/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { extern int juce_gtkWebkitMain (int argc, const char* argv[]); class CommandReceiver { public: struct Responder { virtual ~Responder() {} virtual void handleCommand (const String& cmd, const var& param) = 0; virtual void receiverHadError() = 0; }; CommandReceiver (Responder* responderToUse, int inputChannelToUse) : responder (responderToUse), inChannel (inputChannelToUse) { setBlocking (inChannel, false); } static void setBlocking (int fd, bool shouldBlock) { int flags = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL); fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, (shouldBlock ? (flags & ~O_NONBLOCK) : (flags | O_NONBLOCK))); } int getFd() const { return inChannel; } void tryNextRead() { for (;;) { size_t len = (receivingLength ? sizeof (size_t) : bufferLength.len); if (! receivingLength) buffer.realloc (len); char* dst = (receivingLength ? bufferLength.data : buffer.getData()); ssize_t actual = read (inChannel, &dst[pos], static_cast<size_t> (len - pos)); if (actual < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; break; } pos += static_cast<size_t> (actual); if (pos == len) { pos = 0; if (! receivingLength) parseJSON (String (buffer.getData(), bufferLength.len)); receivingLength = (! receivingLength); } } if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK && responder != nullptr) responder->receiverHadError(); } static void sendCommand (int outChannel, const String& cmd, const var& params) { DynamicObject::Ptr obj = new DynamicObject; obj->setProperty (getCmdIdentifier(), cmd); if (! params.isVoid()) obj->setProperty (getParamIdentifier(), params); String json (JSON::toString (var (obj.get()))); size_t jsonLength = static_cast<size_t> (json.length()); size_t len = sizeof (size_t) + jsonLength; HeapBlock<char> buffer (len); char* dst = buffer.getData(); memcpy (dst, &jsonLength, sizeof (size_t)); dst += sizeof (size_t); memcpy (dst, json.toRawUTF8(), jsonLength); ssize_t ret; do { ret = write (outChannel, buffer.getData(), len); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); } private: void parseJSON (const String& json) { var object (JSON::fromString (json)); if (! object.isVoid()) { String cmd (object.getProperty (getCmdIdentifier(), var()).toString()); var params (object.getProperty (getParamIdentifier(), var())); if (responder != nullptr) responder->handleCommand (cmd, params); } } static Identifier getCmdIdentifier() { static Identifier Id ("cmd"); return Id; } static Identifier getParamIdentifier() { static Identifier Id ("params"); return Id; } Responder* responder; int inChannel; size_t pos = 0; bool receivingLength = true; union { char data [sizeof (size_t)]; size_t len; } bufferLength; HeapBlock<char> buffer; }; //============================================================================== class GtkChildProcess : private CommandReceiver::Responder { public: //============================================================================== GtkChildProcess (int inChannel, int outChannelToUse) : outChannel (outChannelToUse), receiver (this, inChannel) {} typedef void (*SetHardwareAcclPolicyFunctionPtr) (WebKitSettings*, int); int entry() { CommandReceiver::setBlocking (outChannel, true); gtk_init (nullptr, nullptr); WebKitSettings* settings = webkit_settings_new(); // webkit_settings_set_hardware_acceleration_policy was only added recently to webkit2 // but is needed when running a WebBrowserComponent in a Parallels VM with 3D acceleration enabled auto setHardwarePolicy = reinterpret_cast<SetHardwareAcclPolicyFunctionPtr> (dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, "webkit_settings_set_hardware_acceleration_policy")); if (setHardwarePolicy != nullptr) setHardwarePolicy (settings, 2 /*WEBKIT_HARDWARE_ACCELERATION_POLICY_NEVER*/); GtkWidget *plug; plug = gtk_plug_new(0); GtkWidget* container; container = gtk_scrolled_window_new (nullptr, nullptr); GtkWidget* webviewWidget = webkit_web_view_new_with_settings (settings); webview = WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (webviewWidget); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (container), webviewWidget); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (plug), container); webkit_web_view_load_uri (webview, "about:blank"); g_signal_connect (webview, "decide-policy", G_CALLBACK (decidePolicyCallback), this); g_signal_connect (webview, "load-changed", G_CALLBACK (loadChangedCallback), this); g_signal_connect (webview, "load-failed", G_CALLBACK (loadFailedCallback), this); gtk_widget_show_all (plug); unsigned long wID = (unsigned long) gtk_plug_get_id (GTK_PLUG (plug)); ssize_t ret; do { ret = write (outChannel, &wID, sizeof (wID)); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); g_unix_fd_add (receiver.getFd(), G_IO_IN, pipeReadyStatic, this); receiver.tryNextRead(); gtk_main(); return 0; } void goToURL (const var& params) { static Identifier urlIdentifier ("url"); String url (params.getProperty (urlIdentifier, var()).toString()); webkit_web_view_load_uri (webview, url.toRawUTF8()); } void handleDecisionResponse (const var& params) { WebKitPolicyDecision* decision = (WebKitPolicyDecision*) ((int64) params.getProperty ("decision_id", var (0))); bool allow = params.getProperty ("allow", var (false)); if (decision != nullptr && decisions.contains (decision)) { if (allow) webkit_policy_decision_use (decision); else webkit_policy_decision_ignore (decision); decisions.removeAllInstancesOf (decision); g_object_unref (decision); } } //============================================================================== void handleCommand (const String& cmd, const var& params) override { if (cmd == "quit") quit(); else if (cmd == "goToURL") goToURL (params); else if (cmd == "goBack") webkit_web_view_go_back (webview); else if (cmd == "goForward") webkit_web_view_go_forward (webview); else if (cmd == "refresh") webkit_web_view_reload (webview); else if (cmd == "stop") webkit_web_view_stop_loading (webview); else if (cmd == "decision") handleDecisionResponse (params); } void receiverHadError() override { exit (-1); } //============================================================================== bool pipeReady (gint fd, GIOCondition) { if (fd == receiver.getFd()) { receiver.tryNextRead(); return true; } return false; } void quit() { gtk_main_quit(); } bool onNavigation (String frameName, WebKitNavigationAction* action, WebKitPolicyDecision* decision) { if (decision != nullptr && frameName.isEmpty()) { g_object_ref (decision); decisions.add (decision); DynamicObject::Ptr params = new DynamicObject; params->setProperty ("url", String (webkit_uri_request_get_uri (webkit_navigation_action_get_request (action)))); params->setProperty ("decision_id", (int64) decision); CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "pageAboutToLoad", var (params.get())); return true; } return false; } bool onNewWindow (String /*frameName*/, WebKitNavigationAction* action, WebKitPolicyDecision* decision) { if (decision != nullptr) { DynamicObject::Ptr params = new DynamicObject; params->setProperty ("url", String (webkit_uri_request_get_uri (webkit_navigation_action_get_request (action)))); CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "newWindowAttemptingToLoad", var (params.get())); // never allow new windows webkit_policy_decision_ignore (decision); return true; } return false; } void onLoadChanged (WebKitLoadEvent loadEvent) { if (loadEvent == WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED) { DynamicObject::Ptr params = new DynamicObject; params->setProperty ("url", String (webkit_web_view_get_uri (webview))); CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "pageFinishedLoading", var (params.get())); } } bool onDecidePolicy (WebKitPolicyDecision* decision, WebKitPolicyDecisionType decisionType) { switch (decisionType) { case WEBKIT_POLICY_DECISION_TYPE_NAVIGATION_ACTION: { WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision* navigationDecision = WEBKIT_NAVIGATION_POLICY_DECISION (decision); const char* frameName = webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_frame_name (navigationDecision); return onNavigation (String (frameName != nullptr ? frameName : ""), webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigation_action (navigationDecision), decision); } break; case WEBKIT_POLICY_DECISION_TYPE_NEW_WINDOW_ACTION: { WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision* navigationDecision = WEBKIT_NAVIGATION_POLICY_DECISION (decision); const char* frameName = webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_frame_name (navigationDecision); return onNewWindow (String (frameName != nullptr ? frameName : ""), webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigation_action (navigationDecision), decision); } break; case WEBKIT_POLICY_DECISION_TYPE_RESPONSE: { WebKitResponsePolicyDecision *response = WEBKIT_RESPONSE_POLICY_DECISION (decision); // for now just always allow response requests ignoreUnused (response); webkit_policy_decision_use (decision); return true; } break; default: break; } return false; } void onLoadFailed (GError* error) { DynamicObject::Ptr params = new DynamicObject; params->setProperty ("error", String (error != nullptr ? error->message : "unknown error")); CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "pageLoadHadNetworkError", var (params.get())); } private: static gboolean pipeReadyStatic (gint fd, GIOCondition condition, gpointer user) { return (reinterpret_cast<GtkChildProcess*> (user)->pipeReady (fd, condition) ? TRUE : FALSE); } static