2209 lines
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2209 lines
84 KiB
This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd.
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
this permission notice appear in all copies.
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4702)
namespace littlefoot
This class compiles littlefoot source code into a littlefoot::Program object
which can be executed by a littlefoot::Runner.
struct Compiler
Compiler() = default;
/** Gives the compiler a zero-terminated list of native function prototypes to
use when parsing function calls.
void addNativeFunctions (const char* const* functionPrototypes)
for (; *functionPrototypes != nullptr; ++functionPrototypes)
nativeFunctions.add (NativeFunction (*functionPrototypes, nullptr));
/** Tells the compiler to use the list of native function prototypes from
this littlefoot::Runner object.
template <typename RunnerType>
void addNativeFunctions (const RunnerType& runner)
for (int i = 0; i < runner.getNumNativeFunctions(); ++i)
nativeFunctions.add (runner.getNativeFunction (i));
/** Compiles a littlefoot program.
If there's an error, this returns it, otherwise the compiled bytecode is
placed in the compiledObjectCode member.
Result compile (const String& sourceCode, uint32 defaultHeapSize)
SyntaxTreeBuilder stb (sourceCode, nativeFunctions, defaultHeapSize);
CodeGenerator codeGen (compiledObjectCode, stb);
codeGen.generateCode (stb.blockBeingParsed, stb.heapSizeRequired);
return Result::ok();
catch (String error)
return Result::fail (error);
/** After a successful compilation, this returns the finished Program. */
Program getCompiledProgram() const noexcept
return Program (compiledObjectCode.begin(), (uint32) compiledObjectCode.size());
/** After a successful call to compile(), this contains the bytecode generated.
A littlefoot::Program object can be created directly from this array.
Array<uint8> compiledObjectCode;
#ifndef DOXYGEN
struct Statement;
struct Expression;
struct BlockStatement;
struct Function;
struct AllocatedObject { virtual ~AllocatedObject() noexcept {} };
using StatementPtr = Statement*;
using ExpPtr = Expression*;
using BlockPtr = BlockStatement*;
using TokenType = const char*;
X(if_, "if") X(else_, "else") X(do_, "do") \
X(while_, "while") X(for_, "for") X(break_, "break") X(continue_, "continue") \
X(void_, "void") X(int_, "int") X(float_, "float") X(bool_, "bool") \
X(return_, "return") X(true_, "true") X(false_, "false") X(const_, "const")
X(semicolon, ";") X(dot, ".") X(comma, ",") X(hash, "#") \
X(openParen, "(") X(closeParen, ")") X(openBrace, "{") X(closeBrace, "}") \
X(openBracket, "[") X(closeBracket, "]") X(colon, ":") X(question, "?") \
X(equals, "==") X(assign, "=") X(notEquals, "!=") X(logicalNot, "!") \
X(plusEquals, "+=") X(plusplus, "++") X(plus, "+") \
X(minusEquals, "-=") X(minusminus, "--") X(minus, "-") \
X(timesEquals, "*=") X(times, "*") X(divideEquals, "/=") X(divide, "/") \
X(moduloEquals, "%=") X(modulo, "%") X(xorEquals, "^=") X(bitwiseXor, "^") X(bitwiseNot, "~") \
X(andEquals, "&=") X(logicalAnd, "&&") X(bitwiseAnd, "&") \
X(orEquals, "|=") X(logicalOr, "||") X(bitwiseOr, "|") \
X(leftShiftEquals, "<<=") X(lessThanOrEqual, "<=") X(leftShift, "<<") X(lessThan, "<") \
X(rightShiftUnsigned, ">>>") X(rightShiftEquals, ">>=") X(rightShift, ">>") X(greaterThanOrEqual, ">=") X(greaterThan, ">")
struct Token
#define DECLARE_LITTLEFOOT_TOKEN(name, str) static constexpr const char* name = str;
DECLARE_LITTLEFOOT_TOKEN (literal, "$literal")
DECLARE_LITTLEFOOT_TOKEN (identifier, "$identifier")
Array<NativeFunction> nativeFunctions;
struct CodeLocation
CodeLocation (const String& code) noexcept : program (code), location (program.getCharPointer()) {}
CodeLocation (const CodeLocation& other) noexcept : program (other.program), location (other.location) {}
[[noreturn]] void throwError (const String& message) const
int col = 1, line = 1;
for (auto i = program.getCharPointer(); i < location && ! i.isEmpty(); ++i)
if (*i == '\n') { col = 1; ++line; }
throw "Line " + String (line) + ", column " + String (col) + " : " + message;
String program;
String::CharPointerType location;
struct TokenIterator
TokenIterator (const String& code) : location (code), p (code.getCharPointer()) { skip(); }
TokenType skip()
location.location = p;
auto last = currentType;
currentType = matchNextToken();
return last;
void match (TokenType expected)
if (currentType != expected)
throwErrorExpecting (getTokenDescription (expected));
bool matchIf (TokenType expected) { if (currentType == expected) { skip(); return true; } return false; }
template <typename... Args>
bool matchesAny (TokenType t1, Args... others) const noexcept { return currentType == t1 || matchesAny (others...); }
bool matchesAny (TokenType t1) const noexcept { return currentType == t1; }
CodeLocation location;
TokenType currentType;
var currentValue;
void throwErrorExpecting (const String& expected) { location.throwError ("Found " + getTokenDescription (currentType) + " when expecting " + expected); }
String::CharPointerType p;
static bool isIdentifierStart (juce_wchar c) noexcept { return CharacterFunctions::isLetter (c) || c == '_'; }
static bool isIdentifierBody (juce_wchar c) noexcept { return CharacterFunctions::isLetterOrDigit (c) || c == '_'; }
TokenType matchNextToken()
if (isIdentifierStart (*p))
auto end = p;
while (isIdentifierBody (*++end)) {}
const size_t len = (size_t) (end - p);
#define LITTLEFOOT_COMPARE_KEYWORD(name, str) if (len == sizeof (str) - 1 && matchToken (Token::name, len)) return Token::name;
currentValue = String (p, end); p = end;
return Token::identifier;
if (p.isDigit())
if (parseHexLiteral() || parseFloatLiteral() || parseOctalLiteral() || parseDecimalLiteral())
return Token::literal;
location.throwError ("Syntax error in numeric constant");
if (parseStringLiteral (*p) || (*p == '.' && parseFloatLiteral()))
return Token::literal;
#define LITTLEFOOT_COMPARE_OPERATOR(name, str) if (matchToken (Token::name, sizeof (str) - 1)) return Token::name;
if (! p.isEmpty())
location.throwError ("Unexpected character '" + String::charToString (*p) + "' in source");
return Token::eof;
bool matchToken (TokenType name, const size_t len) noexcept
if (p.compareUpTo (CharPointer_ASCII (name), (int) len) != 0) return false;
p += (int) len; return true;
void skipWhitespaceAndComments()
for (;;)
p = p.findEndOfWhitespace();
if (*p == '/')
auto c2 = p[1];
if (c2 == '/') { p = CharacterFunctions::find (p, (juce_wchar) '\n'); continue; }
if (c2 == '*')
location.location = p;
p = CharacterFunctions::find (p + 2, CharPointer_ASCII ("*/"));
if (p.isEmpty()) location.throwError ("Unterminated '/*' comment");
p += 2; continue;
bool parseStringLiteral (juce_wchar quoteType)
if (quoteType != '"' && quoteType != '\'')
return false;
auto r = JSON::parseQuotedString (p, currentValue);
if (r.failed()) location.throwError (r.getErrorMessage());
return true;
bool parseHexLiteral()
if (*p != '0' || (p[1] != 'x' && p[1] != 'X')) return false;
auto t = ++p;
auto v = CharacterFunctions::getHexDigitValue (*++t);
if (v < 0) return false;
for (;;)
auto digit = CharacterFunctions::getHexDigitValue (*++t);
if (digit < 0) break;
v = v * 16 + digit;
currentValue = v; p = t;
return true;
bool parseFloatLiteral()
int numDigits = 0;
auto t = p;
while (t.isDigit()) { ++t; ++numDigits; }
const bool hasPoint = (*t == '.');
