/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { class TableHeaderComponent::DragOverlayComp : public Component { public: DragOverlayComp (const Image& i) : image (i) { image.duplicateIfShared(); image.multiplyAllAlphas (0.8f); setAlwaysOnTop (true); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { g.drawImageAt (image, 0, 0); } Image image; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (DragOverlayComp) }; //============================================================================== TableHeaderComponent::TableHeaderComponent() { } TableHeaderComponent::~TableHeaderComponent() { dragOverlayComp.reset(); } //============================================================================== void TableHeaderComponent::setPopupMenuActive (bool hasMenu) { menuActive = hasMenu; } bool TableHeaderComponent::isPopupMenuActive() const { return menuActive; } //============================================================================== int TableHeaderComponent::getNumColumns (const bool onlyCountVisibleColumns) const { if (onlyCountVisibleColumns) { int num = 0; for (auto* c : columns) if (c->isVisible()) ++num; return num; } return columns.size(); } String TableHeaderComponent::getColumnName (const int columnId) const { if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnId)) return ci->name; return {}; } void TableHeaderComponent::setColumnName (const int columnId, const String& newName) { if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnId)) { if (ci->name != newName) { ci->name = newName; sendColumnsChanged(); } } } void TableHeaderComponent::addColumn (const String& columnName, int columnId, int width, int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth, int propertyFlags, int insertIndex) { // can't have a duplicate or zero ID! jassert (columnId != 0 && getIndexOfColumnId (columnId, false) < 0); jassert (width > 0); auto ci = new ColumnInfo(); ci->name = columnName; ci->id = columnId; ci->width = width; ci->lastDeliberateWidth = width; ci->minimumWidth = minimumWidth; ci->maximumWidth = maximumWidth >= 0 ? maximumWidth : std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); jassert (ci->maximumWidth >= ci->minimumWidth); ci->propertyFlags = propertyFlags; columns.insert (insertIndex, ci); sendColumnsChanged(); } void TableHeaderComponent::removeColumn (const int columnIdToRemove) { auto index = getIndexOfColumnId (columnIdToRemove, false); if (index >= 0) { columns.remove (index); sortChanged = true; sendColumnsChanged(); } } void TableHeaderComponent::removeAllColumns() { if (columns.size() > 0) { columns.clear(); sendColumnsChanged(); } } void TableHeaderComponent::moveColumn (const int columnId, int newIndex) { auto currentIndex = getIndexOfColumnId (columnId, false); newIndex = visibleIndexToTotalIndex (newIndex); if (columns[currentIndex] != nullptr && currentIndex != newIndex) { columns.move (currentIndex, newIndex); sendColumnsChanged(); } } int TableHeaderComponent::getColumnWidth (const int columnId) const { if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnId)) return ci->width; return 0; } void TableHeaderComponent::setColumnWidth (const int columnId, const int newWidth) { if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnId)) { if (ci->width != newWidth) { auto numColumns = getNumColumns (true); ci->lastDeliberateWidth = ci->width = jlimit (ci->minimumWidth, ci->maximumWidth, newWidth); if (stretchToFit) { auto index = getIndexOfColumnId (columnId, true) + 1; if (isPositiveAndBelow (index, numColumns)) { auto x = getColumnPosition (index).getX(); if (lastDeliberateWidth == 0) lastDeliberateWidth = getTotalWidth(); resizeColumnsToFit (visibleIndexToTotalIndex (index), lastDeliberateWidth - x); } } repaint(); columnsResized = true; triggerAsyncUpdate(); } } } //============================================================================== int