#!/usr/bin/env bash # Example input: # ./make_portable.sh mycoolbinary # where mycoolbinary is a mach-o object file # (for example an executable binary or a .dylib) # # this script rewrites your file's every environment-specific # dynamic link (recursively!) # such that they point to local .dylibs. # these .dylibs are then copied to a folder lib, next to your binary # # by "environment-specific" I mean any link to a .dylib under /usr/local set -o pipefail error() { local parent_lineno="$1" local message="$2" local code="${3:-1}" if [[ -n "$message" ]] ; then echo "Error on or near line ${parent_lineno}: ${message}; exiting with status ${code}" else echo "Error on or near line ${parent_lineno}; exiting with status ${code}" fi exit "${code}" } trap 'error ${LINENO}' ERR BINARY="$1" BINARYDIR=$(dirname "$BINARY") LIBREL="lib" LIB="$BINARYDIR/$LIBREL" # make a lib folder mkdir -p "$LIB" # find every LC_LOAD_DYLIB command in the obj file # filter to just loads under /usr/local # print the absolute path of each such dylib get_env_specific_direct_dependencies () { # otool -L shows us every LC_LOAD_DYLIB plus LC_ID_DYLIB # otool -D shows us just LC_ID_DYLIB ALL_DYLIBS=$(otool -L "$1" | awk 'NR>1') DYLIB_ID=$(otool -D "$1" | awk 'NR>1') if [ -z "$DYLIB_ID" ]; then DIRECT_DEPS="$ALL_DYLIBS" else DIRECT_DEPS=$(echo "$ALL_DYLIBS" | grep -v "$DYLIB_ID") fi echo "$DIRECT_DEPS" \ | awk '/\/usr\/local\//,/.dylib/ {print $1}' } # lookup LC_LOAD_DYLIB commands in an obj file, # then follow those loads and ask the same of each # of its dylibs, recursively get_env_specific_dependencies_recursive () { while read -r obj; do [ -z "$obj" ] && continue echo "$obj" get_env_specific_dependencies_recursive "$obj" done < <(get_env_specific_direct_dependencies "$1") } DEP_PATHS=$(get_env_specific_dependencies_recursive "$BINARY") mkdir -p "$LIB" # copy each distinct dylib in the dependency tree into our lib folder echo "$DEP_PATHS" \ | xargs -n1 realpath \ | sort \ | uniq \ | xargs -I'{}' cp {} "$LIB/" chmod +w "$LIB"/*.dylib while read -r obj; do [ -z "$obj" ] && continue OBJ_LEAF_NAME=$(echo "$obj" | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}') # rewrite the install name of this obj file. completely optional. # provides good default for future people who link to it. install_name_tool -id "@rpath/$OBJ_LEAF_NAME" "$obj" # iterate over every LC_LOAD_DYLIB command in the objfile while read -r load; do [ -z "$load" ] && continue LOAD_LEAF_NAME=$(echo "$load" | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}') # rewrite a LC_LOAD_DYLIB command in this obj file # to point relative to @rpath install_name_tool -change "$load" "@rpath/$LOAD_LEAF_NAME" "$obj" done < <(get_env_specific_direct_dependencies "$obj") done < <(cat <(echo "$BINARY") <(echo "$DEP_PATHS" | awk -F'/' -v l="$LIB" -v OFS='/' '{print l,$NF}')) # define in our binary what it should expand the # runtime search path @rpath to install_name_tool -add_rpath "@loader_path/$LIBREL" "$BINARY"