// // Created by Alex Birch on 10/09/2017. // #include #include #include #include "FluidSynthModel.h" #include "MidiConstants.h" #include "Util.h" using namespace std; const map FluidSynthModel::controllerToParam{ {SOUND_CTRL2, "filterResonance"}, // MIDI CC 71 Timbre/Harmonic Intensity (filter resonance) {SOUND_CTRL3, "release"}, // MIDI CC 72 Release time {SOUND_CTRL4, "attack"}, // MIDI CC 73 Attack time {SOUND_CTRL5, "filterCutOff"}, // MIDI CC 74 Brightness (cutoff frequency, FILTERFC) {SOUND_CTRL6, "decay"}, // MIDI CC 75 Decay Time {SOUND_CTRL10, "sustain"}}; // MIDI CC 79 undefined const map FluidSynthModel::paramToController{[]{ map map; transform( controllerToParam.begin(), controllerToParam.end(), inserter(map, map.begin()), [](const pair& pair) { return make_pair(pair.second, pair.first); }); return map; }()}; FluidSynthModel::FluidSynthModel( AudioProcessorValueTreeState& valueTreeState ) : valueTreeState{valueTreeState} , settings{nullptr, nullptr} , synth{nullptr, nullptr} , currentSampleRate{44100} , sfont_id{-1} , channel{0} { valueTreeState.addParameterListener("bank", this); valueTreeState.addParameterListener("preset", this); for (const auto &[param, controller]: paramToController) { valueTreeState.addParameterListener(param, this); } valueTreeState.state.addListener(this); } FluidSynthModel::~FluidSynthModel() { for (const auto &[param, controller]: paramToController) { valueTreeState.removeParameterListener(param, this); } valueTreeState.removeParameterListener("bank", this); valueTreeState.removeParameterListener("preset", this); valueTreeState.state.removeListener(this); } void FluidSynthModel::initialise() { settings = { new_fluid_settings(), delete_fluid_settings }; // deactivate all audio drivers in fluidsynth to avoid FL Studio deadlock when initialising CoreAudio // after all: we only use fluidsynth to render blocks of audio. it doesn't output to audio driver. const char *DRV[] {NULL}; fluid_audio_driver_register(DRV); // https://sourceforge.net/p/fluidsynth/wiki/FluidSettings/ #if JUCE_DEBUG fluid_settings_setint(settings.get(), "synth.verbose", 1); #endif synth = { new_fluid_synth(settings.get()), delete_fluid_synth }; fluid_synth_set_sample_rate(synth.get(), currentSampleRate); ValueTree soundFont{valueTreeState.state.getChildWithName("soundFont")}; String path{soundFont.getProperty("path", "")}; loadFont(path); // I can't hear a damned thing fluid_synth_set_gain(synth.get(), 2.0); // note: fluid_chan.c#fluid_channel_init_ctrl() // all SOUND_CTRL are inited with value of 64, not zero. // "Just like panning, a value of 64 indicates no change for sound ctrls" // and yet, I'm finding that default modulators start at MIN, so we are forced to start at 0 and climb from there for (const auto &[controller, param]: controllerToParam) { setControllerValue(static_cast(controller), 0); } // http://www.synthfont.com/SoundFont_NRPNs.PDF float env_amount{20000.0f}; unique_ptr mod{new_fluid_mod(), delete_fluid_mod}; fluid_mod_set_source1(mod.get(), static_cast(SOUND_CTRL2), // MIDI CC 71 Timbre/Harmonic Intensity (filter resonance) FLUID_MOD_CC | FLUID_MOD_UNIPOLAR | FLUID_MOD_CONCAVE | FLUID_MOD_POSITIVE); fluid_mod_set_source2(mod.get(), 0, 0); fluid_mod_set_dest(mod.get(), GEN_FILTERQ); fluid_mod_set_amount(mod.get(), FLUID_PEAK_ATTENUATION); fluid_synth_add_default_mod(synth.get(), mod.get(), FLUID_SYNTH_ADD); mod = {new_fluid_mod(), delete_fluid_mod}; fluid_mod_set_source1(mod.get(), static_cast(SOUND_CTRL3), // MIDI CC 