/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { typedef void (*AppFocusChangeCallback)(); extern AppFocusChangeCallback appFocusChangeCallback; typedef bool (*CheckEventBlockedByModalComps) (NSEvent*); extern CheckEventBlockedByModalComps isEventBlockedByModalComps; } //============================================================================== #if ! (defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) @interface NSEvent (JuceDeviceDelta) - (CGFloat) scrollingDeltaX; - (CGFloat) scrollingDeltaY; - (BOOL) hasPreciseScrollingDeltas; - (BOOL) isDirectionInvertedFromDevice; @end #endif namespace juce { //============================================================================== static CGFloat getMainScreenHeight() noexcept { return [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex: 0] frame].size.height; } static void flipScreenRect (NSRect& r) noexcept { r.origin.y = getMainScreenHeight() - (r.origin.y + r.size.height); } static NSRect flippedScreenRect (NSRect r) noexcept { flipScreenRect (r); return r; } //============================================================================== class NSViewComponentPeer : public ComponentPeer, private Timer { public: NSViewComponentPeer (Component& comp, const int windowStyleFlags, NSView* viewToAttachTo) : ComponentPeer (comp, windowStyleFlags), safeComponent (&comp), isSharedWindow (viewToAttachTo != nil), lastRepaintTime (Time::getMillisecondCounter()) { appFocusChangeCallback = appFocusChanged; isEventBlockedByModalComps = checkEventBlockedByModalComps; auto r = makeNSRect (component.getLocalBounds()); view = [createViewInstance() initWithFrame: r]; setOwner (view, this); [view registerForDraggedTypes: getSupportedDragTypes()]; notificationCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [notificationCenter addObserver: view selector: @selector (frameChanged:) name: NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object: view]; [view setPostsFrameChangedNotifications: YES]; if (isSharedWindow) { window = [viewToAttachTo window]; [viewToAttachTo addSubview: view]; } else { r.origin.x = (CGFloat) component.getX(); r.origin.y = (CGFloat) component.getY(); flipScreenRect (r); window = [createWindowInstance() initWithContentRect: r styleMask: getNSWindowStyleMask (windowStyleFlags) backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered defer: YES]; setOwner (window, this); [window orderOut: nil]; #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 [window setDelegate: (id<NSWindowDelegate>) window]; #else [window setDelegate: window]; #endif [window setOpaque: component.isOpaque()]; #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_14) if (! [window isOpaque]) [window setBackgroundColor: [NSColor clearColor]]; #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9) && (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9) [view setAppearance: [NSAppearance appearanceNamed: NSAppearanceNameAqua]]; #endif #endif [window setHasShadow: ((windowStyleFlags & windowHasDropShadow) != 0)]; if (component.isAlwaysOnTop()) setAlwaysOnTop (true); [window setContentView: view]; [window setAutodisplay: YES]; [window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES]; // We'll both retain and also release this on closing because plugin hosts can unexpectedly // close the window for us, and also tend to get cause trouble if setReleasedWhenClosed is NO. [window setReleasedWhenClosed: YES]; [window retain]; [window setExcludedFromWindowsMenu: (windowStyleFlags & windowIsTemporary) != 0]; [window setIgnoresMouseEvents: (windowStyleFlags & windowIgnoresMouseClicks) != 0]; #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) && (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) if ((windowStyleFlags & (windowHasMaximiseButton | windowHasTitleBar)) == (windowHasMaximiseButton | windowHasTitleBar)) [window setCollectionBehavior: NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary]; if ([window respondsToSelector: @selector (setRestorable:)]) [window setRestorable: NO]; #endif #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_13) && (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_13) if ([window respondsToSelector: @selector (setTabbingMode:)]) [window setTabbingMode: NSWindowTabbingModeDisallowed]; #endif [notificationCenter addObserver: view selector: @selector (frameChanged:) name: NSWindowDidMoveNotification object: window]; [notificationCenter addObserver: view selector: @selector (frameChanged:) name: NSWindowDidMiniaturizeNotification object: window]; [notificationCenter addObserver: view selector: @selector (windowWillMiniaturize:) name: NSWindowWillMiniaturizeNotification object: window]; [notificationCenter addObserver: view selector: @selector (windowDidDeminiaturize:) name: NSWindowDidDeminiaturizeNotification object: window]; } auto alpha = component.getAlpha(); if (alpha < 1.0f) setAlpha (alpha); setTitle (component.getName()); getNativeRealtimeModifiers = [] { #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 if ([NSEvent respondsToSelector: @selector (modifierFlags)]) NSViewComponentPeer::updateModifiers ([NSEvent modifierFlags]); #endif return ModifierKeys::currentModifiers; }; } ~NSViewComponentPeer() override { [notificationCenter removeObserver: view]; setOwner (view, nullptr); if ([view superview] != nil) { redirectWillMoveToWindow (nullptr); [view removeFromSuperview]; } if (! isSharedWindow) { setOwner (window, nullptr); [window setContentView: nil]; [window close]; [window release]; } [view release]; } //============================================================================== void* getNativeHandle() const override { return view; } void setVisible (bool shouldBeVisible) override { if (isSharedWindow) { if (shouldBeVisible) [view setHidden: false]; else if ([window firstResponder] != view || ([window firstResponder] == view && [window makeFirstResponder: nil])) [view setHidden: true]; } else { if (shouldBeVisible) { ++insideToFrontCall; [window orderFront: nil]; --insideToFrontCall; handleBroughtToFront(); } else { [window orderOut: nil]; } } } void setTitle (const String& title) override { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { if (! isSharedWindow) [window setTitle: juceStringToNS (title)]; } } bool setDocumentEditedStatus (bool edited) override { if (! hasNativeTitleBar()) return false; [window setDocumentEdited: edited]; return true; } void setRepresentedFile (const File& file) override { if (! isSharedWindow) { [window setRepresentedFilename: juceStringToNS (file != File() ? file.getFullPathName() : String())]; windowRepresentsFile = (file != File()); } } void setBounds (const Rectangle<int>& newBounds, bool isNowFullScreen) override { fullScreen = isNowFullScreen; auto r = makeNSRect (newBounds); auto oldViewSize = [view frame].size; if (isSharedWindow) { r.origin.y = [[view superview] frame].size.height - (r.origin.y + r.size.height); [view setFrame: r]; } else { // Repaint behaviour of setFrame seemed to change in 10.11, and the drawing became synchronous, // causing performance issues. But sending an async update causes flickering in older versions, // hence this version check to use the old behaviour on pre 10.11 machines static bool isPre10_11 = SystemStats::getOperatingSystemType() <= SystemStats::MacOSX_10_10; [window setFrame: [window frameRectForContentRect: flippedScreenRect (r)] display: isPre10_11]; } if (oldViewSize.width != r.size.width || oldViewSize.height != r.size.height) [view setNeedsDisplay: true]; } Rectangle<int> getBounds (const bool global) const { auto r = [view frame]; NSWindow* viewWindow = [view window]; if (global && viewWindow != nil) { r = [[view superview] convertRect: r toView: nil]; #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 r = [viewWindow convertRectToScreen: r]; #else r.origin = [viewWindow convertBaseToScreen: r.origin]; #endif flipScreenRect (r); } else { r.origin.y = [[view superview] frame].size.height - r.origin.y - r.size.height; } return convertToRectInt (r); } Rectangle<int> getBounds() const override { return getBounds (! isSharedWindow); } Point<float> localToGlobal (Point<float> relativePosition) override { return relativePosition + getBounds (true).getPosition().toFloat(); } Point<float> globalToLocal (Point<float> screenPosition) override { return screenPosition - getBounds (true).getPosition().toFloat(); } void