if (hasPoint)
while ((++t).isDigit()) ++numDigits;
if (numDigits == 0)
return false;
auto c = *t;
const bool hasExponent = (c == 'e' || c == 'E');
if (hasExponent)
c = *++t;
if (c == '+' || c == '-') ++t;
if (! t.isDigit()) return false;
while ((++t).isDigit()) {}
if (! (hasExponent || hasPoint)) return false;
currentValue = CharacterFunctions::getDoubleValue (p); p = t;
return true;
bool parseOctalLiteral()
auto t = p;
int64 v = *t - '0';
if (v != 0) return false; // first digit of octal must be 0
for (;;)
auto digit = (int) (*++t - '0');
if (isPositiveAndBelow (digit, 8)) v = v * 8 + digit;
else if (isPositiveAndBelow (digit, 10)) location.throwError ("Decimal digit in octal constant");
else break;
currentValue = v; p = t;
return true;
bool parseDecimalLiteral()
int64 v = 0;
for (;; ++p)
auto digit = (int) (*p - '0');
if (isPositiveAndBelow (digit, 10)) v = v * 10 + digit;
else break;
currentValue = v;
return true;
struct SyntaxTreeBuilder : private TokenIterator
SyntaxTreeBuilder (const String& code, const Array<NativeFunction>& nativeFns, uint32 defaultHeapSize)
: TokenIterator (code), nativeFunctions (nativeFns), heapSizeRequired (defaultHeapSize) {}
void compile()
blockBeingParsed = allocate<BlockStatement> (location, nullptr, nullptr, false);
while (currentType != Token::eof)
if (matchIf (Token::hash))
const bool isConstVariable = matchIf (Token::const_);
if (! matchesAnyTypeOrVoid())
throwErrorExpecting ("a global variable or function");
auto type = tokenToType (skip());
auto name = parseIdentifier();
if (matchIf (Token::openParen))
if (isConstVariable)
location.throwError ("Return type of a function cannot be const");
parseFunctionDeclaration (type, name);
if (type == Type::void_)
location.throwError ("A variable type cannot be 'void'");
parseGlobalVariableDeclaraion (isConstVariable, type, name);
void simplify()
for (auto f : functions)
f->block->simplify (*this);
const Function* findFunction (FunctionID functionID) const noexcept
for (auto f : functions)
if (f->functionID == functionID)
return f;
return nullptr;
const NativeFunction* findNativeFunction (FunctionID functionID) const noexcept
for (auto& f : nativeFunctions)
if (f.functionID == functionID)
return &f;
return nullptr;
BlockPtr blockBeingParsed = nullptr;
Array<Function*> functions;
const Array<NativeFunction>& nativeFunctions;
uint32 heapSizeRequired;
template <typename Type, typename... Args>
Type* allocate (Args... args) { auto o = new Type (args...); allAllocatedObjects.add (o); return o; }
OwnedArray<AllocatedObject> allAllocatedObjects;
void parseCompilerDirective()
auto name = parseIdentifier();
if (name == "heapsize")
match (Token::colon);
heapSizeRequired = (((uint32) parseIntegerLiteral()) + 3) & ~3u;
location.throwError ("Unknown compiler directive");
void parseGlobalVariableDeclaraion (bool isConst, Type type, String name)
for (;;)
int arraySize = matchIf (Token::openBracket) ? parseIntegerLiteral() : 0;
if (arraySize > 0)
location.throwError ("Arrays not yet implemented!");
var constantInitialiser;
if (isConst)
constantInitialiser = parseConstantExpressionInitialiser (type);
blockBeingParsed->addVariable ({ name, type, true, isConst, constantInitialiser }, location);
if (matchIf (Token::comma))
name = parseIdentifier();
match (Token::semicolon);
var parseConstantExpressionInitialiser (Type expectedType)
var result;
match (Token::assign);
auto e = parseExpression();
if (auto literal = dynamic_cast<LiteralValue*> (e->simplify (*this)))
result = literal->value;
if (getTypeOfVar (result) != expectedType)
location.throwError ("Expected a constant expression of type " + getTypeName (expectedType));
location.throwError ("Expected a constant expression");
return result;
void parseFunctionDeclaration (Type returnType, const String& name)
auto f = allocate<Function>();
while (matchesAnyType())
auto type = tokenToType (skip());
f->arguments.add ({ parseIdentifier(), type, false, false, 0 });
if (f->arguments.size() > 127)
location.throwError ("Too many function arguments");
if (currentType == Token::closeParen)
match (Token::comma);
match (Token::closeParen);
f->functionID = createFunctionID (name, returnType, f->getArgumentTypes());
if (findFunction (f->functionID) != nullptr || findNativeFunction (f->functionID) != nullptr)
location.throwError ("Duplicate function declaration");
functions.add (f);
f->block = parseBlock (true);
f->returnType = returnType;
if (! f->block->alwaysReturns())
if (returnType != Type::void_)
location.throwError ("This function must return a value");
f->block->statements.add (allocate<ReturnStatement> (location, f->block, nullptr));
int parseIntegerLiteral()
auto e = parseExpression();
if (auto literal = dynamic_cast<LiteralValue*> (e->simplify (*this)))
if (literal->value.isInt() || literal->value.isInt64())
auto value = static_cast<int> (literal->value);
if (value > 0)
return value;
location.throwError ("Expected an integer constant");
return 0;
BlockPtr parseBlock (bool isMainBlockOfFunction)
match (Token::openBrace);
auto b = allocate<BlockStatement> (location, blockBeingParsed, functions.getLast(), isMainBlockOfFunction);
auto lastBlock = blockBeingParsed;
blockBeingParsed = b;
while (! matchIf (Token::closeBrace))
b->statements.add (parseStatement());
blockBeingParsed = lastBlock;
return b;
StatementPtr parseStatement()
if (currentType == Token::openBrace) return parseBlock (false);
if (matchIf (Token::if_)) return parseIf();
if (matchIf (Token::while_)) return parseDoOrWhileLoop (false);
if (matchIf (Token::do_)) return parseDoOrWhileLoop (true);
if (matchIf (Token::for_)) return parseForLoop();
if (matchIf (Token::return_)) return parseReturn();
if (matchIf (Token::break_)) return matchEndOfStatement (allocate<BreakStatement> (location, blockBeingParsed));
if (matchIf (Token::continue_)) return matchEndOfStatement (allocate<ContinueStatement> (location, blockBeingParsed));
if (matchIf (Token::semicolon)) return matchEndOfStatement (allocate<Statement> (location, blockBeingParsed));
if (matchIf (Token::plusplus)) return matchEndOfStatement (parsePreIncDec (Token::plus));
if (matchIf (Token::minusminus)) return matchEndOfStatement (parsePreIncDec (Token::minus));
if (matchesAny (Token::openParen)) return matchEndOfStatement (parseFactor());
if (matchIf (Token::const_)) return parseVariableDeclaration (true);
if (matchesAnyType()) return parseVariableDeclaration (false);
if (matchesAny (Token::identifier, Token::literal, Token::minus))
return matchEndOfStatement (parseExpression());
throwErrorExpecting ("a statement");
return nullptr;
ExpPtr parseExpression()
auto lhs = parseLogicOperator();
if (matchIf (Token::question)) return parseTernaryOperator (lhs);
if (matchIf (Token::plusEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression (lhs, Token::plus);
if (matchIf (Token::minusEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression (lhs, Token::minus);
if (matchIf (Token::timesEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression (lhs, Token::times);
if (matchIf (Token::divideEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression (lhs, Token::divide);
if (matchIf (Token::moduloEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression (lhs, Token::modulo);
if (matchIf (Token::leftShiftEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression (lhs, Token::leftShift);
if (matchIf (Token::rightShiftEquals)) return parseInPlaceOpExpression (lhs, Token::rightShift);
