2018-06-17 20:34:53 +08:00
This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd.
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
this permission notice appear in all copies.
namespace juce
X(semicolon, ";") X(dot, ".") X(comma, ",") \
X(openParen, "(") X(closeParen, ")") X(openBrace, "{") X(closeBrace, "}") \
X(openBracket, "[") X(closeBracket, "]") X(colon, ":") X(question, "?") \
X(typeEquals, "===") X(equals, "==") X(assign, "=") \
X(typeNotEquals, "!==") X(notEquals, "!=") X(logicalNot, "!") \
X(plusEquals, "+=") X(plusplus, "++") X(plus, "+") \
X(minusEquals, "-=") X(minusminus, "--") X(minus, "-") \
X(timesEquals, "*=") X(times, "*") X(divideEquals, "/=") X(divide, "/") \
X(moduloEquals, "%=") X(modulo, "%") X(xorEquals, "^=") X(bitwiseXor, "^") \
X(andEquals, "&=") X(logicalAnd, "&&") X(bitwiseAnd, "&") \
X(orEquals, "|=") X(logicalOr, "||") X(bitwiseOr, "|") \
X(leftShiftEquals, "<<=") X(lessThanOrEqual, "<=") X(leftShift, "<<") X(lessThan, "<") \
X(rightShiftUnsigned, ">>>") X(rightShiftEquals, ">>=") X(rightShift, ">>") X(greaterThanOrEqual, ">=") X(greaterThan, ">")
X(var, "var") X(if_, "if") X(else_, "else") X(do_, "do") X(null_, "null") \
X(while_, "while") X(for_, "for") X(break_, "break") X(continue_, "continue") X(undefined, "undefined") \
X(function, "function") X(return_, "return") X(true_, "true") X(false_, "false") X(new_, "new") \
X(typeof_, "typeof")
namespace TokenTypes
#define JUCE_DECLARE_JS_TOKEN(name, str) static const char* const name = str;
JUCE_DECLARE_JS_TOKEN (literal, "$literal")
JUCE_DECLARE_JS_TOKEN (identifier, "$identifier")
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4702)
struct JavascriptEngine::RootObject : public DynamicObject
setMethod ("exec", exec);
setMethod ("eval", eval);
setMethod ("trace", trace);
setMethod ("charToInt", charToInt);
setMethod ("parseInt", IntegerClass::parseInt);
setMethod ("typeof", typeof_internal);
setMethod ("parseFloat", parseFloat);
Time timeout;
using Args = const var::NativeFunctionArgs&;
using TokenType = const char*;
void execute (const String& code)
ExpressionTreeBuilder tb (code);
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std::unique_ptr<BlockStatement> (tb.parseStatementList())->perform (Scope ({}, *this, *this), nullptr);
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var evaluate (const String& code)
ExpressionTreeBuilder tb (code);
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return ExpPtr (tb.parseExpression())->getResult (Scope ({}, *this, *this));
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static bool areTypeEqual (const var& a, const var& b)
return a.hasSameTypeAs (b) && isFunction (a) == isFunction (b)
&& (((a.isUndefined() || a.isVoid()) && (b.isUndefined() || b.isVoid())) || a == b);
static String getTokenName (TokenType t) { return t[0] == '$' ? String (t + 1) : ("'" + String (t) + "'"); }
static bool isFunction (const var& v) noexcept { return dynamic_cast<FunctionObject*> (v.getObject()) != nullptr; }
static bool isNumeric (const var& v) noexcept { return v.isInt() || v.isDouble() || v.isInt64() || v.isBool(); }
static bool isNumericOrUndefined (const var& v) noexcept { return isNumeric (v) || v.isUndefined(); }
static int64 getOctalValue (const String& s) { BigInteger b; b.parseString (s.initialSectionContainingOnly ("01234567"), 8); return b.toInt64(); }
static Identifier getPrototypeIdentifier() { static const Identifier i ("prototype"); return i; }
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static var* getPropertyPointer (DynamicObject& o, const Identifier& i) noexcept { return o.getProperties().getVarPointer (i); }
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struct CodeLocation
CodeLocation (const String& code) noexcept : program (code), location (program.getCharPointer()) {}
CodeLocation (const CodeLocation& other) noexcept : program (other.program), location (other.location) {}
void throwError (const String& message) const
int col = 1, line = 1;
for (auto i = program.getCharPointer(); i < location && ! i.isEmpty(); ++i)
if (*i == '\n') { col = 1; ++line; }
throw "Line " + String (line) + ", column " + String (col) + " : " + message;
String program;
String::CharPointerType location;
struct Scope
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
Scope (const Scope* p, ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<RootObject> rt, DynamicObject::Ptr scp) noexcept
: parent (p), root (std::move (rt)),
scope (std::move (scp)) {}
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2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
const Scope* const parent;
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ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<RootObject> root;
DynamicObject::Ptr scope;
var findFunctionCall (const CodeLocation& location, const var& targetObject, const Identifier& functionName) const
if (auto* o = targetObject.getDynamicObject())
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if (auto* prop = getPropertyPointer (*o, functionName))
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return *prop;
for (auto* p = o->getProperty (getPrototypeIdentifier()).getDynamicObject(); p != nullptr;
p = p->getProperty (getPrototypeIdentifier()).getDynamicObject())
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
if (auto* prop = getPropertyPointer (*p, functionName))
2018-06-17 20:34:53 +08:00
return *prop;
// if there's a class with an overridden DynamicObject::hasMethod, this avoids an error
if (o->hasMethod (functionName))
return {};
if (targetObject.isString())
if (auto* m = findRootClassProperty (StringClass::getClassName(), functionName))
return *m;
if (targetObject.isArray())
if (auto* m = findRootClassProperty (ArrayClass::getClassName(), functionName))
return *m;
if (auto* m = findRootClassProperty (ObjectClass::getClassName(), functionName))
return *m;
location.throwError ("Unknown function '" + functionName.toString() + "'");
return {};
var* findRootClassProperty (const Identifier& className, const Identifier& propName) const
if (auto* cls = root->getProperty (className).getDynamicObject())
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return getPropertyPointer (*cls, propName);
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return nullptr;
var findSymbolInParentScopes (const Identifier& name) const
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
if (auto v = getPropertyPointer (*scope, name))
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return *v;
return parent != nullptr ? parent->findSymbolInParentScopes (name)
: var::undefined();
bool findAndInvokeMethod (const Identifier& function, const var::NativeFunctionArgs& args, var& result) const
auto* target = args.thisObject.getDynamicObject();
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if (target == nullptr || target == scope.get())
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2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
if (auto* m = getPropertyPointer (*scope, function))
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if (auto fo = dynamic_cast<FunctionObject*> (m->getObject()))
result = fo->invoke (*this, args);
return true;
const auto& props = scope->getProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); ++i)
if (auto* o = props.getValueAt (i).getDynamicObject())
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if (Scope (this, *root, *o).findAndInvokeMethod (function, args, result))
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return true;
return false;
bool invokeMethod (const var& m, const var::NativeFunctionArgs& args, var& result) const
if (isFunction (m))
auto* target = args.thisObject.getDynamicObject();
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
if (target == nullptr || target == scope.get())
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if (auto fo = dynamic_cast<FunctionObject*> (m.getObject()))
result = fo->invoke (*this, args);
return true;
return false;
void checkTimeOut (const CodeLocation& location) const
if (Time::getCurrentTime() > root->timeout)
location.throwError (root->timeout == Time() ? "Interrupted" : "Execution timed-out");
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
2018-06-17 20:34:53 +08:00
struct Statement