setAlpha (float newAlpha) override { if (isSharedWindow) [view setAlphaValue: (CGFloat) newAlpha]; else [window setAlphaValue: (CGFloat) newAlpha]; } void setMinimised (bool shouldBeMinimised) override { if (! isSharedWindow) { if (shouldBeMinimised) [window miniaturize: nil]; else [window deminiaturize: nil]; } } bool isMinimised() const override { return [window isMiniaturized]; } void setFullScreen (bool shouldBeFullScreen) override { if (! isSharedWindow) { auto r = lastNonFullscreenBounds; if (isMinimised()) setMinimised (false); if (fullScreen != shouldBeFullScreen) { if (shouldBeFullScreen && hasNativeTitleBar()) { fullScreen = true; [window performZoom: nil]; } else { if (shouldBeFullScreen) r = component.getParentMonitorArea(); // (can't call the component's setBounds method because that'll reset our fullscreen flag) if (r != component.getBounds() && ! r.isEmpty()) setBounds (ScalingHelpers::scaledScreenPosToUnscaled (component, r), shouldBeFullScreen); } } } } bool isFullScreen() const override { return fullScreen; } bool isKioskMode() const override { return isWindowInKioskMode || ComponentPeer::isKioskMode(); } static bool isWindowAtPoint (NSWindow* w, NSPoint screenPoint) { #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 if ([NSWindow respondsToSelector: @selector (windowNumberAtPoint:belowWindowWithWindowNumber:)]) return [NSWindow windowNumberAtPoint: screenPoint belowWindowWithWindowNumber: 0] == [w windowNumber]; #endif return true; } bool contains (Point<int> localPos, bool trueIfInAChildWindow) const override { NSRect viewFrame = [view frame]; if (! (isPositiveAndBelow (localPos.getX(), viewFrame.size.width) && isPositiveAndBelow (localPos.getY(), viewFrame.size.height))) return false; if (! SystemStats::isRunningInAppExtensionSandbox()) { if (NSWindow* const viewWindow = [view window]) { NSRect windowFrame = [viewWindow frame]; NSPoint windowPoint = [view convertPoint: NSMakePoint (localPos.x, viewFrame.size.height - localPos.y) toView: nil]; NSPoint screenPoint = NSMakePoint (windowFrame.origin.x + windowPoint.x, windowFrame.origin.y + windowPoint.y); if (! isWindowAtPoint (viewWindow, screenPoint)) return false; } } NSView* v = [view hitTest: NSMakePoint (viewFrame.origin.x + localPos.getX(), viewFrame.origin.y + viewFrame.size.height - localPos.getY())]; return trueIfInAChildWindow ? (v != nil) : (v == view); } BorderSize<int> getFrameSize() const override { BorderSize<int> b; if (! isSharedWindow) { NSRect v = [view convertRect: [view frame] toView: nil]; NSRect w = [window frame]; b.setTop ((int) (w.size.height - (v.origin.y + v.size.height))); b.setBottom ((int) v.origin.y); b.setLeft ((int) v.origin.x); b.setRight ((int) (w.size.width - (v.origin.x + v.size.width))); } return b; } void updateFullscreenStatus() { if (hasNativeTitleBar()) { #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 isWindowInKioskMode = (([window styleMask] & NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen) != 0); #endif auto screen = getFrameSize().subtractedFrom (component.getParentMonitorArea()); fullScreen = component.getScreenBounds().expanded (2, 2).contains (screen); } else { isWindowInKioskMode = false; } } bool hasNativeTitleBar() const { return (getStyleFlags() & windowHasTitleBar) != 0; } bool setAlwaysOnTop (bool alwaysOnTop) override { if (! isSharedWindow) { [window setLevel: alwaysOnTop ? ((getStyleFlags() & windowIsTemporary) != 0 ? NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel : NSFloatingWindowLevel) : NSNormalWindowLevel]; isAlwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop; } return true; } void toFront (bool makeActiveWindow) override { if (isSharedWindow) [[view superview] addSubview: view positioned: NSWindowAbove relativeTo: nil]; if (window != nil && component.isVisible()) { ++insideToFrontCall; if (makeActiveWindow) [window makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil]; else [window orderFront: nil]; if (insideToFrontCall <= 1) { Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource().forceMouseCursorUpdate(); handleBroughtToFront(); } --insideToFrontCall; } } void toBehind (ComponentPeer* other) override { if (auto* otherPeer = dynamic_cast<NSViewComponentPeer*> (other)) { if (isSharedWindow) { [[view superview] addSubview: view positioned: NSWindowBelow relativeTo: otherPeer->view]; } else if (component.isVisible()) { [window orderWindow: NSWindowBelow relativeTo: [otherPeer->window windowNumber]]; } } else { jassertfalse; // wrong type of window? } } void setIcon (const Image& newIcon) override { if (! isSharedWindow) { // need to set a dummy represented file here to show the file icon (which we then set to the new icon) if (! windowRepresentsFile) [window setRepresentedFilename:juceStringToNS (" ")]; // can't just use an empty string for some reason... [[window standardWindowButton:NSWindowDocumentIconButton] setImage:imageToNSImage (newIcon)]; } } StringArray getAvailableRenderingEngines() override { StringArray s ("Software Renderer"); #if USE_COREGRAPHICS_RENDERING s.add ("CoreGraphics Renderer"); #endif return s; } int getCurrentRenderingEngine() const override { return usingCoreGraphics ? 1 : 0; } void setCurrentRenderingEngine (int index) override { #if USE_COREGRAPHICS_RENDERING if (usingCoreGraphics != (index > 0)) { usingCoreGraphics = index > 0; [view setNeedsDisplay: true]; } #else ignoreUnused (index); #endif } void redirectMouseDown (NSEvent* ev) { if (! Process::isForegroundProcess()) Process::makeForegroundProcess(); ModifierKeys::currentModifiers = ModifierKeys::currentModifiers.withFlags (getModifierForButtonNumber ([ev buttonNumber])); sendMouseEvent (ev); } void redirectMouseUp (NSEvent* ev) { ModifierKeys::currentModifiers = ModifierKeys::currentModifiers.withoutFlags (getModifierForButtonNumber ([ev buttonNumber])); sendMouseEvent (ev); showArrowCursorIfNeeded(); } void redirectMouseDrag (NSEvent* ev) { ModifierKeys::currentModifiers = ModifierKeys::currentModifiers.withFlags (getModifierForButtonNumber ([ev buttonNumber])); sendMouseEvent (ev); } void redirectMouseMove (NSEvent* ev) { ModifierKeys::currentModifiers = ModifierKeys::currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons(); NSPoint windowPos = [ev locationInWindow]; #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 NSPoint screenPos = [[ev window] convertRectToScreen: NSMakeRect (windowPos.x, windowPos.y, 1.0f, 1.0f)].origin; #else NSPoint screenPos = [[ev window] convertBaseToScreen: windowPos]; #endif if (isWindowAtPoint ([ev window], screenPos)) sendMouseEvent (ev); else // moved into another window which overlaps this one, so trigger an exit handleMouseEvent (MouseInputSource::InputSourceType::mouse, { -1.0f, -1.0f }, ModifierKeys::currentModifiers, getMousePressure (ev), MouseInputSource::invalidOrientation, getMouseTime (ev)); showArrowCursorIfNeeded(); } void redirectMouseEnter (NSEvent* ev) { Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource().forceMouseCursorUpdate(); ModifierKeys::currentModifiers = ModifierKeys::currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons(); sendMouseEvent (ev); } void redirectMouseExit (NSEvent* ev) { ModifierKeys::currentModifiers = ModifierKeys::currentModifiers.withoutMouseButtons(); sendMouseEvent (ev); } static float checkDeviceDeltaReturnValue (float v) noexcept { // (deviceDeltaX can fail and return NaN, so need to sanity-check the result) v *= 0.5f / 256.0f; return (v > -1000.0f && v < 1000.0f) ? v : 0.0f; } void redirectMouseWheel (NSEvent* ev) { updateModifiers (ev); MouseWheelDetails wheel; wheel.deltaX = 0; wheel.deltaY = 0; wheel.isReversed = false; wheel.isSmooth = false; wheel.isInertial = false; @try { #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 if ([ev respondsToSelector: @selector (isDirectionInvertedFromDevice)]) wheel.isReversed = [ev isDirectionInvertedFromDevice]; wheel.isInertial = ([ev momentumPhase] != NSEventPhaseNone); if ([ev respondsToSelector: @selector (hasPreciseScrollingDeltas)]) { if ([ev hasPreciseScrollingDeltas]) { const float scale = 0.5f / 256.0f; wheel.deltaX = scale * (float) [ev scrollingDeltaX]; wheel.deltaY = scale * (float) [ev scrollingDeltaY]; wheel.isSmooth = true; } } else #endif if ([ev respondsToSelector: @selector (deviceDeltaX)]) { wheel.deltaX = checkDeviceDeltaReturnValue ((float) getMsgSendFPRetFn() (ev, @selector (deviceDeltaX))); wheel.deltaY = checkDeviceDeltaReturnValue ((float) getMsgSendFPRetFn() (ev, @selector (deviceDeltaY))); } } @catch (...) {} if (wheel.deltaX == 0.0f && wheel.deltaY == 0.0f) { const float scale = 10.0f / 256.0f; wheel.deltaX = scale * (float) [ev deltaX]; wheel.deltaY = scale * (float) [ev deltaY]; } handleMouseWheel (MouseInputSource::InputSourceType::mouse, getMousePos (ev, view), getMouseTime (ev), wheel); } void redirectMagnify (NSEvent* ev) { #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 const float invScale = 1.0f - (float) [ev magnification]; if (invScale > 0.0f) handleMagnifyGesture (MouseInputSource::InputSourceType::mouse, getMousePos (ev, view), getMouseTime (ev), 1.0f / invScale); #endif ignoreUnused (ev); } void redirectCopy (NSObject*) { handleKeyPress (KeyPress ('c', ModifierKeys (ModifierKeys::commandModifier), 'c')); } void redirectPaste (NSObject*) { handleKeyPress (KeyPress ('v', ModifierKeys (ModifierKeys::commandModifier), 'v')); } void redirectCut (NSObject*) { handleKeyPress (KeyPress ('x', ModifierKeys (ModifierKeys::commandModifier), 'x')); } void redirectWillMoveToWindow (NSWindow* newWindow) { if (isSharedWindow && [view window] == window && newWindow == nullptr) { if (auto* comp = safeComponent.get()) comp->setVisible (false); } } void sendMouseEvent (NSEvent* ev) { updateModifiers (ev); handleMouseEvent (MouseInputSource::InputSourceType::mouse, getMousePos (ev, view), ModifierKeys::currentModifiers, getMousePressure (ev), MouseInputSource::invalidOrientation, getMouseTime (ev)); } bool handleKeyEvent (NSEvent* ev, bool isKeyDown) { auto unicode = nsStringToJuce ([ev characters]); auto keyCode = getKeyCodeFromEvent (ev); #if JUCE_DEBUG_KEYCODES DBG ("unicode: " + unicode + " " + String::toHexString ((int) unicode[0])); auto unmodified = nsStringToJuce ([ev charactersIgnoringModifiers]); DBG ("unmodified: " + unmodified + " " + String::toHexString ((int) unmodified[0])); #endif if (keyCode != 0 || unicode.isNotEmpty()) { if (isKeyDown) { bool used = false; for (auto u = unicode.getCharPointer(); ! u.isEmpty();) { auto textCharacter = u.getAndAdvance(); switch (keyCode) { case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey: case NSRightArrowFunctionKey: case NSUpArrowFunctionKey: case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: case NSPageUpFunctionKey: case NSPageDownFunctionKey: case NSEndFunctionKey: case NSHomeFunctionKey: case NSDeleteFunctionKey: textCharacter = 0; break; // (these all seem to generate unwanted garbage unicode strings) default: if (([ev modifierFlags] & NSEventModifierFlagCommand) != 0 || (keyCode >= NSF1FunctionKey && keyCode <= NSF35FunctionKey)) textCharacter = 0; break; } used = handleKeyUpOrDown (true) || used; used = handleKeyPress (keyCode, textCharacter) || used; } return used; } if (handleKeyUpOrDown (false)) return true; } return false; } bool redirectKeyDown (NSEvent* ev) { // (need to retain this in case a modal loop runs in handleKeyEvent and // our event object gets lost) const std::unique_ptr<NSEvent, NSObjectDeleter> r ([ev retain]); updateKeysDown (ev, true); bool used = handleKeyEvent (ev, true); if (([ev modifierFlags] & NSEventModifierFlagCommand) != 0) { // for command keys, the key-up event is thrown away, so simulate one.. updateKeysDown (ev, false); used = (isValidPeer (this) && handleKeyEvent (ev, false)) || used; } // (If we're running modally, don't allow unused keystrokes to be passed // along to other blocked views..) if (Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent() != nullptr) used = true; return used; } bool redirectKeyUp (NSEvent* ev) { updateKeysDown (ev, false); return handleKeyEvent (ev, false) || Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent() != nullptr; } void redirectModKeyChange (NSEvent* ev) { // (need to retain this in case a modal loop runs and our event object gets lost) const std::unique_ptr<NSEvent, NSObjectDeleter> r ([ev retain]); keysCurrentlyDown.clear(); handleKeyUpOrDown (true); updateModifiers (ev); handleModifierKeysChange(); } //============================================================================== void drawRect (NSRect r) { if (r.size.width < 1.0f || r.size.height < 1.0f) return; auto cg = (CGContextRef) [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort]; if (! component.isOpaque()) CGContextClearRect (cg, CGContextGetClipBoundingBox (cg)); float displayScale = 1.0f; #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) && (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) NSScreen* screen = [[view window] screen]; if ([screen respondsToSelector: @selector (backingScaleFactor)]) displayScale = (float) screen.backingScaleFactor; #endif #if USE_COREGRAPHICS_RENDERING && JUCE_COREGRAPHICS_RENDER_WITH_MULTIPLE_PAINT_CALLS // This option invokes a separate paint call for each rectangle of the clip region. // It's a long story, but this is a basically a workaround for a CGContext not having // a way of finding whether a rectangle falls within its clip region if (usingCoreGraphics) { const NSRect* rects = nullptr; NSInteger numRects = 0; [view getRectsBeingDrawn: &rects count: &numRects]; if (numRects > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < numRects; ++i) { NSRect rect = rects[i]; CGContextSaveGState (cg); CGContextClipToRect (cg, CGRectMake (rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y, rect.size.width, rect.size.height)); drawRect (cg, rect, displayScale); CGContextRestoreGState (cg); } return; } } #endif drawRect (cg, r, displayScale); } void drawRect (CGContextRef cg, NSRect r, float displayScale) { #if USE_COREGRAPHICS_RENDERING if (usingCoreGraphics) { CoreGraphicsContext context (cg, (float) [view frame].size.height, displayScale); invokePaint (context); } else #endif { const Point<int> offset (-roundToInt (r.origin.x), -roundToInt ([view frame].size.height - (r.origin.y + r.size.height))); auto clipW = (int) (r.size.width + 0.5f); auto clipH = (int) (r.size.height + 0.5f); RectangleList<int> clip; getClipRects (clip, offset, clipW, clipH); if (! clip.isEmpty()) { Image temp (component.isOpaque() ? Image::RGB : Image::ARGB, roundToInt (clipW * displayScale), roundToInt (clipH * displayScale), ! component.isOpaque()); { auto intScale = roundToInt (displayScale); if (intScale != 1) clip.scaleAll (intScale); std::unique_ptr<LowLevelGraphicsContext> context (component.getLookAndFeel() .createGraphicsContext (temp, offset * intScale, clip)); if (intScale != 1) context->addTransform (AffineTransform::scale (displayScale)); invokePaint (*context); } CGColorSpaceRef colourSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGImageRef image = juce_createCoreGraphicsImage (temp, colourSpace, false); CGColorSpaceRelease (colourSpace); CGContextDrawImage (cg, CGRectMake (r.origin.x, r.origin.y, clipW, clipH), image); CGImageRelease (image); } } } void repaint (const Rectangle<int>& area) override { // In 10.11 changes were made to the way the OS handles repaint regions, and it seems that it can // no longer be trusted to coalesce all the regions, or to even remember them all without losing // a few when there's a lot of activity. // As a work around for this, we use a RectangleList to do our own coalescing of regions before // asynchronously asking the OS to repaint them. deferredRepaints.add ((float) area.getX(), (float) ([view frame].size.height - area.getBottom()), (float) area.getWidth(), (float) area.getHeight()); if (isTimerRunning()) return; auto now = Time::getMillisecondCounter(); auto msSinceLastRepaint = (lastRepaintTime >= now) ? now - lastRepaintTime : (std::numeric_limits<uint32>::max() - lastRepaintTime) + now; static uint32 minimumRepaintInterval = 1000 / 30; // 30fps // When windows are being resized, artificially throttling high-frequency repaints helps // to stop the event queue getting clogged, and keeps everything working smoothly. // For some reason Logic also needs this throttling to recored parameter events correctly. if (msSinceLastRepaint < minimumRepaintInterval && shouldThrottleRepaint()) { startTimer (static_cast<int> (minimumRepaintInterval - msSinceLastRepaint)); return; } setNeedsDisplayRectangles(); } static bool shouldThrottleRepaint() { return areAnyWindowsInLiveResize() || ! JUCEApplication::isStandaloneApp(); } void timerCallback() override { setNeedsDisplayRectangles(); stopTimer(); } void