72 Release time FLUID_MOD_CC | FLUID_MOD_UNIPOLAR | FLUID_MOD_LINEAR | FLUID_MOD_POSITIVE); fluid_mod_set_source2(mod.get(), 0, 0); fluid_mod_set_dest(mod.get(), GEN_VOLENVRELEASE); fluid_mod_set_amount(mod.get(), env_amount); fluid_synth_add_default_mod(synth.get(), mod.get(), FLUID_SYNTH_ADD); mod = {new_fluid_mod(), delete_fluid_mod}; fluid_mod_set_source1(mod.get(), static_cast(SOUND_CTRL4), // MIDI CC 73 Attack time FLUID_MOD_CC | FLUID_MOD_UNIPOLAR | FLUID_MOD_LINEAR | FLUID_MOD_POSITIVE); fluid_mod_set_source2(mod.get(), 0, 0); fluid_mod_set_dest(mod.get(), GEN_VOLENVATTACK); fluid_mod_set_amount(mod.get(), env_amount); fluid_synth_add_default_mod(synth.get(), mod.get(), FLUID_SYNTH_ADD); // soundfont spec says that if cutoff is >20kHz and resonance Q is 0, then no filtering occurs mod = {new_fluid_mod(), delete_fluid_mod}; fluid_mod_set_source1(mod.get(), static_cast(SOUND_CTRL5), // MIDI CC 74 Brightness (cutoff frequency, FILTERFC) FLUID_MOD_CC | FLUID_MOD_LINEAR | FLUID_MOD_UNIPOLAR | FLUID_MOD_POSITIVE); fluid_mod_set_source2(mod.get(), 0, 0); fluid_mod_set_dest(mod.get(), GEN_FILTERFC); fluid_mod_set_amount(mod.get(), -2400.0f); fluid_synth_add_default_mod(synth.get(), mod.get(), FLUID_SYNTH_ADD); mod = {new_fluid_mod(), delete_fluid_mod}; fluid_mod_set_source1(mod.get(), static_cast(SOUND_CTRL6), // MIDI CC 75 Decay Time FLUID_MOD_CC | FLUID_MOD_UNIPOLAR | FLUID_MOD_LINEAR | FLUID_MOD_POSITIVE); fluid_mod_set_source2(mod.get(), 0, 0); fluid_mod_set_dest(mod.get(), GEN_VOLENVDECAY); fluid_mod_set_amount(mod.get(), env_amount); fluid_synth_add_default_mod(synth.get(), mod.get(), FLUID_SYNTH_ADD); mod = {new_fluid_mod(), delete_fluid_mod}; fluid_mod_set_source1(mod.get(), static_cast(SOUND_CTRL10), // MIDI CC 79 undefined FLUID_MOD_CC | FLUID_MOD_UNIPOLAR | FLUID_MOD_CONCAVE | FLUID_MOD_POSITIVE); fluid_mod_set_source2(mod.get(), 0, 0); fluid_mod_set_dest(mod.get(), GEN_VOLENVSUSTAIN); // fluice_voice.c#fluid_voice_update_param() // clamps the range to between 0 and 1000, so we'll copy that fluid_mod_set_amount(mod.get(), 1000.0f); fluid_synth_add_default_mod(synth.get(), mod.get(), FLUID_SYNTH_ADD); } const StringArray FluidSynthModel::programChangeParams{"bank", "preset"}; void FluidSynthModel::parameterChanged(const String& parameterID, float newValue) { if (programChangeParams.contains(parameterID)) { int bank, preset; { RangedAudioParameter *param{valueTreeState.getParameter("bank")}; jassert(dynamic_cast(param) != nullptr); AudioParameterInt* castParam{dynamic_cast(param)}; bank = castParam->get(); } { RangedAudioParameter *param{valueTreeState.getParameter("preset")}; jassert(dynamic_cast(param) != nullptr); AudioParameterInt* castParam{dynamic_cast(param)}; preset = castParam->get(); } int bankOffset{fluid_synth_get_bank_offset(synth.get(), sfont_id)}; fluid_synth_program_select( synth.get(), channel, sfont_id, static_cast(bankOffset + bank), static_cast(preset)); } else if ( // https://stackoverflow.com/a/55482091/5257399 auto it{paramToController.find(parameterID)}; it != end(paramToController)) { RangedAudioParameter *param{valueTreeState.getParameter(parameterID)}; jassert(dynamic_cast(param) != nullptr); AudioParameterInt* castParam{dynamic_cast(param)}; int value{castParam->get()}; int controllerNumber{static_cast(it->second)}; fluid_synth_cc( synth.get(), channel, controllerNumber, value); } } void FluidSynthModel::valueTreePropertyChanged(ValueTree& treeWhosePropertyHasChanged, const Identifier& property) { if (treeWhosePropertyHasChanged.getType() == StringRef("soundFont")) { if (property == StringRef("path")) { String soundFontPath{treeWhosePropertyHasChanged.getProperty("path", "")}; if (soundFontPath.isNotEmpty()) { unloadAndLoadFont(soundFontPath); } } } } void FluidSynthModel::setControllerValue(int controller, int value) { fluid_synth_cc( synth.get(), channel, controller, value); } int FluidSynthModel::getChannel() { return channel; } void FluidSynthModel::unloadAndLoadFont(const String &absPath) { // in the base case, there is no font loaded if (fluid_synth_sfcount(synth.get()) > 0) { // if -1 is returned, that indicates failure // not really sure how to handle "fail to unload" fluid_synth_sfunload(synth.get(), sfont_id, 1); sfont_id = -1; } loadFont(absPath); } void FluidSynthModel::loadFont(const String &absPath) { if (!absPath.isEmpty()) { sfont_id = fluid_synth_sfload(synth.get(), absPath.toStdString().c_str(), 1); // if -1 is returned, that indicates failure } // refresh regardless of success, if only to clear the table refreshBanks(); } void FluidSynthModel::refreshBanks() { ValueTree banks{"banks"}; fluid_sfont_t* sfont{ sfont_id == -1 ? nullptr : fluid_synth_get_sfont_by_id(synth.get(), sfont_id) }; if (sfont) { int greatestEncounteredBank{-1}; ValueTree bank; fluid_sfont_iteration_start(sfont); for(fluid_preset_t* preset {fluid_sfont_iteration_next(sfont)}; preset != nullptr; preset = fluid_sfont_iteration_next(sfont)) { int bankNum{fluid_preset_get_banknum(preset)}; if (bankNum > greatestEncounteredBank) { if (greatestEncounteredBank > -1) { banks.appendChild(bank, nullptr); } bank = { "bank", { { "num", bankNum } } }; greatestEncounteredBank = bankNum; } bank.appendChild({ "preset", { { "num", fluid_preset_get_num(preset) }, { "name", String{fluid_preset_get_name(preset)} } }, {} }, nullptr); } if (greatestEncounteredBank > -1) { banks.appendChild(bank, nullptr); } } valueTreeState.state.getChildWithName("banks").copyPropertiesAndChildrenFrom(banks, nullptr); valueTreeState.state.getChildWithName("banks").sendPropertyChangeMessage("synthetic"); #if JUCE_DEBUG // unique_ptr xml{valueTreeState.state.createXml()}; // Logger::outputDebugString(xml->createDocument("",false,false)); #endif } void FluidSynthModel::setSampleRate(float sampleRate) { currentSampleRate = sampleRate; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/40856043/5257399 // test if a smart pointer is null if (!synth) { // don't worry; we'll do this in initialise phase regardless return; } fluid_synth_set_sample_rate(synth.get(), sampleRate); } void FluidSynthModel::processBlock(AudioBuffer& buffer, MidiBuffer& midiMessages) { MidiBuffer processedMidi; int time; MidiMessage m; for (MidiBuffer::Iterator i{midiMessages}; i.getNextEvent(m, time);) { DEBUG_PRINT(m.getDescription()); if (m.isNoteOn()) { fluid_synth_noteon( synth.get(), channel, m.getNoteNumber(), m.getVelocity()); } else if (m.isNoteOff()) { fluid_synth_noteoff( synth.get(), channel, m.getNoteNumber()); } else if (m.isController()) { fluid_synth_cc( synth.get(), channel, m.getControllerNumber(), m.getControllerValue()); fluid_midi_control_change controllerNum{static_cast(m.getControllerNumber())}; if (auto it{controllerToParam.find(controllerNum)}; it != end(controllerToParam)) { String parameterID{it->second}; RangedAudioParameter *param{valueTreeState.getParameter(parameterID)}; jassert(dynamic_cast(param) != nullptr); AudioParameterInt* castParam{dynamic_cast(param)}; *castParam = m.getControllerValue(); } } else