/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { // This is an AudioTransportSource which will own it's assigned source struct AudioSourceOwningTransportSource : public AudioTransportSource { AudioSourceOwningTransportSource (PositionableAudioSource* s, double sampleRate) : source (s) { AudioTransportSource::setSource (s, 0, nullptr, sampleRate); } ~AudioSourceOwningTransportSource() { setSource (nullptr); } private: std::unique_ptr<PositionableAudioSource> source; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (AudioSourceOwningTransportSource) }; //============================================================================== // An AudioSourcePlayer which will remove itself from the AudioDeviceManager's // callback list once it finishes playing its source struct AutoRemovingTransportSource : public AudioTransportSource, private Timer { AutoRemovingTransportSource (MixerAudioSource& mixerToUse, AudioTransportSource* ts, bool ownSource, int samplesPerBlock, double requiredSampleRate) : mixer (mixerToUse), transportSource (ts, ownSource) { jassert (ts != nullptr); setSource (transportSource); prepareToPlay (samplesPerBlock, requiredSampleRate); start(); mixer.addInputSource (this, true); startTimerHz (10); } ~AutoRemovingTransportSource() { setSource (nullptr); } void timerCallback() override { if (! transportSource->isPlaying()) mixer.removeInputSource (this); } private: MixerAudioSource& mixer; OptionalScopedPointer<AudioTransportSource> transportSource; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (AutoRemovingTransportSource) }; // An AudioSource which simply outputs a buffer class AudioBufferSource : public PositionableAudioSource { public: AudioBufferSource (AudioBuffer<float>* audioBuffer, bool ownBuffer, bool playOnAllChannels) : buffer (audioBuffer, ownBuffer), playAcrossAllChannels (playOnAllChannels) {} //============================================================================== void setNextReadPosition (int64 newPosition) override { jassert (newPosition >= 0); if (looping) newPosition = newPosition % static_cast<int64> (buffer->getNumSamples()); position = jmin (buffer->getNumSamples(), static_cast<int> (newPosition)); } int64 getNextReadPosition() const override { return static_cast<int64> (position); } int64 getTotalLength() const override { return static_cast<int64> (buffer->getNumSamples()); } bool isLooping() const override { return looping; } void setLooping (bool shouldLoop) override { looping = shouldLoop; } //============================================================================== void prepareToPlay (int, double) override {} void releaseResources() override {} void getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& bufferToFill) override { bufferToFill.clearActiveBufferRegion(); const int bufferSize = buffer->getNumSamples(); const int samplesNeeded = bufferToFill.numSamples; const int samplesToCopy = jmin (bufferSize - position, samplesNeeded); if (samplesToCopy > 0) { int maxInChannels = buffer->getNumChannels(); int maxOutChannels = bufferToFill.buffer->getNumChannels(); if (! playAcrossAllChannels) maxOutChannels = jmin (maxOutChannels, maxInChannels); for (int i = 0; i < maxOutChannels; ++i) bufferToFill.buffer->copyFrom (i, bufferToFill.startSample, *buffer, i % maxInChannels, position, samplesToCopy); } position += samplesNeeded; if (looping) position %= bufferSize; } private: //============================================================================== OptionalScopedPointer<AudioBuffer<float>> buffer; int position = 0; bool looping = false, playAcrossAllChannels; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (AudioBufferSource) }; SoundPlayer::SoundPlayer() : sampleRate (44100.0), bufferSize (512) { formatManager.registerBasicFormats(); player.setSource (&mixer); } SoundPlayer::~SoundPlayer() { mixer.removeAllInputs(); player.setSource (nullptr); } void SoundPlayer::play (const File& file) { if (file.existsAsFile()) play (formatManager.createReaderFor (file), true); } void SoundPlayer::play (const void* resourceData, size_t resourceSize) { if (resourceData != nullptr && resourceSize > 0) { MemoryInputStream* mem = new MemoryInputStream (resourceData, resourceSize, false); play (formatManager.createReaderFor (mem), true); } } void SoundPlayer::play (AudioFormatReader* reader, bool deleteWhenFinished) { if (reader != nullptr) play (new AudioFormatReaderSource (reader, deleteWhenFinished), true, reader->sampleRate); } void SoundPlayer::play (AudioBuffer<float>* buffer, bool deleteWhenFinished, bool playOnAllOutputChannels) { if (buffer != nullptr) play (new AudioBufferSource (buffer, deleteWhenFinished, playOnAllOutputChannels), true); } void SoundPlayer::play (PositionableAudioSource* audioSource, bool deleteWhenFinished, double fileSampleRate) { if (audioSource != nullptr) { AudioTransportSource* transport = dynamic_cast<AudioTransportSource*> (audioSource); if (transport == nullptr) { if (deleteWhenFinished) { transport = new AudioSourceOwningTransportSource (audioSource, fileSampleRate); } else { transport = new AudioTransportSource(); transport->setSource (audioSource, 0, nullptr, fileSampleRate); deleteWhenFinished = true; } } transport->start(); transport->prepareToPlay (bufferSize, sampleRate); new AutoRemovingTransportSource (mixer, transport, deleteWhenFinished, bufferSize, sampleRate); } else { if (deleteWhenFinished) delete audioSource; } } void SoundPlayer::playTestSound() { auto soundLength = (int) sampleRate; double frequency = 440.0; float amplitude = 0.5f; auto phasePerSample = MathConstants<double>::twoPi / (sampleRate / frequency); auto* newSound = new AudioBuffer<float> (1, soundLength); for (int i = 0; i < soundLength; ++i) newSound->setSample (0, i, amplitude * (float) std::sin (i * phasePerSample)); newSound->applyGainRamp (0, 0, soundLength / 10, 0.0f, 1.0f); newSound->applyGainRamp (0, soundLength - soundLength / 4, soundLength / 4, 1.0f, 0.0f); play (newSound, true, true); } //============================================================================== void SoundPlayer::audioDeviceIOCallback (const float** inputChannelData, int numInputChannels, float** outputChannelData, int numOutputChannels, int numSamples) { player.audioDeviceIOCallback (inputChannelData, numInputChannels, outputChannelData, numOutputChannels, numSamples); } void SoundPlayer::audioDeviceAboutToStart (AudioIODevice* device) { if (device != nullptr) { sampleRate = device->getCurrentSampleRate(); bufferSize = device->getCurrentBufferSizeSamples(); } player.audioDeviceAboutToStart (device); } void SoundPlayer::audioDeviceStopped() { player.audioDeviceStopped(); } void SoundPlayer::audioDeviceError (const String& errorMessage) { player.audioDeviceError (errorMessage); } } // namespace juce