
882 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd.
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
this permission notice appear in all copies.
namespace juce
DrumPadGridProgram::DrumPadGridProgram (Block& b) : Program (b) {}
int DrumPadGridProgram::getPadIndex (float posX, float posY) const
posX = juce::jmin (0.99f, posX / block.getWidth());
posY = juce::jmin (0.99f, posY / block.getHeight());
const uint32 offset = block.getDataByte (visiblePads_byte) ? numColumns1_byte : numColumns0_byte;
const int numColumns = block.getDataByte (offset + numColumns0_byte);
const int numRows = block.getDataByte (offset + numRows0_byte);
return int (posX * numColumns) + int (posY * numRows) * numColumns;
void DrumPadGridProgram::startTouch (float startX, float startY)
const auto padIdx = getPadIndex (startX, startY);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
if (block.getDataByte (touchedPads_byte + i) == 0)
block.setDataByte (touchedPads_byte + i, static_cast<uint8> (padIdx + 1));
void DrumPadGridProgram::endTouch (float startX, float startY)
const auto padIdx = getPadIndex (startX, startY);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
if (block.getDataByte (touchedPads_byte + i) == (padIdx + 1))
block.setDataByte (touchedPads_byte + i, 0);
void DrumPadGridProgram::sendTouch (float x, float y, float z, LEDColour colour)
Block::ProgramEventMessage e;
e.values[0] = 0x20000000
+ (juce::jlimit (0, 255, juce::roundToInt (x * (255.0f / block.getWidth()))) << 16)
+ (juce::jlimit (0, 255, juce::roundToInt (y * (255.0f / block.getHeight()))) << 8)
+ juce::jlimit (0, 255, juce::roundToInt (z * 255.0f));
e.values[1] = (int32) colour.getARGB();
block.sendProgramEvent (e);
void DrumPadGridProgram::setGridFills (int numColumns, int numRows, const juce::Array<GridFill>& fills)
uint8 visiblePads = block.getDataByte (visiblePads_byte);
setGridFills (numColumns, numRows, fills, visiblePads * numColumns1_byte);
void DrumPadGridProgram::setGridFills (int numColumns, int numRows, const juce::Array<GridFill>& fills, uint32 byteOffset)
jassert (numColumns * numRows == fills.size());
block.setDataByte (byteOffset + numColumns0_byte, (uint8) numColumns);
block.setDataByte (byteOffset + numRows0_byte, (uint8) numRows);
uint32 i = 0;
for (auto fill : fills)
if (i >= maxNumPads)
const uint32 colourOffsetBytes = byteOffset + colours0_byte + i * colourSizeBytes;
const uint32 colourOffsetBits = colourOffsetBytes * 8;
block.setDataBits (colourOffsetBits, 5, fill.colour.getRed() >> 3);
block.setDataBits (colourOffsetBits + 5, 6, fill.colour.getGreen() >> 2);
block.setDataBits (colourOffsetBits + 11, 5, fill.colour.getBlue() >> 3);
block.setDataByte (byteOffset + fillTypes0_byte + i, static_cast<uint8> (fill.fillType));
void DrumPadGridProgram::triggerSlideTransition (int newNumColumns, int newNumRows,
const juce::Array<GridFill>& newFills, SlideDirection direction)
uint8 newVisible = block.getDataByte (visiblePads_byte) ? 0 : 1;
setGridFills (newNumColumns, newNumRows, newFills, newVisible * numColumns1_byte);
block.setDataByte (visiblePads_byte, newVisible);
block.setDataByte (slideDirection_byte, (uint8) direction);
void DrumPadGridProgram::setPadAnimationState (uint32 padIdx, double loopTimeSecs, double currentProgress)
// Only 16 animated pads are supported.
jassert (padIdx < 16);
// Compensate for bluetooth latency & led resolution, tweaked by eye for POS app.
currentProgress = std::fmod (currentProgress + 0.1, 1.0);
uint16 aniValue = uint16 (juce::roundToInt ((255 << 8) * currentProgress));
uint16 aniIncrement = loopTimeSecs > 0.0 ? uint16 (juce::roundToInt (((255 << 8) / 25.0) / loopTimeSecs)) : 0;
uint32 offset = 8 * animationTimers_byte + 32 * padIdx;
block.setDataBits (offset, 16, aniValue);
block.setDataBits (offset + 16, 16, aniIncrement);
void DrumPadGridProgram::suspendAnimations()
for (uint32 i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
uint32 offset = 8 * animationTimers_byte + 32 * i;
block.setDataBits (offset + 16, 16, 0);
// Hijack touch dimming
block.setDataByte (touchedPads_byte, 255);
void DrumPadGridProgram::resumeAnimations()
// Unhijack touch dimming
block.setDataByte (touchedPads_byte, 0);
juce::String DrumPadGridProgram::getLittleFootProgram()
if (block.versionNumber.isEmpty() || block.versionNumber.compare ("0.2.5") < 0)
return getLittleFootProgramPre25();
return getLittleFootProgramPost25();
juce::String DrumPadGridProgram::getLittleFootProgramPre25() const
// Uses its own heatmap, not the one provided in newer firmware
// Also can't use blocks config, introduced in 2.5.
