/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { struct Grid::SizeCalculation { static float getTotalAbsoluteSize (const juce::Array& tracks, Px gapSize) noexcept { float totalCellSize = 0.0f; for (const auto& trackInfo : tracks) if (! trackInfo.isFraction || trackInfo.hasKeyword) totalCellSize += trackInfo.size; float totalGap = tracks.size() > 1 ? static_cast ((tracks.size() - 1) * gapSize.pixels) : 0.0f; return totalCellSize + totalGap; } static float getRelativeUnitSize (float size, float totalAbsolute, const juce::Array& tracks) noexcept { const float totalRelative = juce::jlimit (0.0f, size, size - totalAbsolute); float factorsSum = 0.0f; for (const auto& trackInfo : tracks) if (trackInfo.isFraction) factorsSum += trackInfo.size; jassert (factorsSum != 0.0f); return totalRelative / factorsSum; } //============================================================================== static float getTotalAbsoluteHeight (const juce::Array& rowTracks, Px rowGap) { return getTotalAbsoluteSize (rowTracks, rowGap); } static float getTotalAbsoluteWidth (const juce::Array& columnTracks, Px columnGap) { return getTotalAbsoluteSize (columnTracks, columnGap); } static float getRelativeWidthUnit (float gridWidth, Px columnGap, const juce::Array& columnTracks) { return getRelativeUnitSize (gridWidth, getTotalAbsoluteWidth (columnTracks, columnGap), columnTracks); } static float getRelativeHeightUnit (float gridHeight, Px rowGap, const juce::Array& rowTracks) { return getRelativeUnitSize (gridHeight, getTotalAbsoluteHeight (rowTracks, rowGap), rowTracks); } //============================================================================== static bool hasAnyFractions (const juce::Array& tracks) { for (auto& t : tracks) if (t.isFraction) return true; return false; } void computeSizes (float gridWidth, float gridHeight, Px columnGapToUse, Px rowGapToUse, const juce::Array& columnTracks, const juce::Array& rowTracks) { if (hasAnyFractions (columnTracks)) relativeWidthUnit = getRelativeWidthUnit (gridWidth, columnGapToUse, columnTracks); else remainingWidth = gridWidth - getTotalAbsoluteSize (columnTracks, columnGapToUse); if (hasAnyFractions (rowTracks)) relativeHeightUnit = getRelativeHeightUnit (gridHeight, rowGapToUse, rowTracks); else remainingHeight = gridHeight - getTotalAbsoluteSize (rowTracks, rowGapToUse); } float relativeWidthUnit = 0.0f; float relativeHeightUnit = 0.0f; float remainingWidth = 0.0f; float remainingHeight = 0.0f; }; //============================================================================== struct Grid::PlacementHelpers { enum { invalid = -999999 }; static constexpr auto emptyAreaCharacter = "."; //============================================================================== struct LineRange { int start, end; }; struct LineArea { LineRange column, row; }; struct LineInfo { juce::StringArray lineNames; }; struct NamedArea { juce::String name; LineArea lines; }; //============================================================================== static juce::Array getArrayOfLinesFromTracks (const juce::Array& tracks) { // fill line info array juce::Array lines; for (int i = 1; i <= tracks.size(); ++i) { const auto& currentTrack = tracks.getReference (i - 1); if (i == 1) // start line { LineInfo li; li.lineNames.add (currentTrack.startLineName); lines.add (li); } if (i > 1 && i <= tracks.size()) // two lines in between tracks { const auto& prevTrack = tracks.getReference (i - 2); LineInfo li; li.lineNames.add (prevTrack.endLineName); li.lineNames.add (currentTrack.startLineName); lines.add (li); } if (i == tracks.size()) // end line { LineInfo li; li.lineNames.add (currentTrack.endLineName); lines.add (li); } } jassert (lines.size() == tracks.size() + 1); return lines; } //============================================================================== static int deduceAbsoluteLineNumberFromLineName (GridItem::Property prop, const juce::Array& tracks) { jassert (prop.hasAbsolute()); const