinput_index != 0)
char subinputsuffix[256];
sprintf(subinputsuffix, "_subncnn_%d", subinput_index);
input_name = input_name + subinputsuffix;
int input_uid = input_index | (subinput_index << 16);
if (node_reference.find(input_uid) != node_reference.end())
int refidx = node_reference[input_uid] - 1;
node_reference[input_uid] = refidx;
char splitsuffix[256];
sprintf(splitsuffix, "_splitncnn_%d", refidx);
input_name = input_name + splitsuffix;
fprintf(pp, " %s", input_name.c_str());
fprintf(pp, " %s", n.name.c_str());
for (int j = 1; j < n.output_size; j++)
fprintf(pp, " %s_subncnn_%d", n.name.c_str(), j);
if (n.op == "null")
// dummy input shape
// fprintf(pp, " 0 0 0");
else if (n.op == "_contrib_BilinearResize2D")
float scale_height = n.has_attr("scale_height") ? n.attr("scale_height") : 1.f;
float scale_width = n.has_attr("scale_width") ? n.attr("scale_width") : 1.f;
int height = n.has_attr("scale_height") ? 0 : n.attr("height");
int width = n.has_attr("scale_width") ? 0 : n.attr("width");
fprintf(pp, " 0=2");
fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", scale_height);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", scale_width);
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", height);
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", width);
else if (n.op == "_contrib_MultiBoxDetection")
float threshold = n.has_attr("threshold") ? n.attr("threshold") : 0.01f;
float nms_threshold = n.has_attr("nms_threshold") ? n.attr("nms_threshold") : 0.5f;
int nms_topk = n.has_attr("nms_topk") ? n.attr("nms_topk") : 300;
fprintf(pp, " 0=-233");
fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", nms_threshold);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", nms_topk);
int keep_top_k = 100;
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", keep_top_k);
fprintf(pp, " 4=%e", threshold);
std::vector<float> variances = n.attr("variances");
if (variances.empty())
fprintf(pp, " 5=0.1");
fprintf(pp, " 6=0.1");
fprintf(pp, " 7=0.2");
fprintf(pp, " 8=0.2");
fprintf(pp, " 5=%e", variances[0]);
fprintf(pp, " 6=%e", variances[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 7=%e", variances[2]);
fprintf(pp, " 8=%e", variances[3]);
else if (n.op == "_contrib_MultiBoxPrior")
// mxnet-ssd encode size as scale factor, fill min_size
std::vector<float> sizes = n.attr("sizes");
fprintf(pp, " -23300=%d", (int)sizes.size());
for (int j = 0; j < (int)sizes.size(); j++)
fprintf(pp, ",%e", sizes[j]);
std::vector<float> aspect_ratios = n.attr("ratios");
fprintf(pp, " -23302=%d", (int)aspect_ratios.size());
for (int j = 0; j < (int)aspect_ratios.size(); j++)
fprintf(pp, ",%e", aspect_ratios[j]);
int flip = 0;
fprintf(pp, " 7=%d", flip);
int clip = n.attr("clip");
fprintf(pp, " 8=%d", clip);
// auto image size
fprintf(pp, " 9=-233");
fprintf(pp, " 10=-233");
std::vector<float> steps = n.attr("steps");
if (steps.empty() || (steps[0] == -1.f && steps[1] == -1.f))
// auto step
fprintf(pp, " 11=-233.0");
fprintf(pp, " 12=-233.0");
fprintf(pp, " 11=%e", steps[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 12=%e", steps[0]);
std::vector<float> offsets = n.attr("offsets");
if (offsets.empty() || (offsets[0] == 0.5f && offsets[1] == 0.5f))
fprintf(pp, " 13=0.5");
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported offsets param! %g %g\n", offsets[0], offsets[1]);
else if (n.op == "_copy")
// noop
else if (n.op == "_div_scalar")
int op_type = 3;
int with_scalar = 1;
float scalar = n.attr("scalar");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", scalar);
else if (n.op == "_maximum_scalar")
int op_type = 4;
int with_scalar = 1;
float scalar = n.attr("scalar");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", scalar);
else if (n.op == "_minimum_scalar")
int op_type = 5;
int with_scalar = 1;
float scalar = n.attr("scalar");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", scalar);
else if (n.op == "_minus_scalar")
int op_type = 1;
int with_scalar = 1;
float scalar = n.attr("scalar");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", scalar);
else if (n.op == "_mul_scalar")
int op_type = 2;
int with_scalar = 1;
float scalar = n.attr("scalar");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", scalar);
else if (n.op == "_plus_scalar")
int op_type = 0;
int with_scalar = 1;
float scalar = n.attr("scalar");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", scalar);
else if (n.op == "_power_scalar")
int op_type = 6;
int with_scalar = 1;
float scalar = n.attr("scalar");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", scalar);
else if (n.op == "_rdiv_scalar")
int op_type = 8;
int with_scalar = 1;
float scalar = n.attr("scalar");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", scalar);