if (matchIf (Token::assign))
auto loc = location;
return allocate<Assignment> (loc, blockBeingParsed, getIdentifierFromExpression (lhs), parseExpression(), false);
return lhs;
ExpPtr parseTernaryOperator (ExpPtr condition)
auto e = allocate<TernaryOp> (location, blockBeingParsed);
e->condition = condition;
e->trueBranch = parseExpression();
match (Token::colon);
e->falseBranch = parseExpression();
return e;
ExpPtr parseLogicOperator()
for (auto a = parseComparator();;)
if (! matchesAny (Token::logicalAnd, Token::logicalOr, Token::bitwiseOr,
Token::bitwiseAnd, Token::bitwiseXor))
return a;
auto loc = location;
auto type = skip();
a = allocate<BinaryOperator> (loc, blockBeingParsed, a, parseComparator(), type);
ExpPtr parseComparator()
for (auto a = parseShiftOperator();;)
if (! matchesAny (Token::equals, Token::notEquals, Token::lessThan,
Token::lessThanOrEqual, Token::greaterThan, Token::greaterThanOrEqual))
return a;
auto loc = location;
auto type = skip();
a = allocate<BinaryOperator> (loc, blockBeingParsed, a, parseShiftOperator(), type);
ExpPtr parseShiftOperator()
for (auto a = parseAdditionSubtraction();;)
if (! matchesAny (Token::leftShift, Token::rightShift, Token::rightShiftUnsigned))
return a;
auto loc = location;
auto type = skip();
a = allocate<BinaryOperator> (loc, blockBeingParsed, a, parseExpression(), type);
ExpPtr parseAdditionSubtraction()
for (auto a = parseMultiplyDivide();;)
if (! matchesAny (Token::plus, Token::minus))
return a;
auto loc = location;
auto type = skip();
a = allocate<BinaryOperator> (loc, blockBeingParsed, a, parseMultiplyDivide(), type);
ExpPtr parseMultiplyDivide()
for (auto a = parseUnary();;)
if (! matchesAny (Token::times, Token::divide, Token::modulo))
return a;
auto loc = location;
auto type = skip();
a = allocate<BinaryOperator> (loc, blockBeingParsed, a, parseUnary(), type);
ExpPtr parseUnary()
if (matchIf (Token::plusplus)) return parsePreIncDec (Token::plus);
if (matchIf (Token::minusminus)) return parsePreIncDec (Token::minus);
if (matchesAny (Token::minus, Token::logicalNot, Token::bitwiseNot))
auto loc = location;
auto type = skip();
return allocate<UnaryOp> (loc, blockBeingParsed, parseUnary(), type);
return parseFactor();
ExpPtr parseFactor()
if (currentType == Token::identifier) return parseSuffixes (allocate<Identifier> (location, blockBeingParsed, parseIdentifier()));
if (matchIf (Token::openParen)) return parseSuffixes (matchCloseParen (parseExpression()));
if (matchIf (Token::true_)) return parseSuffixes (allocate<LiteralValue> (location, blockBeingParsed, true));
if (matchIf (Token::false_)) return parseSuffixes (allocate<LiteralValue> (location, blockBeingParsed, false));
if (currentType == Token::literal)
auto lit = allocate<LiteralValue> (location, blockBeingParsed, currentValue);
return parseSuffixes (lit);
if (matchesAny (Token::int_, Token::float_, Token::bool_))
return parseSuffixes (parseFunctionCall (skip()));
throwErrorExpecting ("an expression");
return nullptr;
ExpPtr parseSuffixes (ExpPtr input)
if (currentType == Token::openParen)
if (auto functionName = dynamic_cast<Identifier*> (input))
return parseSuffixes (parseFunctionCall (functionName->name));
location.throwError ("Malformed function call");
return {};
if (matchIf (Token::openBracket))
auto s = allocate<ArraySubscript> (location, blockBeingParsed);
s->object = input;
s->index = parseExpression();
match (Token::closeBracket);
return parseSuffixes (s);
if (matchIf (Token::plusplus)) return parsePostIncDec (input, Token::plus);
if (matchIf (Token::minusminus)) return parsePostIncDec (input, Token::minus);
return input;
ExpPtr parseInPlaceOpExpression (ExpPtr lhs, TokenType opType)
auto loc = location;
auto rhs = parseExpression();
return allocate<Assignment> (loc, blockBeingParsed, getIdentifierFromExpression (lhs),
allocate<BinaryOperator> (location, blockBeingParsed, lhs, rhs, opType), false);
ExpPtr parsePreIncDec (TokenType opType)
auto lhs = parseFactor();
auto one = allocate<LiteralValue> (location, blockBeingParsed, (int) 1);
return allocate<Assignment> (location, blockBeingParsed, getIdentifierFromExpression (lhs),
allocate<BinaryOperator> (location, blockBeingParsed, lhs, one, opType), false);
ExpPtr parsePostIncDec (ExpPtr lhs, TokenType opType)
auto one = allocate<LiteralValue> (location, blockBeingParsed, (int) 1);
return allocate<Assignment> (location, blockBeingParsed, getIdentifierFromExpression (lhs),
allocate<BinaryOperator> (location, blockBeingParsed, lhs, one, opType), true);
StatementPtr parseIf()
auto s = allocate<IfStatement> (location, blockBeingParsed);
match (Token::openParen);
s->condition = matchCloseParen (parseExpression());
s->trueBranch = parseStatement();
s->falseBranch = matchIf (Token::else_) ? parseStatement() : nullptr;
return s;
StatementPtr parseReturn()
auto value = matchIf (Token::semicolon) ? nullptr : parseExpression();
auto returnStatement = allocate<ReturnStatement> (location, blockBeingParsed, value);
matchIf (Token::semicolon);
return returnStatement;
StatementPtr parseVariableDeclaration (bool isConst)
if (isConst && ! matchesAnyType())
throwErrorExpecting ("a type");
auto type = tokenToType (skip());
for (StatementPtr result = nullptr;;)
auto name = parseIdentifier();
auto loc = location;
if (isConst)
auto constantValue = parseConstantExpressionInitialiser (type);
blockBeingParsed->addVariable ({ name, type, false, true, constantValue }, loc);
blockBeingParsed->addVariable ({ name, type, false, false, {} }, loc);
auto assignedValue = matchIf (Token::assign) ? parseExpression() : nullptr;
if (auto literal = dynamic_cast<LiteralValue*> (assignedValue))
if (static_cast<double> (literal->value) == 0)
assignedValue = nullptr;
if (assignedValue != nullptr || ! blockBeingParsed->isMainBlockOfFunction) // no need to assign 0 for variables in the outer scope
if (assignedValue == nullptr)
assignedValue = allocate<LiteralValue> (loc, blockBeingParsed, (int) 0);
auto assignment = allocate<Assignment> (loc, blockBeingParsed, name, assignedValue, false);
if (result == nullptr)
result = assignment;
auto block = dynamic_cast<BlockPtr> (result);
if (block == nullptr)
block = allocate<BlockStatement> (loc, blockBeingParsed, functions.getLast(), false);
block->statements.add (result);
result = block;
block->statements.add (assignment);
if (matchIf (Token::semicolon))
return result != nullptr ? result : allocate<Statement> (location, blockBeingParsed);
match (Token::comma);
StatementPtr parseForLoop()
auto oldBlock = blockBeingParsed;
auto block = allocate<BlockStatement> (location, oldBlock, functions.getLast(), false);
blockBeingParsed = block;
auto loopStatement = allocate<LoopStatement> (location, blockBeingParsed, false);
block->statements.add (loopStatement);
match (Token::openParen);
loopStatement->initialiser = parseStatement();
loopStatement->condition = matchIf (Token::semicolon) ? allocate<LiteralValue> (location, blockBeingParsed, true)
: matchEndOfStatement (parseExpression());
loopStatement->iterator = matchIf (Token::closeParen) ? allocate<Statement> (location, blockBeingParsed)
: matchCloseParen (parseExpression());
loopStatement->body = parseStatement();
blockBeingParsed = oldBlock;
return block;
StatementPtr parseDoOrWhileLoop (bool isDoLoop)
auto loopStatement = allocate<LoopStatement> (location, blockBeingParsed, isDoLoop);
loopStatement->initialiser = allocate<Statement> (location, blockBeingParsed);