Statement (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : location (l) {}
virtual ~Statement() {}
enum ResultCode { ok = 0, returnWasHit, breakWasHit, continueWasHit };
virtual ResultCode perform (const Scope&, var*) const { return ok; }
CodeLocation location;
struct Expression : public Statement
Expression (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Statement (l) {}
virtual var getResult (const Scope&) const { return var::undefined(); }
virtual void assign (const Scope&, const var&) const { location.throwError ("Cannot assign to this expression!"); }
ResultCode perform (const Scope& s, var*) const override { getResult (s); return ok; }
using ExpPtr = std::unique_ptr<Expression>;
struct BlockStatement : public Statement
BlockStatement (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Statement (l) {}
ResultCode perform (const Scope& s, var* returnedValue) const override
for (auto* statement : statements)
if (auto r = statement->perform (s, returnedValue))
return r;
return ok;
OwnedArray<Statement> statements;
struct IfStatement : public Statement
IfStatement (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Statement (l) {}
ResultCode perform (const Scope& s, var* returnedValue) const override
return (condition->getResult(s) ? trueBranch : falseBranch)->perform (s, returnedValue);
ExpPtr condition;
std::unique_ptr<Statement> trueBranch, falseBranch;
struct VarStatement : public Statement
VarStatement (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Statement (l) {}
ResultCode perform (const Scope& s, var*) const override
s.scope->setProperty (name, initialiser->getResult (s));
return ok;
Identifier name;
ExpPtr initialiser;
struct LoopStatement : public Statement
LoopStatement (const CodeLocation& l, bool isDo) noexcept : Statement (l), isDoLoop (isDo) {}
ResultCode perform (const Scope& s, var* returnedValue) const override
initialiser->perform (s, nullptr);
while (isDoLoop || condition->getResult (s))
s.checkTimeOut (location);
auto r = body->perform (s, returnedValue);
if (r == returnWasHit) return r;
if (r == breakWasHit) break;
iterator->perform (s, nullptr);
if (isDoLoop && r != continueWasHit && ! condition->getResult (s))
return ok;
std::unique_ptr<Statement> initialiser, iterator, body;
ExpPtr condition;
bool isDoLoop;
struct ReturnStatement : public Statement
ReturnStatement (const CodeLocation& l, Expression* v) noexcept : Statement (l), returnValue (v) {}
ResultCode perform (const Scope& s, var* ret) const override
if (ret != nullptr) *ret = returnValue->getResult (s);
return returnWasHit;
ExpPtr returnValue;
struct BreakStatement : public Statement
BreakStatement (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Statement (l) {}
ResultCode perform (const Scope&, var*) const override { return breakWasHit; }
struct ContinueStatement : public Statement
ContinueStatement (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Statement (l) {}
ResultCode perform (const Scope&, var*) const override { return continueWasHit; }
struct LiteralValue : public Expression
LiteralValue (const CodeLocation& l, const var& v) noexcept : Expression (l), value (v) {}
var getResult (const Scope&) const override { return value; }
var value;
struct UnqualifiedName : public Expression
UnqualifiedName (const CodeLocation& l, const Identifier& n) noexcept : Expression (l), name (n) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override { return s.findSymbolInParentScopes (name); }
void assign (const Scope& s, const var& newValue) const override
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if (auto* v = getPropertyPointer (*s.scope, name))
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*v = newValue;
s.root->setProperty (name, newValue);
Identifier name;
struct DotOperator : public Expression
DotOperator (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& p, const Identifier& c) noexcept : Expression (l), parent (p.release()), child (c) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override
auto p = parent->getResult (s);
static const Identifier lengthID ("length");
if (child == lengthID)
if (auto* array = p.getArray()) return array->size();
if (p.isString()) return p.toString().length();
if (auto* o = p.getDynamicObject())
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if (auto* v = getPropertyPointer (*o, child))
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return *v;
return var::undefined();
void assign (const Scope& s, const var& newValue) const override
if (auto* o = parent->getResult (s).getDynamicObject())
o->setProperty (child, newValue);
Expression::assign (s, newValue);
ExpPtr parent;
Identifier child;
struct ArraySubscript : public Expression
ArraySubscript (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Expression (l) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override
auto arrayVar = object->getResult (s); // must stay alive for the scope of this method
auto key = index->getResult (s);
if (const auto* array = arrayVar.getArray())
if (key.isInt() || key.isInt64() || key.isDouble())
return (*array) [static_cast<int> (key)];
if (auto* o = arrayVar.getDynamicObject())
if (key.isString())
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if (auto* v = getPropertyPointer (*o, Identifier (key)))
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return *v;
return var::undefined();
void assign (const Scope& s, const var& newValue) const override
auto arrayVar = object->getResult (s); // must stay alive for the scope of this method
auto key = index->getResult (s);
if (auto* array = arrayVar.getArray())
if (key.isInt() || key.isInt64() || key.isDouble())
const int i = key;
while (array->size() < i)
array->add (var::undefined());
array->set (i, newValue);
if (auto* o = arrayVar.getDynamicObject())
if (key.isString())
o->setProperty (Identifier (key), newValue);
Expression::assign (s, newValue);
ExpPtr object, index;
struct BinaryOperatorBase : public Expression
BinaryOperatorBase (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b, TokenType op) noexcept
: Expression (l), lhs (a.release()), rhs (b.release()), operation (op) {}
ExpPtr lhs, rhs;
TokenType operation;
struct BinaryOperator : public BinaryOperatorBase
BinaryOperator (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b, TokenType op) noexcept
: BinaryOperatorBase (l, a, b, op) {}
virtual var getWithUndefinedArg() const { return var::undefined(); }
virtual var getWithDoubles (double, double) const { return throwError ("Double"); }
virtual var getWithInts (int64, int64) const { return throwError ("Integer"); }
virtual var getWithArrayOrObject (const var& a, const var&) const { return throwError (a.isArray() ? "Array" : "Object"); }
virtual var getWithStrings (const String&, const String&) const { return throwError ("String"); }
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override
var a (lhs->getResult (s)), b (rhs->getResult (s));
if ((a.isUndefined() || a.isVoid()) && (b.isUndefined() || b.isVoid()))
return getWithUndefinedArg();
if (isNumericOrUndefined (a) && isNumericOrUndefined (b))
return (a.isDouble() || b.isDouble()) ? getWithDoubles (a, b) : getWithInts (a, b);
if (a.isArray() || a.isObject())
return getWithArrayOrObject (a, b);
return getWithStrings (a.toString(), b.toString());
var throwError (const char* typeName) const
{ location.throwError (getTokenName (operation) + " is not allowed on the " + typeName + " type"); return {}; }
struct EqualsOp : public BinaryOperator
EqualsOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::equals) {}
var getWithUndefinedArg() const override { return true; }
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return a == b; }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a == b; }
var getWithStrings (const String& a, const String& b) const override { return a == b; }
var getWithArrayOrObject (const var& a, const var& b) const override { return a == b; }
struct NotEqualsOp : public BinaryOperator
NotEqualsOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::notEquals) {}
var getWithUndefinedArg() const override { return false; }
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return a != b; }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a != b; }