setNeedsDisplayRectangles() { for (auto& i : deferredRepaints) [view setNeedsDisplayInRect: makeNSRect (i)]; lastRepaintTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter(); deferredRepaints.clear(); } void invokePaint (LowLevelGraphicsContext& context) { handlePaint (context); } void performAnyPendingRepaintsNow() override { [view displayIfNeeded]; } static bool areAnyWindowsInLiveResize() noexcept { for (NSWindow* w in [NSApp windows]) if ([w inLiveResize]) return true; return false; } //============================================================================== bool sendModalInputAttemptIfBlocked() { if (auto* modal = Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent()) { if (insideToFrontCall == 0 && (! getComponent().isParentOf (modal)) && getComponent().isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) { modal->inputAttemptWhenModal(); return true; } } return false; } bool canBecomeKeyWindow() { return (getStyleFlags() & juce::ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses) == 0; } bool canBecomeMainWindow() { return dynamic_cast<ResizableWindow*> (&component) != nullptr; } bool worksWhenModal() const { // In plugins, the host could put our plugin window inside a modal window, so this // allows us to successfully open other popups. Feels like there could be edge-case // problems caused by this, so let us know if you spot any issues.. return ! JUCEApplication::isStandaloneApp(); } void becomeKeyWindow() { handleBroughtToFront(); grabFocus(); } bool windowShouldClose() { if (! isValidPeer (this)) return YES; handleUserClosingWindow(); return NO; } void redirectMovedOrResized() { updateFullscreenStatus(); handleMovedOrResized(); } void viewMovedToWindow() { if (isSharedWindow) { auto newWindow = [view window]; bool shouldSetVisible = (window == nullptr && newWindow != nullptr); window = newWindow; if (shouldSetVisible) getComponent().setVisible (true); } } void liveResizingStart() { if (constrainer != nullptr) { constrainer->resizeStart(); isFirstLiveResize = true; } } void liveResizingEnd() { if (constrainer != nullptr) constrainer->resizeEnd(); } NSRect constrainRect (NSRect r) { if (constrainer != nullptr && ! isKioskMode()) { auto scale = getComponent().getDesktopScaleFactor(); auto pos = ScalingHelpers::unscaledScreenPosToScaled (scale, convertToRectInt (flippedScreenRect (r))); auto original = ScalingHelpers::unscaledScreenPosToScaled (scale, convertToRectInt (flippedScreenRect ([window frame]))); auto screenBounds = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getTotalBounds (true); #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 const bool inLiveResize = [window inLiveResize]; #else const bool inLiveResize = [window respondsToSelector: @selector (inLiveResize)] && [window performSelector: @selector (inLiveResize)]; #endif if (! inLiveResize || isFirstLiveResize) { isFirstLiveResize = false; isStretchingTop = (pos.getY() != original.getY() && pos.getBottom() == original.getBottom()); isStretchingLeft = (pos.getX() != original.getX() && pos.getRight() == original.getRight()); isStretchingBottom = (pos.getY() == original.getY() && pos.getBottom() != original.getBottom()); isStretchingRight = (pos.getX() == original.getX() && pos.getRight() != original.getRight()); } constrainer->checkBounds (pos, original, screenBounds, isStretchingTop, isStretchingLeft, isStretchingBottom, isStretchingRight); pos = ScalingHelpers::scaledScreenPosToUnscaled (scale, pos); r = flippedScreenRect (makeNSRect (pos)); } return r; } static void showArrowCursorIfNeeded() { auto& desktop = Desktop::getInstance(); auto mouse = desktop.getMainMouseSource(); if (mouse.getComponentUnderMouse() == nullptr && desktop.findComponentAt (mouse.getScreenPosition().roundToInt()) == nullptr) { [[NSCursor arrowCursor] set]; } } static void updateModifiers (NSEvent* e) { updateModifiers ([e modifierFlags]); } static void updateModifiers (const NSUInteger flags) { int m = 0; if ((flags & NSEventModifierFlagShift) != 0) m |= ModifierKeys::shiftModifier; if ((flags & NSEventModifierFlagControl) != 0) m |= ModifierKeys::ctrlModifier; if ((flags & NSEventModifierFlagOption) != 0) m |= ModifierKeys::altModifier; if ((flags & NSEventModifierFlagCommand) != 0) m |= ModifierKeys::commandModifier; ModifierKeys::currentModifiers = ModifierKeys::currentModifiers.withOnlyMouseButtons().withFlags (m); } static void updateKeysDown (NSEvent* ev, bool isKeyDown) { updateModifiers (ev); if (auto keyCode = getKeyCodeFromEvent (ev)) { if (isKeyDown) keysCurrentlyDown.addIfNotAlreadyThere (keyCode); else keysCurrentlyDown.removeFirstMatchingValue (keyCode); } } static int getKeyCodeFromEvent (NSEvent* ev) { // Unfortunately, charactersIgnoringModifiers does not ignore the shift key. // Using [ev keyCode] is not a solution either as this will, // for example, return VK_KEY_Y if the key is pressed which // is typically located at the Y key position on a QWERTY // keyboard. However, on international keyboards this might not // be the key labeled Y (for example, on German keyboards this key // has a Z label). Therefore, we need to query the current keyboard // layout to figure out what character the key would have produced // if the shift key was not pressed String unmodified; #if JUCE_SUPPORT_CARBON if (TISInputSourceRef currentKeyboard = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource()) { if (auto layoutData = (CFDataRef) TISGetInputSourceProperty (currentKeyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData)) { if (auto* layoutPtr = (const UCKeyboardLayout*) CFDataGetBytePtr (layoutData)) { UInt32 keysDown = 0; UniChar buffer[4]; UniCharCount actual; if (UCKeyTranslate (layoutPtr, [ev keyCode], kUCKeyActionDown, 0, LMGetKbdType(), kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysBit, &keysDown, sizeof (buffer) / sizeof (UniChar), &actual, buffer) == 0) unmodified = String (CharPointer_UTF16 (reinterpret_cast<CharPointer_UTF16::CharType*> (buffer)), 4); } } CFRelease (currentKeyboard); } // did the above layout conversion fail if (unmodified.isEmpty()) #endif { unmodified = nsStringToJuce ([ev charactersIgnoringModifiers]); } auto keyCode = (int) unmodified[0]; if (keyCode == 0x19) // (backwards-tab) keyCode = '\t'; else if (keyCode == 0x03) // (enter) keyCode = '\r'; else keyCode = (int) CharacterFunctions::toUpperCase ((juce_wchar) keyCode); if (([ev modifierFlags] & NSEventModifierFlagNumericPad) != 0) { const int numPadConversions[] = { '0', KeyPress::numberPad0, '1', KeyPress::numberPad1, '2', KeyPress::numberPad2, '3', KeyPress::numberPad3, '4', KeyPress::numberPad4, '5', KeyPress::numberPad5, '6', KeyPress::numberPad6, '7', KeyPress::numberPad7, '8', KeyPress::numberPad8, '9', KeyPress::numberPad9, '+', KeyPress::numberPadAdd, '-', KeyPress::numberPadSubtract, '*', KeyPress::numberPadMultiply, '/', KeyPress::numberPadDivide, '.', KeyPress::numberPadDecimalPoint, ',', KeyPress::numberPadDecimalPoint, // (to deal with non-english kbds) '=', KeyPress::numberPadEquals }; for (int i = 0; i < numElementsInArray (numPadConversions); i += 2) if (keyCode == numPadConversions [i]) keyCode = numPadConversions [i + 1]; } return keyCode; } static int64 getMouseTime (NSEvent* e) noexcept { return (Time::currentTimeMillis() - Time::getMillisecondCounter()) + (int64) ([e timestamp] * 1000.0); } static float getMousePressure (NSEvent* e) noexcept { @try { if (e.type != NSEventTypeMouseEntered && e.type != NSEventTypeMouseExited) return (float) e.pressure; } @catch (NSException* e) {} @finally {} return 0.0f; } static Point<float> getMousePos (NSEvent* e, NSView* view) { NSPoint p = [view convertPoint: [e locationInWindow] fromView: nil]; return { (float) p.x, (float) ([view frame].size.height - p.y) }; } static int getModifierForButtonNumber (const NSInteger num) { return num == 0 ? ModifierKeys::leftButtonModifier : (num == 1 ? ModifierKeys::rightButtonModifier : (num == 2 ? ModifierKeys::middleButtonModifier : 0)); } static unsigned int getNSWindowStyleMask (const int flags) noexcept { unsigned int style = (flags & windowHasTitleBar) != 0 ? NSWindowStyleMaskTitled : NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless; if ((flags & windowHasMinimiseButton) != 0) style |= NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable; if ((flags & windowHasCloseButton) != 0) style |= NSWindowStyleMaskClosable; if ((flags & windowIsResizable) != 0) style |= NSWindowStyleMaskResizable; return style; } static NSArray* getSupportedDragTypes() { return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: NSFilenamesPboardType, NSFilesPromisePboardType, NSStringPboardType, nil]; } BOOL sendDragCallback (const int type, id <NSDraggingInfo> sender) { NSPasteboard* pasteboard = [sender draggingPasteboard]; NSString* contentType = [pasteboard availableTypeFromArray: getSupportedDragTypes()]; if (contentType == nil) return false; NSPoint p = [view convertPoint: [sender draggingLocation] fromView: nil]; ComponentPeer::DragInfo dragInfo; dragInfo.position.setXY ((int) p.x, (int) ([view frame].size.height - p.y)); if (contentType == NSStringPboardType) dragInfo.text = nsStringToJuce ([pasteboard stringForType: NSStringPboardType]); else dragInfo.files = getDroppedFiles (pasteboard, contentType); if (! dragInfo.isEmpty()) { switch (type) { case 0: return handleDragMove (dragInfo); case 1: return handleDragExit (dragInfo); case 2: return handleDragDrop (dragInfo); default: jassertfalse; break; } } return false; } StringArray getDroppedFiles (NSPasteboard* pasteboard, NSString* contentType) { StringArray files; NSString* iTunesPasteboardType = nsStringLiteral ("CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x6974756E"); // 'itun' if (contentType == NSFilesPromisePboardType && [[pasteboard types] containsObject: iTunesPasteboardType]) { id list = [pasteboard propertyListForType: iTunesPasteboardType]; if ([list isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]]) { NSDictionary* iTunesDictionary = (NSDictionary*) list; NSArray* tracks = [iTunesDictionary valueForKey: nsStringLiteral ("Tracks")]; NSEnumerator* enumerator = [tracks objectEnumerator]; NSDictionary* track; while ((track = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) { if (id value = [track valueForKey: nsStringLiteral ("Location")]) { NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString: value]; if ([url isFileURL]) files.add (nsStringToJuce ([url path])); } } } } else { id list = [pasteboard propertyListForType: NSFilenamesPboardType]; if ([list isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) { NSArray* items = (NSArray*) [pasteboard propertyListForType: NSFilenamesPboardType]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < [items count]; ++i) files.add (nsStringToJuce ((NSString*) [items objectAtIndex: i])); } } return files; } //============================================================================== void viewFocusGain() { if (currentlyFocusedPeer != this) { if (ComponentPeer::isValidPeer (currentlyFocusedPeer)) currentlyFocusedPeer->handleFocusLoss(); currentlyFocusedPeer = this; handleFocusGain(); } } void viewFocusLoss() { if (currentlyFocusedPeer == this) { currentlyFocusedPeer = nullptr; handleFocusLoss(); } } bool isFocused() const override { return (isSharedWindow || ! JUCEApplication::isStandaloneApp()) ? this == currentlyFocusedPeer : [window isKeyWindow]; } void grabFocus() override { if (window != nil) { [window makeKeyWindow]; [window makeFirstResponder: view]; viewFocusGain(); } } void textInputRequired (Point<int>, TextInputTarget&) override {} //============================================================================== NSWindow* window = nil; NSView* view = nil; WeakReference<Component> safeComponent; bool isSharedWindow = false, fullScreen = false; bool isWindowInKioskMode = false; #if USE_COREGRAPHICS_RENDERING bool usingCoreGraphics = true; #else bool usingCoreGraphics = false; #endif bool isZooming = false, isFirstLiveResize = false, textWasInserted = false; bool isStretchingTop = false, isStretchingLeft = false, isStretchingBottom = false, isStretchingRight = false; bool windowRepresentsFile = false; bool isAlwaysOnTop = false, wasAlwaysOnTop = false; String stringBeingComposed; NSNotificationCenter* notificationCenter = nil; RectangleList<float> deferredRepaints; uint32 lastRepaintTime; static ComponentPeer* currentlyFocusedPeer; static Array<int> keysCurrentlyDown; static int insideToFrontCall; private: static NSView* createViewInstance(); static NSWindow* createWindowInstance(); static void setOwner (id viewOrWindow, NSViewComponentPeer* newOwner) { object_setInstanceVariable (viewOrWindow, "owner", newOwner); } void getClipRects (RectangleList<int>& clip, Point<int> offset, int clipW, int clipH) { const NSRect* rects = nullptr; NSInteger numRects = 0; [view getRectsBeingDrawn: &rects count: &numRects]; const Rectangle<int> clipBounds (clipW, clipH); auto viewH = [view frame].size.height; clip.ensureStorageAllocated ((int) numRects); for (int i = 0; i < numRects; ++i) clip.addWithoutMerging (clipBounds.getIntersection (Rectangle<int> (roundToInt (rects[i].origin.x) + offset.x, roundToInt (viewH - (rects[i].origin.y + rects[i].size.height)) + offset.y, roundToInt (rects[i].size.width), roundToInt (rects[i].size.height)))); } static void appFocusChanged() { keysCurrentlyDown.clear(); if (isValidPeer (currentlyFocusedPeer)) { if (Process::isForegroundProcess()) { currentlyFocusedPeer->handleFocusGain(); ModalComponentManager::getInstance()->bringModalComponentsToFront(); } else { currentlyFocusedPeer->handleFocusLoss(); } } } static bool checkEventBlockedByModalComps (NSEvent* e) { if (Component::getNumCurrentlyModalComponents() == 0) return false; NSWindow* const w = [e window]; if (w == nil || [w worksWhenModal]) return false; bool isKey = false, isInputAttempt = false; switch ([e type]) { case NSEventTypeKeyDown: case NSEventTypeKeyUp: isKey = isInputAttempt = true; break; case NSEventTypeLeftMouseDown: case NSEventTypeRightMouseDown: case NSEventTypeOtherMouseDown: isInputAttempt = true; break; case NSEventTypeLeftMouseDragged: case NSEventTypeRightMouseDragged: case NSEventTypeLeftMouseUp: case NSEventTypeRightMouseUp: case NSEventTypeOtherMouseUp: case NSEventTypeOtherMouseDragged: if (Desktop::getInstance().getDraggingMouseSource(0) != nullptr) return false; break; case NSEventTypeMouseMoved: case NSEventTypeMouseEntered: case NSEventTypeMouseExited: case NSEventTypeCursorUpdate: case NSEventTypeScrollWheel: case NSEventTypeTabletPoint: case NSEventTypeTabletProximity: break; default: return false; } for (int i = ComponentPeer::getNumPeers(); --i >= 0;) { if (auto* peer = dynamic_cast<NSViewComponentPeer*> (ComponentPeer::getPeer (i))) { if ([peer->view window] == w) { if (isKey) { if (peer->view == [w firstResponder]) return false; } else { if (peer->isSharedWindow ? NSPointInRect ([peer->view convertPoint: [e locationInWindow] fromView: nil], [peer->view bounds]) : NSPointInRect ([e locationInWindow], NSMakeRect (0, 0, [w frame].size.width, [w frame].size.height))) return false; } } } } if (isInputAttempt) { if (! [NSApp isActive]) [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES]; if (auto* modal = Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent()) modal->inputAttemptWhenModal(); } return true; } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (NSViewComponentPeer) }; int NSViewComponentPeer::insideToFrontCall = 0; //============================================================================== struct JuceNSViewClass : public ObjCClass<NSView> { JuceNSViewClass() : ObjCClass<NSView> ("JUCEView_") { addIvar<NSViewComponentPeer*> ("owner"); addMethod (@selector (isOpaque), isOpaque, "c@:"); addMethod (@selector (drawRect:), drawRect, "v@:", @encode (NSRect)); addMethod (@selector (mouseDown:), mouseDown, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (asyncMouseDown:), asyncMouseDown, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (mouseUp:), mouseUp, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (asyncMouseUp:), asyncMouseUp, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (mouseDragged:), mouseDragged, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (mouseMoved:), mouseMoved, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (mouseEntered:), mouseEntered, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (mouseExited:), mouseExited, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (rightMouseDown:), mouseDown, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (rightMouseDragged:), mouseDragged, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (rightMouseUp:), mouseUp, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (otherMouseDown:), mouseDown, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (otherMouseDragged:), mouseDragged, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (otherMouseUp:), mouseUp, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (scrollWheel:), scrollWheel, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (magnifyWithEvent:), magnify, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (acceptsFirstMouse:), acceptsFirstMouse, "c@:@"); addMethod (@selector (frameChanged:), frameChanged, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (windowWillMiniaturize:), windowWillMiniaturize, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (windowDidDeminiaturize:), windowDidDeminiaturize, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (wantsDefaultClipping:), wantsDefaultClipping, "c@:"); addMethod (@selector (worksWhenModal), worksWhenModal, "c@:"); addMethod (@selector (viewDidMoveToWindow), viewDidMoveToWindow, "v@:"); addMethod (@selector (keyDown:), keyDown, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (keyUp:), keyUp, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (insertText:), insertText, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (doCommandBySelector:), doCommandBySelector, "v@::"); addMethod (@selector (setMarkedText:selectedRange:), setMarkedText, "v@:@", @encode (NSRange)); addMethod (@selector (unmarkText), unmarkText, "v@:"); addMethod (@selector (hasMarkedText), hasMarkedText, "c@:"); addMethod (@selector (conversationIdentifier), conversationIdentifier, "l@:"); addMethod (@selector (attributedSubstringFromRange:), attributedSubstringFromRange, "@@:", @encode (NSRange)); addMethod (@selector (markedRange), markedRange, @encode (NSRange), "@:"); addMethod (@selector (selectedRange), selectedRange, @encode (NSRange), "@:"); addMethod (@selector (firstRectForCharacterRange:), firstRectForCharacterRange, @encode (NSRect), "@:", @encode (NSRange)); addMethod (@selector (characterIndexForPoint:), characterIndexForPoint, "L@:", @encode (NSPoint)); addMethod (@selector (validAttributesForMarkedText), validAttributesForMarkedText, "@@:"); addMethod (@selector (flagsChanged:), flagsChanged, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (becomeFirstResponder), becomeFirstResponder, "c@:"); addMethod (@selector (resignFirstResponder), resignFirstResponder, "c@:"); addMethod (@selector (acceptsFirstResponder), acceptsFirstResponder, "c@:"); addMethod (@selector (draggingEntered:), draggingEntered, @encode (NSDragOperation), "@:@"); addMethod (@selector (draggingUpdated:), draggingUpdated, @encode (NSDragOperation), "@:@"); addMethod (@selector (draggingEnded:), draggingEnded, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (draggingExited:), draggingExited, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (prepareForDragOperation:), prepareForDragOperation, "c@:@"); addMethod (@selector (performDragOperation:), performDragOperation, "c@:@"); addMethod (@selector (concludeDragOperation:), concludeDragOperation, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (paste:), paste, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (copy:), copy, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (cut:), cut, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (viewWillMoveToWindow:), willMoveToWindow, "v@:@"); addProtocol (@protocol (NSTextInput)); registerClass(); } private: static NSViewComponentPeer* getOwner (id self) { return getIvar<NSViewComponentPeer*> (self, "owner"); } static void mouseDown (id self, SEL s, NSEvent* ev) { if (JUCEApplicationBase::isStandaloneApp()) asyncMouseDown (self, s, ev); else // In some host situations, the host will stop modal loops from working // correctly if they're called from a mouse event, so we'll trigger // the event asynchronously.. [self performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector (asyncMouseDown:) withObject: ev waitUntilDone: NO]; } static void mouseUp (id self, SEL s, NSEvent* ev) { if (JUCEApplicationBase::isStandaloneApp()) asyncMouseUp (self, s, ev); else // In some host situations, the host will stop modal loops from working // correctly if they're called from a mouse event, so we'll trigger // the event asynchronously.. [self performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector (asyncMouseUp:) withObject: ev waitUntilDone: NO]; } static void asyncMouseDown (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectMouseDown (ev); } static void asyncMouseUp (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectMouseUp (ev); } static void mouseDragged (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectMouseDrag (ev); } static void mouseMoved (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectMouseMove (ev); } static void mouseEntered (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectMouseEnter (ev); } static void mouseExited (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectMouseExit (ev); } static void scrollWheel (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectMouseWheel (ev); } static void magnify (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectMagnify (ev); } static void copy (id self, SEL, NSObject* s) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectCopy (s); } static void paste (id self, SEL, NSObject* s) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectPaste (s); } static void cut (id self, SEL, NSObject* s) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectCut (s); } static void willMoveToWindow (id self, SEL, NSWindow* w) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectWillMoveToWindow (w); } static BOOL acceptsFirstMouse (id, SEL, NSEvent*) { return YES; } static BOOL wantsDefaultClipping (id, SEL) { return YES; } // (this is the default, but may want to customise it in future) static BOOL worksWhenModal (id self, SEL) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) return p->worksWhenModal(); return NO; } static void drawRect (id self, SEL, NSRect r) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->drawRect (r); } static void frameChanged (id self, SEL, NSNotification*) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->redirectMovedOrResized(); } static void viewDidMoveToWindow (id self, SEL) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) p->viewMovedToWindow(); } static void windowWillMiniaturize (id self, SEL, NSNotification*) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) { if (p->isAlwaysOnTop) { // there is a bug when restoring minimised always on top windows so we need // to remove this behaviour before minimising and restore it afterwards p->setAlwaysOnTop (false); p->wasAlwaysOnTop = true; } } } static void windowDidDeminiaturize (id self, SEL, NSNotification*) { if (auto* p = getOwner (self)) { if (p->wasAlwaysOnTop) p->setAlwaysOnTop (true); p->redirectMovedOrResized(); } } static BOOL isOpaque (id self, SEL) { auto* owner = getOwner (self); return owner == nullptr || owner->getComponent().isOpaque(); } //============================================================================== static void keyDown (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) { auto* target = owner->findCurrentTextInputTarget(); owner->textWasInserted = false; if (target != nullptr) [(NSView*) self interpretKeyEvents: [NSArray arrayWithObject: ev]]; else owner->stringBeingComposed.clear(); if (! (owner->textWasInserted || owner->redirectKeyDown (ev))) { objc_super s = { self, [NSView class] }; getMsgSendSuperFn() (&s, @selector (keyDown:), ev); } } } static void keyUp (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { auto* owner = getOwner (self); if (owner == nullptr || ! owner->redirectKeyUp (ev)) { objc_super s = { self, [NSView class] }; getMsgSendSuperFn() (&s, @selector (keyUp:), ev); } } //============================================================================== static void insertText (id self, SEL, id aString) { // This commits multi-byte text when return is pressed, or after every keypress for western keyboards if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) { NSString* newText = [aString isKindOfClass: [NSAttributedString class]] ? [aString string] : aString; if ([newText length] > 0) { if (auto* target = owner->findCurrentTextInputTarget()) { target->insertTextAtCaret (nsStringToJuce (newText)); owner->textWasInserted = true; } } owner->stringBeingComposed.clear(); } } static void doCommandBySelector (id, SEL, SEL) {} static void setMarkedText (id self, SEL, id aString, NSRange) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) { owner->stringBeingComposed = nsStringToJuce ([aString isKindOfClass: [NSAttributedString class]] ? [aString string] : aString); if (auto* target = owner->findCurrentTextInputTarget()) { auto currentHighlight = target->getHighlightedRegion(); target->insertTextAtCaret (owner->stringBeingComposed); target->setHighlightedRegion (currentHighlight.withLength (owner->stringBeingComposed.length())); owner->textWasInserted = true; } } } static void unmarkText (id self, SEL) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) { if (owner->stringBeingComposed.isNotEmpty()) { if (auto* target = owner->findCurrentTextInputTarget()) { target->insertTextAtCaret (owner->stringBeingComposed); owner->textWasInserted = true; } owner->stringBeingComposed.clear(); } } } static BOOL hasMarkedText (id self, SEL) { auto* owner = getOwner (self); return owner != nullptr && owner->stringBeingComposed.isNotEmpty(); } static long conversationIdentifier (id self, SEL) { return (long) (pointer_sized_int) self; } static NSAttributedString* attributedSubstringFromRange (id self, SEL, NSRange theRange) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) { if (auto* target = owner->findCurrentTextInputTarget()) { Range<int> r ((int) theRange.location, (int) (theRange.location + theRange.length)); return [[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString: juceStringToNS (target->getTextInRange (r))] autorelease]; } } return nil; } static NSRange markedRange (id self, SEL) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) if (owner->stringBeingComposed.isNotEmpty()) return NSMakeRange (0, (NSUInteger) owner->stringBeingComposed.length()); return NSMakeRange (NSNotFound, 0); } static NSRange selectedRange (id self, SEL) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) { if (auto* target = owner->findCurrentTextInputTarget()) { auto highlight = target->getHighlightedRegion(); if (! highlight.isEmpty()) return NSMakeRange ((NSUInteger) highlight.getStart(), (NSUInteger) highlight.getLength()); } } return NSMakeRange (NSNotFound, 0); } static NSRect firstRectForCharacterRange (id self, SEL, NSRange) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) if (auto* comp = dynamic_cast<Component*> (owner->findCurrentTextInputTarget())) return flippedScreenRect (makeNSRect (comp->getScreenBounds())); return NSZeroRect; } static NSUInteger characterIndexForPoint (id, SEL, NSPoint) { return NSNotFound; } static NSArray* validAttributesForMarkedText (id, SEL) { return [NSArray array]; } //============================================================================== static void flagsChanged (id self, SEL, NSEvent* ev) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) owner->redirectModKeyChange (ev); } static BOOL becomeFirstResponder (id self, SEL) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) owner->viewFocusGain(); return YES; } static BOOL resignFirstResponder (id self, SEL) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) owner->viewFocusLoss(); return YES; } static BOOL acceptsFirstResponder (id self, SEL) { auto* owner = getOwner (self); return owner != nullptr && owner->canBecomeKeyWindow(); } //============================================================================== static NSDragOperation draggingEntered (id self, SEL s, id<NSDraggingInfo> sender) { return draggingUpdated (self, s, sender); } static NSDragOperation draggingUpdated (id self, SEL, id<NSDraggingInfo> sender) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) if (owner->sendDragCallback (0, sender)) return NSDragOperationGeneric; return NSDragOperationNone; } static void draggingEnded (id self, SEL s, id<NSDraggingInfo> sender) { draggingExited (self, s, sender); } static void draggingExited (id self, SEL, id<NSDraggingInfo> sender) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) owner->sendDragCallback (1, sender); } static BOOL prepareForDragOperation (id, SEL, id<NSDraggingInfo>) { return YES; } static BOOL performDragOperation (id self, SEL, id<NSDraggingInfo> sender) { auto* owner = getOwner (self); return owner != nullptr && owner->sendDragCallback (2, sender); } static void concludeDragOperation (id, SEL, id<NSDraggingInfo>) {} }; //============================================================================== struct JuceNSWindowClass : public ObjCClass<NSWindow> { JuceNSWindowClass() : ObjCClass<NSWindow> ("JUCEWindow_") { addIvar<NSViewComponentPeer*> ("owner"); addMethod (@selector (canBecomeKeyWindow), canBecomeKeyWindow, "c@:"); addMethod (@selector (canBecomeMainWindow), canBecomeMainWindow, "c@:"); addMethod (@selector (becomeKeyWindow), becomeKeyWindow, "v@:"); addMethod (@selector (windowShouldClose:), windowShouldClose, "c@:@"); addMethod (@selector (constrainFrameRect:toScreen:), constrainFrameRect, @encode (NSRect), "@:", @encode (NSRect), "@"); addMethod (@selector (windowWillResize:toSize:), windowWillResize, @encode (NSSize), "@:@", @encode (NSSize)); addMethod (@selector (windowDidExitFullScreen:), windowDidExitFullScreen, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (zoom:), zoom, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (windowWillMove:), windowWillMove, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (windowWillStartLiveResize:), windowWillStartLiveResize, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (windowDidEndLiveResize:), windowDidEndLiveResize, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (window:shouldPopUpDocumentPathMenu:), shouldPopUpPathMenu, "B@:@", @encode (NSMenu*)); addMethod (@selector (window:shouldDragDocumentWithEvent:from:withPasteboard:), shouldAllowIconDrag, "B@:@", @encode (NSEvent*), @encode (NSPoint), @encode (NSPasteboard*)); #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 addProtocol (@protocol (NSWindowDelegate)); #endif registerClass(); } private: static NSViewComponentPeer* getOwner (id self) { return getIvar<NSViewComponentPeer*> (self, "owner"); } //============================================================================== static BOOL canBecomeKeyWindow (id self, SEL) { auto* owner = getOwner (self); return owner != nullptr && owner->canBecomeKeyWindow() && ! owner->sendModalInputAttemptIfBlocked(); } static BOOL canBecomeMainWindow (id self, SEL) { auto* owner = getOwner (self); return owner != nullptr && owner->canBecomeMainWindow() && ! owner->sendModalInputAttemptIfBlocked(); } static void becomeKeyWindow (id self, SEL) { sendSuperclassMessage (self, @selector (becomeKeyWindow)); if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) owner->becomeKeyWindow(); } static BOOL windowShouldClose (id self, SEL, id /*window*/) { auto* owner = getOwner (self); return owner == nullptr || owner->windowShouldClose(); } static NSRect constrainFrameRect (id self, SEL, NSRect frameRect, NSScreen*) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) frameRect = owner->constrainRect (frameRect); return frameRect; } static NSSize windowWillResize (id self, SEL, NSWindow*, NSSize proposedFrameSize) { auto* owner = getOwner (self); if (owner == nullptr || owner->isZooming) return proposedFrameSize; NSRect frameRect = [(NSWindow*) self frame]; frameRect.origin.y -= proposedFrameSize.height - frameRect.size.height; frameRect.size = proposedFrameSize; frameRect = owner->constrainRect (frameRect); if (owner->hasNativeTitleBar()) owner->sendModalInputAttemptIfBlocked(); return frameRect.size; } static void windowDidExitFullScreen (id, SEL, NSNotification*) { #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 [NSApp setPresentationOptions: NSApplicationPresentationDefault]; #endif } static void zoom (id self, SEL, id sender) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) { owner->isZooming = true; objc_super s = { self, [NSWindow class] }; getMsgSendSuperFn() (&s, @selector (zoom:), sender); owner->isZooming = false; owner->redirectMovedOrResized(); } } static void windowWillMove (id self, SEL, NSNotification*) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) if (owner->hasNativeTitleBar()) owner->sendModalInputAttemptIfBlocked(); } static void windowWillStartLiveResize (id self, SEL, NSNotification*) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) owner->liveResizingStart(); } static void