TableHeaderComponent::getIndexOfColumnId (const int columnId, const bool onlyCountVisibleColumns) const { int n = 0; for (auto* c : columns) { if ((! onlyCountVisibleColumns) || c->isVisible()) { if (c->id == columnId) return n; ++n; } } return -1; } int TableHeaderComponent::getColumnIdOfIndex (int index, const bool onlyCountVisibleColumns) const { if (onlyCountVisibleColumns) index = visibleIndexToTotalIndex (index); if (auto* ci = columns [index]) return ci->id; return 0; } Rectangle<int> TableHeaderComponent::getColumnPosition (const int index) const { int x = 0, width = 0, n = 0; for (auto* c : columns) { x += width; if (c->isVisible()) { width = c->width; if (n++ == index) break; } else { width = 0; } } return { x, 0, width, getHeight() }; } int TableHeaderComponent::getColumnIdAtX (const int xToFind) const { if (xToFind >= 0) { int x = 0; for (auto* ci : columns) { if (ci->isVisible()) { x += ci->width; if (xToFind < x) return ci->id; } } } return 0; } int TableHeaderComponent::getTotalWidth() const { int w = 0; for (auto* c : columns) if (c->isVisible()) w += c->width; return w; } void TableHeaderComponent::setStretchToFitActive (const bool shouldStretchToFit) { stretchToFit = shouldStretchToFit; lastDeliberateWidth = getTotalWidth(); resized(); } bool TableHeaderComponent::isStretchToFitActive() const { return stretchToFit; } void TableHeaderComponent::resizeAllColumnsToFit (int targetTotalWidth) { if (stretchToFit && getWidth() > 0 && columnIdBeingResized == 0 && columnIdBeingDragged == 0) { lastDeliberateWidth = targetTotalWidth; resizeColumnsToFit (0, targetTotalWidth); } } void TableHeaderComponent::resizeColumnsToFit (int firstColumnIndex, int targetTotalWidth) { targetTotalWidth = jmax (targetTotalWidth, 0); StretchableObjectResizer sor; for (int i = firstColumnIndex; i < columns.size(); ++i) { auto* ci = columns.getUnchecked(i); if (ci->isVisible()) sor.addItem (ci->lastDeliberateWidth, ci->minimumWidth, ci->maximumWidth); } sor.resizeToFit (targetTotalWidth); int visIndex = 0; for (int i = firstColumnIndex; i < columns.size(); ++i) { auto* ci = columns.getUnchecked(i); if (ci->isVisible()) { auto newWidth = jlimit (ci->minimumWidth, ci->maximumWidth, (int) std::floor (sor.getItemSize (visIndex++))); if (newWidth != ci->width) { ci->width = newWidth; repaint(); columnsResized = true; triggerAsyncUpdate(); } } } } void TableHeaderComponent::setColumnVisible (const int columnId, const bool shouldBeVisible) { if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnId)) { if (shouldBeVisible != ci->isVisible()) { if (shouldBeVisible) ci->propertyFlags |= visible; else ci->propertyFlags &= ~visible; sendColumnsChanged(); resized(); } } } bool TableHeaderComponent::isColumnVisible (const int columnId) const { if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnId)) return ci->isVisible(); return false; } //============================================================================== void TableHeaderComponent::setSortColumnId (const int columnId, const bool sortForwards) { if (getSortColumnId() != columnId || isSortedForwards() != sortForwards) { for (auto* c : columns) c->propertyFlags &= ~(sortedForwards | sortedBackwards); if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnId)) ci->propertyFlags |= (sortForwards ? sortedForwards : sortedBackwards); reSortTable(); } } int TableHeaderComponent::getSortColumnId() const { for (auto* c : columns) if ((c->propertyFlags & (sortedForwards | sortedBackwards)) != 0) return c->id; return 0; } bool TableHeaderComponent::isSortedForwards() const { for (auto* c : columns) if ((c->propertyFlags & (sortedForwards | sortedBackwards)) != 0) return (c->propertyFlags & sortedForwards) != 0; return true; } void TableHeaderComponent::reSortTable() { sortChanged = true; repaint(); triggerAsyncUpdate(); } //============================================================================== String