var getWithStrings (const String& a, const String& b) const override { return a != b; }
var getWithArrayOrObject (const var& a, const var& b) const override { return a != b; }
struct LessThanOp : public BinaryOperator
LessThanOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::lessThan) {}
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return a < b; }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a < b; }
var getWithStrings (const String& a, const String& b) const override { return a < b; }
struct LessThanOrEqualOp : public BinaryOperator
LessThanOrEqualOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::lessThanOrEqual) {}
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return a <= b; }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a <= b; }
var getWithStrings (const String& a, const String& b) const override { return a <= b; }
struct GreaterThanOp : public BinaryOperator
GreaterThanOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::greaterThan) {}
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return a > b; }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a > b; }
var getWithStrings (const String& a, const String& b) const override { return a > b; }
struct GreaterThanOrEqualOp : public BinaryOperator
GreaterThanOrEqualOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::greaterThanOrEqual) {}
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return a >= b; }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a >= b; }
var getWithStrings (const String& a, const String& b) const override { return a >= b; }
struct AdditionOp : public BinaryOperator
AdditionOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::plus) {}
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return a + b; }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a + b; }
var getWithStrings (const String& a, const String& b) const override { return a + b; }
struct SubtractionOp : public BinaryOperator
SubtractionOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::minus) {}
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return a - b; }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a - b; }
struct MultiplyOp : public BinaryOperator
MultiplyOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::times) {}
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return a * b; }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a * b; }
struct DivideOp : public BinaryOperator
DivideOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::divide) {}
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return b != 0 ? a / b : std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return b != 0 ? var (a / (double) b) : var (std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()); }
struct ModuloOp : public BinaryOperator
ModuloOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::modulo) {}
var getWithDoubles (double a, double b) const override { return b != 0 ? fmod (a, b) : std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); }
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return b != 0 ? var (a % b) : var (std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()); }
struct BitwiseOrOp : public BinaryOperator
BitwiseOrOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::bitwiseOr) {}
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a | b; }
struct BitwiseAndOp : public BinaryOperator
BitwiseAndOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::bitwiseAnd) {}
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a & b; }
struct BitwiseXorOp : public BinaryOperator
BitwiseXorOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::bitwiseXor) {}
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return a ^ b; }
struct LeftShiftOp : public BinaryOperator
LeftShiftOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::leftShift) {}
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return ((int) a) << (int) b; }
struct RightShiftOp : public BinaryOperator
RightShiftOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::rightShift) {}
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return ((int) a) >> (int) b; }
struct RightShiftUnsignedOp : public BinaryOperator
RightShiftUnsignedOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperator (l, a, b, TokenTypes::rightShiftUnsigned) {}
var getWithInts (int64 a, int64 b) const override { return (int) (((uint32) a) >> (int) b); }
struct LogicalAndOp : public BinaryOperatorBase
LogicalAndOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperatorBase (l, a, b, TokenTypes::logicalAnd) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override { return lhs->getResult (s) && rhs->getResult (s); }
struct LogicalOrOp : public BinaryOperatorBase
LogicalOrOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperatorBase (l, a, b, TokenTypes::logicalOr) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override { return lhs->getResult (s) || rhs->getResult (s); }
struct TypeEqualsOp : public BinaryOperatorBase
TypeEqualsOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperatorBase (l, a, b, TokenTypes::typeEquals) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override { return areTypeEqual (lhs->getResult (s), rhs->getResult (s)); }
struct TypeNotEqualsOp : public BinaryOperatorBase
TypeNotEqualsOp (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& a, ExpPtr& b) noexcept : BinaryOperatorBase (l, a, b, TokenTypes::typeNotEquals) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override { return ! areTypeEqual (lhs->getResult (s), rhs->getResult (s)); }
struct ConditionalOp : public Expression
ConditionalOp (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Expression (l) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override { return (condition->getResult (s) ? trueBranch : falseBranch)->getResult (s); }
void assign (const Scope& s, const var& v) const override { (condition->getResult (s) ? trueBranch : falseBranch)->assign (s, v); }
ExpPtr condition, trueBranch, falseBranch;
struct Assignment : public Expression
Assignment (const CodeLocation& l, ExpPtr& dest, ExpPtr& source) noexcept : Expression (l), target (dest.release()), newValue (source.release()) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override
auto value = newValue->getResult (s);
target->assign (s, value);
return value;
ExpPtr target, newValue;
struct SelfAssignment : public Expression
SelfAssignment (const CodeLocation& l, Expression* dest, Expression* source) noexcept
: Expression (l), target (dest), newValue (source) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override
auto value = newValue->getResult (s);
target->assign (s, value);
return value;
Expression* target; // Careful! this pointer aliases a sub-term of newValue!
ExpPtr newValue;
TokenType op;
struct PostAssignment : public SelfAssignment
PostAssignment (const CodeLocation& l, Expression* dest, Expression* source) noexcept : SelfAssignment (l, dest, source) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override
auto oldValue = target->getResult (s);
target->assign (s, newValue->getResult (s));
return oldValue;
struct FunctionCall : public Expression
FunctionCall (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Expression (l) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override
if (auto* dot = dynamic_cast<DotOperator*> (object.get()))
auto thisObject = dot->parent->getResult (s);
return invokeFunction (s, s.findFunctionCall (location, thisObject, dot->child), thisObject);
auto function = object->getResult (s);
return invokeFunction (s, function, var (s.scope.get()));
var invokeFunction (const Scope& s, const var& function, const var& thisObject) const
s.checkTimeOut (location);
Array<var> argVars;
for (auto* a : arguments)
argVars.add (a->getResult (s));
const var::NativeFunctionArgs args (thisObject, argVars.begin(), argVars.size());
if (var::NativeFunction nativeFunction = function.getNativeFunction())
return nativeFunction (args);
if (auto* fo = dynamic_cast<FunctionObject*> (function.getObject()))
return fo->invoke (s, args);
if (auto* dot = dynamic_cast<DotOperator*> (object.get()))
if (auto* o = thisObject.getDynamicObject())
if (o->hasMethod (dot->child)) // allow an overridden DynamicObject::invokeMethod to accept a method call.