loopStatement->iterator = allocate<Statement> (location, blockBeingParsed);
if (isDoLoop)
loopStatement->body = parseBlock (false);
match (Token::while_);
match (Token::openParen);
loopStatement->condition = matchCloseParen (parseExpression());
if (! isDoLoop)
loopStatement->body = parseStatement();
return loopStatement;
String parseIdentifier()
auto name = currentValue.toString();
match (Token::identifier);
return name;
String getIdentifierFromExpression (ExpPtr e)
if (auto i = dynamic_cast<Identifier*> (e))
return i->name;
location.throwError ("This operator requires an assignable variable");
return {};
ExpPtr parseFunctionCall (const String& name)
auto call = allocate<FunctionCall> (location, blockBeingParsed);
call->functionName = name;
match (Token::openParen);
while (currentType != Token::closeParen)
call->arguments.add (parseExpression());
if (currentType == Token::closeParen)
match (Token::comma);
return matchCloseParen (call);
bool matchesAnyType() const noexcept { return matchesAny (Token::int_, Token::float_, Token::bool_); }
bool matchesAnyTypeOrVoid() const noexcept { return matchesAnyType() || currentType == Token::void_; }
ExpPtr matchCloseParen (ExpPtr e) { match (Token::closeParen); return e; }
template<typename ExpType> ExpType matchEndOfStatement (ExpType e) { match (Token::semicolon); return e; }
struct CodeGenerator
CodeGenerator (Array<uint8>& output, const SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb)
: outputCode (output), syntaxTree (stb) {}
void generateCode (BlockPtr outerBlock, uint32 heapSizeBytesRequired)
for (auto f : syntaxTree.functions)
f->address = createMarker();
f->unwindAddress = createMarker();
emit ((int16) 0); // checksum
emit ((int16) 0); // size
emit ((int16) syntaxTree.functions.size());
emit ((int16) outerBlock->variables.size());
emit ((int16) heapSizeBytesRequired);
for (auto f : syntaxTree.functions)
emit (f->functionID, f->address);
auto codeStart = outputCode.size();
for (auto f : syntaxTree.functions)
f->emit (*this);
removeJumpsToNextInstruction (codeStart);
Program::writeInt16 (outputCode.begin() + 2, (int16) outputCode.size());
const Program program (outputCode.begin(), (uint32) outputCode.size());
Program::writeInt16 (outputCode.begin(), (int16) program.calculateChecksum());
jassert (program.checksumMatches());
Array<uint8>& outputCode;
const SyntaxTreeBuilder& syntaxTree;
struct Marker { int index = 0; };
struct MarkerAndAddress { Marker marker; int address; };
int nextMarker = 0;
Array<MarkerAndAddress> markersToResolve, resolvedMarkers;
Marker createMarker() noexcept { Marker m; m.index = ++nextMarker; return m; }
void attachMarker (Marker m) { resolvedMarkers.add ({ m, outputCode.size() }); }
int getResolvedMarkerAddress (Marker marker) const
for (auto m : resolvedMarkers)
if (m.marker.index == marker.index)
return m.address;
return 0;
Marker getMarkerAtAddress (int address) const noexcept
for (auto m : markersToResolve)
if (m.address == address)
return m.marker;
return {};
void resolveMarkers()
for (auto m : markersToResolve)
Program::writeInt16 (outputCode.begin() + m.address, (int16) getResolvedMarkerAddress (m.marker));
void removeCode (int address, int size)
outputCode.removeRange (address, size);
for (int i = markersToResolve.size(); --i >= 0;)
auto& m = markersToResolve.getReference (i);
if (m.address >= address + size)
m.address -= size;
else if (m.address >= address)
markersToResolve.remove (i);
for (auto& m : resolvedMarkers)
if (m.address >= address + size)
m.address -= size;
void removeJumpsToNextInstruction (int address)
while (address < outputCode.size())
auto op = (OpCode) outputCode.getUnchecked (address);
auto opSize = 1 + Program::getNumExtraBytesForOpcode (op);
if (op == OpCode::jump)
auto marker = getMarkerAtAddress (address + 1);
if (marker.index != 0)
if (getResolvedMarkerAddress (marker) == address + opSize)
removeCode (address, opSize);
address += opSize;
Marker breakTarget, continueTarget;
void emit (OpCode op) { emit ((int8) op); }
void emit (Marker m) { markersToResolve.add ({ m, outputCode.size() }); emit ((int16) 0); }
void emit (int8 value) { outputCode.add ((uint8) value); }
void emit (int16 value) { uint8 d[2]; Program::writeInt16 (d, value); outputCode.insertArray (-1, d, (int) sizeof (d)); }
void emit (int32 value) { uint8 d[4]; Program::writeInt32 (d, value); outputCode.insertArray (-1, d, (int) sizeof (d)); }
template <typename Arg1, typename... Args>
void emit (Arg1 arg1, Args... args)
emit (arg1);
emit (args...);
void emitPush (const var& value)
if (value.isDouble())
const float v = value;
if (v == 0) emit (OpCode::push0);
else emit (OpCode::push32, Program::floatToInt (v));
const int v = value;
if (v == 0) emit (OpCode::push0);
else if (v == 1) emit (OpCode::push1);
else if (v > 0 && v < 128) emit (OpCode::push8, (int8) v);
else if (v > 0 && v < 32768) emit (OpCode::push16, (int16) v);
else emit (OpCode::push32, (int32) v);
void emitCast (Type source, Type dest, const CodeLocation& location)
if (dest == source) return;
if (dest == Type::void_) return emit (OpCode::drop);
if (source == Type::bool_ && dest == Type::int_) return;
if (source == Type::int_ && dest == Type::bool_) return emit (OpCode::testNZ_int32);
if ((source == Type::int_ || source == Type::bool_) && dest == Type::float_) return emit (OpCode::int32ToFloat);
location.throwError ("Cannot cast from " + getTypeName (source) + " to " + getTypeName (dest));
void emitVariableRead (Type sourceType, Type requiredType, int stackDepth, int index, const CodeLocation& location)
if (index < 0)
emit (OpCode::dupFromGlobal, (int16) ((-index) - 1));
index += stackDepth;
if (index == 0)
emit (OpCode::dup);
else if (index < 8)
emit ((OpCode) ((int) OpCode::dupOffset_01 + index - 1));
else if (index >= 128)
emit (OpCode::dupOffset16, (int16) index);
emit (OpCode::dupOffset, (int8) index);
emitCast (sourceType, requiredType, location);
struct Statement : public AllocatedObject
struct Visitor
virtual ~Visitor() {}
virtual void operator()(StatementPtr) = 0;
Statement (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent) noexcept : location (l), parentBlock (parent) {}
virtual void emit (CodeGenerator&, Type, int /*stackDepth*/) const {}
virtual bool alwaysReturns() const { return false; }
virtual void visitSubStatements (Visitor&) const {}
virtual Statement* simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder&) { return this; }
CodeLocation location;
BlockPtr parentBlock;
struct Expression : public Statement
Expression (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent) noexcept : Statement (l, parent) {}
virtual Type getType (CodeGenerator&) const = 0;
virtual ExpPtr simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder&) override { return this; }
struct Variable
String name;
Type type;
bool isGlobal, isConst;
var constantValue;
struct Function : public AllocatedObject
FunctionID functionID;
Type returnType;
Array<Variable> arguments;
BlockPtr block;
CodeGenerator::Marker address, unwindAddress;
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg) const
cg.attachMarker (address);
const int numLocals = getNumLocals();
for (int num = numLocals; num > 0;)
if (num == 1)
cg.emit (OpCode::push0);
int numToDo = jmin (127, num);
cg.emit (OpCode::pushMultiple0, (int8) numToDo);
num -= numToDo;
block->emit (cg, Type::void_, 0);
cg.attachMarker (unwindAddress);