return R"littlefoot(
#heapsize: 1351
int dimFactor;
int dimDelay;
int slideAnimationProgress;
int lastVisiblePads;
int getGridColour (int index, int colourMapOffset)
int bit = (2 + colourMapOffset) * 8 + index * 16;
return makeARGB (255,
getHeapBits (bit, 5) << 3,
getHeapBits (bit + 5, 6) << 2,
getHeapBits (bit + 11, 5) << 3);
// Returns the current progress and also increments it for next frame
int getAnimationProgress (int index)
// Only 16 animated pads supported
if (index > 15)
return 0;
int offsetBits = 162 * 8 + index * 32;
int currentProgress = getHeapBits (offsetBits, 16);
int increment = getHeapBits (offsetBits + 16, 16);
int nextFrame = currentProgress + increment;
// Set incremented 16 bit number.
setHeapByte (162 + index * 4, nextFrame & 0xff);
setHeapByte (163 + index * 4, nextFrame >> 8);
return currentProgress;
void outlineRect (int colour, int x, int y, int w)
fillRect (colour, x, y, w, 1);
fillRect (colour, x, y + w - 1, w, 1);
fillRect (colour, x, y + 1, 1, w - 1);
fillRect (colour, x + w - 1, y + 1, 1, w - 1);
void drawPlus (int colour, int x, int y, int w)
fillRect (colour, x, y + (w / 2), w, 1);
fillRect (colour, x + (w / 2), y, 1, w);
void fillGradientRect (int colour, int x, int y, int w)
if (colour != 0xff000000)
int divisor = w + w - 1;
for (int yy = 0; yy < w; ++yy)
for (int xx = yy; xx < w; ++xx)
int gradColour = blendARGB (colour, makeARGB (((xx + yy) * 250) / divisor, 0, 0, 0));
setLED (x + xx, y + yy, gradColour);
setLED (x + yy, y + xx, gradColour);
// TODO: Tom M: This is massaged to work with 3x3 pads and for dots to sync
// with Apple POS loop length. Rework to be more robust & flexible.
void drawPizzaLED (int colour, int x, int y, int w, int progress)
x += 1;
int numToDo = ((8 * progress) / 255) + 1;
int totalLen = w * 4;
for (int i = 1; i <= numToDo; ++i)
setLED (x, y, colour);
if (i < w)
else if (i < (w * 2))
else if (i < (w * 3))
else if (i < totalLen)
void drawPad (int padX, int padY, int padW,
int colour, int fill, int animateProgress)
animateProgress >>= 8; // 16 bit to 8 bit
int halfW = padW / 2;
if (fill == 0) // Gradient fill
fillGradientRect (colour, padX, padY, padW);
else if (fill == 1) // Filled
fillRect (colour, padX, padY, padW, padW);
else if (fill == 2) // Hollow
outlineRect (colour, padX, padY, padW);
else if (fill == 3) // Hollow with plus
outlineRect (colour, padX, padY, padW);
drawPlus (0xffffffff, padX, padY, padW);
else if (fill == 4) // Pulsing dot
int pulseCol = blendARGB (colour, makeARGB (animateProgress, 0, 0, 0));
setLED (padX + halfW, padY + halfW, pulseCol);
else if (fill == 5) // Blinking dot
int blinkCol = animateProgress > 64 ? makeARGB (255, 0, 0, 0) : colour;
setLED (padX + halfW, padY + halfW, blinkCol);
else if (fill == 6) // Pizza filled
outlineRect (blendARGB (colour, makeARGB (220, 0, 0, 0)), padX, padY, padW); // Dim outline
setLED (padX + halfW, padY + halfW, colour); // Bright centre
drawPizzaLED (colour, padX, padY, padW, animateProgress);
else if (fill == 7) // Pizza hollow
outlineRect (blendARGB (colour, makeARGB (220, 0, 0, 0)), padX, padY, padW); // Dim outline
drawPizzaLED (colour, padX, padY, padW, animateProgress);
void fadeHeatMap()
for (int i = 0; i < 225; ++i)
int colourOffset = 226 + i * 4;
int colour = getHeapInt (colourOffset);
int alpha = (colour >> 24) & 0xff;
if (alpha > 0)
alpha -= getHeapByte (1126 + i);