auto lines = getArrayOfLinesFromTracks (tracks); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { for (const auto& name : lines.getReference (i).lineNames) { if (prop.name == name) { ++count; break; } } if (count == prop.number) return i + 1; } jassertfalse; return count; } static int deduceAbsoluteLineNumber (GridItem::Property prop, const juce::Array& tracks) { jassert (prop.hasAbsolute()); if (prop.hasName()) return deduceAbsoluteLineNumberFromLineName (prop, tracks); return prop.number > 0 ? prop.number : tracks.size() + 2 + prop.number; } static int deduceAbsoluteLineNumberFromNamedSpan (int startLineNumber, GridItem::Property propertyWithSpan, const juce::Array& tracks) { jassert (propertyWithSpan.hasSpan()); const auto lines = getArrayOfLinesFromTracks (tracks); int count = 0; for (int i = startLineNumber; i < lines.size(); i++) { for (const auto& name : lines.getReference (i).lineNames) { if (propertyWithSpan.name == name) { ++count; break; } } if (count == propertyWithSpan.number) return i + 1; } jassertfalse; return count; } static int deduceAbsoluteLineNumberBasedOnSpan (int startLineNumber, GridItem::Property propertyWithSpan, const juce::Array& tracks) { jassert (propertyWithSpan.hasSpan()); if (propertyWithSpan.hasName()) return deduceAbsoluteLineNumberFromNamedSpan (startLineNumber, propertyWithSpan, tracks); return startLineNumber + propertyWithSpan.number; } //============================================================================== static LineRange deduceLineRange (GridItem::StartAndEndProperty prop, const juce::Array& tracks) { LineRange s; jassert (! (prop.start.hasAuto() && prop.end.hasAuto())); if (prop.start.hasAbsolute() && prop.end.hasAuto()) { prop.end = GridItem::Span (1); } else if (prop.start.hasAuto() && prop.end.hasAbsolute()) { prop.start = GridItem::Span (1); } if (prop.start.hasAbsolute() && prop.end.hasAbsolute()) { s.start = deduceAbsoluteLineNumber (prop.start, tracks); s.end = deduceAbsoluteLineNumber (prop.end, tracks); } else if (prop.start.hasAbsolute() && prop.end.hasSpan()) { s.start = deduceAbsoluteLineNumber (prop.start, tracks); s.end = deduceAbsoluteLineNumberBasedOnSpan (s.start, prop.end, tracks); } else if (prop.start.hasSpan() && prop.end.hasAbsolute()) { s.start = deduceAbsoluteLineNumber (prop.end, tracks); s.end = deduceAbsoluteLineNumberBasedOnSpan (s.start, prop.start, tracks); } else { // Can't have an item with spans on both start and end. jassertfalse; s.start = s.end = {}; } // swap if start overtakes end if (s.start > s.end) std::swap (s.start, s.end); else if (s.start == s.end) s.end = s.start + 1; return s; } static LineArea deduceLineArea (const GridItem& item, const Grid& grid, const std::map& namedAreas) { if (item.area.isNotEmpty() && ! grid.templateAreas.isEmpty()) { // Must be a named area! jassert (namedAreas.count (item.area) != 0); return namedAreas.at (item.area); } return { deduceLineRange (item.column, grid.templateColumns), deduceLineRange (item.row, grid.templateRows) }; } //============================================================================== static juce::Array parseAreasProperty (const juce::StringArray& areasStrings) { juce::Array strings; for (const auto& areaString : areasStrings) strings.add (juce::StringArray::fromTokens (areaString, false)); if (strings.size() > 0) { for (auto s : strings) { jassert (s.size() == strings[0].size()); // all rows must have the same number of columns } } return strings; } static NamedArea findArea (juce::Array& stringsArrays) { NamedArea area; for (auto& stringArray : stringsArrays) { for (auto& string : stringArray) { // find anchor if (area.name.isEmpty()) { if (string != emptyAreaCharacter) { area.name = string; area.lines.row.start = stringsArrays.indexOf (stringArray) + 1; // non-zero indexed; area.lines.column.start = stringArray.indexOf (string) + 1; // non-zero indexed; area.lines.row.end = stringsArrays.indexOf (stringArray) + 