const bool keepTop = returnType != Type::void_;
for (int num = numLocals; num > 0;)
if (num == 1 && ! keepTop)
cg.emit (OpCode::drop);
int numToDo = jmin (127, num);
cg.emit (OpCode::dropMultiple, (int8) (keepTop ? -numToDo : numToDo));
num -= numToDo;
cg.emit (keepTop ? OpCode::retValue : OpCode::retVoid, (int8) arguments.size());
Array<Type> getArgumentTypes() const
Array<Type> argTypes;
for (auto& arg : arguments)
argTypes.add (arg.type);
return argTypes;
int getNumLocals() const noexcept
return countMaxNumLocalVariables (block);
static int countMaxNumLocalVariables (StatementPtr s) noexcept
struct Counter : Statement::Visitor
void operator() (StatementPtr sub) override
num = jmax (num, countMaxNumLocalVariables (sub));
int num = 0;
Counter counter;
if (s != nullptr)
s->visitSubStatements (counter);
if (auto block = dynamic_cast<BlockPtr> (s))
counter.num += block->variables.size();
return counter.num;
struct BlockStatement : public Statement
BlockStatement (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent, Function* f, bool isMainFunctionBlock)
: Statement (l, parent), function (f), isMainBlockOfFunction (isMainFunctionBlock) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type requiredType, int stackDepth) const override
jassert (requiredType == Type::void_); ignoreUnused (requiredType);
jassert (function != nullptr);
for (auto s : statements)
s->emit (cg, Type::void_, stackDepth);
bool alwaysReturns() const override
return ! statements.isEmpty() && statements.getLast()->alwaysReturns();
void visitSubStatements (Statement::Visitor& visit) const override
for (auto s : statements)
visit (s);
Statement* simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
for (int i = 0; i < statements.size(); ++i)
statements.set (i, statements.getReference(i)->simplify (stb));
return this;
// returns -ve values for globals
int getVariableDepth (const String& name, const CodeLocation& locationForError) const
int index = indexOf (variables, name);
if (index >= 0)
return getNumVariablesInParentBlocks() + index;
if (! isMainBlockOfFunction)
return parentBlock->getVariableDepth (name, locationForError);
for (int i = function->arguments.size(); --i >= 0;)
if (function->arguments.getReference(i).name == name)
return i + 1 + function->getNumLocals();
index = indexOf (getGlobalVariables(), name);
if (index >= 0)
return -(index + 1);
locationForError.throwError ("Unknown variable '" + name + "'");
return 0;
int getNumVariablesInParentBlocks() const noexcept
return isMainBlockOfFunction ? 0 : (parentBlock->getNumVariablesInParentBlocks()
+ parentBlock->variables.size());
const Array<Variable>& getGlobalVariables() const noexcept { return parentBlock != nullptr ? parentBlock->getGlobalVariables() : variables; }
const Array<Variable>& getGlobalConstants() const noexcept { return parentBlock != nullptr ? parentBlock->getGlobalConstants() : constants; }
const Variable& getVariable (const String& name, const CodeLocation& locationForError) const
for (auto& v : constants)
if (v.name == name)
return v;
for (auto& v : variables)
if (v.name == name)
return v;
if (! isMainBlockOfFunction)
return parentBlock->getVariable (name, locationForError);
for (auto& v : function->arguments)
if (v.name == name)
return v;
for (auto& v : getGlobalConstants())
if (v.name == name)
return v;
for (auto& v : getGlobalVariables())
if (v.name == name)
return v;
locationForError.throwError ("Unknown variable '" + name + "'");
void addVariable (Variable v, const CodeLocation& locationForError)
if (indexOf (variables, v.name) >= 0 || indexOf (constants, v.name) >= 0)
locationForError.throwError ("Variable '" + v.name + "' already exists");
(v.isConst ? constants : variables).add (v);
static int indexOf (const Array<Variable>& vars, const String& name) noexcept
for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i)
if (vars.getReference(i).name == name)
return i;
return -1;
Function* function;
Array<StatementPtr> statements;
Array<Variable> variables, constants;
bool isMainBlockOfFunction;
struct IfStatement : public Statement
IfStatement (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent) : Statement (l, parent) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type requiredType, int stackDepth) const override
jassert (requiredType == Type::void_); ignoreUnused (requiredType);
condition->emit (cg, Type::bool_, stackDepth);
auto endOfStatement = cg.createMarker();
if (falseBranch == nullptr)
cg.emit (OpCode::jumpIfFalse, endOfStatement);
trueBranch->emit (cg, Type::void_, stackDepth);
auto elseTarget = cg.createMarker();
cg.emit (OpCode::jumpIfFalse, elseTarget);
trueBranch->emit (cg, Type::void_, stackDepth);
cg.emit (OpCode::jump, endOfStatement);
cg.attachMarker (elseTarget);
falseBranch->emit (cg, Type::void_, stackDepth);
cg.attachMarker (endOfStatement);
bool alwaysReturns() const override
return trueBranch->alwaysReturns() && falseBranch != nullptr && falseBranch->alwaysReturns();
void visitSubStatements (Statement::Visitor& visit) const override
visit (condition); visit (trueBranch); visit (falseBranch);
Statement* simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
condition = condition->simplify (stb);
trueBranch = trueBranch->simplify (stb);
falseBranch = falseBranch != nullptr ? falseBranch->simplify (stb) : nullptr;
if (auto literal = dynamic_cast<LiteralValue*> (condition))
return literal->value ? trueBranch : (falseBranch != nullptr ? falseBranch : stb.allocate<Statement> (location, parentBlock));
return this;
ExpPtr condition;
StatementPtr trueBranch, falseBranch;
struct TernaryOp : public Expression
TernaryOp (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent) : Expression (l, parent) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type requiredType, int stackDepth) const override
condition->emit (cg, Type::bool_, stackDepth);
auto endOfStatement = cg.createMarker();
auto elseTarget = cg.createMarker();
cg.emit (OpCode::jumpIfFalse, elseTarget);
trueBranch->emit (cg, requiredType, stackDepth);
cg.emit (OpCode::jump, endOfStatement);
cg.attachMarker (elseTarget);
falseBranch->emit (cg, requiredType, stackDepth);
cg.attachMarker (endOfStatement);
Type getType (CodeGenerator& cg) const override
auto type = trueBranch->getType (cg);
if (type == Type::void_) location.throwError ("The ternary operator cannot take void arguments");
if (type != falseBranch->getType (cg)) location.throwError ("Expected both branches of this ternary operator to have the same type");
return type;
void visitSubStatements (Statement::Visitor& visit) const override
visit (condition); visit (trueBranch); visit (falseBranch);
ExpPtr simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
condition = condition->simplify (stb);
trueBranch = trueBranch->simplify (stb);
falseBranch = falseBranch->simplify (stb);
if (auto literal = dynamic_cast<LiteralValue*> (condition))
return literal->value ? trueBranch : falseBranch;
return this;
ExpPtr condition, trueBranch, falseBranch;
struct LoopStatement : public Statement
LoopStatement (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent, bool isDo) noexcept : Statement (l, parent), isDoLoop (isDo) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type, int stackDepth) const override
initialiser->emit (cg, Type::void_, stackDepth);
auto loopStart = cg.createMarker();
cg.attachMarker (loopStart);
auto oldBreakTarget = cg.breakTarget;