return o->invokeMethod (dot->child, args);
location.throwError ("This expression is not a function!"); return {};
ExpPtr object;
OwnedArray<Expression> arguments;
struct NewOperator : public FunctionCall
NewOperator (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : FunctionCall (l) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override
var classOrFunc = object->getResult (s);
const bool isFunc = isFunction (classOrFunc);
if (! (isFunc || classOrFunc.getDynamicObject() != nullptr))
return var::undefined();
DynamicObject::Ptr newObject (new DynamicObject());
if (isFunc)
invokeFunction (s, classOrFunc, newObject.get());
newObject->setProperty (getPrototypeIdentifier(), classOrFunc);
return newObject.get();
struct ObjectDeclaration : public Expression
ObjectDeclaration (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Expression (l) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override
DynamicObject::Ptr newObject (new DynamicObject());
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
newObject->setProperty (names.getUnchecked(i), initialisers.getUnchecked(i)->getResult (s));
return newObject.get();
Array<Identifier> names;
OwnedArray<Expression> initialisers;
struct ArrayDeclaration : public Expression
ArrayDeclaration (const CodeLocation& l) noexcept : Expression (l) {}
var getResult (const Scope& s) const override
Array<var> a;
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
a.add (values.getUnchecked(i)->getResult (s));
return a;
OwnedArray<Expression> values;
struct FunctionObject : public DynamicObject
FunctionObject() noexcept {}
FunctionObject (const FunctionObject& other) : DynamicObject(), functionCode (other.functionCode)
ExpressionTreeBuilder tb (functionCode);
tb.parseFunctionParamsAndBody (*this);
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
DynamicObject::Ptr clone() override { return *new FunctionObject (*this); }
2018-06-17 20:34:53 +08:00
void writeAsJSON (OutputStream& out, int /*indentLevel*/, bool /*allOnOneLine*/, int /*maximumDecimalPlaces*/) override
out << "function " << functionCode;
var invoke (const Scope& s, const var::NativeFunctionArgs& args) const
DynamicObject::Ptr functionRoot (new DynamicObject());
static const Identifier thisIdent ("this");
functionRoot->setProperty (thisIdent, args.thisObject);
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); ++i)
functionRoot->setProperty (parameters.getReference(i),
i < args.numArguments ? args.arguments[i] : var::undefined());
var result;
body->perform (Scope (&s, s.root, functionRoot), &result);
return result;
String functionCode;
Array<Identifier> parameters;
std::unique_ptr<Statement> body;
struct TokenIterator
TokenIterator (const String& code) : location (code), p (code.getCharPointer()) { skip(); }
void skip()
location.location = p;
currentType = matchNextToken();
void match (TokenType expected)
if (currentType != expected)
location.throwError ("Found " + getTokenName (currentType) + " when expecting " + getTokenName (expected));
bool matchIf (TokenType expected) { if (currentType == expected) { skip(); return true; } return false; }
bool matchesAny (TokenType t1, TokenType t2) const { return currentType == t1 || currentType == t2; }
bool matchesAny (TokenType t1, TokenType t2, TokenType t3) const { return matchesAny (t1, t2) || currentType == t3; }
CodeLocation location;
TokenType currentType;
var currentValue;
String::CharPointerType p;
static bool isIdentifierStart (juce_wchar c) noexcept { return CharacterFunctions::isLetter (c) || c == '_'; }
static bool isIdentifierBody (juce_wchar c) noexcept { return CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (c) || c == '_'; }
TokenType matchNextToken()
if (isIdentifierStart (*p))
auto end = p;
while (isIdentifierBody (*++end)) {}
auto len = (size_t) (end - p);
#define JUCE_JS_COMPARE_KEYWORD(name, str) if (len == sizeof (str) - 1 && matchToken (TokenTypes::name, len)) return TokenTypes::name;
currentValue = String (p, end); p = end;
return TokenTypes::identifier;
if (p.isDigit())
if (parseHexLiteral() || parseFloatLiteral() || parseOctalLiteral() || parseDecimalLiteral())
return TokenTypes::literal;
location.throwError ("Syntax error in numeric constant");
if (parseStringLiteral (*p) || (*p == '.' && parseFloatLiteral()))
return TokenTypes::literal;
#define JUCE_JS_COMPARE_OPERATOR(name, str) if (matchToken (TokenTypes::name, sizeof (str) - 1)) return TokenTypes::name;
if (! p.isEmpty())
location.throwError ("Unexpected character '" + String::charToString (*p) + "' in source");
return TokenTypes::eof;
bool matchToken (TokenType name, size_t len) noexcept
if (p.compareUpTo (CharPointer_ASCII (name), (int) len) != 0) return false;
p += (int) len; return true;
void skipWhitespaceAndComments()
for (;;)
p = p.findEndOfWhitespace();
if (*p == '/')
auto c2 = p[1];
if (c2 == '/') { p = CharacterFunctions::find (p, (juce_wchar) '\n'); continue; }
if (c2 == '*')
location.location = p;
p = CharacterFunctions::find (p + 2, CharPointer_ASCII ("*/"));
if (p.isEmpty()) location.throwError ("Unterminated '/*' comment");
p += 2; continue;
bool parseStringLiteral (juce_wchar quoteType)
if (quoteType != '"' && quoteType != '\'')
return false;
auto r = JSON::parseQuotedString (p, currentValue);
if (r.failed()) location.throwError (r.getErrorMessage());
return true;
bool parseHexLiteral()
if (*p != '0' || (p[1] != 'x' && p[1] != 'X')) return false;
auto t = ++p;
int64 v = CharacterFunctions::getHexDigitValue (*++t);
if (v < 0) return false;
for (;;)
auto digit = CharacterFunctions::getHexDigitValue (*++t);
if (digit < 0) break;
v = v * 16 + digit;
currentValue = v; p = t;
return true;
bool parseFloatLiteral()
int numDigits = 0;
auto t = p;
while (t.isDigit()) { ++t; ++numDigits; }
const bool hasPoint = (*t == '.');
if (hasPoint)
while ((++t).isDigit()) ++numDigits;
if (numDigits == 0)
return false;
auto c = *t;
const bool hasExponent = (c == 'e' || c == 'E');
if (hasExponent)
c = *++t;
if (c == '+' || c == '-') ++t;
if (! t.isDigit()) return false;
while ((++t).isDigit()) {}
if (! (hasExponent || hasPoint)) return false;
currentValue = CharacterFunctions::getDoubleValue (p); p = t;
return true;
bool parseOctalLiteral()
auto t = p;
int64 v = *t - '0';
if (v != 0) return false; // first digit of octal must be 0
for (;;)
auto digit = (int) (*++t - '0');
if (isPositiveAndBelow (digit, 8)) v = v * 8 + digit;
else if (isPositiveAndBelow (digit, 10)) location.throwError ("Decimal digit in octal constant");
else break;
currentValue = v; p = t;
return true;
bool parseDecimalLiteral()
int64 v = 0;
for (;; ++p)
auto digit = (int) (*p - '0');
if (isPositiveAndBelow (digit, 10)) v = v * 10 + digit;
else break;
currentValue = v;
return true;
struct ExpressionTreeBuilder : private TokenIterator
ExpressionTreeBuilder (const String code) : TokenIterator (code) {}
BlockStatement* parseStatementList()
std::unique_ptr<BlockStatement> b (new BlockStatement (location));
while (currentType != TokenTypes::closeBrace && currentType != TokenTypes::eof)
b->statements.add (parseStatement());
return b.release();
void parseFunctionParamsAndBody (FunctionObject& fo)
match (TokenTypes::openParen);
