/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { //============================================================================== /** Contains a set of predefined named colours (mostly standard HTML colours) @see Colour @tags{Graphics} */ class Colours { public: static JUCE_API const Colour //============================================================================== transparentBlack, /**< ARGB = 0x00000000 */ transparentWhite, /**< ARGB = 0x00ffffff */ //============================================================================== black, /**< ARGB = 0xff000000 */ white, /**< ARGB = 0xffffffff */ blue, /**< ARGB = 0xff0000ff */ grey, /**< ARGB = 0xff808080 */ green, /**< ARGB = 0xff008000 */ red, /**< ARGB = 0xffff0000 */ yellow, /**< ARGB = 0xffffff00 */ //============================================================================== aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, blanchedalmond, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue, cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgrey, darkgreen, darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategrey, darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick, floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgreen, lightgrey, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategrey, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen, linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise, palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, rebeccapurple, rosybrown, royalblue, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown, seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategrey, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet, wheat, whitesmoke, yellowgreen; /** Attempts to look up a string in the list of known colour names, and return the appropriate colour. A non-case-sensitive search is made of the list of predefined colours, and if a match is found, that colour is returned. If no match is found, the colour passed in as the defaultColour parameter is returned. */ static JUCE_API Colour findColourForName (const String& colourName, Colour defaultColour); private: //============================================================================== // this isn't a class you should ever instantiate - it's just here for the // static values in it. Colours(); JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (Colours) }; } // namespace juce