auto oldContinueTarget = cg.continueTarget;
cg.breakTarget = cg.createMarker();
cg.continueTarget = cg.createMarker();
if (isDoLoop)
body->emit (cg, Type::void_, stackDepth);
cg.attachMarker (cg.continueTarget);
condition->emit (cg, Type::bool_, stackDepth);
cg.emit (OpCode::jumpIfTrue, loopStart);
condition->emit (cg, Type::bool_, stackDepth);
cg.emit (OpCode::jumpIfFalse, cg.breakTarget);
body->emit (cg, Type::void_, stackDepth);
cg.attachMarker (cg.continueTarget);
iterator->emit (cg, Type::void_, stackDepth);
cg.emit (OpCode::jump, loopStart);
cg.attachMarker (cg.breakTarget);
cg.breakTarget = oldBreakTarget;
cg.continueTarget = oldContinueTarget;
StatementPtr simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
initialiser = initialiser->simplify (stb);
iterator = iterator->simplify (stb);
body = body->simplify (stb);
condition = condition->simplify (stb);
return this;
void visitSubStatements (Statement::Visitor& visit) const override
visit (condition); visit (initialiser); visit (iterator); visit (body);
StatementPtr initialiser, iterator, body;
ExpPtr condition;
bool isDoLoop;
struct ReturnStatement : public Statement
ReturnStatement (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent, ExpPtr v) noexcept : Statement (l, parent), returnValue (v) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type, int stackDepth) const override
if (auto fn = parentBlock->function)
if (returnValue != nullptr)
returnValue->emit (cg, fn->returnType, stackDepth);
else if (fn->returnType != Type::void_)
location.throwError ("Cannot return a value from a void function");
cg.emit (OpCode::jump, fn->unwindAddress);
location.throwError ("The return statement can only be used inside a function");
bool alwaysReturns() const override { return true; }
StatementPtr simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
if (returnValue != nullptr)
returnValue = returnValue->simplify (stb);
return this;
void visitSubStatements (Statement::Visitor& visit) const override
visit (returnValue);
ExpPtr returnValue;
struct BreakStatement : public Statement
BreakStatement (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent) : Statement (l, parent) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type, int) const override
if (cg.breakTarget.index == 0)
location.throwError ("The break statement can only be used inside a loop");
cg.emit (OpCode::jump, cg.breakTarget);
struct ContinueStatement : public Statement
ContinueStatement (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent) : Statement (l, parent) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type, int) const override
if (cg.continueTarget.index == 0)
location.throwError ("The continue statement can only be used inside a loop");
cg.emit (OpCode::jump, cg.continueTarget);
struct LiteralValue : public Expression
LiteralValue (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent, const var& v) noexcept : Expression (l, parent), value (v) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type requiredType, int) const override
if (requiredType != Type::void_)
auto type = getType (cg);
if (type != requiredType && value != var ((int) 0))
if (type == Type::int_ && requiredType == Type::bool_) return cg.emitPush (static_cast<bool> (value));
if (type == Type::int_ && requiredType == Type::float_) return cg.emitPush (static_cast<float> (value));
if (! (type == Type::bool_ && requiredType == Type::int_))
location.throwError ("Cannot cast from " + getTypeName (type) + " to " + getTypeName (requiredType));
cg.emitPush (value);
Type getType (CodeGenerator&) const override
auto t = getTypeOfVar (value);
if (t == Type::void_)
location.throwError ("Unsupported literal type");
return t;
var value;
struct Identifier : public Expression
Identifier (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent, const String& n) noexcept : Expression (l, parent), name (n) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type requiredType, int stackDepth) const override
cg.emitVariableRead (getType (cg), requiredType, stackDepth,
parentBlock->getVariableDepth (name, location), location);
Type getType (CodeGenerator&) const override
return parentBlock->getVariable (name, location).type;
ExpPtr simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
auto& v = parentBlock->getVariable (name, location);
if (v.isConst)
return stb.allocate<LiteralValue> (location, parentBlock, v.constantValue);
return this;
String name;
struct UnaryOp : public Expression
UnaryOp (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent, ExpPtr a, TokenType op) noexcept
: Expression (l, parent), source (a), operation (op) {}
ExpPtr source;
TokenType operation;
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type requiredType, int stackDepth) const override
auto sourceType = source->getType (cg);
if (operation == Token::minus)
cg.emitPush ((int) 0);
source->emit (cg, sourceType, stackDepth + 1);
cg.emit (sourceType == Type::float_ ? OpCode::sub_float : OpCode::sub_int32);
cg.emitCast (sourceType, requiredType, location);
if (sourceType == Type::float_)
location.throwError ("Cannot perform this operation on a float");
if (operation == Token::logicalNot)
source->emit (cg, sourceType, stackDepth);
cg.emit (OpCode::logicalNot);
cg.emitCast (Type::bool_, requiredType, location);
else if (operation == Token::bitwiseNot)
source->emit (cg, Type::int_, stackDepth);
cg.emit (OpCode::bitwiseNot);
cg.emitCast (Type::int_, requiredType, location);
Type getType (CodeGenerator& cg) const override
if (operation == Token::minus) return source->getType (cg);
if (operation == Token::logicalNot) return Type::bool_;
return Type::int_;
void visitSubStatements (Statement::Visitor& visit) const override
visit (source);
ExpPtr simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
source = source->simplify (stb);
if (auto literal = dynamic_cast<LiteralValue*> (source))
auto type = getTypeOfVar (literal->value);
if (type == Type::int_ && operation == Token::minus) { literal->value = -static_cast<int> (literal->value); return literal; }
if (type == Type::int_ && operation == Token::bitwiseNot) { literal->value = ~static_cast<int> (literal->value); return literal; }
if (type == Type::int_ && operation == Token::logicalNot) { literal->value = ! static_cast<int> (literal->value); return literal; }
if (type == Type::bool_ && operation == Token::logicalNot) { literal->value = ! static_cast<bool> (literal->value); return literal; }
if (type == Type::float_ && operation == Token::minus) { literal->value = -static_cast<double> (literal->value); return literal; }
return this;
struct BinaryOperator : public Expression
BinaryOperator (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent, ExpPtr a, ExpPtr b, TokenType op) noexcept
: Expression (l, parent), lhs (a), rhs (b), operation (op) {}
ExpPtr lhs, rhs;
TokenType operation;
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type requiredType, int stackDepth) const override
auto typeA = lhs->getType (cg);
auto typeB = rhs->getType (cg);
if (typeA == Type::float_ || typeB == Type::float_)
lhs->emit (cg, Type::float_, stackDepth);
rhs->emit (cg, Type::float_, stackDepth + 1);
if (operation == Token::plus) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::add_float);
if (operation == Token::minus) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::sub_float);
if (operation == Token::times) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::mul_float);