while (currentType != TokenTypes::closeParen)
auto paramName = currentValue.toString();
match (TokenTypes::identifier);
fo.parameters.add (paramName);
if (currentType != TokenTypes::closeParen)
match (TokenTypes::comma);
match (TokenTypes::closeParen);
fo.body.reset (parseBlock());
Expression* parseExpression()
ExpPtr lhs (parseLogicOperator());
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::question)) return parseTernaryOperator (lhs);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::assign)) { ExpPtr rhs (parseExpression()); return new Assignment (location, lhs, rhs); }
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::plusEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression<AdditionOp> (lhs);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::minusEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression<SubtractionOp> (lhs);
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::timesEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression<MultiplyOp> (lhs);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::divideEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression<DivideOp> (lhs);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::moduloEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression<ModuloOp> (lhs);
2018-06-17 20:34:53 +08:00
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::leftShiftEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression<LeftShiftOp> (lhs);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::rightShiftEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression<RightShiftOp> (lhs);
return lhs.release();
void throwError (const String& err) const { location.throwError (err); }
template <typename OpType>
Expression* parseInPlaceOpExpression (ExpPtr& lhs)
ExpPtr rhs (parseExpression());
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
Expression* bareLHS = lhs.get(); // careful - bare pointer is deliberately aliased
2018-06-17 20:34:53 +08:00
return new SelfAssignment (location, bareLHS, new OpType (location, lhs, rhs));
BlockStatement* parseBlock()
match (TokenTypes::openBrace);
std::unique_ptr<BlockStatement> b (parseStatementList());
match (TokenTypes::closeBrace);
return b.release();
Statement* parseStatement()
if (currentType == TokenTypes::openBrace) return parseBlock();
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::var)) return parseVar();
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::if_)) return parseIf();
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::while_)) return parseDoOrWhileLoop (false);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::do_)) return parseDoOrWhileLoop (true);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::for_)) return parseForLoop();
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::return_)) return parseReturn();
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::break_)) return new BreakStatement (location);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::continue_)) return new ContinueStatement (location);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::function)) return parseFunction();
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::semicolon)) return new Statement (location);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::plusplus)) return parsePreIncDec<AdditionOp>();
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::minusminus)) return parsePreIncDec<SubtractionOp>();
if (matchesAny (TokenTypes::openParen, TokenTypes::openBracket))
return matchEndOfStatement (parseFactor());
if (matchesAny (TokenTypes::identifier, TokenTypes::literal, TokenTypes::minus))
return matchEndOfStatement (parseExpression());
throwError ("Found " + getTokenName (currentType) + " when expecting a statement");
return nullptr;
Expression* matchEndOfStatement (Expression* ex) { ExpPtr e (ex); if (currentType != TokenTypes::eof) match (TokenTypes::semicolon); return e.release(); }
Expression* matchCloseParen (Expression* ex) { ExpPtr e (ex); match (TokenTypes::closeParen); return e.release(); }
Statement* parseIf()
std::unique_ptr<IfStatement> s (new IfStatement (location));
match (TokenTypes::openParen);
s->condition.reset (parseExpression());
match (TokenTypes::closeParen);
s->trueBranch.reset (parseStatement());
s->falseBranch.reset (matchIf (TokenTypes::else_) ? parseStatement() : new Statement (location));
return s.release();
Statement* parseReturn()
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::semicolon))
return new ReturnStatement (location, new Expression (location));
auto* r = new ReturnStatement (location, parseExpression());
matchIf (TokenTypes::semicolon);
return r;
Statement* parseVar()
std::unique_ptr<VarStatement> s (new VarStatement (location));
s->name = parseIdentifier();
s->initialiser.reset (matchIf (TokenTypes::assign) ? parseExpression() : new Expression (location));
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::comma))
std::unique_ptr<BlockStatement> block (new BlockStatement (location));
block->statements.add (s.release());
block->statements.add (parseVar());
return block.release();
match (TokenTypes::semicolon);
return s.release();
Statement* parseFunction()
Identifier name;
auto fn = parseFunctionDefinition (name);
if (name.isNull())
throwError ("Functions defined at statement-level must have a name");
ExpPtr nm (new UnqualifiedName (location, name)), value (new LiteralValue (location, fn));
return new Assignment (location, nm, value);
Statement* parseForLoop()
std::unique_ptr<LoopStatement> s (new LoopStatement (location, false));
match (TokenTypes::openParen);
s->initialiser.reset (parseStatement());
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::semicolon))
s->condition.reset (new LiteralValue (location, true));
s->condition.reset (parseExpression());
match (TokenTypes::semicolon);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::closeParen))
s->iterator.reset (new Statement (location));
s->iterator.reset (parseExpression());
match (TokenTypes::closeParen);
s->body.reset (parseStatement());
return s.release();
Statement* parseDoOrWhileLoop (bool isDoLoop)
std::unique_ptr<LoopStatement> s (new LoopStatement (location, isDoLoop));
s->initialiser.reset (new Statement (location));
s->iterator.reset (new Statement (location));
if (isDoLoop)
s->body.reset (parseBlock());
match (TokenTypes::while_);
match (TokenTypes::openParen);
s->condition.reset (parseExpression());
match (TokenTypes::closeParen);
if (! isDoLoop)
s->body.reset (parseStatement());
return s.release();
Identifier parseIdentifier()
Identifier i;
if (currentType == TokenTypes::identifier)
i = currentValue.toString();
match (TokenTypes::identifier);
return i;
var parseFunctionDefinition (Identifier& functionName)
auto functionStart = location.location;
if (currentType == TokenTypes::identifier)
functionName = parseIdentifier();
std::unique_ptr<FunctionObject> fo (new FunctionObject());
parseFunctionParamsAndBody (*fo);
fo->functionCode = String (functionStart, location.location);
return var (fo.release());
Expression* parseFunctionCall (FunctionCall* call, ExpPtr& function)