windowDidEndLiveResize (id self, SEL, NSNotification*) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) owner->liveResizingEnd(); } static bool shouldPopUpPathMenu (id self, SEL, id /*window*/, NSMenu*) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) return owner->windowRepresentsFile; return false; } static bool shouldAllowIconDrag (id self, SEL, id /*window*/, NSEvent*, NSPoint, NSPasteboard*) { if (auto* owner = getOwner (self)) return owner->windowRepresentsFile; return false; } }; NSView* NSViewComponentPeer::createViewInstance() { static JuceNSViewClass cls; return cls.createInstance(); } NSWindow* NSViewComponentPeer::createWindowInstance() { static JuceNSWindowClass cls; return cls.createInstance(); } //============================================================================== ComponentPeer* NSViewComponentPeer::currentlyFocusedPeer = nullptr; Array<int> NSViewComponentPeer::keysCurrentlyDown; //============================================================================== bool KeyPress::isKeyCurrentlyDown (int keyCode) { if (NSViewComponentPeer::keysCurrentlyDown.contains (keyCode)) return true; if (keyCode >= 'A' && keyCode <= 'Z' && NSViewComponentPeer::keysCurrentlyDown.contains ((int) CharacterFunctions::toLowerCase ((juce_wchar) keyCode))) return true; if (keyCode >= 'a' && keyCode <= 'z' && NSViewComponentPeer::keysCurrentlyDown.contains ((int) CharacterFunctions::toUpperCase ((juce_wchar) keyCode))) return true; return false; } //============================================================================== bool MouseInputSource::SourceList::addSource() { if (sources.size() == 0) { addSource (0, MouseInputSource::InputSourceType::mouse); return true; } return false; } bool MouseInputSource::SourceList::canUseTouch() { return false; } //============================================================================== void Desktop::setKioskComponent (Component* kioskComp, bool shouldBeEnabled, bool allowMenusAndBars) { #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 auto* peer = dynamic_cast<NSViewComponentPeer*> (kioskComp->getPeer()); jassert (peer != nullptr); // (this should have been checked by the caller) #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 if (peer->hasNativeTitleBar() && [peer->window respondsToSelector: @selector (toggleFullScreen:)]) { if (shouldBeEnabled && ! allowMenusAndBars) [NSApp setPresentationOptions: NSApplicationPresentationHideDock | NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar]; else if (! shouldBeEnabled) [NSApp setPresentationOptions: NSApplicationPresentationDefault]; [peer->window performSelector: @selector (toggleFullScreen:) withObject: nil]; } else #endif { if (shouldBeEnabled) { if (peer->hasNativeTitleBar()) [peer->window setStyleMask: NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless]; [NSApp setPresentationOptions: (allowMenusAndBars ? (NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideDock | NSApplicationPresentationAutoHideMenuBar) : (NSApplicationPresentationHideDock | NSApplicationPresentationHideMenuBar))]; kioskComp->setBounds (Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay().totalArea); peer->becomeKeyWindow(); } else { if (peer->hasNativeTitleBar()) { [peer->window setStyleMask: (NSViewComponentPeer::getNSWindowStyleMask (peer->getStyleFlags()))]; peer->setTitle (peer->getComponent().getName()); // required to force the OS to update the title } [NSApp setPresentationOptions: NSApplicationPresentationDefault]; } } #elif JUCE_SUPPORT_CARBON if (shouldBeEnabled) { SetSystemUIMode (kUIModeAllSuppressed, allowMenusAndBars ? kUIOptionAutoShowMenuBar : 0); kioskComp->setBounds (Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay().totalArea); } else { SetSystemUIMode (kUIModeNormal, 0); } #else ignoreUnused (kioskComp, shouldBeEnabled, allowMenusAndBars); // If you're targeting OSes earlier than 10.6 and want to use this feature, // you'll need to enable JUCE_SUPPORT_CARBON. jassertfalse; #endif } void Desktop::allowedOrientationsChanged() {} //============================================================================== ComponentPeer* Component::createNewPeer (int styleFlags, void* windowToAttachTo) { return new NSViewComponentPeer (*this, styleFlags, (NSView*) windowToAttachTo); } //============================================================================== const int KeyPress::spaceKey = ' '; const int KeyPress::returnKey = 0x0d; const int KeyPress::escapeKey = 0x1b; const int KeyPress::backspaceKey = 0x7f; const int KeyPress::leftKey = NSLeftArrowFunctionKey; const int KeyPress::rightKey = NSRightArrowFunctionKey; const int KeyPress::upKey = NSUpArrowFunctionKey; const int KeyPress::downKey = NSDownArrowFunctionKey; const int KeyPress::pageUpKey = NSPageUpFunctionKey; const int KeyPress::pageDownKey = NSPageDownFunctionKey; const int KeyPress::endKey = NSEndFunctionKey; const int KeyPress::homeKey = NSHomeFunctionKey; const int KeyPress::deleteKey = NSDeleteFunctionKey; const int KeyPress::insertKey = -1; const int KeyPress::tabKey = 9; const int KeyPress::F1Key = NSF1FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F2Key = NSF2FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F3Key = NSF3FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F4Key = NSF4FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F5Key = NSF5FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F6Key = NSF6FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F7Key = NSF7FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F8Key = NSF8FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F9Key = NSF9FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F10Key = NSF10FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F11Key = NSF11FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F12Key = NSF12FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F13Key = NSF13FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F14Key = NSF14FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F15Key = NSF15FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F16Key = NSF16FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F17Key = NSF17FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F18Key = NSF18FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F19Key = NSF19FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F20Key = NSF20FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F21Key = NSF21FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F22Key = NSF22FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F23Key = NSF23FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F24Key = NSF24FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F25Key = NSF25FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F26Key = NSF26FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F27Key = NSF27FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F28Key = NSF28FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F29Key = NSF29FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F30Key = NSF30FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F31Key = NSF31FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F32Key = NSF32FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F33Key = NSF33FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F34Key = NSF34FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::F35Key = NSF35FunctionKey; const int KeyPress::numberPad0 = 0x30020; const int KeyPress::numberPad1 = 0x30021; const int KeyPress::numberPad2 = 0x30022; const int KeyPress::numberPad3 = 0x30023; const int KeyPress::numberPad4 = 0x30024; const int KeyPress::numberPad5 = 0x30025; const int KeyPress::numberPad6 = 0x30026; const int KeyPress::numberPad7 = 0x30027; const int KeyPress::numberPad8 = 0x30028; const int KeyPress::numberPad9 = 0x30029; const int KeyPress::numberPadAdd = 0x3002a; const int KeyPress::numberPadSubtract = 0x3002b; const int KeyPress::numberPadMultiply = 0x3002c; const int KeyPress::numberPadDivide = 0x3002d; const int KeyPress::numberPadSeparator = 0x3002e; const int KeyPress::numberPadDecimalPoint = 0x3002f; const int KeyPress::numberPadEquals = 0x30030; const int KeyPress::numberPadDelete = 0x30031; const int KeyPress::playKey = 0x30000; const int KeyPress::stopKey = 0x30001; const int KeyPress::fastForwardKey = 0x30002; const int KeyPress::rewindKey = 0x30003; } // namespace juce