if (m.isProgramChange()) { int result{fluid_synth_program_change( synth.get(), channel, m.getProgramChangeNumber())}; if (result == FLUID_OK) { RangedAudioParameter *param{valueTreeState.getParameter("preset")}; jassert(dynamic_cast(param) != nullptr); AudioParameterInt* castParam{dynamic_cast(param)}; *castParam = m.getProgramChangeNumber(); } } else if (m.isPitchWheel()) { fluid_synth_pitch_bend( synth.get(), channel, m.getPitchWheelValue()); } else if (m.isChannelPressure()) { fluid_synth_channel_pressure( synth.get(), channel, m.getChannelPressureValue()); } else if (m.isAftertouch()) { fluid_synth_key_pressure( synth.get(), channel, m.getNoteNumber(), m.getAfterTouchValue()); // } else if (m.isMetaEvent()) { // fluid_midi_event_t *midi_event{new_fluid_midi_event()}; // fluid_midi_event_set_type(midi_event, static_cast(MIDI_SYSTEM_RESET)); // fluid_synth_handle_midi_event(synth.get(), midi_event); // delete_fluid_midi_event(midi_event); } else if (m.isSysEx()) { fluid_synth_sysex( synth.get(), reinterpret_cast(m.getSysExData()), m.getSysExDataSize(), nullptr, // no response pointer because we have no interest in handling response currently nullptr, // no response_len pointer because we have no interest in handling response currently nullptr, // no handled pointer because we have no interest in handling response currently static_cast(false)); } } // fluid_synth_get_cc(fluidSynth, 0, 73, &pval); // Logger::outputDebugString ( juce::String::formatted("hey: %d\n", pval) ); fluid_synth_process( synth.get(), buffer.getNumSamples(), 0, nullptr, buffer.getNumChannels(), buffer.getArrayOfWritePointers()); } int FluidSynthModel::getNumPrograms() { return 128; // NB: some hosts don't cope very well if you tell them there are 0 programs, // so this should be at least 1, even if you're not really implementing programs. } int FluidSynthModel::getCurrentProgram() { RangedAudioParameter *param{valueTreeState.getParameter("preset")}; jassert(dynamic_cast(param) != nullptr); AudioParameterInt* castParam{dynamic_cast(param)}; return castParam->get(); } void FluidSynthModel::setCurrentProgram(int index) { RangedAudioParameter *param{valueTreeState.getParameter("preset")}; jassert(dynamic_cast(param) != nullptr); AudioParameterInt* castParam{dynamic_cast(param)}; *castParam = index; } const String FluidSynthModel::getProgramName(int index) { // fluid_sfont_t* sfont{ // sfont_id == -1 // ? nullptr // : fluid_synth_get_sfont_by_id(synth.get(), sfont_id) // }; // if (!sfont) { // return {}; // } // int bank, presetNum; // { // RangedAudioParameter *param {valueTreeState.getParameter("bank")}; // jassert(dynamic_cast (param) != nullptr); // AudioParameterInt* castParam {dynamic_cast (param)}; // bank = castParam->get(); // } // { // RangedAudioParameter *param {valueTreeState.getParameter("preset")}; // jassert(dynamic_cast (param) != nullptr); // AudioParameterInt* castParam {dynamic_cast (param)}; // presetNum = castParam->get(); // } // fluid_preset_t *preset{fluid_sfont_get_preset( // sfont, // bank, // presetNum)}; // if (!preset) { // return {}; // } // return {fluid_preset_get_name(preset)}; // I think the presets' names will be collected only at synth startup, so we won't yet have loaded the soundfont. String presetName{"Preset "}; return presetName << index; } void FluidSynthModel::changeProgramName(int index, const String& newName) { // no-op; we don't support modifying the soundfont, so let's not support modification of preset names. }