else if (n.op == "_rminus_scalar")
int op_type = 7;
int with_scalar = 1;
float scalar = n.attr("scalar");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", with_scalar);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", scalar);
else if (n.op == "abs")
int op_type = 0;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "Activation")
std::string type = n.attr("act_type");
if (type == "relu")
// fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", 0.f);
else if (n.op == "add_n" || n.op == "ElementWiseSum")
int op_type = 1;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "arccos")
int op_type = 13;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "arcsin")
int op_type = 12;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "arctan")
int op_type = 14;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "BatchNorm")
float eps = 1e-3f;
if (n.has_attr("eps"))
eps = n.attr("eps");
std::vector<float> slope_data = n.weight(0);
std::vector<float> bias_data = n.weight(1);
int channels = static_cast<int>(slope_data.size());
std::vector<float> mean_data = n.weight(2, channels);
std::vector<float> var_data = n.weight(3, channels);
for (int j = 0; j < (int)var_data.size(); j++)
var_data[j] += eps;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", channels);
int fix_gamma = n.has_attr("fix_gamma") ? n.attr("fix_gamma") : 0;
if (fix_gamma)
// slope data are all 0 here, force set 1
for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++)
slope_data[j] = 1.f;
fwrite(slope_data.data(), sizeof(float), slope_data.size(), bp);
fwrite(mean_data.data(), sizeof(float), mean_data.size(), bp);
fwrite(var_data.data(), sizeof(float), var_data.size(), bp);
fwrite(bias_data.data(), sizeof(float), bias_data.size(), bp);
else if (n.op == "broadcast_add")
int op_type = 0;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "broadcast_div")
int op_type = 3;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "broadcast_mul")
int op_type = 2;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "broadcast_sub")
int op_type = 1;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "ceil")
int op_type = 3;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "clip")
float min = n.attr("a_min");
float max = n.attr("a_max");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", min);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", max);
else if (n.op == "Concat")
int dim = n.has_attr("dim") ? n.attr("dim") : 1;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", dim - 1);
else if (n.op == "Convolution")
int num_filter = n.attr("num_filter");
std::vector<int> kernel = n.attr("kernel");
std::vector<int> dilate = n.attr("dilate");
std::vector<int> stride = n.attr("stride");
std::vector<int> pad = n.attr("pad");
int no_bias = n.attr("no_bias");
int num_group = n.attr("num_group");
std::vector<float> weight_data = n.weight(0);
std::vector<float> bias_data = n.weight(1);
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", num_filter);
if (kernel.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel[0]);
else if (kernel.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 11=%d", kernel[0]);
if (dilate.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", dilate[0]);
else if (dilate.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", dilate[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 12=%d", dilate[0]);
if (stride.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", stride[0]);
else if (stride.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", stride[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 13=%d", stride[0]);
if (pad.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pad[0]);
else if (pad.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pad[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 14=%d", pad[0]);
fprintf(pp, " 5=%d", no_bias == 1 ? 0 : 1);
fprintf(pp, " 6=%d", (int)weight_data.size());
if (num_group > 1)
fprintf(pp, " 7=%d", num_group);
int quantize_tag = 0;
fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp);
fwrite(weight_data.data(), sizeof(float), weight_data.size(), bp);
fwrite(bias_data.data(), sizeof(float), bias_data.size(), bp);
else if (n.op == "cos")
int op_type = 10;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "Crop")
int num_args = n.attr("num_args");
std::vector<int> offset = n.attr("offset");
int woffset = 0;
int hoffset = 0;
if (offset.size() == 2)
woffset = offset[1];
hoffset = offset[0];
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", woffset);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", hoffset);
fprintf(pp, " 2=0");
if (num_args == 1)
std::vector<int> h_w = n.attr("h_w");