std::unique_ptr<FunctionCall> s (call);
s->object.reset (function.release());
match (TokenTypes::openParen);
while (currentType != TokenTypes::closeParen)
s->arguments.add (parseExpression());
if (currentType != TokenTypes::closeParen)
match (TokenTypes::comma);
return matchCloseParen (s.release());
Expression* parseSuffixes (Expression* e)
ExpPtr input (e);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::dot))
return parseSuffixes (new DotOperator (location, input, parseIdentifier()));
if (currentType == TokenTypes::openParen)
return parseSuffixes (parseFunctionCall (new FunctionCall (location), input));
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::openBracket))
std::unique_ptr<ArraySubscript> s (new ArraySubscript (location));
s->object.reset (input.release());
s->index.reset (parseExpression());
match (TokenTypes::closeBracket);
return parseSuffixes (s.release());
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::plusplus)) return parsePostIncDec<AdditionOp> (input);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::minusminus)) return parsePostIncDec<SubtractionOp> (input);
return input.release();
Expression* parseFactor()
if (currentType == TokenTypes::identifier) return parseSuffixes (new UnqualifiedName (location, parseIdentifier()));
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::openParen)) return parseSuffixes (matchCloseParen (parseExpression()));
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::true_)) return parseSuffixes (new LiteralValue (location, (int) 1));
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::false_)) return parseSuffixes (new LiteralValue (location, (int) 0));
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::null_)) return parseSuffixes (new LiteralValue (location, var()));
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::undefined)) return parseSuffixes (new Expression (location));
if (currentType == TokenTypes::literal)
var v (currentValue); skip();
return parseSuffixes (new LiteralValue (location, v));
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::openBrace))
std::unique_ptr<ObjectDeclaration> e (new ObjectDeclaration (location));
while (currentType != TokenTypes::closeBrace)
auto memberName = currentValue.toString();
match ((currentType == TokenTypes::literal && currentValue.isString())
? TokenTypes::literal : TokenTypes::identifier);
match (TokenTypes::colon);
e->names.add (memberName);
e->initialisers.add (parseExpression());
if (currentType != TokenTypes::closeBrace)
match (TokenTypes::comma);
match (TokenTypes::closeBrace);
return parseSuffixes (e.release());
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::openBracket))
std::unique_ptr<ArrayDeclaration> e (new ArrayDeclaration (location));
while (currentType != TokenTypes::closeBracket)
e->values.add (parseExpression());
if (currentType != TokenTypes::closeBracket)
match (TokenTypes::comma);
match (TokenTypes::closeBracket);
return parseSuffixes (e.release());
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::function))
Identifier name;
var fn = parseFunctionDefinition (name);
if (name.isValid())
throwError ("Inline functions definitions cannot have a name");
return new LiteralValue (location, fn);
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::new_))
ExpPtr name (new UnqualifiedName (location, parseIdentifier()));
while (matchIf (TokenTypes::dot))
name.reset (new DotOperator (location, name, parseIdentifier()));
return parseFunctionCall (new NewOperator (location), name);
throwError ("Found " + getTokenName (currentType) + " when expecting an expression");
return nullptr;
template <typename OpType>
Expression* parsePreIncDec()
Expression* e = parseFactor(); // careful - bare pointer is deliberately aliased
ExpPtr lhs (e), one (new LiteralValue (location, (int) 1));
return new SelfAssignment (location, e, new OpType (location, lhs, one));
template <typename OpType>
Expression* parsePostIncDec (ExpPtr& lhs)
Expression* e = lhs.release(); // careful - bare pointer is deliberately aliased
ExpPtr lhs2 (e), one (new LiteralValue (location, (int) 1));
return new PostAssignment (location, e, new OpType (location, lhs2, one));
Expression* parseTypeof()
std::unique_ptr<FunctionCall> f (new FunctionCall (location));
f->object.reset (new UnqualifiedName (location, "typeof"));
f->arguments.add (parseUnary());
return f.release();
Expression* parseUnary()
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::minus)) { ExpPtr a (new LiteralValue (location, (int) 0)), b (parseUnary()); return new SubtractionOp (location, a, b); }
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::logicalNot)) { ExpPtr a (new LiteralValue (location, (int) 0)), b (parseUnary()); return new EqualsOp (location, a, b); }
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::plusplus)) return parsePreIncDec<AdditionOp>();
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::minusminus)) return parsePreIncDec<SubtractionOp>();
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::typeof_)) return parseTypeof();
return parseFactor();
Expression* parseMultiplyDivide()
ExpPtr a (parseUnary());
for (;;)
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::times)) { ExpPtr b (parseUnary()); a.reset (new MultiplyOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::divide)) { ExpPtr b (parseUnary()); a.reset (new DivideOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::modulo)) { ExpPtr b (parseUnary()); a.reset (new ModuloOp (location, a, b)); }
else break;
return a.release();
Expression* parseAdditionSubtraction()
ExpPtr a (parseMultiplyDivide());
for (;;)
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::plus)) { ExpPtr b (parseMultiplyDivide()); a.reset (new AdditionOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::minus)) { ExpPtr b (parseMultiplyDivide()); a.reset (new SubtractionOp (location, a, b)); }
else break;
return a.release();
Expression* parseShiftOperator()
ExpPtr a (parseAdditionSubtraction());
for (;;)
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::leftShift)) { ExpPtr b (parseExpression()); a.reset (new LeftShiftOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::rightShift)) { ExpPtr b (parseExpression()); a.reset (new RightShiftOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::rightShiftUnsigned)) { ExpPtr b (parseExpression()); a.reset (new RightShiftUnsignedOp (location, a, b)); }
else break;
return a.release();
Expression* parseComparator()
ExpPtr a (parseShiftOperator());
for (;;)
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::equals)) { ExpPtr b (parseShiftOperator()); a.reset (new EqualsOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::notEquals)) { ExpPtr b (parseShiftOperator()); a.reset (new NotEqualsOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::typeEquals)) { ExpPtr b (parseShiftOperator()); a.reset (new TypeEqualsOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::typeNotEquals)) { ExpPtr b (parseShiftOperator()); a.reset (new TypeNotEqualsOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::lessThan)) { ExpPtr b (parseShiftOperator()); a.reset (new LessThanOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::lessThanOrEqual)) { ExpPtr b (parseShiftOperator()); a.reset (new LessThanOrEqualOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::greaterThan)) { ExpPtr b (parseShiftOperator()); a.reset (new GreaterThanOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::greaterThanOrEqual)) { ExpPtr b (parseShiftOperator()); a.reset (new GreaterThanOrEqualOp (location, a, b)); }