setHeapInt (colourOffset, alpha < 0 ? 0 : ((alpha << 24) | (colour & 0xffffff)));
void addToHeatMap (int x, int y, int colour)
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < 15 && y < 15)
int offset = 226 + 4 * (x + y * 15);
colour = blendARGB (getHeapInt (offset), colour);
setHeapInt (offset, colour);
int decay = ((colour >> 24) & 0xff) / 14; // change divisor to change trail times
offset = 1126 + (x + y * 15);
setHeapByte (offset, decay > 0 ? decay : 1);
int getHeatmapColour (int x, int y)
return getHeapInt (226 + 4 * (x + y * 15));
int isPadActive (int index)
if (getHeapInt (158) == 0) // None active
return 0;
return index == getHeapByte (158) ||
index == getHeapByte (159) ||
index == getHeapByte (160) ||
index == getHeapByte (161);
void updateDimFactor()
if (getHeapInt (158) == 0)
if (--dimDelay <= 0)
dimFactor -= 12;
if (dimFactor < 0)
dimFactor = 0;
dimFactor = 180;
dimDelay = 12;
void drawPads (int offsetX, int offsetY, int colourMapOffset)
int padsPerSide = getHeapByte (0 + colourMapOffset);
if (padsPerSide < 2)
int blockW = 15 / padsPerSide;
int blockPlusGapW = blockW + (15 - padsPerSide * blockW) / (padsPerSide - 1);
for (int padY = 0; padY < padsPerSide; ++padY)
for (int padX = 0; padX < padsPerSide; ++padX)
int ledX = offsetX + padX * blockPlusGapW;
int ledY = offsetY + padY * blockPlusGapW;
if (ledX < 15 &&
ledY < 15 &&
(ledX + blockW) >= 0 &&
(ledY + blockW) >= 0)
int padIdx = padX + padY * padsPerSide;
bool padActive = isPadActive (padIdx);
int blendCol = padActive ? 255 : 0;
int blendAmt = padActive ? dimFactor >> 1 : dimFactor;
int colour = blendARGB (getGridColour (padIdx, colourMapOffset),
makeARGB (blendAmt, blendCol, blendCol, blendCol));
int fillType = getHeapByte (colourMapOffset + 52 + padIdx);
int animate = getAnimationProgress (padIdx);
drawPad (ledX, ledY, blockW, colour, fillType, animate);
void slideAnimatePads()
int nowVisible = getHeapByte (155);
if (lastVisiblePads != nowVisible)
lastVisiblePads = nowVisible;
if (slideAnimationProgress <= 0)
slideAnimationProgress = 15;
// If animation is complete, draw normally.
if (slideAnimationProgress <= 0)
drawPads (0, 0, 78 * nowVisible);
slideAnimationProgress = 0;
int direction = getHeapByte (156);
slideAnimationProgress -= 1;
int inPos = nowVisible == 0 ? 0 : 78;
int outPos = nowVisible == 0 ? 78 : 0;
if (direction == 0) // Up
drawPads (0, slideAnimationProgress - 16, outPos);
drawPads (0, slideAnimationProgress, inPos);
else if (direction == 1) // Down
drawPads (0, 16 - slideAnimationProgress, outPos);
drawPads (0, 0 - slideAnimationProgress, inPos);
else if (direction == 2) // Left
drawPads (16 - slideAnimationProgress, 0, outPos);
drawPads (slideAnimationProgress, 0, inPos);
else if (direction == 3) // Right
drawPads (16 - slideAnimationProgress, 0, outPos);
drawPads (0 - slideAnimationProgress, 0, inPos);
else // None
drawPads (0, 0, 78 * nowVisible);
slideAnimationProgress = 0;
void repaint()
// showErrorOnFail, showRepaintTime, showMovingDot
//enableDebug (true, true, false);
// Clear LEDs to black, update dim animation
fillRect (0xff000000, 0, 0, 15, 15);
// Does the main painting of pads
// Overlay heatmap
for (int y = 0; y < 15; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < 15; ++x)
blendLED (x, y, getHeatmapColour (x, y));
// DrumPadGridProgram::sendTouch results in this callback, giving
// us more touch updates per frame and therefore smoother trails.