2; area.lines.column.end = stringArray.indexOf (string) + 2; // mark as visited string = emptyAreaCharacter; } } else { if (string == area.name) { area.lines.row.end = stringsArrays.indexOf (stringArray) + 2; area.lines.column.end = stringArray.indexOf (string) + 2; // mark as visited string = emptyAreaCharacter; } } } } return area; } //============================================================================== static std::map deduceNamedAreas (const juce::StringArray& areasStrings) { auto stringsArrays = parseAreasProperty (areasStrings); std::map areas; for (auto area = findArea (stringsArrays); area.name.isNotEmpty(); area = findArea (stringsArrays)) { if (areas.count (area.name) == 0) areas[area.name] = area.lines; else // Make sure your template-areas property only has one area with the same name and is well-formed jassertfalse; } return areas; } //============================================================================== static float getCoord (int trackNumber, float relativeUnit, Px gap, const juce::Array& tracks) { float c = 0; for (const auto* it = tracks.begin(); it != tracks.begin() + trackNumber - 1; ++it) c += (it->isFraction ? it->size * relativeUnit : it->size) + static_cast (gap.pixels); return c; } static juce::Rectangle getCellBounds (int columnNumber, int rowNumber, const juce::Array& columnTracks, const juce::Array& rowTracks, Grid::SizeCalculation calculation, Px columnGap, Px rowGap) { jassert (columnNumber >= 1 && columnNumber <= columnTracks.size()); jassert (rowNumber >= 1 && rowNumber <= rowTracks.size()); const auto x = getCoord (columnNumber, calculation.relativeWidthUnit, columnGap, columnTracks); const auto y = getCoord (rowNumber, calculation.relativeHeightUnit, rowGap, rowTracks); const auto& columnTrackInfo = columnTracks.getReference (columnNumber - 1); const float width = columnTrackInfo.isFraction ? columnTrackInfo.size * calculation.relativeWidthUnit : columnTrackInfo.size; const auto& rowTrackInfo = rowTracks.getReference (rowNumber - 1); const float height = rowTrackInfo.isFraction ? rowTrackInfo.size * calculation.relativeHeightUnit : rowTrackInfo.size; return { x, y, width, height }; } static juce::Rectangle alignCell (juce::Rectangle area, int columnNumber, int rowNumber, int numberOfColumns, int numberOfRows, Grid::SizeCalculation calculation, Grid::AlignContent alignContent, Grid::JustifyContent justifyContent) { if (alignContent == Grid::AlignContent::end) area.setY (area.getY() + calculation.remainingHeight); if (justifyContent == Grid::JustifyContent::end) area.setX (area.getX() + calculation.remainingWidth); if (alignContent == Grid::AlignContent::center) area.setY (area.getY() + calculation.remainingHeight / 2); if (justifyContent == Grid::JustifyContent::center) area.setX (area.getX() + calculation.remainingWidth / 2); if (alignContent == Grid::AlignContent::spaceBetween) { const auto shift = ((rowNumber - 1) * (calculation.remainingHeight / float(numberOfRows - 1))); area.setY (area.getY() + shift); } if (justifyContent == Grid::JustifyContent::spaceBetween) { const auto shift = ((columnNumber - 1) * (calculation.remainingWidth / float(numberOfColumns - 1))); area.setX (area.getX() + shift); } if (alignContent == Grid::AlignContent::spaceEvenly) { const auto shift = (rowNumber * (calculation.remainingHeight / float(numberOfRows + 1))); area.setY (area.getY() + shift); } if (justifyContent == Grid::JustifyContent::spaceEvenly) { const auto shift = (columnNumber * (calculation.remainingWidth / float(numberOfColumns + 1))); area.setX (area.getX() + shift); } if (alignContent == Grid::AlignContent::spaceAround) { const auto inbetweenShift = calculation.remainingHeight / float(numberOfRows); const auto sidesShift = inbetweenShift / 2; auto shift = (rowNumber - 1) * inbetweenShift + sidesShift; area.setY (area.getY() + shift); } if (justifyContent == Grid::JustifyContent::spaceAround) { const auto inbetweenShift = calculation.remainingWidth / float(numberOfColumns); const auto sidesShift = inbetweenShift / 2; auto shift = (columnNumber - 1) * inbetweenShift + sidesShift; area.setX (area.getX() + shift); } return area; } static juce::Rectangle getAreaBounds (int columnLineNumberStart, int columnLineNumberEnd, int rowLineNumberStart, int rowLineNumberEnd, const juce::Array& columnTracks, const juce::Array& rowTracks, Grid::SizeCalculation calculation, Grid::AlignContent alignContent, Grid::JustifyContent justifyContent, Px columnGap, Px rowGap) { auto startCell = getCellBounds (columnLineNumberStart, rowLineNumberStart, columnTracks, rowTracks, calculation, columnGap, rowGap); auto endCell = getCellBounds (columnLineNumberEnd - 1, rowLineNumberEnd - 1, columnTracks, rowTracks, calculation, columnGap, rowGap); startCell = alignCell (startCell, columnLineNumberStart, rowLineNumberStart, columnTracks.size(), rowTracks.size(), calculation, alignContent, justifyContent); endCell = alignCell (endCell, columnLineNumberEnd - 1, rowLineNumberEnd - 1, columnTracks.size(), rowTracks.size(), calculation, alignContent, justifyContent); return startCell.getUnion (endCell); } }; //============================================================================== struct Grid::AutoPlacement { using ItemPlacementArray = juce::Array>; //============================================================================== struct OccupancyPlane { struct Cell { int column, row; }; OccupancyPlane (int highestColumnToUse, int highestRowToUse, bool isColumnFirst) : highestCrossDimension (isColumnFirst ? highestRowToUse : highestColumnToUse), columnFirst (isColumnFirst) {} Grid::PlacementHelpers::LineArea setCell (Cell cell, int columnSpan, int rowSpan) { for (int i = 0; i < columnSpan; i++) for (int j = 0; j < rowSpan; j++) setCell (cell.column + i, cell.row + j); return { { cell.column, cell.column + columnSpan }, { cell.row, cell.row + rowSpan } }; } Grid::PlacementHelpers::LineArea setCell (Cell start, Cell end) { return setCell (start, std::abs (end.column - start.column), std::abs (end.row - start.row)); } Cell nextAvailable (Cell referenceCell, int columnSpan, int rowSpan) { while (isOccupied (referenceCell, columnSpan, rowSpan) || isOutOfBounds (referenceCell, columnSpan, rowSpan)) referenceCell = advance (referenceCell); return referenceCell; } Cell nextAvailableOnRow (Cell referenceCell, int columnSpan, int rowSpan, int rowNumber) { if (columnFirst && (rowNumber + rowSpan) > highestCrossDimension) highestCrossDimension = rowNumber + rowSpan; while (isOccupied (referenceCell, columnSpan, rowSpan) || (referenceCell.row != rowNumber)) referenceCell = advance (referenceCell); return referenceCell; } Cell nextAvailableOnColumn (Cell referenceCell, int columnSpan, int rowSpan, int columnNumber) { if (! columnFirst && (columnNumber + columnSpan) > highestCrossDimension) highestCrossDimension = columnNumber + columnSpan; while (isOccupied (referenceCell, columnSpan, rowSpan) || (referenceCell.column != columnNumber)) referenceCell = advance (referenceCell); return referenceCell; } private: struct SortableCell { int column, row; bool columnFirst; bool operator< (const SortableCell& other) const { if (columnFirst) { if (row == other.row) return column < other.column; return row < other.row; } if (row == other.row) return column < other.column; return row < other.row; } }; void setCell (int column, int row) { occupiedCells.insert ({ column, row, columnFirst }); } bool isOccupied (Cell cell) const { return occupiedCells.count ({ cell.column, cell.row, columnFirst }) > 0; } bool isOccupied (Cell cell, int columnSpan, int rowSpan) const { for (int i = 0; i < columnSpan; i++) for (int j = 0; j < rowSpan; j++) if (isOccupied ({ cell.column + i, cell.row + j })) return true; return false; } bool isOutOfBounds (Cell cell, int columnSpan, int rowSpan) const { const auto crossSpan = columnFirst ? rowSpan : columnSpan; return (getCrossDimension (cell) + crossSpan) > getHighestCrossDimension(); } int