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", h_w[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", h_w[0]);
fprintf(pp, " 5=0");
else if (n.op == "Deconvolution")
int num_filter = n.attr("num_filter");
std::vector<int> kernel = n.attr("kernel");
std::vector<int> dilate = n.attr("dilate");
std::vector<int> stride = n.attr("stride");
std::vector<int> pad = n.attr("pad");
std::vector<int> adj = n.attr("adj");
std::vector<int> target_shape = n.attr("target_shape");
int no_bias = n.attr("no_bias");
int num_group = n.attr("num_group");
std::vector<float> weight_data = n.weight(0);
std::vector<float> bias_data = n.weight(1);
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", num_filter);
if (kernel.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel[0]);
else if (kernel.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 11=%d", kernel[0]);
if (dilate.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", dilate[0]);
else if (dilate.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", dilate[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 12=%d", dilate[0]);
if (stride.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", stride[0]);
else if (stride.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", stride[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 13=%d", stride[0]);
if (target_shape.size() == 0)
if (pad.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pad[0]);
else if (pad.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pad[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 14=%d", pad[0]);
if (adj.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 18=%d", adj[0]);
else if (adj.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 18=%d", adj[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 19=%d", adj[0]);
fprintf(pp, " 4=-233");
if (target_shape.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 20=%d", target_shape[0]);
else if (target_shape.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 20=%d", target_shape[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 21=%d", target_shape[0]);
fprintf(pp, " 5=%d", no_bias == 1 ? 0 : 1);
fprintf(pp, " 6=%d", (int)weight_data.size());
if (num_group > 1)
fprintf(pp, " 7=%d", num_group);
int quantize_tag = 0;
fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp);
int maxk = 0;
if (kernel.size() == 2)
maxk = kernel[1] * kernel[0];
maxk = kernel[0] * kernel[0];
for (int g = 0; g < num_group; g++)
// reorder weight from inch-outch to outch-inch
int num_filter_g = num_filter / num_group;
int num_input = static_cast<int>(weight_data.size() / maxk / num_filter_g / num_group);
const float* weight_data_ptr = weight_data.data() + g * maxk * num_filter_g * num_input;
for (int k = 0; k < num_filter_g; k++)
for (int j = 0; j < num_input; j++)
fwrite(weight_data_ptr + (j * num_filter_g + k) * maxk, sizeof(float), maxk, bp);
fwrite(bias_data.data(), sizeof(float), bias_data.size(), bp);
else if (n.op == "dot")
int transpose_a = n.attr("transpose_a");
int transpose_b = n.attr("transpose_b");
fprintf(pp, " 0=1.0"); // alpha
fprintf(pp, " 1=1.0"); // beta
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", transpose_a);
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", transpose_b);
else if (n.op == "Dropout")
// float p = n.attr("p");
// fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", p);
else if (n.op == "elemwise_add" || n.op == "_add" || n.op == "_plus" || n.op == "_Plus")
int op_type = 0;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "elemwise_div" || n.op == "_div" || n.op == "_Div")
int op_type = 3;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "elemwise_mul" || n.op == "_mul" || n.op == "_Mul")
int op_type = 2;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "elemwise_sub" || n.op == "_sub" || n.op == "_minus" || n.op == "_Minus")
int op_type = 1;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "Embedding")
int input_dim = n.attr("input_dim");
int output_dim = n.attr("output_dim");
std::vector<float> weight_data = n.weight(0);
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", output_dim);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", input_dim);
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", (int)weight_data.size());
int quantize_tag = 0;
fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp);
fwrite(weight_data.data(), sizeof(float), weight_data.size(), bp);
else if (n.op == "exp")
int op_type = 7;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "expand_dims")
int axis = n.attr("axis");
fprintf(pp, " -23303=1,%d", axis);
else if (n.op == "Flatten")
// no param
else if (n.op == "floor")
int op_type = 2;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "FullyConnected")