if (operation == Token::divide) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::div_float);
cg.emit (OpCode::sub_float);
if (operation == Token::equals) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testZE_float);
if (operation == Token::notEquals) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testNZ_float);
if (operation == Token::lessThan) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testLT_float);
if (operation == Token::lessThanOrEqual) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testLE_float);
if (operation == Token::greaterThan) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testGT_float);
if (operation == Token::greaterThanOrEqual) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testGE_float);
location.throwError ("The operator " + getTokenDescription (operation) + " cannot take floating point arguments");
auto type = (typeA == Type::bool_ || typeB == Type::bool_) ? Type::bool_
: Type::int_;
lhs->emit (cg, type, stackDepth);
rhs->emit (cg, type, stackDepth + 1);
if (operation == Token::plus) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::add_int32);
if (operation == Token::minus) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::sub_int32);
if (operation == Token::times) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::mul_int32);
if (operation == Token::divide) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::div_int32);
if (operation == Token::modulo) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::mod_int32);
if (operation == Token::logicalOr) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::logicalOr);
if (operation == Token::logicalAnd) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::logicalAnd);
if (operation == Token::bitwiseOr) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::bitwiseOr);
if (operation == Token::bitwiseAnd) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::bitwiseAnd);
if (operation == Token::bitwiseXor) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::bitwiseXor);
if (operation == Token::leftShift) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::bitShiftLeft);
if (operation == Token::rightShift) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::bitShiftRight);
cg.emit (OpCode::sub_int32);
if (operation == Token::equals) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testZE_int32);
if (operation == Token::notEquals) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testNZ_int32);
if (operation == Token::lessThan) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testLT_int32);
if (operation == Token::lessThanOrEqual) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testLE_int32);
if (operation == Token::greaterThan) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testGT_int32);
if (operation == Token::greaterThanOrEqual) return emitOpAndCast (cg, requiredType, OpCode::testGE_int32);
location.throwError ("Unsupported operator");
void emitOpAndCast (CodeGenerator& cg, Type requiredType, OpCode op) const
cg.emit (op);
cg.emitCast (getType (cg), requiredType, location);
Type getResultType (Type typeA, Type typeB) const noexcept
if (operation == Token::logicalOr || operation == Token::logicalAnd
|| operation == Token::equals || operation == Token::notEquals
|| operation == Token::lessThan || operation == Token::lessThanOrEqual
|| operation == Token::greaterThan || operation == Token::greaterThanOrEqual)
return Type::bool_;
if (operation == Token::plus || operation == Token::minus
|| operation == Token::times || operation == Token::divide)
if (typeA == Type::float_ || typeB == Type::float_)
return Type::float_;
return Type::int_;
Type getType (CodeGenerator& cg) const override
return getResultType (lhs->getType (cg), rhs->getType (cg));
void visitSubStatements (Statement::Visitor& visit) const override
visit (lhs); visit (rhs);
ExpPtr simplifyFloat (double a, double b, LiteralValue* literal)
if (operation == Token::plus) { literal->value = a + b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::minus) { literal->value = a - b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::times) { literal->value = a * b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::divide) { literal->value = a / b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::equals) { literal->value = a == b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::notEquals) { literal->value = a != b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::lessThan) { literal->value = a < b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::lessThanOrEqual) { literal->value = a <= b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::greaterThan) { literal->value = a > b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::greaterThanOrEqual) { literal->value = a >= b; return literal; }
return this;
ExpPtr simplifyBool (bool a, bool b, LiteralValue* literal)
if (operation == Token::logicalOr) { literal->value = a || b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::logicalAnd) { literal->value = a && b; return literal; }
return this;
ExpPtr simplifyInt (int a, int b, LiteralValue* literal)
if (operation == Token::plus) { literal->value = a + b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::minus) { literal->value = a - b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::times) { literal->value = a * b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::divide) { literal->value = a / b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::equals) { literal->value = a == b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::notEquals) { literal->value = a != b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::lessThan) { literal->value = a < b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::lessThanOrEqual) { literal->value = a <= b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::greaterThan) { literal->value = a > b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::greaterThanOrEqual) { literal->value = a >= b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::modulo) { literal->value = a % b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::logicalOr) { literal->value = a || b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::logicalAnd) { literal->value = a && b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::bitwiseOr) { literal->value = a | b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::bitwiseAnd) { literal->value = a & b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::bitwiseXor) { literal->value = a ^ b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::leftShift) { literal->value = a << b; return literal; }
if (operation == Token::rightShift) { literal->value = a >> b; return literal; }
return this;
ExpPtr simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
lhs = lhs->simplify (stb);
rhs = rhs->simplify (stb);
if (auto literal1 = dynamic_cast<LiteralValue*> (lhs))
if (auto literal2 = dynamic_cast<LiteralValue*> (rhs))
auto resultType = getResultType (getTypeOfVar (literal1->value),
getTypeOfVar (literal2->value));
if (resultType == Type::bool_) return simplifyBool (literal1->value, literal2->value, literal1);
if (resultType == Type::int_) return simplifyInt (literal1->value, literal2->value, literal1);
if (resultType == Type::float_) return simplifyFloat (literal1->value, literal2->value, literal1);
return this;
struct Assignment : public Expression