TableHeaderComponent::toString() const { String s; XmlElement doc ("TABLELAYOUT"); doc.setAttribute ("sortedCol", getSortColumnId()); doc.setAttribute ("sortForwards", isSortedForwards()); for (auto* ci : columns) { auto* e = doc.createNewChildElement ("COLUMN"); e->setAttribute ("id", ci->id); e->setAttribute ("visible", ci->isVisible()); e->setAttribute ("width", ci->width); } return doc.createDocument ({}, true, false); } void TableHeaderComponent::restoreFromString (const String& storedVersion) { if (auto storedXML = parseXML (storedVersion)) { if (storedXML->hasTagName ("TABLELAYOUT")) { int index = 0; forEachXmlChildElement (*storedXML, col) { auto tabId = col->getIntAttribute ("id"); if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (tabId)) { columns.move (columns.indexOf (ci), index); ci->width = col->getIntAttribute ("width"); setColumnVisible (tabId, col->getBoolAttribute ("visible")); } ++index; } columnsResized = true; sendColumnsChanged(); setSortColumnId (storedXML->getIntAttribute ("sortedCol"), storedXML->getBoolAttribute ("sortForwards", true)); } } } //============================================================================== void TableHeaderComponent::addListener (Listener* newListener) { listeners.addIfNotAlreadyThere (newListener); } void TableHeaderComponent::removeListener (Listener* listenerToRemove) { listeners.removeFirstMatchingValue (listenerToRemove); } //============================================================================== void TableHeaderComponent::columnClicked (int columnId, const ModifierKeys& mods) { if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnId)) if ((ci->propertyFlags & sortable) != 0 && ! mods.isPopupMenu()) setSortColumnId (columnId, (ci->propertyFlags & sortedForwards) == 0); } void TableHeaderComponent::addMenuItems (PopupMenu& menu, const int /*columnIdClicked*/) { for (auto* ci : columns) if ((ci->propertyFlags & appearsOnColumnMenu) != 0) menu.addItem (ci->id, ci->name, (ci->propertyFlags & (sortedForwards | sortedBackwards)) == 0, isColumnVisible (ci->id)); } void TableHeaderComponent::reactToMenuItem (const int menuReturnId, const int /*columnIdClicked*/) { if (getIndexOfColumnId (menuReturnId, false) >= 0) setColumnVisible (menuReturnId, ! isColumnVisible (menuReturnId)); } void TableHeaderComponent::paint (Graphics& g) { auto& lf = getLookAndFeel(); lf.drawTableHeaderBackground (g, *this); auto clip = g.getClipBounds(); int x = 0; for (auto* ci : columns) { if (ci->isVisible()) { if (x + ci->width > clip.getX() && (ci->id != columnIdBeingDragged || dragOverlayComp == nullptr || ! dragOverlayComp->isVisible())) { Graphics::ScopedSaveState ss (g); g.setOrigin (x, 0); g.reduceClipRegion (0, 0, ci->width, getHeight()); lf.drawTableHeaderColumn (g, *this, ci->name, ci->id, ci->width, getHeight(), ci->id == columnIdUnderMouse, ci->id == columnIdUnderMouse && isMouseButtonDown(), ci->propertyFlags); } x += ci->width; if (x >= clip.getRight()) break; } } } void TableHeaderComponent::mouseMove (const MouseEvent& e) { updateColumnUnderMouse (e); } void TableHeaderComponent::mouseEnter (const MouseEvent& e) { updateColumnUnderMouse (e); } void TableHeaderComponent::mouseExit (const MouseEvent&) { setColumnUnderMouse (0); } void TableHeaderComponent::mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e) { repaint(); columnIdBeingResized = 0; columnIdBeingDragged = 0; if (columnIdUnderMouse != 0) { draggingColumnOffset = e.x - getColumnPosition (getIndexOfColumnId (columnIdUnderMouse, true)).getX(); if (e.mods.isPopupMenu()) columnClicked (columnIdUnderMouse, e.mods); } if (menuActive && e.mods.isPopupMenu()) showColumnChooserMenu (columnIdUnderMouse); } void TableHeaderComponent::mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) { if (columnIdBeingResized == 