else break;
return a.release();
Expression* parseLogicOperator()
ExpPtr a (parseComparator());
for (;;)
if (matchIf (TokenTypes::logicalAnd)) { ExpPtr b (parseComparator()); a.reset (new LogicalAndOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::logicalOr)) { ExpPtr b (parseComparator()); a.reset (new LogicalOrOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::bitwiseAnd)) { ExpPtr b (parseComparator()); a.reset (new BitwiseAndOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::bitwiseOr)) { ExpPtr b (parseComparator()); a.reset (new BitwiseOrOp (location, a, b)); }
else if (matchIf (TokenTypes::bitwiseXor)) { ExpPtr b (parseComparator()); a.reset (new BitwiseXorOp (location, a, b)); }
else break;
return a.release();
Expression* parseTernaryOperator (ExpPtr& condition)
std::unique_ptr<ConditionalOp> e (new ConditionalOp (location));
e->condition.reset (condition.release());
e->trueBranch.reset (parseExpression());
match (TokenTypes::colon);
e->falseBranch.reset (parseExpression());
return e.release();
static var get (Args a, int index) noexcept { return index < a.numArguments ? a.arguments[index] : var(); }
static bool isInt (Args a, int index) noexcept { return get (a, index).isInt() || get (a, index).isInt64(); }
static int getInt (Args a, int index) noexcept { return get (a, index); }
static double getDouble (Args a, int index) noexcept { return get (a, index); }
static String getString (Args a, int index) noexcept { return get (a, index).toString(); }
struct ObjectClass : public DynamicObject
setMethod ("dump", dump);
setMethod ("clone", cloneFn);
static Identifier getClassName() { static const Identifier i ("Object"); return i; }
static var dump (Args a) { DBG (JSON::toString (a.thisObject)); ignoreUnused (a); return var::undefined(); }
static var cloneFn (Args a) { return a.thisObject.clone(); }
struct ArrayClass : public DynamicObject
setMethod ("contains", contains);
setMethod ("remove", remove);
setMethod ("join", join);
setMethod ("push", push);
setMethod ("splice", splice);
setMethod ("indexOf", indexOf);
static Identifier getClassName() { static const Identifier i ("Array"); return i; }
static var contains (Args a)
if (auto* array = a.thisObject.getArray())
return array->contains (get (a, 0));
return false;
static var remove (Args a)
if (auto* array = a.thisObject.getArray())
array->removeAllInstancesOf (get (a, 0));
return var::undefined();
static var join (Args a)
StringArray strings;
if (auto* array = a.thisObject.getArray())
for (auto& v : *array)
strings.add (v.toString());
return strings.joinIntoString (getString (a, 0));
static var push (Args a)
if (auto* array = a.thisObject.getArray())
for (int i = 0; i < a.numArguments; ++i)
array->add (a.arguments[i]);
return array->size();
return var::undefined();
static var splice (Args a)
if (auto* array = a.thisObject.getArray())
auto arraySize = array->size();
int start = get (a, 0);
if (start < 0)
start = jmax (0, arraySize + start);
else if (start > arraySize)
start = arraySize;
const int num = a.numArguments > 1 ? jlimit (0, arraySize - start, getInt (a, 1))
: arraySize - start;
Array<var> itemsRemoved;
itemsRemoved.ensureStorageAllocated (num);
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
itemsRemoved.add (array->getReference (start + i));
array->removeRange (start, num);
for (int i = 2; i < a.numArguments; ++i)
array->insert (start++, get (a, i));
return itemsRemoved;
return var::undefined();
static var indexOf (Args a)
if (auto* array = a.thisObject.getArray())
auto target = get (a, 0);
for (int i = (a.numArguments > 1 ? getInt (a, 1) : 0); i < array->size(); ++i)
if (array->getReference(i) == target)
return i;
return -1;
struct StringClass : public DynamicObject
setMethod ("substring", substring);
setMethod ("indexOf", indexOf);
setMethod ("charAt", charAt);
setMethod ("charCodeAt", charCodeAt);
setMethod ("fromCharCode", fromCharCode);
setMethod ("split", split);
static Identifier getClassName() { static const Identifier i ("String"); return i; }
static var fromCharCode (Args a) { return String::charToString (static_cast<juce_wchar> (getInt (a, 0))); }
static var substring (Args a) { return a.thisObject.toString().substring (getInt (a, 0), getInt (a, 1)); }
static var indexOf (Args a) { return a.thisObject.toString().indexOf (getString (a, 0)); }
static var charCodeAt (Args a) { return (int) a.thisObject.toString() [getInt (a, 0)]; }
static var charAt (Args a) { int p = getInt (a, 0); return a.thisObject.toString().substring (p, p + 1); }
static var split (Args a)
auto str = a.thisObject.toString();
auto sep = getString (a, 0);
StringArray strings;
if (sep.isNotEmpty())
strings.addTokens (str, sep.substring (0, 1), {});
else // special-case for empty separator: split all chars separately
for (auto pos = str.getCharPointer(); ! pos.isEmpty(); ++pos)
strings.add (String::charToString (*pos));
var array;
for (auto& s : strings)
array.append (s);
return array;
struct MathClass : public DynamicObject
setMethod ("abs", Math_abs); setMethod ("round", Math_round);
setMethod ("random", Math_random); setMethod ("randInt", Math_randInt);
setMethod ("min", Math_min); setMethod ("max", Math_max);
setMethod ("range", Math_range); setMethod ("sign", Math_sign);
setMethod ("toDegrees", Math_toDegrees); setMethod ("toRadians", Math_toRadians);
setMethod ("sin", Math_sin); setMethod ("asin", Math_asin);
setMethod ("sinh", Math_sinh); setMethod ("asinh", Math_asinh);
setMethod ("cos", Math_cos); setMethod ("acos", Math_acos);
setMethod ("cosh", Math_cosh); setMethod ("acosh", Math_acosh);
setMethod ("tan", Math_tan); setMethod ("atan", Math_atan);
setMethod ("tanh", Math_tanh); setMethod ("atanh", Math_atanh);
setMethod ("log", Math_log); setMethod ("log10", Math_log10);
setMethod ("exp", Math_exp); setMethod ("pow", Math_pow);
setMethod ("sqr", Math_sqr); setMethod ("sqrt", Math_sqrt);
setMethod ("ceil", Math_ceil); setMethod ("floor", Math_floor);
setProperty ("PI", MathConstants<double>::pi);
setProperty ("E", MathConstants<double>::euler);
setProperty ("SQRT2", MathConstants<double>::sqrt2);
setProperty ("SQRT1_2", std::sqrt (0.5));
setProperty ("LN2", std::log (2.0));
setProperty ("LN10", std::log (10.0));
setProperty ("LOG2E", std::log (MathConstants<double>::euler) / std::log (2.0));
setProperty ("LOG10E", std::log (MathConstants<double>::euler) / std::log (10.0));
static var Math_random (Args) { return Random::getSystemRandom().nextDouble(); }
static var Math_randInt (Args a) { return Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (Range<int> (getInt (a, 0), getInt (a, 1))); }
static var Math_abs (Args a) { return isInt (a, 0) ? var (std::abs (getInt (a, 0))) : var (std::abs (getDouble (a, 0))); }
