
   This file is part of the JUCE library.
   Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd.

   JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source

   The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
   http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
   To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
   without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
   this permission notice appear in all copies.



namespace juce

/** A relative measure of time.

    The time is stored as a number of seconds, at double-precision floating
    point accuracy, and may be positive or negative.

    If you need an absolute time, (i.e. a date + time), see the Time class.

class JUCE_API  RelativeTime
    /** Creates a RelativeTime.

        @param seconds  the number of seconds, which may be +ve or -ve.
        @see milliseconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks
    explicit RelativeTime (double seconds = 0.0) noexcept;

    /** Copies another relative time. */
    RelativeTime (const RelativeTime& other) noexcept;

    /** Copies another relative time. */
    RelativeTime& operator= (const RelativeTime& other) noexcept;

    /** Destructor. */
    ~RelativeTime() noexcept;

    /** Creates a new RelativeTime object representing a number of milliseconds.
        @see seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks
    static RelativeTime milliseconds (int milliseconds) noexcept;

    /** Creates a new RelativeTime object representing a number of milliseconds.
        @see seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks
    static RelativeTime milliseconds (int64 milliseconds) noexcept;

    /** Creates a new RelativeTime object representing a number of seconds.
        @see milliseconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks
    static RelativeTime seconds (double seconds) noexcept;

    /** Creates a new RelativeTime object representing a number of minutes.
        @see milliseconds, hours, days, weeks
    static RelativeTime minutes (double numberOfMinutes) noexcept;

    /** Creates a new RelativeTime object representing a number of hours.
        @see milliseconds, minutes, days, weeks
    static RelativeTime hours (double numberOfHours) noexcept;

    /** Creates a new RelativeTime object representing a number of days.
        @see milliseconds, minutes, hours, weeks
    static RelativeTime days (double numberOfDays) noexcept;

    /** Creates a new RelativeTime object representing a number of weeks.
        @see milliseconds, minutes, hours, days
    static RelativeTime weeks (double numberOfWeeks) noexcept;

    /** Returns the number of milliseconds this time represents.
        @see milliseconds, inSeconds, inMinutes, inHours, inDays, inWeeks
    int64 inMilliseconds() const noexcept;

    /** Returns the number of seconds this time represents.
        @see inMilliseconds, inMinutes, inHours, inDays, inWeeks
    double inSeconds() const noexcept       { return numSeconds; }

    /** Returns the number of minutes this time represents.
        @see inMilliseconds, inSeconds, inHours, inDays, inWeeks
    double inMinutes() const noexcept;

    /** Returns the number of hours this time represents.
        @see inMilliseconds, inSeconds, inMinutes, inDays, inWeeks
    double inHours() const noexcept;

    /** Returns the number of days this time represents.
        @see inMilliseconds, inSeconds, inMinutes, inHours, inWeeks
    double inDays() const noexcept;

    /** Returns the number of weeks this time represents.
        @see inMilliseconds, inSeconds, inMinutes, inHours, inDays
    double inWeeks() const noexcept;

    /** Returns a readable textual description of the time.

        The exact format of the string returned will depend on
        the magnitude of the time - e.g.

        "1 min 4 secs", "1 hr 45 mins", "2 weeks 5 days", "140 ms"

        so that only the two most significant units are printed.

        The returnValueForZeroTime value is the result that is returned if the
        length is zero. Depending on your application you might want to use this
        to return something more relevant like "empty" or "0 secs", etc.

        @see inMilliseconds, inSeconds, inMinutes, inHours, inDays, inWeeks
    String getDescription (const String& returnValueForZeroTime = "0") const;

    /** Adds another RelativeTime to this one. */
    RelativeTime operator+= (RelativeTime timeToAdd) noexcept;
    /** Subtracts another RelativeTime from this one. */
    RelativeTime operator-= (RelativeTime timeToSubtract) noexcept;

    /** Adds a number of seconds to this time. */
    RelativeTime operator+= (double secondsToAdd) noexcept;
    /** Subtracts a number of seconds from this time. */
    RelativeTime operator-= (double secondsToSubtract) noexcept;

    double numSeconds;

/** Compares two RelativeTimes. */
JUCE_API bool JUCE_CALLTYPE operator== (RelativeTime t1, RelativeTime t2) noexcept;
/** Compares two RelativeTimes. */
JUCE_API bool JUCE_CALLTYPE operator!= (RelativeTime t1, RelativeTime t2) noexcept;
/** Compares two RelativeTimes. */
JUCE_API bool JUCE_CALLTYPE operator>  (RelativeTime t1, RelativeTime t2) noexcept;
/** Compares two RelativeTimes. */
JUCE_API bool JUCE_CALLTYPE operator<  (RelativeTime t1, RelativeTime t2) noexcept;
/** Compares two RelativeTimes. */
JUCE_API bool JUCE_CALLTYPE operator>= (RelativeTime t1, RelativeTime t2) noexcept;
/** Compares two RelativeTimes. */
JUCE_API bool JUCE_CALLTYPE operator<= (RelativeTime t1, RelativeTime t2) noexcept;

/** Adds two RelativeTimes together. */
JUCE_API RelativeTime  JUCE_CALLTYPE operator+  (RelativeTime t1, RelativeTime t2) noexcept;
/** Subtracts two RelativeTimes. */
JUCE_API RelativeTime  JUCE_CALLTYPE operator-  (RelativeTime t1, RelativeTime t2) noexcept;

} // namespace juce