/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { ThreadedAnalyticsDestination::ThreadedAnalyticsDestination (const String& threadName) : dispatcher (threadName, *this) {} ThreadedAnalyticsDestination::~ThreadedAnalyticsDestination() { // If you hit this assertion then the analytics thread has not been shut down // before this class is destroyed. Call stopAnalyticsThread() in your destructor! jassert (! dispatcher.isThreadRunning()); } void ThreadedAnalyticsDestination::setBatchPeriod (int newBatchPeriodMilliseconds) { dispatcher.batchPeriodMilliseconds = newBatchPeriodMilliseconds; } void ThreadedAnalyticsDestination::logEvent (const AnalyticsEvent& event) { dispatcher.addToQueue (event); } void ThreadedAnalyticsDestination::startAnalyticsThread (int initialBatchPeriodMilliseconds) { setBatchPeriod (initialBatchPeriodMilliseconds); dispatcher.startThread(); } void ThreadedAnalyticsDestination::stopAnalyticsThread (int timeout) { dispatcher.signalThreadShouldExit(); stopLoggingEvents(); dispatcher.stopThread (timeout); if (dispatcher.eventQueue.size() > 0) saveUnloggedEvents (dispatcher.eventQueue); } ThreadedAnalyticsDestination::EventDispatcher::EventDispatcher (const String& threadName, ThreadedAnalyticsDestination& destination) : Thread (threadName), parent (destination) {} void ThreadedAnalyticsDestination::EventDispatcher::run() { // We may have inserted some events into the queue (on the message thread) // before this thread has started, so make sure the old events are at the // front of the queue. { std::deque restoredEventQueue; parent.restoreUnloggedEvents (restoredEventQueue); const ScopedLock lock (queueAccess); for (auto rit = restoredEventQueue.rbegin(); rit != restoredEventQueue.rend(); ++rit) eventQueue.push_front (*rit); } const int maxBatchSize = parent.getMaximumBatchSize(); while (! threadShouldExit()) { { const auto numEventsInBatch = eventsToSend.size(); const auto freeBatchCapacity = maxBatchSize - numEventsInBatch; if (freeBatchCapacity > 0) { const auto numNewEvents = (int) eventQueue.size() - numEventsInBatch; if (numNewEvents > 0) { const ScopedLock lock (queueAccess); const auto numEventsToAdd = jmin (numNewEvents, freeBatchCapacity); const auto newBatchSize = numEventsInBatch + numEventsToAdd; for (auto i = numEventsInBatch; i < newBatchSize; ++i) eventsToSend.add (eventQueue[(size_t) i]); } } } const auto submissionTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter(); if (! eventsToSend.isEmpty()) { if (parent.logBatchedEvents (eventsToSend)) { const ScopedLock lock (queueAccess); for (auto i = 0; i < eventsToSend.size(); ++i) eventQueue.pop_front(); eventsToSend.clearQuick(); } } while (Time::getMillisecondCounter() - submissionTime < (uint32) batchPeriodMilliseconds.get()) { if (threadShouldExit()) return; Thread::sleep (100); } } } void ThreadedAnalyticsDestination::EventDispatcher::addToQueue (const AnalyticsEvent& event) { const ScopedLock lock (queueAccess); eventQueue.push_back (event); } //============================================================================== #if JUCE_UNIT_TESTS namespace DestinationTestHelpers { //============================================================================== struct BasicDestination : public ThreadedAnalyticsDestination { BasicDestination (std::deque& loggedEvents, std::deque& unloggedEvents) : ThreadedAnalyticsDestination ("ThreadedAnalyticsDestinationTest"), loggedEventQueue (loggedEvents), unloggedEventStore (unloggedEvents) { startAnalyticsThread (20); } ~BasicDestination() { stopAnalyticsThread (1000); } int getMaximumBatchSize() override { return 5; } void saveUnloggedEvents (const std::deque& eventsToSave) override { unloggedEventStore = eventsToSave; } void restoreUnloggedEvents (std::deque& restoredEventQueue) override { restoredEventQueue = unloggedEventStore; } bool logBatchedEvents (const Array& events) override { jassert (events.size() <= getMaximumBatchSize()); if (loggingIsEnabled) { const ScopedLock lock (eventQueueChanging); for (auto& event : events) loggedEventQueue.push_back (event); return true; } return false; } void stopLoggingEvents() override {} void setLoggingEnabled (bool shouldLogEvents) { loggingIsEnabled = shouldLogEvents; } std::deque& loggedEventQueue; std::deque& unloggedEventStore; bool loggingIsEnabled = true; CriticalSection eventQueueChanging; }; } //============================================================================== struct ThreadedAnalyticsDestinationTests : public UnitTest { ThreadedAnalyticsDestinationTests() : UnitTest ("ThreadedAnalyticsDestination") {} void compareEventQueues (const std::deque& a, const std::deque& b) { const auto numEntries = a.size(); expectEquals ((int) b.size(), (int) numEntries); for (size_t i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) { expectEquals (a[i].name, b[i].name); expect (a[i].timestamp == b[i].timestamp); } } void runTest() override { std::deque testEvents; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) testEvents.push_back ({ String (i), 0, Time::getMillisecondCounter(), {}, "TestUser", {} }); std::deque loggedEvents, unloggedEvents; beginTest ("New events"); { DestinationTestHelpers::BasicDestination destination (loggedEvents, unloggedEvents); for (auto& event : testEvents) destination.logEvent (event); size_t waitTime = 0, numLoggedEvents = 0; while (numLoggedEvents < testEvents.size()) { if (waitTime > 4000) { expect (waitTime < 4000); break; } Thread::sleep (40); waitTime += 40; const ScopedLock lock (destination.eventQueueChanging); numLoggedEvents = loggedEvents.size(); } } compareEventQueues (loggedEvents, testEvents); expect (unloggedEvents.size() == 0); loggedEvents.clear(); beginTest ("Unlogged events"); { DestinationTestHelpers::BasicDestination destination (loggedEvents, unloggedEvents); destination.setLoggingEnabled (false); for (auto& event : testEvents) destination.logEvent (event); } compareEventQueues (unloggedEvents, testEvents); expect (loggedEvents.size() == 0); } }; static ThreadedAnalyticsDestinationTests threadedAnalyticsDestinationTests; #endif } // namespace juce