/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ #if _MSC_VER || defined (__MINGW32__) || defined (__MINGW64__) #include #endif #include "../../juce_core/system/juce_TargetPlatform.h" #include "../utility/juce_CheckSettingMacros.h" #include "juce_IncludeModuleHeaders.h" using namespace juce; namespace juce { AudioProcessor::WrapperType PluginHostType::jucePlugInClientCurrentWrapperType = AudioProcessor::wrapperType_Undefined; std::function PluginHostType::jucePlugInIsRunningInAudioSuiteFn = nullptr; #if JucePlugin_Build_Unity bool juce_isRunningInUnity() { return PluginHostType::getPluginLoadedAs() == AudioProcessor::wrapperType_Unity; } #endif #if JUCE_MODULE_AVAILABLE_juce_opengl bool juce_shouldDoubleScaleNativeGLWindow() { auto wrapperType = PluginHostType::getPluginLoadedAs(); if (wrapperType == AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST || wrapperType == AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST3) return getHostType().type == PluginHostType::SteinbergCubase10; return false; } #endif #ifndef JUCE_VST3_CAN_REPLACE_VST2 #define JUCE_VST3_CAN_REPLACE_VST2 1 #endif #if JucePlugin_Build_VST3 && (__APPLE_CPP__ || __APPLE_CC__ || _WIN32 || _WIN64) && JUCE_VST3_CAN_REPLACE_VST2 #define VST3_REPLACEMENT_AVAILABLE 1 // NB: Nasty old-fashioned code in here because it's copied from the Steinberg example code. void JUCE_API getUUIDForVST2ID (bool forControllerUID, uint8 uuid[16]) { char uidString[33]; const int vstfxid = (('V' << 16) | ('S' << 8) | (forControllerUID ? 'E' : 'T')); char vstfxidStr[7] = { 0 }; sprintf (vstfxidStr, "%06X", vstfxid); strcpy (uidString, vstfxidStr); char uidStr[9] = { 0 }; sprintf (uidStr, "%08X", JucePlugin_VSTUniqueID); strcat (uidString, uidStr); char nameidStr[3] = { 0 }; const size_t len = strlen (JucePlugin_Name); for (size_t i = 0; i <= 8; ++i) { juce::uint8 c = i < len ? static_cast (JucePlugin_Name[i]) : 0; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c += 'a' - 'A'; sprintf (nameidStr, "%02X", c); strcat (uidString, nameidStr); } unsigned long p0; unsigned int p1, p2; unsigned int p3[8]; #ifndef _MSC_VER sscanf #else sscanf_s #endif (uidString, "%08lX%04X%04X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", &p0, &p1, &p2, &p3[0], &p3[1], &p3[2], &p3[3], &p3[4], &p3[5], &p3[6], &p3[7]); union q0_u { uint32 word; uint8 bytes[4]; } q0; union q1_u { uint16 half; uint8 bytes[2]; } q1, q2; q0.word = static_cast (p0); q1.half = static_cast (p1); q2.half = static_cast (p2); // VST3 doesn't use COM compatible UUIDs on non windows platforms #ifndef _WIN32 q0.word = ByteOrder::swap (q0.word); q1.half = ByteOrder::swap (q1.half); q2.half = ByteOrder::swap (q2.half); #endif for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) uuid[i+0] = q0.bytes[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) uuid[i+4] = q1.bytes[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) uuid[i+6] = q2.bytes[i]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) uuid[i+8] = static_cast (p3[i]); } #else #define VST3_REPLACEMENT_AVAILABLE 0 #endif #if JucePlugin_Build_VST bool JUCE_API handleManufacturerSpecificVST2Opcode (int32 index, pointer_sized_int value, void* ptr, float) { #if VST3_REPLACEMENT_AVAILABLE if ((index == 'stCA' || index == 'stCa') && value == 'FUID' && ptr != nullptr) { uint8 fuid[16]; getUUIDForVST2ID (false, fuid); ::memcpy (ptr, fuid, 16); return true; } #else ignoreUnused (index, value, ptr); #endif return false; } #endif } // namespace juce //============================================================================== /** Somewhere in the codebase of your plugin, you need to implement this function and make it return a new instance of the filter subclass that you're building. */ extern AudioProcessor* JUCE_CALLTYPE createPluginFilter(); #if JucePlugin_Enable_IAA && JucePlugin_Build_Standalone && JUCE_IOS && (! JUCE_USE_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_STANDALONE_APP) extern bool JUCE_CALLTYPE juce_isInterAppAudioConnected(); extern void JUCE_CALLTYPE juce_switchToHostApplication(); #if JUCE_MODULE_AVAILABLE_juce_gui_basics extern Image JUCE_CALLTYPE juce_getIAAHostIcon (int); #endif #endif AudioProcessor* JUCE_API JUCE_CALLTYPE createPluginFilterOfType (AudioProcessor::WrapperType type) { AudioProcessor::setTypeOfNextNewPlugin (type); AudioProcessor* const pluginInstance = createPluginFilter(); AudioProcessor::setTypeOfNextNewPlugin (AudioProcessor::wrapperType_Undefined); // your createPluginFilter() method must return an object! jassert (pluginInstance != nullptr && pluginInstance->wrapperType == type); return pluginInstance; } bool PluginHostType::isInterAppAudioConnected() const { #if JucePlugin_Enable_IAA && JucePlugin_Build_Standalone && JUCE_IOS && (! JUCE_USE_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_STANDALONE_APP) if (getPluginLoadedAs() == AudioProcessor::wrapperType_Standalone) return juce_isInterAppAudioConnected(); #endif return false; } void PluginHostType::switchToHostApplication() const { #if JucePlugin_Enable_IAA && JucePlugin_Build_Standalone && JUCE_IOS && (! JUCE_USE_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_STANDALONE_APP) if (getPluginLoadedAs() == AudioProcessor::wrapperType_Standalone) juce_switchToHostApplication(); #endif } bool PluginHostType::isInAAXAudioSuite (AudioProcessor& processor) { #if JucePlugin_Build_AAX if (PluginHostType::getPluginLoadedAs() == AudioProcessor::wrapperType_AAX && jucePlugInIsRunningInAudioSuiteFn != nullptr) { return jucePlugInIsRunningInAudioSuiteFn (processor); } #endif ignoreUnused (processor); return false; } #if JUCE_MODULE_AVAILABLE_juce_gui_basics namespace juce { extern Image JUCE_API getIconFromApplication (const String&, const int); Image PluginHostType::getHostIcon (int size) const { ignoreUnused (size); #if JucePlugin_Enable_IAA && JucePlugin_Build_Standalone && JUCE_IOS && (! JUCE_USE_CUSTOM_PLUGIN_STANDALONE_APP) if (isInterAppAudioConnected()) return juce_getIAAHostIcon (size); #endif #if JUCE_MAC String bundlePath (getHostPath().upToLastOccurrenceOf (".app", true, true)); return getIconFromApplication (bundlePath, size); #endif return Image(); } } #endif