/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { //============================================================================== /** Scans a directory for plugins, and adds them to a KnownPluginList. To use one of these, create it and call scanNextFile() repeatedly, until it returns false. @tags{Audio} */ class JUCE_API PluginDirectoryScanner { public: //============================================================================== /** Creates a scanner. @param listToAddResultsTo this will get the new types added to it. @param formatToLookFor this is the type of format that you want to look for @param directoriesToSearch the path to search @param searchRecursively true to search recursively @param deadMansPedalFile if this isn't File(), then it will be used as a file to store the names of any plugins that crash during initialisation. If there are any plugins listed in it, then these will always be scanned after all other possible files have been tried - in this way, even if there's a few dodgy plugins in your path, then a couple of rescans will still manage to find all the proper plugins. It's probably best to choose a file in the user's application data directory (alongside your app's settings file) for this. The file format it uses is just a list of filenames of the modules that failed. @param allowPluginsWhichRequireAsynchronousInstantiation If this is false then the scanner will exclude plug-ins asynchronous creation - such as AUv3 plug-ins. */ PluginDirectoryScanner (KnownPluginList& listToAddResultsTo, AudioPluginFormat& formatToLookFor, FileSearchPath directoriesToSearch, bool searchRecursively, const File& deadMansPedalFile, bool allowPluginsWhichRequireAsynchronousInstantiation = false); /** Destructor. */ ~PluginDirectoryScanner(); //============================================================================== /** Sets a specific list of filesOrIdentifiersToScan to scan. N.B. This list must match the format passed to the constructor. @see AudioPluginFormat::searchPathsForPlugins */ void setFilesOrIdentifiersToScan (const StringArray& filesOrIdentifiersToScan); /** Tries the next likely-looking file. If dontRescanIfAlreadyInList is true, then the file will only be loaded and re-tested if it's not already in the list, or if the file's modification time has changed since the list was created. If dontRescanIfAlreadyInList is false, the file will always be reloaded and tested. The nameOfPluginBeingScanned will be updated to the name of the plugin being scanned before the scan starts. Returns false when there are no more files to try. */ bool scanNextFile (bool dontRescanIfAlreadyInList, String& nameOfPluginBeingScanned); /** Skips over the next file without scanning it. Returns false when there are no more files to try. */ bool skipNextFile(); /** Returns the description of the plugin that will be scanned during the next call to scanNextFile(). This is handy if you want to show the user which file is currently getting scanned. */ String getNextPluginFileThatWillBeScanned() const; /** Returns the estimated progress, between 0 and 1. */ float getProgress() const { return progress; } /** This returns a list of all the filenames of things that looked like being a plugin file, but which failed to open for some reason. */ const StringArray& getFailedFiles() const noexcept { return failedFiles; } /** Reads the given dead-mans-pedal file and applies its contents to the list. */ static void applyBlacklistingsFromDeadMansPedal (KnownPluginList& listToApplyTo, const File& deadMansPedalFile); private: //============================================================================== KnownPluginList& list; AudioPluginFormat& format; StringArray filesOrIdentifiersToScan; File deadMansPedalFile; StringArray failedFiles; Atomic<int> nextIndex; float progress = 0; const bool allowAsync; void updateProgress(); void setDeadMansPedalFile (const StringArray& newContents); JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (PluginDirectoryScanner) }; } // namespace juce