void handleMessage (int pos, int colour, int xx)
handleMessage (pos, colour);
void handleMessage (int pos, int colour)
if ((pos >> 24) != 0x20)
int tx = ((pos >> 16) & 0xff) - 13;
int ty = ((pos >> 8) & 0xff) - 13;
int tz = pos & 0xff;
tz = tz > 30 ? tz : 30;
int ledCentreX = tx >> 4;
int ledCentreY = ty >> 4;
int adjustX = (tx - (ledCentreX << 4)) >> 2;
int adjustY = (ty - (ledCentreY << 4)) >> 2;
for (int dy = -2; dy <= 2; ++dy)
for (int dx = -2; dx <= 2; ++dx)
int distance = dx * dx + dy * dy;
int level = distance == 0 ? 255 : (distance == 1 ? 132 : (distance < 5 ? 9 : (distance == 5 ? 2 : 0)));
level += (dx * adjustX);
level += (dy * adjustY);
level = (tz * level) >> 8;
if (level > 0)
addToHeatMap (ledCentreX + dx, ledCentreY + dy,
makeARGB (level, colour >> 16, colour >> 8, colour));
juce::String DrumPadGridProgram::getLittleFootProgramPost25() const
// Uses heatmap provided in firmware (so the program's smaller)
// Initialises config items introduced in firmware 2.5
return R"littlefoot(
#heapsize: 256
int dimFactor;
int dimDelay;
int slideAnimationProgress;
int lastVisiblePads;
bool gammaCorrected;
void initialise()
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
setLocalConfigActiveState (i, true, true);
// Enable gamma correction if supported on hardware
setLocalConfig (33, 1);
gammaCorrected = getLocalConfig (33) > 0;
int getGridColour (int index, int colourMapOffset)
int bit = (2 + colourMapOffset) * 8 + index * 16;
return makeARGB (255,
getHeapBits (bit, 5) << 3,
getHeapBits (bit + 5, 6) << 2,
getHeapBits (bit + 11, 5) << 3);
// Returns the current progress and also increments it for next frame
int getAnimationProgress (int index)
// Only 16 animated pads supported
if (index > 15)
return 0;
int offsetBits = 162 * 8 + index * 32;
int currentProgress = getHeapBits (offsetBits, 16);
int increment = getHeapBits (offsetBits + 16, 16);
int nextFrame = currentProgress + increment;
// Set incremented 16 bit number.
setHeapByte (162 + index * 4, nextFrame & 0xff);
setHeapByte (163 + index * 4, nextFrame >> 8);
return currentProgress;
void outlineRect (int colour, int x, int y, int w)
fillRect (colour, x, y, w, 1);
fillRect (colour, x, y + w - 1, w, 1);
fillRect (colour, x, y + 1, 1, w - 1);
fillRect (colour, x + w - 1, y + 1, 1, w - 1);
void drawPlus (int colour, int x, int y, int w)
fillRect (colour, x, y + (w / 2), w, 1);
fillRect (colour, x + (w / 2), y, 1, w);
void fillGradientRect (int colour, int x, int y, int w)
if (colour != 0xff000000)
int divisor = w + w - 1;
for (int yy = 0; yy < w; ++yy)
for (int xx = yy; xx < w; ++xx)
int gradColour = blendARGB (colour, makeARGB (((xx + yy) * 250) / divisor, 0, 0, 0));
fillPixel (gradColour, x + xx, y + yy);
fillPixel (gradColour, x + yy, y + xx);
// TODO: Tom M: This is massaged to work with 3x3 pads and for dots to sync
// with Apple POS loop length. Rework to be more robust & flexible.