gboolean decidePolicyCallback (WebKitWebView*, WebKitPolicyDecision* decision, WebKitPolicyDecisionType decisionType, gpointer user) { GtkChildProcess& owner = *reinterpret_cast<GtkChildProcess*> (user); return (owner.onDecidePolicy (decision, decisionType) ? TRUE : FALSE); } static void loadChangedCallback (WebKitWebView*, WebKitLoadEvent loadEvent, gpointer user) { GtkChildProcess& owner = *reinterpret_cast<GtkChildProcess*> (user); owner.onLoadChanged (loadEvent); } static void loadFailedCallback (WebKitWebView*, WebKitLoadEvent /*loadEvent*/, gchar* /*failing_uri*/, GError* error, gpointer user) { GtkChildProcess& owner = *reinterpret_cast<GtkChildProcess*> (user); owner.onLoadFailed (error); } int outChannel; CommandReceiver receiver; WebKitWebView* webview = nullptr; Array<WebKitPolicyDecision*> decisions; }; //============================================================================== class WebBrowserComponent::Pimpl : private Thread, private CommandReceiver::Responder { public: Pimpl (WebBrowserComponent& parent) : Thread ("Webview"), owner (parent) {} ~Pimpl() { quit(); } //============================================================================== void init() { launchChild(); int ret = pipe (threadControl); ignoreUnused (ret); jassert (ret == 0); CommandReceiver::setBlocking (inChannel, true); CommandReceiver::setBlocking (outChannel, true); CommandReceiver::setBlocking (threadControl[0], false); CommandReceiver::setBlocking (threadControl[1], true); unsigned long windowHandle; ssize_t actual = read (inChannel, &windowHandle, sizeof (windowHandle)); if (actual != sizeof (windowHandle)) { killChild(); return; } receiver.reset (new CommandReceiver (this, inChannel)); startThread(); xembed.reset (new XEmbedComponent (windowHandle)); owner.addAndMakeVisible (xembed.get()); } void quit() { if (isThreadRunning()) { signalThreadShouldExit(); char ignore = 0; ssize_t ret; do { ret = write (threadControl[1], &ignore, 1); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); waitForThreadToExit (-1); receiver = nullptr; } if (childProcess != 0) { CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "quit", var()); killChild(); } } //============================================================================== void goToURL (const String& url, const StringArray* headers, const MemoryBlock* postData) { DynamicObject::Ptr params = new DynamicObject; params->setProperty ("url", url); if (headers != nullptr) params->setProperty ("headers", var (*headers)); if (postData != nullptr) params->setProperty ("postData", var (*postData)); CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "goToURL", var (params.get())); } void goBack() { CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "goBack", var()); } void goForward() { CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "goForward", var()); } void refresh() { CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "refresh", var()); } void stop() { CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "stop", var()); } void resized() { if (xembed != nullptr) xembed->setBounds (owner.getLocalBounds()); } private: //============================================================================== void killChild() { if (childProcess != 0) { xembed = nullptr; int status = 0, result; result = waitpid (childProcess, &status, WNOHANG); for (int i = 0; i < 15 && (! WIFEXITED(status) || result != childProcess); ++i) { Thread::sleep (100); result = waitpid (childProcess, &status, WNOHANG); } // clean-up any zombies status = 0; if (! WIFEXITED(status) || result != childProcess) { do { kill (childProcess, SIGTERM); waitpid (childProcess, &status, 0); } while (! WIFEXITED(status)); } childProcess = 0; } } void launchChild() { int ret; int inPipe[2], outPipe[2]; ret = pipe (inPipe); ignoreUnused (ret); jassert (ret == 0); ret = pipe (outPipe); ignoreUnused (ret); jassert (ret == 0); int pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { close (inPipe[0]); close (outPipe[1]); HeapBlock<const char*> argv (5); StringArray arguments; arguments.add (File::getSpecialLocation (File::currentExecutableFile).getFullPathName()); arguments.add ("--juce-gtkwebkitfork-child"); arguments.add (String (outPipe[0])); arguments.add (String (inPipe [1])); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) argv[i] = arguments[i].toRawUTF8(); argv[4] = nullptr; #if JUCE_STANDALONE_APPLICATION execv (arguments[0].toRawUTF8(), (char**) argv.getData()); #else juce_gtkWebkitMain (4, (const char**) argv.getData()); #endif exit (0); } close (inPipe[1]); close (outPipe[0]); inChannel = inPipe[0]; outChannel = outPipe[1]; childProcess = pid; } void run() override { while (! threadShouldExit()) { if (shouldExit()) return; receiver->tryNextRead(); fd_set set; FD_ZERO (&set); FD_SET (threadControl[0], &set); FD_SET (receiver->getFd(), &set); int max_fd = jmax (threadControl[0], receiver->getFd()); int result = 0; while (result == 0 || (result < 0 && errno == EINTR)) result = select (max_fd + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (result < 0) break; } } bool shouldExit() { char ignore; ssize_t result = read (threadControl[0], &ignore, 1); return (result != -1 || (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)); } //============================================================================== void handleCommandOnMessageThread (const String& cmd, const var& params) { String url (params.getProperty ("url", var()).toString()); if (cmd == "pageAboutToLoad") handlePageAboutToLoad (url, params); else if (cmd == "pageFinishedLoading") owner.pageFinishedLoading (url); else if (cmd == "windowCloseRequest") owner.windowCloseRequest(); else if (cmd == "newWindowAttemptingToLoad") owner.newWindowAttemptingToLoad (url); else if (cmd == "pageLoadHadNetworkError") handlePageLoadHadNetworkError (params); threadBlocker.signal(); } void handlePageAboutToLoad (const String& url, const var& inputParams) { int64 decision_id = inputParams.getProperty ("decision_id", var (0)); if (decision_id != 0) { DynamicObject::Ptr params = new DynamicObject; params->setProperty ("decision_id", decision_id); params->setProperty ("allow", owner.pageAboutToLoad (url)); CommandReceiver::sendCommand (outChannel, "decision", var (params.get())); } } void handlePageLoadHadNetworkError (const var& params) { String error = params.getProperty ("error", "Unknown error"); if (owner.pageLoadHadNetworkError (error)) goToURL (String ("data:text/plain,") + error, nullptr, nullptr); } void handleCommand (const String& cmd, const var& params) override { threadBlocker.reset(); (new HandleOnMessageThread (this, cmd, params))->post(); // wait until the command has executed on the message thread // this ensures that Pimpl can never be deleted while the // message has not been executed yet threadBlocker.wait (-1); } void receiverHadError() override {} //============================================================================== struct HandleOnMessageThread : public CallbackMessage { HandleOnMessageThread (Pimpl* pimpl, const String& cmdToUse, const var& params) : owner (pimpl), cmdToSend (cmdToUse), paramsToSend (params) {} void messageCallback() override { owner->handleCommandOnMessageThread (cmdToSend, paramsToSend); } Pimpl* owner; String cmdToSend; var paramsToSend; }; private: WebBrowserComponent& owner; std::unique_ptr<CommandReceiver> receiver; int childProcess = 0, inChannel = 0, outChannel = 0; int threadControl[2]; std::unique_ptr<XEmbedComponent> xembed; WaitableEvent threadBlocker; }; //============================================================================== WebBrowserComponent::WebBrowserComponent (const bool unloadPageWhenBrowserIsHidden_) : browser (new Pimpl (*this)), unloadPageWhenBrowserIsHidden (unloadPageWhenBrowserIsHidden_) { setOpaque (true); browser->init(); } WebBrowserComponent::~WebBrowserComponent() { } //============================================================================== void WebBrowserComponent::goToURL (const String& url, const StringArray* headers, const MemoryBlock* postData) { lastURL = url; if (headers != nullptr) lastHeaders = *headers; else lastHeaders.clear(); if (postData != nullptr) lastPostData = *postData; else lastPostData.reset(); browser->goToURL (url, headers, postData); } void WebBrowserComponent::stop() { browser->stop(); } void WebBrowserComponent::goBack() { lastURL.clear(); browser->goBack(); } void WebBrowserComponent::goForward() { lastURL.clear(); browser->goForward(); } void WebBrowserComponent::refresh() { browser->refresh(); } //============================================================================== void WebBrowserComponent::paint (Graphics& g) { g.fillAll (Colours::white); } void WebBrowserComponent::checkWindowAssociation() { } void WebBrowserComponent::reloadLastURL() { if (lastURL.isNotEmpty()) { goToURL (lastURL, &lastHeaders, &lastPostData); lastURL.clear(); } } void WebBrowserComponent::parentHierarchyChanged() { checkWindowAssociation(); } void WebBrowserComponent::resized() { if (browser != nullptr) browser->resized(); } void WebBrowserComponent::visibilityChanged() { checkWindowAssociation(); } void WebBrowserComponent::focusGained (FocusChangeType) { } void WebBrowserComponent::clearCookies() { // Currently not implemented on linux as WebBrowserComponent currently does not // store cookies on linux jassertfalse; } int juce_gtkWebkitMain (int argc, const char* argv[]) { if (argc != 4) return -1; GtkChildProcess child (String (argv[2]).getIntValue(), String (argv[3]).getIntValue()); return child.entry(); } } // namespace juce