0 && columnIdBeingDragged == 0 && e.mouseWasDraggedSinceMouseDown() && ! e.mods.isPopupMenu()) { dragOverlayComp.reset(); columnIdBeingResized = getResizeDraggerAt (e.getMouseDownX()); if (columnIdBeingResized != 0) { if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnIdBeingResized)) initialColumnWidth = ci->width; else jassertfalse; } else { beginDrag (e); } } if (columnIdBeingResized != 0) { if (auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnIdBeingResized)) { auto w = jlimit (ci->minimumWidth, ci->maximumWidth, initialColumnWidth + e.getDistanceFromDragStartX()); if (stretchToFit) { // prevent us dragging a column too far right if we're in stretch-to-fit mode int minWidthOnRight = 0; for (int i = getIndexOfColumnId (columnIdBeingResized, false) + 1; i < columns.size(); ++i) if (columns.getUnchecked (i)->isVisible()) minWidthOnRight += columns.getUnchecked (i)->minimumWidth; auto currentPos = getColumnPosition (getIndexOfColumnId (columnIdBeingResized, true)); w = jmax (ci->minimumWidth, jmin (w, lastDeliberateWidth - minWidthOnRight - currentPos.getX())); } setColumnWidth (columnIdBeingResized, w); } } else if (columnIdBeingDragged != 0) { if (e.y >= -50 && e.y < getHeight() + 50) { if (dragOverlayComp != nullptr) { dragOverlayComp->setVisible (true); dragOverlayComp->setBounds (jlimit (0, jmax (0, getTotalWidth() - dragOverlayComp->getWidth()), e.x - draggingColumnOffset), 0, dragOverlayComp->getWidth(), getHeight()); for (int i = columns.size(); --i >= 0;) { const int currentIndex = getIndexOfColumnId (columnIdBeingDragged, true); int newIndex = currentIndex; if (newIndex > 0) { // if the previous column isn't draggable, we can't move our column // past it, because that'd change the undraggable column's position.. auto* previous = columns.getUnchecked (newIndex - 1); if ((previous->propertyFlags & draggable) != 0) { auto leftOfPrevious = getColumnPosition (newIndex - 1).getX(); auto rightOfCurrent = getColumnPosition (newIndex).getRight(); if (std::abs (dragOverlayComp->getX() - leftOfPrevious) < std::abs (dragOverlayComp->getRight() - rightOfCurrent)) { --newIndex; } } } if (newIndex < columns.size() - 1) { // if the next column isn't draggable, we can't move our column // past it, because that'd change the undraggable column's position.. auto* nextCol = columns.getUnchecked (newIndex + 1); if ((nextCol->propertyFlags & draggable) != 0) { auto leftOfCurrent = getColumnPosition (newIndex).getX(); auto rightOfNext = getColumnPosition (newIndex + 1).getRight(); if (std::abs (dragOverlayComp->getX() - leftOfCurrent) > std::abs (dragOverlayComp->getRight() - rightOfNext)) { ++newIndex; } } } if (newIndex != currentIndex) moveColumn (columnIdBeingDragged, newIndex); else break; } } } else { endDrag (draggingColumnOriginalIndex); } } } void TableHeaderComponent::beginDrag (const MouseEvent& e) { if (columnIdBeingDragged == 0) { columnIdBeingDragged = getColumnIdAtX (e.getMouseDownX()); auto* ci = getInfoForId (columnIdBeingDragged); if (ci == nullptr || (ci->propertyFlags & draggable) == 0) { columnIdBeingDragged = 0; } else { draggingColumnOriginalIndex = getIndexOfColumnId (columnIdBeingDragged, true); auto columnRect = getColumnPosition (draggingColumnOriginalIndex); auto temp = columnIdBeingDragged; columnIdBeingDragged = 0; dragOverlayComp.reset (new DragOverlayComp (createComponentSnapshot (columnRect, false))); addAndMakeVisible (dragOverlayComp.get()); columnIdBeingDragged = temp; dragOverlayComp->setBounds (columnRect); for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;) { listeners.getUnchecked(i)->tableColumnDraggingChanged (this, columnIdBeingDragged); i = jmin (i, listeners.size() - 1); } } } } void TableHeaderComponent::endDrag (const int finalIndex) { if (columnIdBeingDragged != 0) { moveColumn (columnIdBeingDragged, finalIndex); columnIdBeingDragged = 