int num_hidden = n.attr("num_hidden");
int no_bias = n.attr("no_bias");
// int flatten = n.attr("flatten");
// TODO flatten
std::vector<float> weight_data = n.weight(0);
std::vector<float> bias_data = n.weight(1);
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", num_hidden);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", no_bias == 1 ? 0 : 1);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", (int)weight_data.size());
int quantize_tag = 0;
fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp);
fwrite(weight_data.data(), sizeof(float), weight_data.size(), bp);
fwrite(bias_data.data(), sizeof(float), bias_data.size(), bp);
else if (n.op == "HardSigmoid")
float alpha = n.attr("alpha");
float beta = n.attr("beta");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", alpha);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", beta);
else if (n.op == "HardSwish")
float alpha = n.attr("alpha");
float beta = n.attr("beta");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", alpha);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", beta);
else if (n.op == "InstanceNorm")
float eps = n.has_attr("eps") ? n.attr("eps") : 0.001f;
std::vector<float> gamma_data = n.weight(0);
std::vector<float> beta_data = n.weight(1);
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", (int)gamma_data.size());
fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", eps);
fwrite(gamma_data.data(), sizeof(float), gamma_data.size(), bp);
fwrite(beta_data.data(), sizeof(float), beta_data.size(), bp);
else if (n.op == "L2Normalization")
std::string mode = n.attr("mode");
float eps = n.has_attr("eps") ? n.attr("eps") : 1e-10f;
int across_spatial = 0;
int across_channel = 1;
int channel_shared = 1;
int scale_data_size = 1;
if (mode == "instance")
across_spatial = 1;
across_channel = 1;
else if (mode == "channel")
across_spatial = 0;
across_channel = 1;
else if (mode == "spatial")
across_spatial = 1;
across_channel = 0;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", across_spatial);
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", across_channel);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", channel_shared);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", eps);
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", scale_data_size);
const float scale_data[1] = {1.f};
fwrite(scale_data, sizeof(float), 1, bp);
else if (n.op == "LeakyReLU")
std::string type = n.attr("act_type");
if (type == "elu")
float slope = n.has_attr("slope") ? n.attr("slope") : 0.25f;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", slope);
else if (type == "leaky" || type.empty())
float slope = n.has_attr("slope") ? n.attr("slope") : 0.25f;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%e", slope);
else if (type == "prelu")
std::vector<float> weight_data = n.weight(0);
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", (int)weight_data.size());
fwrite(weight_data.data(), sizeof(float), weight_data.size(), bp);
else if (n.op == "LinearRegressionOutput")
// noop
else if (n.op == "log")
int op_type = 8;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "LogisticRegressionOutput")
// noop
else if (n.op == "MAERegressionOutput")
// noop
else if (n.op == "max" || n.op == "mean" || n.op == "min" || n.op == "prod" || n.op == "sum")
int operation = -233;
if (n.op == "max") operation = 4;
if (n.op == "mean") operation = 3;
if (n.op == "min") operation = 5;
if (n.op == "prod") operation = 6;
if (n.op == "sum") operation = 0;
std::vector<int> axis = n.attr("axis");
int keepdims = n.attr("keepdims");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", operation);
if (axis.empty())
// if axis not set, reduce all axis by default
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", 1);
// if axis set, reduce according to axis
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", 0);
fprintf(pp, " -23303=%zd", axis.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < axis.size(); j++)
if (axis[j] == 0 || axis[j] > 4 || axis[j] < -3)
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported reduction axis !\n");
fprintf(pp, ",%d", axis[j] > 0 ? axis[j] - 1 : axis[j]);
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", keepdims);
fprintf(pp, " 5=1");
else if (n.op == "maximum")
int op_type = 4;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "minimum")
int op_type = 5;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "negative")
int op_type = 1;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "Pad")
std::string mode = n.attr("mode");
std::vector<int> pad_width = n.attr("pad_width");
float constant_value = n.attr("constant_value");
int type = 0;
if (mode == "constant")
type = 0;