Assignment (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent, const String& dest, ExpPtr source, bool isPost) noexcept
: Expression (l, parent), target (dest), newValue (source), isPostAssignment (isPost) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type requiredType, int stackDepth) const override
auto variableType = getType (cg);
if (isPostAssignment && requiredType != Type::void_)
cg.emitVariableRead (variableType, requiredType, stackDepth,
parentBlock->getVariableDepth (target, location), location);
requiredType = Type::void_;
newValue->emit (cg, variableType, stackDepth);
auto index = parentBlock->getVariableDepth (target, location);
if (requiredType != Type::void_)
cg.emit (OpCode::dup);
if (index < 0)
cg.emit (OpCode::dropToGlobal, (int16) ((-index) - 1));
index += stackDepth;
if (index >= 128)
cg.emit (OpCode::dropToStack16, (int16) index);
cg.emit (OpCode::dropToStack, (int8) index);
if (requiredType != Type::void_)
cg.emitCast (variableType, requiredType, location);
Type getType (CodeGenerator&) const override
return parentBlock->getVariable (target, location).type;
void visitSubStatements (Statement::Visitor& visit) const override
visit (newValue);
ExpPtr simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
newValue = newValue->simplify (stb);
return this;
String target;
ExpPtr newValue;
bool isPostAssignment;
struct FunctionCall : public Expression
FunctionCall (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent) noexcept : Expression (l, parent) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator& cg, Type requiredType, int stackDepth) const override
if (functionName == Token::int_) return emitCast (cg, Type::int_, stackDepth);
if (functionName == Token::float_) return emitCast (cg, Type::float_, stackDepth);
if (functionName == Token::bool_) return emitCast (cg, Type::bool_, stackDepth);
auto functionID = getFunctionID (cg);
if (auto fn = cg.syntaxTree.findFunction (functionID))
emitArgs (cg, fn->getArgumentTypes(), stackDepth);
cg.emit (OpCode::call, fn->address);
cg.emitCast (fn->returnType, requiredType, location);
if (auto nativeFn = cg.syntaxTree.findNativeFunction (functionID))
emitArgs (cg, getArgTypesFromFunctionName (nativeFn->nameAndArguments), stackDepth);
cg.emit (OpCode::callNative, nativeFn->functionID);
cg.emitCast (nativeFn->returnType, requiredType, location);
if (auto b = findBuiltInFunction (functionID))
emitArgs (cg, getArgTypesFromFunctionName (b->name), stackDepth);
cg.emit (b->op);
cg.emitCast (b->returnType, requiredType, location);
throwCannotFindFunctionError (cg, requiredType);
Type getType (CodeGenerator& cg) const override
if (arguments.size() == 1)
if (functionName == Token::float_) return Type::float_;
if (functionName == Token::int_) return Type::int_;
if (functionName == Token::bool_) return Type::bool_;
auto functionID = getFunctionID (cg);
if (auto fn = cg.syntaxTree.findFunction (functionID))
return fn->returnType;
if (auto nativeFn = cg.syntaxTree.findNativeFunction (functionID))
return nativeFn->returnType;
if (auto b = findBuiltInFunction (functionID))
return b->returnType;
throwCannotFindFunctionError (cg, Type::void_);
return {};
struct BuiltInFunction { OpCode op; Type returnType; const char* name; };
const BuiltInFunction* findBuiltInFunction (FunctionID functionID) const noexcept
static constexpr const BuiltInFunction builtIns[] =
{ OpCode::getHeapByte, Type::int_, "getHeapByte/ii" },
{ OpCode::getHeapInt, Type::int_, "getHeapInt/ii" },
{ OpCode::getHeapBits, Type::int_, "getHeapBits/iii" },
{ OpCode::setHeapByte, Type::void_, "setHeapByte/vii" },
{ OpCode::setHeapInt, Type::void_, "setHeapInt/vii" }
for (auto& b : builtIns)
if (functionID == NativeFunction::createID (b.name))
return &b;
return nullptr;
void emitArgs (CodeGenerator& cg, const Array<Type>& argTypes, int stackDepth) const
for (int i = arguments.size(); --i >= 0;)
auto argType = argTypes[i];
auto argValue = arguments.getUnchecked(i);
if (argValue->getType (cg) != argType)
location.throwError ("Argument " + String (i + 1) + " requires an expression of type " + getTypeName (argType));
argValue->emit (cg, argType, stackDepth++);
void emitCast (CodeGenerator& cg, Type destType, int stackDepth) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
location.throwError (getTypeName (destType) + " cast operation requires a single argument");
auto* arg = arguments.getReference (0);
const auto sourceType = arg->getType (cg);
arg->emit (cg, sourceType, stackDepth);
const bool sourceIsFloat = (sourceType == Type::float_);
const bool destIsFloat = (destType == Type::float_);
if (sourceIsFloat != destIsFloat)
cg.emit (destIsFloat ? OpCode::int32ToFloat : OpCode::floatToInt32);
FunctionID getFunctionID (CodeGenerator& cg) const
Array<Type> argTypes;
for (auto arg : arguments)
argTypes.add (arg->getType (cg));
return createFunctionID (functionName, Type::void_, argTypes); // NB: the ID ignores the return type so void is OK
void throwCannotFindFunctionError (CodeGenerator& cg, Type returnType) const
StringArray args;
for (auto arg : arguments)
args.add (getTypeName (arg->getType (cg)));
auto desc = getTypeName (returnType) + " " + functionName
+ "(" + args.joinIntoString (", ") + ")";
location.throwError ("Cannot find matching function: " + desc.quoted());
void visitSubStatements (Statement::Visitor& visit) const override
for (auto& arg : arguments)
visit (arg);
ExpPtr simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
for (auto& arg : arguments)
arg = arg->simplify (stb);
return this;
String functionName;
Array<ExpPtr> arguments;
struct ArraySubscript : public Expression
ArraySubscript (const CodeLocation& l, BlockPtr parent) noexcept : Expression (l, parent) {}
void emit (CodeGenerator&, Type /*requiredType*/, int /*stackDepth*/) const override
location.throwError ("Arrays are not implemented yet!");
void visitSubStatements (Statement::Visitor& visit) const override
visit (object); visit (index);
ExpPtr simplify (SyntaxTreeBuilder& stb) override
object = object->simplify (stb);
index = index->simplify (stb);
return this;
Type getType (CodeGenerator& cg) const override
return object->getType (cg);
ExpPtr object, index;
static Array<Type> getArgTypesFromFunctionName (const char* nameAndTypes)
Array<Type> types;
auto args = String (nameAndTypes).fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false).substring (1);
for (int i = 0; i < args.length(); ++i)
types.add (static_cast<Type> (args[i]));
return types;
static FunctionID createFunctionID (String name, Type returnType, const Array<Type>& types)
name << "/" << (char) returnType;
for (auto t : types)
name << (char) t;
return NativeFunction::createID (name.toRawUTF8());
static String getTokenDescription (TokenType t) { return t[0] == '$' ? String (t + 1) : ("'" + String (t) + "'"); }
static String getTypeName (Type t) noexcept
if (t == Type::int_) return "int";
if (t == Type::bool_) return "bool";
if (t == Type::float_) return "float";
return "void";
static Type tokenToType (TokenType t) noexcept
if (t == Token::int_) return Type::int_;
if (t == Token::bool_) return Type::bool_;
if (t == Token::float_) return Type::float_;
return Type::void_;
static Type getTypeOfVar (const var& v) noexcept
if (v.isInt() || v.isInt64()) return Type::int_;
if (v.isDouble()) return Type::float_;
if (v.isBool()) return Type::bool_;
return Type::void_;
#endif // ! DOXYGEN
#pragma warning (pop)