static var Math_round (Args a) { return isInt (a, 0) ? var (roundToInt (getInt (a, 0))) : var (roundToInt (getDouble (a, 0))); }
static var Math_sign (Args a) { return isInt (a, 0) ? var (sign (getInt (a, 0))) : var (sign (getDouble (a, 0))); }
static var Math_range (Args a) { return isInt (a, 0) ? var (jlimit (getInt (a, 1), getInt (a, 2), getInt (a, 0))) : var (jlimit (getDouble (a, 1), getDouble (a, 2), getDouble (a, 0))); }
static var Math_min (Args a) { return (isInt (a, 0) && isInt (a, 1)) ? var (jmin (getInt (a, 0), getInt (a, 1))) : var (jmin (getDouble (a, 0), getDouble (a, 1))); }
static var Math_max (Args a) { return (isInt (a, 0) && isInt (a, 1)) ? var (jmax (getInt (a, 0), getInt (a, 1))) : var (jmax (getDouble (a, 0), getDouble (a, 1))); }
static var Math_toDegrees (Args a) { return radiansToDegrees (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_toRadians (Args a) { return degreesToRadians (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_sin (Args a) { return std::sin (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_asin (Args a) { return std::asin (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_cos (Args a) { return std::cos (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_acos (Args a) { return std::acos (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_sinh (Args a) { return std::sinh (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_cosh (Args a) { return std::cosh (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_tan (Args a) { return std::tan (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_tanh (Args a) { return std::tanh (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_atan (Args a) { return std::atan (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_log (Args a) { return std::log (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_log10 (Args a) { return std::log10 (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_exp (Args a) { return std::exp (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_pow (Args a) { return std::pow (getDouble (a, 0), getDouble (a, 1)); }
static var Math_sqr (Args a) { return square (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_sqrt (Args a) { return std::sqrt (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_ceil (Args a) { return std::ceil (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_floor (Args a) { return std::floor (getDouble (a, 0)); }
// We can't use the std namespace equivalents of these functions without breaking
// compatibility with older versions of OS X.
static var Math_asinh (Args a) { return asinh (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_acosh (Args a) { return acosh (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static var Math_atanh (Args a) { return atanh (getDouble (a, 0)); }
static Identifier getClassName() { static const Identifier i ("Math"); return i; }
template <typename Type> static Type sign (Type n) noexcept { return n > 0 ? (Type) 1 : (n < 0 ? (Type) -1 : 0); }
struct JSONClass : public DynamicObject
JSONClass() { setMethod ("stringify", stringify); }
static Identifier getClassName() { static const Identifier i ("JSON"); return i; }
static var stringify (Args a) { return JSON::toString (get (a, 0)); }
struct IntegerClass : public DynamicObject
IntegerClass() { setMethod ("parseInt", parseInt); }
static Identifier getClassName() { static const Identifier i ("Integer"); return i; }
static var parseInt (Args a)
auto s = getString (a, 0).trim();
return s[0] == '0' ? (s[1] == 'x' ? s.substring(2).getHexValue64() : getOctalValue (s))
: s.getLargeIntValue();
static var trace (Args a) { Logger::outputDebugString (JSON::toString (a.thisObject)); return var::undefined(); }
static var charToInt (Args a) { return (int) (getString (a, 0)[0]); }
static var parseFloat (Args a) { return getDouble (a, 0); }
static var typeof_internal (Args a)
var v (get (a, 0));
if (v.isVoid()) return "void";
if (v.isString()) return "string";
if (isNumeric (v)) return "number";
if (isFunction (v) || v.isMethod()) return "function";
if (v.isObject()) return "object";
return "undefined";
static var exec (Args a)
if (auto* root = dynamic_cast<RootObject*> (a.thisObject.getObject()))
root->execute (getString (a, 0));
return var::undefined();
static var eval (Args a)
if (auto* root = dynamic_cast<RootObject*> (a.thisObject.getObject()))
return root->evaluate (getString (a, 0));
return var::undefined();
JavascriptEngine::JavascriptEngine() : maximumExecutionTime (15.0), root (new RootObject())
registerNativeObject (RootObject::ObjectClass ::getClassName(), new RootObject::ObjectClass());
registerNativeObject (RootObject::ArrayClass ::getClassName(), new RootObject::ArrayClass());
registerNativeObject (RootObject::StringClass ::getClassName(), new RootObject::StringClass());
registerNativeObject (RootObject::MathClass ::getClassName(), new RootObject::MathClass());
registerNativeObject (RootObject::JSONClass ::getClassName(), new RootObject::JSONClass());
registerNativeObject (RootObject::IntegerClass ::getClassName(), new RootObject::IntegerClass());
JavascriptEngine::~JavascriptEngine() {}
void JavascriptEngine::prepareTimeout() const noexcept { root->timeout = Time::getCurrentTime() + maximumExecutionTime; }
void JavascriptEngine::stop() noexcept { root->timeout = {}; }
void JavascriptEngine::registerNativeObject (const Identifier& name, DynamicObject* object)
root->setProperty (name, object);
Result JavascriptEngine::execute (const String& code)
root->execute (code);
catch (String& error)
return Result::fail (error);
return Result::ok();
var JavascriptEngine::evaluate (const String& code, Result* result)
if (result != nullptr) *result = Result::ok();
return root->evaluate (code);
catch (String& error)
if (result != nullptr) *result = Result::fail (error);
return var::undefined();
var JavascriptEngine::callFunction (const Identifier& function, const var::NativeFunctionArgs& args, Result* result)
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
auto returnVal = var::undefined();
2018-06-17 20:34:53 +08:00
if (result != nullptr) *result = Result::ok();
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
RootObject::Scope ({}, *root, *root).findAndInvokeMethod (function, args, returnVal);
2018-06-17 20:34:53 +08:00
catch (String& error)
if (result != nullptr) *result = Result::fail (error);
return returnVal;
var JavascriptEngine::callFunctionObject (DynamicObject* objectScope, const var& functionObject,
const var::NativeFunctionArgs& args, Result* result)
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
auto returnVal = var::undefined();
2018-06-17 20:34:53 +08:00
if (result != nullptr) *result = Result::ok();
2019-06-23 03:41:38 +08:00
RootObject::Scope rootScope ({}, *root, *root);
RootObject::Scope (&rootScope, *root, DynamicObject::Ptr (objectScope))
.invokeMethod (functionObject, args, returnVal);
2018-06-17 20:34:53 +08:00
catch (String& error)
if (result != nullptr) *result = Result::fail (error);
return returnVal;
const NamedValueSet& JavascriptEngine::getRootObjectProperties() const noexcept
return root->getProperties();
#pragma warning (pop)
} // namespace juce