else if (mode == "edge")
type = 1;
else if (mode == "reflect")
type = 2;
if (pad_width.size() != 8)
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported pad_width !\n");
int channel_before = pad_width[2];
int channel_after = pad_width[3];
int top = pad_width[4];
int bottom = pad_width[5];
int left = pad_width[6];
int right = pad_width[7];
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", top);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", bottom);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", left);
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", right);
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", type);
fprintf(pp, " 5=%e", constant_value);
fprintf(pp, " 7=%d", channel_before);
fprintf(pp, " 8=%d", channel_after);
else if (n.op == "Pooling")
std::string pool_type = n.attr("pool_type");
std::vector<int> kernel = n.attr("kernel");
std::vector<int> stride = n.attr("stride");
std::vector<int> pad = n.attr("pad");
std::string pooling_convention = n.attr("pooling_convention");
int global_pool = n.attr("global_pool");
int pool = 0;
if (pool_type == "max")
pool = 0;
else if (pool_type == "avg")
pool = 1;
int pad_mode = 1;
if (pooling_convention == "valid")
pad_mode = 1;
else if (pooling_convention == "full")
pad_mode = 0;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", pool);
if (kernel.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel[0]);
else if (kernel.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 11=%d", kernel[0]);
if (stride.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", stride[0]);
else if (stride.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", stride[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 12=%d", stride[0]);
if (pad.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", pad[0]);
else if (pad.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", pad[1]);
fprintf(pp, " 13=%d", pad[0]);
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", global_pool);
fprintf(pp, " 5=%d", pad_mode);
if (pool_type == "avg")
int avgpool_count_include_pad = n.has_attr("count_include_pad") ? n.attr("count_include_pad") : 0;
fprintf(pp, " 6=%d", avgpool_count_include_pad);
else if (n.op == "reciprocal")
int op_type = 15;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "relu")
// no param
else if (n.op == "Reshape")
std::vector<int> shape = n.attr("shape");
if (shape.size() == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", shape[0]); // should never reach here
else if (shape.size() == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", shape[1]);
else if (shape.size() == 3)
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", shape[2]);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", shape[1]);
else if (shape.size() == 4)
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", shape[3]);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", shape[2]);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", shape[1]);
else if (shape.size() == 5)
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", shape[4] * shape[3]);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", shape[2]);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%d", shape[1]);
else if (n.op == "ShuffleChannel")
int group = n.attr("group");
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", group);
else if (n.op == "sigmoid")
// no param
else if (n.op == "sin")
int op_type = 9;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "slice")
std::vector<int> begin = n.attr("begin");
std::vector<int> end = n.attr("end");
std::vector<int> step = n.attr("step"); // TODO
// skip N-dim
if (step.size() != 0)
// assert step == 1
for (size_t j = 0; j < step.size(); j++)
if (step[j] != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported slice step !\n");
fprintf(pp, " -23309=%d", (int)begin.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < begin.size(); j++)
fprintf(pp, ",%d", begin[j]);
fprintf(pp, " -23310=%d", (int)end.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < end.size(); j++)
fprintf(pp, ",%d", end[j]);
else if (n.op == "slice_axis")
int axis = n.attr("axis");
int begin = n.attr("begin");
int end = n.has_attr("end") ? n.attr("end") : INT_MAX;
if (axis == 0 || axis > 3 || axis < -3)
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported slice_axis axes !\n");
if (axis > 0)
axis = axis - 1; // -1 for skip N-dim
fprintf(pp, " -23309=1,%d", begin);
fprintf(pp, " -23310=1,%d", end);
fprintf(pp, " -23311=1,%d", axis);
else if (n.op == "SliceChannel")
int num_outputs = n.attr("num_outputs");
int squeeze_axis = n.attr("squeeze_axis"); // TODO
if (squeeze_axis)
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported SliceChannel squeeze_axis !\n");