getHighestCrossDimension() const { Cell cell { 1, 1 }; if (occupiedCells.size() > 0) cell = { occupiedCells.crbegin()->column, occupiedCells.crbegin()->row }; return std::max (getCrossDimension (cell), highestCrossDimension); } Cell advance (Cell cell) const { if ((getCrossDimension (cell) + 1) >= getHighestCrossDimension()) return fromDimensions (getMainDimension (cell) + 1, 1); return fromDimensions (getMainDimension (cell), getCrossDimension (cell) + 1); } int getMainDimension (Cell cell) const { return columnFirst ? cell.column : cell.row; } int getCrossDimension (Cell cell) const { return columnFirst ? cell.row : cell.column; } Cell fromDimensions (int mainDimension, int crossDimension) const { if (columnFirst) return { mainDimension, crossDimension }; return { crossDimension, mainDimension }; } int highestCrossDimension; bool columnFirst; std::set occupiedCells; }; //============================================================================== static bool isFixed (GridItem::StartAndEndProperty prop) { return prop.start.hasName() || prop.start.hasAbsolute() || prop.end.hasName() || prop.end.hasAbsolute(); } static bool hasFullyFixedPlacement (const GridItem& item) { if (item.area.isNotEmpty()) return true; if (isFixed (item.column) && isFixed (item.row)) return true; return false; } static bool hasPartialFixedPlacement (const GridItem& item) { if (item.area.isNotEmpty()) return false; if (isFixed (item.column) ^ isFixed (item.row)) return true; return false; } static bool hasAutoPlacement (const GridItem& item) { return ! hasFullyFixedPlacement (item) && ! hasPartialFixedPlacement (item); } //============================================================================== static bool hasDenseAutoFlow (Grid::AutoFlow autoFlow) { return autoFlow == Grid::AutoFlow::columnDense || autoFlow == Grid::AutoFlow::rowDense; } static bool isColumnAutoFlow (Grid::AutoFlow autoFlow) { return autoFlow == Grid::AutoFlow::column || autoFlow == Grid::AutoFlow::columnDense; } //============================================================================== static int getSpanFromAuto (GridItem::StartAndEndProperty prop) { if (prop.end.hasSpan()) return prop.end.number; if (prop.start.hasSpan()) return prop.start.number; return 1; } //============================================================================== ItemPlacementArray deduceAllItems (Grid& grid) const { const auto namedAreas = Grid::PlacementHelpers::deduceNamedAreas (grid.templateAreas); OccupancyPlane plane (juce::jmax (grid.templateColumns.size() + 1, 2), juce::jmax (grid.templateRows.size() + 1, 2), isColumnAutoFlow (grid.autoFlow)); ItemPlacementArray itemPlacementArray; juce::Array sortedItems; for (auto& item : grid.items) sortedItems.add (&item); std::stable_sort (sortedItems.begin(), sortedItems.end(), [] (const GridItem* i1, const GridItem* i2) { return i1->order < i2->order; }); // place fixed items first for (auto* item : sortedItems) { if (hasFullyFixedPlacement (*item)) { const auto a = Grid::PlacementHelpers::deduceLineArea (*item, grid, namedAreas); plane.setCell ({ a.column.start, a.row.start }, { a.column.end, a.row.end }); itemPlacementArray.add ({ item, a }); } } OccupancyPlane::Cell lastInsertionCell = { 1, 1 }; for (auto* item : sortedItems) { if (hasPartialFixedPlacement (*item)) { if (isFixed (item->column)) { const auto p = Grid::PlacementHelpers::deduceLineRange (item->column, grid.templateColumns); const auto columnSpan = std::abs (p.start - p.end); const auto rowSpan = getSpanFromAuto (item->row); const auto insertionCell = hasDenseAutoFlow (grid.autoFlow) ? OccupancyPlane::Cell { p.start, 1 } : lastInsertionCell; const auto nextAvailableCell = plane.nextAvailableOnColumn (insertionCell, columnSpan, rowSpan, p.start); const auto lineArea = plane.setCell (nextAvailableCell, columnSpan, rowSpan); lastInsertionCell = nextAvailableCell; itemPlacementArray.add ({ item, lineArea }); } else if (isFixed (item->row)) { const auto p = Grid::PlacementHelpers::deduceLineRange (item->row, grid.templateRows); const auto columnSpan = getSpanFromAuto (item->column); const auto rowSpan = std::abs (p.start - p.end); const auto insertionCell = hasDenseAutoFlow (grid.autoFlow) ? OccupancyPlane::Cell { 1, p.start } : lastInsertionCell; const auto nextAvailableCell = plane.nextAvailableOnRow (insertionCell, columnSpan, rowSpan, p.start); const auto lineArea = plane.setCell (nextAvailableCell, columnSpan, rowSpan); lastInsertionCell = nextAvailableCell; itemPlacementArray.add ({ item, lineArea }); } } } lastInsertionCell = { 1, 1 }; for (auto* item : sortedItems) { if (hasAutoPlacement (*item)) { const auto columnSpan = getSpanFromAuto (item->column); const auto rowSpan = getSpanFromAuto (item->row); const auto nextAvailableCell = plane.nextAvailable (lastInsertionCell, columnSpan, rowSpan); const auto lineArea = plane.setCell (nextAvailableCell, columnSpan, rowSpan); if (! hasDenseAutoFlow (grid.autoFlow)) lastInsertionCell = nextAvailableCell; itemPlacementArray.add ({ item, lineArea }); } } return itemPlacementArray; } //============================================================================== static std::pair getHighestEndLinesNumbers (const ItemPlacementArray& items) { int columnEndLine = 1; int rowEndLine = 1; for (auto& item : items) { const auto p = item.second; columnEndLine = std::max (p.column.end, columnEndLine); rowEndLine = std::max (p.row.end, rowEndLine); } return { columnEndLine, rowEndLine }; } static std::pair, juce::Array> createImplicitTracks (const Grid& grid, const ItemPlacementArray& items) { const auto columnAndRowLineEnds = getHighestEndLinesNumbers (items); juce::Array implicitColumnTracks, implicitRowTracks; for (int i = grid.templateColumns.size() + 1; i < columnAndRowLineEnds.first; i++) implicitColumnTracks.add (grid.autoColumns); for (int i = grid.templateRows.size() + 1; i < columnAndRowLineEnds.second; i++) implicitRowTracks.add (grid.autoRows); return { implicitColumnTracks, implicitRowTracks }; } //============================================================================== static void applySizeForAutoTracks (juce::Array& columns, juce::Array& rows, const ItemPlacementArray& itemPlacementArray) { auto isSpan = [](Grid::PlacementHelpers::LineRange r) -> bool { return std::abs (r.end - r.start) > 1; }; auto getHighestItemOnRow = [isSpan](int rowNumber, const ItemPlacementArray& itemPlacementArrayToUse) -> float { float highestRowSize = 0.0f; for (const auto& i : itemPlacementArrayToUse) if (! isSpan (i.second.row) && i.second.row.start == rowNumber) highestRowSize = std::max (highestRowSize, i.first->height + i.first->margin.top + i.first->margin.bottom); return highestRowSize; }; auto getHighestItemOnColumn = [isSpan](int rowNumber, const ItemPlacementArray& itemPlacementArrayToUse) -> float { float highestColumnSize = 0.0f; for (const auto& i : itemPlacementArrayToUse) if (! isSpan (i.second.column) && i.second.column.start == rowNumber) highestColumnSize = std::max (highestColumnSize, i.first->width + i.first->margin.left + i.first->margin.right); return highestColumnSize; }; for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) if (rows.getReference (i).hasKeyword) rows.getReference (i).size = getHighestItemOnRow (i + 1, itemPlacementArray); for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) if (columns.getReference (i).hasKeyword) columns.getReference (i).size = getHighestItemOnColumn (i + 1, itemPlacementArray); } }; //============================================================================== struct Grid::BoxAlignment { static juce::Rectangle alignItem (const GridItem& item, const Grid& grid, juce::Rectangle area) { // if item align is auto, inherit value from grid Grid::AlignItems alignType = Grid::AlignItems::start; Grid::JustifyItems justifyType = Grid::JustifyItems::start; if (item.alignSelf == GridItem::AlignSelf::autoValue) alignType = grid.alignItems; else alignType = static_cast (item.alignSelf); if (item.justifySelf == GridItem::JustifySelf::autoValue) justifyType = grid.justifyItems; else justifyType = static_cast (item.justifySelf); // subtract margin from area area = juce::BorderSize (item.margin.top, item.margin.left, item.margin.bottom, item.margin.right) .subtractedFrom (area); // align and justify auto r = area; if (item.width != GridItem::notAssigned) r.setWidth (item.width); if (item.height != GridItem::notAssigned) r.setHeight (item.height); if (alignType == Grid::AlignItems::start && justifyType == Grid::JustifyItems::start) return r; if (alignType == Grid::AlignItems::end) r.setY (r.getY() + (area.getHeight() - r.getHeight())); if (justifyType == Grid::JustifyItems::end) r.setX (r.getX() + (area.getWidth() - r.getWidth())); if (alignType == Grid::AlignItems::center) r.setCentre (r.getCentreX(), area.getCentreY()); if (justifyType == Grid::JustifyItems::center) r.setCentre (area.getCentreX(), r.getCentreY()); return r; } }; //============================================================================== Grid::TrackInfo::TrackInfo() noexcept : hasKeyword (true) {} Grid::TrackInfo::TrackInfo (Px sizeInPixels) noexcept : size (static_cast (sizeInPixels.pixels)), isFraction (false) {} Grid::TrackInfo::TrackInfo (Fr fractionOfFreeSpace) noexcept : size ((float)fractionOfFreeSpace.fraction), isFraction (true) {} Grid::TrackInfo::TrackInfo (Px sizeInPixels, const juce::String& endLineNameToUse) noexcept : Grid::TrackInfo (sizeInPixels) { endLineName = endLineNameToUse; } Grid::TrackInfo::TrackInfo (Fr fractionOfFreeSpace, const juce::String& endLineNameToUse) noexcept : Grid::TrackInfo (fractionOfFreeSpace) { endLineName = endLineNameToUse; } Grid::TrackInfo::TrackInfo (const juce::String& startLineNameToUse, Px sizeInPixels) noexcept : Grid::TrackInfo (sizeInPixels) { startLineName = startLineNameToUse; } Grid::TrackInfo::TrackInfo (const juce::String& startLineNameToUse, Fr fractionOfFreeSpace) noexcept : Grid::TrackInfo (fractionOfFreeSpace) { startLineName = startLineNameToUse; } Grid::TrackInfo::TrackInfo (const juce::String& startLineNameToUse, Px sizeInPixels, const juce::String& endLineNameToUse) noexcept : Grid::TrackInfo (startLineNameToUse, sizeInPixels) { endLineName = endLineNameToUse; } Grid::TrackInfo::TrackInfo (const juce::String& startLineNameToUse, Fr fractionOfFreeSpace, const juce::String& endLineNameToUse) noexcept : Grid::TrackInfo (startLineNameToUse, fractionOfFreeSpace) { endLineName = endLineNameToUse; } //============================================================================== Grid::Grid() noexcept {} Grid::~Grid() noexcept {} //============================================================================== void Grid::performLayout (juce::Rectangle targetArea) { const auto itemsAndAreas = Grid::AutoPlacement().deduceAllItems (*this); const auto implicitTracks = Grid::AutoPlacement::createImplicitTracks (*this, itemsAndAreas); auto columnTracks = templateColumns; auto rowTracks = templateRows; columnTracks.addArray (implicitTracks.first); rowTracks.addArray (implicitTracks.second); Grid::AutoPlacement::applySizeForAutoTracks (columnTracks, rowTracks, itemsAndAreas); Grid::SizeCalculation calculation; calculation.computeSizes (targetArea.toFloat().getWidth(), targetArea.toFloat().getHeight(), columnGap, rowGap, columnTracks, rowTracks); for (auto& itemAndArea : itemsAndAreas) { const auto a = itemAndArea.second; const auto areaBounds = Grid::PlacementHelpers::getAreaBounds (a.column.start, a.column.end, a.row.start, a.row.end, columnTracks, rowTracks, calculation, alignContent, justifyContent, columnGap, rowGap); auto* item = itemAndArea.first; item->currentBounds = Grid::BoxAlignment::alignItem (*item, *this, areaBounds) + targetArea.toFloat().getPosition(); if (auto* c = item->associatedComponent) c->setBounds (item->currentBounds.toNearestIntEdges()); } } } // namespace juce