/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { #if JUCE_USE_FLAC } #if defined _WIN32 && !defined __CYGWIN__ #include <io.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #endif #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __BORLANDC__ || defined __MINGW32__ #include <sys/types.h> /* for off_t */ #endif #if HAVE_INTTYPES_H #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include <inttypes.h> #endif #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __MINGW32__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __EMX__ #include <io.h> /* for _setmode(), chmod() */ #include <fcntl.h> /* for _O_BINARY */ #else #include <unistd.h> /* for chown(), unlink() */ #endif #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __BORLANDC__ || defined __MINGW32__ #if defined __BORLANDC__ #include <utime.h> /* for utime() */ #else #include <sys/utime.h> /* for utime() */ #endif #else #include <sys/types.h> /* some flavors of BSD (like OS X) require this to get time_t */ #include <utime.h> /* for utime() */ #endif #if defined _MSC_VER #if _MSC_VER >= 1600 #include <stdint.h> #else #include <limits.h> #endif #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <windows.h> #endif #ifdef DEBUG #include <assert.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> namespace juce { namespace FlacNamespace { #if JUCE_INCLUDE_FLAC_CODE || ! defined (JUCE_INCLUDE_FLAC_CODE) #undef VERSION #define VERSION "1.3.1" #define FLAC__NO_DLL 1 #if JUCE_MSVC #pragma warning (disable: 4267 4127 4244 4996 4100 4701 4702 4013 4133 4206 4312 4505 4365 4005 4334 181 111) #else #define HAVE_LROUND 1 #endif #if JUCE_MAC #define FLAC__SYS_DARWIN 1 #endif #ifndef SIZE_MAX #define SIZE_MAX 0xffffffff #endif #if JUCE_CLANG #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-register" #if __has_warning("-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant") #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant" #endif #endif #if JUCE_INTEL #if JUCE_32BIT #define FLAC__CPU_IA32 1 #endif #if JUCE_64BIT #define FLAC__CPU_X86_64 1 #endif #define FLAC__HAS_X86INTRIN 1 #endif #undef __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS 1 #define flac_max jmax #define flac_min jmin #undef DEBUG // (some flac code dumps debug trace if the app defines this macro) #include "flac/all.h" #include "flac/libFLAC/bitmath.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/bitreader.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/bitwriter.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/cpu.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/crc.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/fixed.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/float.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/format.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/lpc_flac.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/md5.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/memory.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/stream_decoder.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/stream_encoder.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/stream_encoder_framing.c" #include "flac/libFLAC/window_flac.c" #undef VERSION #else #include <FLAC/all.h> #endif #if JUCE_CLANG #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif } #undef max #undef min //============================================================================== static const char* const flacFormatName = "FLAC file"; //============================================================================== class FlacReader : public AudioFormatReader { public: FlacReader (InputStream* in) : AudioFormatReader (in, flacFormatName) { lengthInSamples = 0; decoder = FlacNamespace::FLAC__stream_decoder_new(); ok = FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream (decoder, readCallback_, seekCallback_, tellCallback_, lengthCallback_, eofCallback_, writeCallback_, metadataCallback_, errorCallback_, this) == FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_INIT_STATUS_OK; if (ok) { FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata (decoder); if (lengthInSamples == 0 && sampleRate > 0) { // the length hasn't been stored in the metadata, so we'll need to // work it out the length the hard way, by scanning the whole file.. scanningForLength = true; FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_stream (decoder); scanningForLength = false; auto tempLength = lengthInSamples; FLAC__stream_decoder_reset (decoder); FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata (decoder); lengthInSamples = tempLength; } } } ~FlacReader() override { FlacNamespace::FLAC__stream_decoder_delete (decoder); } void useMetadata (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamMetadata_StreamInfo& info) { sampleRate = info.sample_rate; bitsPerSample = info.bits_per_sample; lengthInSamples = (unsigned int) info.total_samples; numChannels = info.channels; reservoir.setSize ((int) numChannels, 2 * (int) info.max_blocksize, false, false, true); } // returns the number of samples read bool readSamples (int** destSamples, int numDestChannels, int startOffsetInDestBuffer, int64 startSampleInFile, int numSamples) override { if (! ok) return false; while (numSamples > 0) { if (startSampleInFile >= reservoirStart && startSampleInFile < reservoirStart + samplesInReservoir) { auto num = (int) jmin ((int64) numSamples, reservoirStart + samplesInReservoir - startSampleInFile); jassert (num > 0); for (int i = jmin (numDestChannels, reservoir.getNumChannels()); --i >= 0;) if (destSamples[i] != nullptr) memcpy (destSamples[i] + startOffsetInDestBuffer, reservoir.getReadPointer (i, (int) (startSampleInFile - reservoirStart)), sizeof (int) * (size_t) num); startOffsetInDestBuffer += num; startSampleInFile += num; numSamples -= num; } else { if (startSampleInFile >= lengthInSamples) { samplesInReservoir = 0; } else if (startSampleInFile < reservoirStart || startSampleInFile > reservoirStart + jmax (samplesInReservoir, 511)) { // had some problems with flac crashing if the read pos is aligned more // accurately than this. Probably fixed in newer versions of the library, though. reservoirStart = (int) (startSampleInFile & ~511); samplesInReservoir = 0; FLAC__stream_decoder_seek_absolute (decoder, (FlacNamespace::FLAC__uint64) reservoirStart); } else { reservoirStart += samplesInReservoir; samplesInReservoir = 0; FLAC__stream_decoder_process_single (decoder); } if (samplesInReservoir == 0) break; } } if (numSamples > 0) { for (int i = numDestChannels; --i >= 0;) if (destSamples[i] != nullptr) zeromem (destSamples[i] + startOffsetInDestBuffer, sizeof (int) * (size_t) numSamples); } return true; } void useSamples (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__int32* const buffer[], int numSamples) { if (scanningForLength) { lengthInSamples += numSamples; } else { if (numSamples > reservoir.getNumSamples()) reservoir.setSize ((int) numChannels, numSamples, false, false, true); auto bitsToShift = 32 - bitsPerSample; for (int i = 0; i < (int) numChannels; ++i) { auto* src = buffer[i]; int n = i; while (src == nullptr && n > 0) src = buffer [--n]; if (src != nullptr) { auto* dest = reinterpret_cast<int*> (reservoir.getWritePointer(i)); for (int j = 0; j < numSamples; ++j) dest[j] = src[j] << bitsToShift; } } samplesInReservoir = numSamples; } } //============================================================================== static FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoderReadStatus readCallback_ (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoder*, FlacNamespace::FLAC__byte buffer[], size_t* bytes, void* client_data) { *bytes = (size_t) static_cast<const FlacReader*> (client_data)->input->read (buffer, (int) *bytes); return FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_CONTINUE; } static FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoderSeekStatus seekCallback_ (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoder*, FlacNamespace::FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset, void* client_data) { static_cast<const FlacReader*> (client_data)->input->setPosition ((int) absolute_byte_offset); return FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_SEEK_STATUS_OK; } static FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoderTellStatus tellCallback_ (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoder*, FlacNamespace::FLAC__uint64* absolute_byte_offset, void* client_data) { *absolute_byte_offset = (uint64) static_cast<const FlacReader*> (client_data)->input->getPosition(); return FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_TELL_STATUS_OK; } static FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoderLengthStatus lengthCallback_ (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoder*, FlacNamespace::FLAC__uint64* stream_length, void* client_data) { *stream_length = (uint64) static_cast<const FlacReader*> (client_data)->input->getTotalLength(); return FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_LENGTH_STATUS_OK; } static FlacNamespace::FLAC__bool eofCallback_ (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoder*, void* client_data) { return static_cast<const FlacReader*> (client_data)->input->isExhausted(); } static FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus writeCallback_ (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoder*, const FlacNamespace::FLAC__Frame* frame, const FlacNamespace::FLAC__int32* const buffer[], void* client_data) { static_cast<FlacReader*> (client_data)->useSamples (buffer, (int) frame->header.blocksize); return FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_WRITE_STATUS_CONTINUE; } static void metadataCallback_ (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoder*, const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamMetadata* metadata, void* client_data) { static_cast<FlacReader*> (client_data)->useMetadata (metadata->data.stream_info); } static void errorCallback_ (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoder*, FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus, void*) { } private: FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamDecoder* decoder; AudioBuffer<float> reservoir; int reservoirStart = 0, samplesInReservoir = 0; bool ok = false, scanningForLength = false; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (FlacReader) }; //============================================================================== class FlacWriter : public AudioFormatWriter { public: FlacWriter (OutputStream* out, double rate, uint32 numChans, uint32 bits, int qualityOptionIndex) : AudioFormatWriter (out, flacFormatName, rate, numChans, bits), streamStartPos (output != nullptr ? jmax (output->getPosition(), 0ll) : 0ll) { encoder = FlacNamespace::FLAC__stream_encoder_new(); if (qualityOptionIndex > 0) FLAC__stream_encoder_set_compression_level (encoder, (uint32) jmin (8, qualityOptionIndex)); FLAC__stream_encoder_set_do_mid_side_stereo (encoder, numChannels == 2); FLAC__stream_encoder_set_loose_mid_side_stereo (encoder, numChannels == 2); FLAC__stream_encoder_set_channels (encoder, numChannels); FLAC__stream_encoder_set_bits_per_sample (encoder, jmin ((unsigned int) 24, bitsPerSample)); FLAC__stream_encoder_set_sample_rate (encoder, (unsigned int) sampleRate); FLAC__stream_encoder_set_blocksize (encoder, 0); FLAC__stream_encoder_set_do_escape_coding (encoder, true); ok = FLAC__stream_encoder_init_stream (encoder, encodeWriteCallback, encodeSeekCallback, encodeTellCallback, encodeMetadataCallback, this) == FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_INIT_STATUS_OK; } ~FlacWriter() override { if (ok) { FlacNamespace::FLAC__stream_encoder_finish (encoder); output->flush(); } else { output = nullptr; // to stop the base class deleting this, as it needs to be returned // to the caller of createWriter() } FlacNamespace::FLAC__stream_encoder_delete (encoder); } //============================================================================== bool write (const int** samplesToWrite, int numSamples) override { if (! ok) return false; HeapBlock<int*> channels; HeapBlock<int> temp; auto bitsToShift = 32 - (int) bitsPerSample; if (bitsToShift > 0) { temp.malloc (numChannels * (size_t) numSamples); channels.calloc (numChannels + 1); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChannels; ++i) { if (samplesToWrite[i] == nullptr) break; auto* destData = temp.get() + i * (size_t) numSamples; channels[i] = destData; for (int j = 0; j < numSamples; ++j) destData[j] = (samplesToWrite[i][j] >> bitsToShift); } samplesToWrite = const_cast<const int**> (channels.get()); } return FLAC__stream_encoder_process (encoder, (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__int32**) samplesToWrite, (unsigned) numSamples) != 0; } bool writeData (const void* const data, const int size) const { return output->write (data, (size_t) size); } static void packUint32 (FlacNamespace::FLAC__uint32 val, FlacNamespace::FLAC__byte* b, const int bytes) { b += bytes; for (int i = 0; i < bytes; ++i) { *(--b) = (FlacNamespace::FLAC__byte) (val & 0xff); val >>= 8; } } void writeMetaData (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamMetadata* metadata) { using namespace FlacNamespace; auto& info = metadata->data.stream_info; unsigned char buffer[FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_LENGTH]; const unsigned int channelsMinus1 = info.channels - 1; const unsigned int bitsMinus1 = info.bits_per_sample - 1; packUint32 (info.min_blocksize, buffer, 2); packUint32 (info.max_blocksize, buffer + 2, 2); packUint32 (info.min_framesize, buffer + 4, 3); packUint32 (info.max_framesize, buffer + 7, 3); buffer[10] = (uint8) ((info.sample_rate >> 12) & 0xff); buffer[11] = (uint8) ((info.sample_rate >> 4) & 0xff); buffer[12] = (uint8) (((info.sample_rate & 0x0f) << 4) | (channelsMinus1 << 1) | (bitsMinus1 >> 4)); buffer[13] = (FLAC__byte) (((bitsMinus1 & 0x0f) << 4) | (unsigned int) ((info.total_samples >> 32) & 0x0f)); packUint32 ((FLAC__uint32) info.total_samples, buffer + 14, 4); memcpy (buffer + 18, info.md5sum, 16); const bool seekOk = output->setPosition (streamStartPos + 4); ignoreUnused (seekOk); // if this fails, you've given it an output stream that can't seek! It needs // to be able to seek back to write the header jassert (seekOk); output->writeIntBigEndian (FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_LENGTH); output->write (buffer, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_LENGTH); } //============================================================================== static FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamEncoderWriteStatus encodeWriteCallback (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamEncoder*, const FlacNamespace::FLAC__byte buffer[], size_t bytes, unsigned int /*samples*/, unsigned int /*current_frame*/, void* client_data) { return static_cast<FlacWriter*> (client_data)->writeData (buffer, (int) bytes) ? FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_WRITE_STATUS_OK : FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_WRITE_STATUS_FATAL_ERROR; } static FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamEncoderSeekStatus encodeSeekCallback (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamEncoder*, FlacNamespace::FLAC__uint64, void*) { return FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_SEEK_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } static FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamEncoderTellStatus encodeTellCallback (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamEncoder*, FlacNamespace::FLAC__uint64* absolute_byte_offset, void* client_data) { if (client_data == nullptr) return FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_TELL_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; *absolute_byte_offset = (FlacNamespace::FLAC__uint64) static_cast<FlacWriter*> (client_data)->output->getPosition(); return FlacNamespace::FLAC__STREAM_ENCODER_TELL_STATUS_OK; } static void encodeMetadataCallback (const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamEncoder*, const FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamMetadata* metadata, void* client_data) { static_cast<FlacWriter*> (client_data)->writeMetaData (metadata); } bool ok = false; private: FlacNamespace::FLAC__StreamEncoder* encoder; int64 streamStartPos; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (FlacWriter) }; //============================================================================== FlacAudioFormat::FlacAudioFormat() : AudioFormat (flacFormatName, ".flac") {} FlacAudioFormat::~FlacAudioFormat() {} Array<int> FlacAudioFormat::getPossibleSampleRates() { return { 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000, 352800, 384000 }; } Array<int> FlacAudioFormat::getPossibleBitDepths() { return { 16, 24 }; } bool FlacAudioFormat::canDoStereo() { return true; } bool FlacAudioFormat::canDoMono() { return true; } bool FlacAudioFormat::isCompressed() { return true; } AudioFormatReader* FlacAudioFormat::createReaderFor (InputStream* in, const bool deleteStreamIfOpeningFails) { std::unique_ptr<FlacReader> r (new FlacReader (in)); if (r->sampleRate > 0) return r.release(); if (! deleteStreamIfOpeningFails) r->input = nullptr; return nullptr; } AudioFormatWriter* FlacAudioFormat::createWriterFor (OutputStream* out, double sampleRate, unsigned int numberOfChannels, int bitsPerSample, const StringPairArray& /*metadataValues*/, int qualityOptionIndex) { if (out != nullptr && getPossibleBitDepths().contains (bitsPerSample)) { std::unique_ptr<FlacWriter> w (new FlacWriter (out, sampleRate, numberOfChannels, (uint32) bitsPerSample, qualityOptionIndex)); if (w->ok) return w.release(); } return nullptr; } StringArray FlacAudioFormat::getQualityOptions() { return { "0 (Fastest)", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5 (Default)","6", "7", "8 (Highest quality)" }; } #endif } // namespace juce