void drawPizzaLED (int colour, int x, int y, int w, int progress)
x += 1;
int numToDo = ((8 * progress) / 255) + 1;
int totalLen = w * 4;
for (int i = 1; i <= numToDo; ++i)
fillPixel (colour, x, y);
if (i < w)
else if (i < (w * 2))
else if (i < (w * 3))
else if (i < totalLen)
void drawPad (int padX, int padY, int padW,
int colour, int fill, int animateProgress)
animateProgress >>= 8; // 16 bit to 8 bit
int halfW = padW / 2;
if (fill == 0) // Gradient fill
fillGradientRect (colour, padX, padY, padW);
else if (fill == 1) // Filled
fillRect (colour, padX, padY, padW, padW);
else if (fill == 2) // Hollow
outlineRect (colour, padX, padY, padW);
else if (fill == 3) // Hollow with plus
outlineRect (colour, padX, padY, padW);
drawPlus (0xffffffff, padX, padY, padW);
else if (fill == 4) // Pulsing dot
int pulseCol = blendARGB (colour, makeARGB (animateProgress, 0, 0, 0));
fillPixel (pulseCol, padX + halfW, padY + halfW);
else if (fill == 5) // Blinking dot
int blinkCol = animateProgress > 64 ? 0xff000000 : colour;
fillPixel (blinkCol, padX + halfW, padY + halfW);
else if (fill == 6) // Pizza filled
outlineRect (blendARGB (colour, 0xdc000000), padX, padY, padW); // Dim outline
fillPixel (colour, padX + halfW, padY + halfW); // Bright centre
drawPizzaLED (colour, padX, padY, padW, animateProgress);
else // Pizza hollow
outlineRect (blendARGB (colour, 0xdc000000), padX, padY, padW); // Dim outline
drawPizzaLED (colour, padX, padY, padW, animateProgress);
int isPadActive (int index)
if (getHeapInt (158) == 0) // None active
return 0;
return index == getHeapByte (158) ||
index == getHeapByte (159) ||
index == getHeapByte (160) ||
index == getHeapByte (161);
void updateDimFactor()
if (getHeapInt (158) == 0)
if (--dimDelay <= 0)
dimFactor -= 12;
if (dimFactor < 0)
dimFactor = 0;
dimFactor = gammaCorrected ? 100 : 180;
dimDelay = 12;
void drawPads (int offsetX, int offsetY, int colourMapOffset)
int padsPerSide = getHeapByte (0 + colourMapOffset);
if (padsPerSide < 2)
int blockW = 15 / padsPerSide;
int blockPlusGapW = blockW + (15 - padsPerSide * blockW) / (padsPerSide - 1);
for (int padY = 0; padY < padsPerSide; ++padY)
for (int padX = 0; padX < padsPerSide; ++padX)
int ledX = offsetX + padX * blockPlusGapW;
int ledY = offsetY + padY * blockPlusGapW;
if (ledX < 15 &&
ledY < 15 &&
(ledX + blockW) >= 0 &&
(ledY + blockW) >= 0)
int padIdx = padX + padY * padsPerSide;
bool padActive = isPadActive (padIdx);
int blendCol = padActive ? 255 : 0;
int blendAmt = padActive ? dimFactor >> 1 : dimFactor;
int colour = blendARGB (getGridColour (padIdx, colourMapOffset),
makeARGB (blendAmt, blendCol, blendCol, blendCol));
int fillType = getHeapByte (colourMapOffset + 52 + padIdx);
int animate = getAnimationProgress (padIdx);
drawPad (ledX, ledY, blockW, colour, fillType, animate);
void slideAnimatePads()
int nowVisible = getHeapByte (155);
if (lastVisiblePads != nowVisible)
lastVisiblePads = nowVisible;
if (slideAnimationProgress <= 0)
slideAnimationProgress = 15;
// If animation is complete, draw normally.
if (slideAnimationProgress <= 0)
drawPads (0, 0, 78 * nowVisible);
slideAnimationProgress = 0;
int direction = getHeapByte (156);
slideAnimationProgress -= 1;
int inPos = nowVisible == 0 ? 0 : 78;
int outPos = nowVisible == 0 ? 78 : 0;
if (direction == 0) // Up
drawPads (0, slideAnimationProgress - 16, outPos);
drawPads (0, slideAnimationProgress, inPos);
else if (direction == 1) // Down
drawPads (0, 16 - slideAnimationProgress, outPos);
drawPads (0, 0 - slideAnimationProgress, inPos);
else if (direction == 2) // Left
drawPads (16 - slideAnimationProgress, 0, outPos);
drawPads (slideAnimationProgress, 0, inPos);
else if (direction == 3) // Right
drawPads (16 - slideAnimationProgress, 0, outPos);
drawPads (0 - slideAnimationProgress, 0, inPos);
else // None
drawPads (0, 0, 78 * nowVisible);
slideAnimationProgress = 0;
void repaint()
// showErrorOnFail, showRepaintTime, showMovingDot
//enableDebug (true, true, false);
// Clear LEDs to black, update dim animation
fillRect (0xff000000, 0, 0, 15, 15);
// Does the main painting of pads
// Overlay heatmap
// DrumPadGridProgram::sendTouch results in this callback, giving
// us more touch updates per frame and therefore smoother trails.
void handleMessage (int pos, int colour, int dummy)
if ((pos >> 24) != 0x20)
int tx = (pos >> 16) & 0xff;
int ty = (pos >> 8) & 0xff;
int tz = pos & 0xff;
addPressurePoint (colour,
tx * (2.0 / (256 + 20)),
ty * (2.0 / (256 + 20)),
tz * (1.0 / 3.0));
} // namespace juce