0; repaint(); for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;) { listeners.getUnchecked(i)->tableColumnDraggingChanged (this, 0); i = jmin (i, listeners.size() - 1); } } } void TableHeaderComponent::mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e) { mouseDrag (e); for (auto* c : columns) if (c->isVisible()) c->lastDeliberateWidth = c->width; columnIdBeingResized = 0; repaint(); endDrag (getIndexOfColumnId (columnIdBeingDragged, true)); updateColumnUnderMouse (e); if (columnIdUnderMouse != 0 && ! (e.mouseWasDraggedSinceMouseDown() || e.mods.isPopupMenu())) columnClicked (columnIdUnderMouse, e.mods); dragOverlayComp.reset(); } MouseCursor TableHeaderComponent::getMouseCursor() { if (columnIdBeingResized != 0 || (getResizeDraggerAt (getMouseXYRelative().getX()) != 0 && ! isMouseButtonDown())) return MouseCursor (MouseCursor::LeftRightResizeCursor); return Component::getMouseCursor(); } //============================================================================== bool TableHeaderComponent::ColumnInfo::isVisible() const { return (propertyFlags & TableHeaderComponent::visible) != 0; } TableHeaderComponent::ColumnInfo* TableHeaderComponent::getInfoForId (int id) const { for (auto* c : columns) if (c->id == id) return c; return nullptr; } int TableHeaderComponent::visibleIndexToTotalIndex (const int visibleIndex) const { int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); ++i) { if (columns.getUnchecked(i)->isVisible()) { if (n == visibleIndex) return i; ++n; } } return -1; } void TableHeaderComponent::sendColumnsChanged() { if (stretchToFit && lastDeliberateWidth > 0) resizeAllColumnsToFit (lastDeliberateWidth); repaint(); columnsChanged = true; triggerAsyncUpdate(); } void TableHeaderComponent::handleAsyncUpdate() { const bool changed = columnsChanged || sortChanged; const bool sized = columnsResized || changed; const bool sorted = sortChanged; columnsChanged = false; columnsResized = false; sortChanged = false; if (sorted) { for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;) { listeners.getUnchecked(i)->tableSortOrderChanged (this); i = jmin (i, listeners.size() - 1); } } if (changed) { for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;) { listeners.getUnchecked(i)->tableColumnsChanged (this); i = jmin (i, listeners.size() - 1); } } if (sized) { for (int i = listeners.size(); --i >= 0;) { listeners.getUnchecked(i)->tableColumnsResized (this); i = jmin (i, listeners.size() - 1); } } } int TableHeaderComponent::getResizeDraggerAt (const int mouseX) const { if (isPositiveAndBelow (mouseX, getWidth())) { const int draggableDistance = 3; int x = 0; for (auto* ci : columns) { if (ci->isVisible()) { if (std::abs (mouseX - (x + ci->width)) <= draggableDistance && (ci->propertyFlags & resizable) != 0) return ci->id; x += ci->width; } } } return 0; } void TableHeaderComponent::setColumnUnderMouse (const int newCol) { if (newCol != columnIdUnderMouse) { columnIdUnderMouse = newCol; repaint(); } } void TableHeaderComponent::updateColumnUnderMouse (const MouseEvent& e) { setColumnUnderMouse (reallyContains (e.getPosition(), true) && getResizeDraggerAt (e.x) == 0 ? getColumnIdAtX (e.x) : 0); } static void tableHeaderMenuCallback (int result, TableHeaderComponent* tableHeader, int columnIdClicked) { if (tableHeader != nullptr && result != 0) tableHeader->reactToMenuItem (result, columnIdClicked); } void TableHeaderComponent::showColumnChooserMenu (const int columnIdClicked) { PopupMenu m; addMenuItems (m, columnIdClicked); if (m.getNumItems() > 0) { m.setLookAndFeel (&getLookAndFeel()); m.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options(), ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (tableHeaderMenuCallback, this, columnIdClicked)); } } void TableHeaderComponent::Listener::tableColumnDraggingChanged (TableHeaderComponent*, int) { } } // namespace juce