/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { DrawableButton::DrawableButton (const String& name, const DrawableButton::ButtonStyle buttonStyle) : Button (name), style (buttonStyle) { } DrawableButton::~DrawableButton() { } //============================================================================== static Drawable* copyDrawableIfNotNull (const Drawable* const d) { return d != nullptr ? d->createCopy() : nullptr; } void DrawableButton::setImages (const Drawable* normal, const Drawable* over, const Drawable* down, const Drawable* disabled, const Drawable* normalOn, const Drawable* overOn, const Drawable* downOn, const Drawable* disabledOn) { jassert (normal != nullptr); // you really need to give it at least a normal image.. normalImage .reset (copyDrawableIfNotNull (normal)); overImage .reset (copyDrawableIfNotNull (over)); downImage .reset (copyDrawableIfNotNull (down)); disabledImage .reset (copyDrawableIfNotNull (disabled)); normalImageOn .reset (copyDrawableIfNotNull (normalOn)); overImageOn .reset (copyDrawableIfNotNull (overOn)); downImageOn .reset (copyDrawableIfNotNull (downOn)); disabledImageOn .reset (copyDrawableIfNotNull (disabledOn)); currentImage = nullptr; buttonStateChanged(); } //============================================================================== void DrawableButton::setButtonStyle (const DrawableButton::ButtonStyle newStyle) { if (style != newStyle) { style = newStyle; buttonStateChanged(); } } void DrawableButton::setEdgeIndent (const int numPixelsIndent) { edgeIndent = numPixelsIndent; repaint(); resized(); } Rectangle DrawableButton::getImageBounds() const { auto r = getLocalBounds(); if (style != ImageStretched) { auto indentX = jmin (edgeIndent, proportionOfWidth (0.3f)); auto indentY = jmin (edgeIndent, proportionOfHeight (0.3f)); if (style == ImageOnButtonBackground) { indentX = jmax (getWidth() / 4, indentX); indentY = jmax (getHeight() / 4, indentY); } else if (style == ImageAboveTextLabel) { r = r.withTrimmedBottom (jmin (16, proportionOfHeight (0.25f))); } r = r.reduced (indentX, indentY); } return r.toFloat(); } void DrawableButton::resized() { Button::resized(); if (currentImage != nullptr) { if (style == ImageRaw) currentImage->setOriginWithOriginalSize (Point()); else currentImage->setTransformToFit (getImageBounds(), style == ImageStretched ? RectanglePlacement::stretchToFit : RectanglePlacement::centred); } } void DrawableButton::buttonStateChanged() { repaint(); Drawable* imageToDraw = nullptr; float opacity = 1.0f; if (isEnabled()) { imageToDraw = getCurrentImage(); } else { imageToDraw = getToggleState() ? disabledImageOn.get() : disabledImage.get(); if (imageToDraw == nullptr) { opacity = 0.4f; imageToDraw = getNormalImage(); } } if (imageToDraw != currentImage) { removeChildComponent (currentImage); currentImage = imageToDraw; if (currentImage != nullptr) { currentImage->setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, false); addAndMakeVisible (currentImage); resized(); } } if (currentImage != nullptr) currentImage->setAlpha (opacity); } void DrawableButton::enablementChanged() { Button::enablementChanged(); buttonStateChanged(); } void DrawableButton::colourChanged() { repaint(); } void DrawableButton::paintButton (Graphics& g, const bool shouldDrawButtonAsHighlighted, const bool shouldDrawButtonAsDown) { auto& lf = getLookAndFeel(); if (style == ImageOnButtonBackground) lf.drawButtonBackground (g, *this, findColour (getToggleState() ? TextButton::buttonOnColourId : TextButton::buttonColourId), shouldDrawButtonAsHighlighted, shouldDrawButtonAsDown); else lf.drawDrawableButton (g, *this, shouldDrawButtonAsHighlighted, shouldDrawButtonAsDown); } //============================================================================== Drawable* DrawableButton::getCurrentImage() const noexcept { if (isDown()) return getDownImage(); if (isOver()) return getOverImage(); return getNormalImage(); } Drawable* DrawableButton::getNormalImage() const noexcept { return (getToggleState() && normalImageOn != nullptr) ? normalImageOn.get() : normalImage.get(); } Drawable* DrawableButton::getOverImage() const noexcept { if (getToggleState()) { if (overImageOn != nullptr) return overImageOn.get(); if (normalImageOn != nullptr) return normalImageOn.get(); } return overImage != nullptr ? overImage.get() : normalImage.get(); } Drawable* DrawableButton::getDownImage() const noexcept { if (auto* d = getToggleState() ? downImageOn.get() : downImage.get()) return d; return getOverImage(); } } // namespace juce