fprintf(pp, " -23300=%d", num_outputs);
for (int j = 0; j < num_outputs; j++)
fprintf(pp, ",-233");
else if (n.op == "SoftmaxActivation")
std::string mode = n.attr("mode");
if (mode != "channel")
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported SoftmaxActivation mode !\n");
fprintf(pp, " 1=1");
else if (n.op == "SoftmaxOutput")
fprintf(pp, " 1=1");
else if (n.op == "softmax")
fprintf(pp, " 1=1");
else if (n.op == "sqrt")
int op_type = 5;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "square")
int op_type = 4;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "squeeze")
std::vector<int> axis = n.attr("axis");
if (axis.empty())
fprintf(pp, " 0=1");
fprintf(pp, " 1=1");
fprintf(pp, " 2=1");
fprintf(pp, " -23303=%zd", axis.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < axis.size(); j++)
fprintf(pp, ",%d", axis[j]);
else if (n.op == "tan")
int op_type = 11;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", op_type);
else if (n.op == "tanh")
// no param
else if (n.op == "Transpose" || n.op == "transpose")
std::vector<int> axes = n.attr("axes");
if (axes.size() == 3)
if (axes[1] == 2 && axes[2] == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 0=1"); // h w c
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported transpose type !\n");
else if (axes.size() == 4)
if (axes[1] == 1 && axes[2] == 2 && axes[3] == 3)
fprintf(pp, " 0=0"); // w h c
else if (axes[1] == 1 && axes[2] == 3 && axes[3] == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 0=1"); // h w c
else if (axes[1] == 2 && axes[2] == 1 && axes[3] == 3)
fprintf(pp, " 0=2"); // w c h
else if (axes[1] == 2 && axes[2] == 3 && axes[3] == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 0=3"); // c w h
else if (axes[1] == 3 && axes[2] == 1 && axes[3] == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 0=4"); // h c w
else if (axes[1] == 3 && axes[2] == 2 && axes[3] == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 0=5"); // c h w
else if (axes.size() == 5)
if (axes[1] == 1 && axes[2] == 2 && axes[3] == 3 && axes[4] == 4)
fprintf(pp, " 0=0"); // wx h c
else if (axes[1] == 1 && axes[2] == 3 && axes[3] == 4 && axes[4] == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 0=1"); // h wx c
else if (axes[1] == 2 && axes[2] == 1 && axes[3] == 3 && axes[4] == 4)
fprintf(pp, " 0=2"); // wx c h
else if (axes[1] == 2 && axes[2] == 3 && axes[3] == 4 && axes[4] == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 0=3"); // c wx h
else if (axes[1] == 3 && axes[2] == 4 && axes[3] == 1 && axes[4] == 2)
fprintf(pp, " 0=4"); // h c wx
else if (axes[1] == 3 && axes[2] == 4 && axes[3] == 2 && axes[4] == 1)
fprintf(pp, " 0=5"); // c h wx
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported transpose type !\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported transpose type !\n");
else if (n.op == "UpSampling")
int scale = n.attr("scale");
std::string sample_type = n.attr("sample_type");
if (sample_type == "nearest")
fprintf(pp, " 0=1");
fprintf(pp, " 1=%e", (float)scale);
fprintf(pp, " 2=%e", (float)scale);
else if (sample_type == "bilinear")
// DeconvolutionDepthWise
int num_filter = n.attr("num_filter");
std::vector<float> weight_data = n.weight(0);
int kernel = scale * 2 - scale % 2;
int stride = scale;
int pad = (scale - 1) / 2;
fprintf(pp, " 0=%d", num_filter);
fprintf(pp, " 1=%d", kernel);
fprintf(pp, " 2=1");
fprintf(pp, " 3=%d", stride);
fprintf(pp, " 4=%d", pad);
fprintf(pp, " 5=0");
fprintf(pp, " 6=%d", (int)weight_data.size());
fprintf(pp, " 7=%d", num_filter);
int quantize_tag = 0;
fwrite(&quantize_tag, sizeof(int), 1, bp);
fwrite(weight_data.data(), sizeof(float), weight_data.size(), bp);
// TODO op specific params
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator attr_it = n.attrs.begin();
for (; attr_it != n.attrs.end(); attr_it++)
fprintf(stderr, "# %s=%s\n", attr_it->first.c_str(), attr_it->second.c_str());
// fprintf(pp, " %s=%s", attr_it->first.c_str(), attr_it->second.c_str());
fprintf(pp, "\n");
for (int j = 0; j < n.output_size; j++)
int input_uid = i | (j << 16);
if (node_reference.find(input_uid) != node_reference.end())
int refcount = node_reference[input_uid];
if (refcount > 1)
std::string output_name = n.name;
char splitname[256];
sprintf(splitname, "splitncnn_%d", internal_split);
fprintf(pp, "%-16s %-32s %d %d", "Split", splitname, 1, refcount);
if (j == 0)
fprintf(pp, " %s", output_name.c_str());
fprintf(pp, " %s_subncnn_%d", output_name.c_str(), j);
for (int k = 0; k < refcount; k++)
if (j == 0)
fprintf(pp, " %s_splitncnn_%d", output_name.c_str(), k);
fprintf(pp, " %s_subncnn_%d_splitncnn_%d", output_name.c_str(), j, k);
fprintf(pp, "\n");
return 0;