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252 lines
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
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JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the
27th April 2017).
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Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
namespace juce
// This file contains the implementations of the various AudioParameter[XYZ] classes..
AudioProcessorParameterWithID::AudioProcessorParameterWithID (const String& idToUse,
const String& nameToUse,
const String& labelToUse,
AudioProcessorParameter::Category categoryToUse)
: paramID (idToUse), name (nameToUse), label (labelToUse), category (categoryToUse) {}
AudioProcessorParameterWithID::~AudioProcessorParameterWithID() {}
String AudioProcessorParameterWithID::getName (int maximumStringLength) const { return name.substring (0, maximumStringLength); }
String AudioProcessorParameterWithID::getLabel() const { return label; }
AudioProcessorParameter::Category AudioProcessorParameterWithID::getCategory() const { return category; }
AudioParameterFloat::AudioParameterFloat (const String& idToUse, const String& nameToUse,
NormalisableRange<float> r, float def,
const String& labelToUse, Category categoryToUse,
std::function<String (float, int)> stringFromValue,
std::function<float (const String&)> valueFromString)
: AudioProcessorParameterWithID (idToUse, nameToUse, labelToUse, categoryToUse),
range (r), value (def), defaultValue (def),
stringFromValueFunction (stringFromValue),
valueFromStringFunction (valueFromString)
if (stringFromValueFunction == nullptr)
stringFromValueFunction = [] (float v, int length)
String asText (v, 2);
return length > 0 ? asText.substring (0, length) : asText;
if (valueFromStringFunction == nullptr)
valueFromStringFunction = [] (const String& text) { return text.getFloatValue(); };
AudioParameterFloat::AudioParameterFloat (String pid, String nm, float minValue, float maxValue, float def)
: AudioParameterFloat (pid, nm, { minValue, maxValue }, def)
AudioParameterFloat::~AudioParameterFloat() {}
float AudioParameterFloat::getValue() const { return range.convertTo0to1 (value); }
void AudioParameterFloat::setValue (float newValue) { value = range.convertFrom0to1 (newValue); valueChanged (get()); }
float AudioParameterFloat::getDefaultValue() const { return range.convertTo0to1 (defaultValue); }
int AudioParameterFloat::getNumSteps() const { return AudioProcessorParameterWithID::getNumSteps(); }
String AudioParameterFloat::getText (float v, int length) const { return stringFromValueFunction (range.convertFrom0to1 (v), length); }
float AudioParameterFloat::getValueForText (const String& text) const { return range.convertTo0to1 (valueFromStringFunction (text)); }
void AudioParameterFloat::valueChanged (float) {}
AudioParameterFloat& AudioParameterFloat::operator= (float newValue)
if (value != newValue)
setValueNotifyingHost (range.convertTo0to1 (newValue));
return *this;
AudioParameterInt::AudioParameterInt (const String& idToUse, const String& nameToUse,
int mn, int mx, int def,
const String& labelToUse,
std::function<String (int, int)> stringFromInt,
std::function<int (const String&)> intFromString)
: AudioProcessorParameterWithID (idToUse, nameToUse, labelToUse),
minValue (mn), maxValue (mx), rangeOfValues (maxValue - minValue),
value ((float) def),
defaultValue (convertTo0to1 (def)),
stringFromIntFunction (stringFromInt),
intFromStringFunction (intFromString)
jassert (minValue < maxValue); // must have a non-zero range of values!
if (stringFromIntFunction == nullptr)
stringFromIntFunction = [] (int v, int) { return String (v); };
if (intFromStringFunction == nullptr)
intFromStringFunction = [] (const String& text) { return text.getIntValue(); };
AudioParameterInt::~AudioParameterInt() {}
int AudioParameterInt::limitRange (int v) const noexcept { return jlimit (minValue, maxValue, v); }
float AudioParameterInt::convertTo0to1 (int v) const noexcept { return (limitRange (v) - minValue) / (float) rangeOfValues; }
int AudioParameterInt::convertFrom0to1 (float v) const noexcept { return limitRange (roundToInt ((v * (float) rangeOfValues) + minValue)); }
float AudioParameterInt::getValue() const { return convertTo0to1 (roundToInt (value)); }
void AudioParameterInt::setValue (float newValue) { value = (float) convertFrom0to1 (newValue); valueChanged (get()); }
float AudioParameterInt::getDefaultValue() const { return defaultValue; }
int AudioParameterInt::getNumSteps() const { return rangeOfValues + 1; }
float AudioParameterInt::getValueForText (const String& text) const { return convertTo0to1 (intFromStringFunction (text)); }
String AudioParameterInt::getText (float v, int length) const { return stringFromIntFunction (convertFrom0to1 (v), length); }
void AudioParameterInt::valueChanged (int) {}
AudioParameterInt& AudioParameterInt::operator= (int newValue)
if (get() != newValue)
setValueNotifyingHost (convertTo0to1 (newValue));
return *this;
AudioParameterBool::AudioParameterBool (const String& idToUse, const String& nameToUse,
bool def, const String& labelToUse,
std::function<String (bool, int)> stringFromBool,
std::function<bool (const String&)> boolFromString)
: AudioProcessorParameterWithID (idToUse, nameToUse, labelToUse),
value (def ? 1.0f : 0.0f),
defaultValue (value),
stringFromBoolFunction (stringFromBool),
boolFromStringFunction (boolFromString)
if (stringFromBoolFunction == nullptr)
stringFromBoolFunction = [] (bool v, int) { return v ? TRANS("On") : TRANS("Off"); };
if (boolFromStringFunction == nullptr)
StringArray onStrings;
onStrings.add (TRANS("on"));
onStrings.add (TRANS("yes"));
onStrings.add (TRANS("true"));
StringArray offStrings;
offStrings.add (TRANS("off"));
offStrings.add (TRANS("no"));
offStrings.add (TRANS("false"));
boolFromStringFunction = [onStrings, offStrings] (const String& text)
String lowercaseText (text.toLowerCase());
for (auto& testText : onStrings)
if (lowercaseText == testText)
return true;
for (auto& testText : offStrings)
if (lowercaseText == testText)
return false;
return text.getIntValue() != 0;
AudioParameterBool::~AudioParameterBool() {}
float AudioParameterBool::getValue() const { return value; }
void AudioParameterBool::setValue (float newValue) { value = newValue; valueChanged (get()); }
float AudioParameterBool::getDefaultValue() const { return defaultValue; }
int AudioParameterBool::getNumSteps() const { return 2; }
bool AudioParameterBool::isDiscrete() const { return true; }
bool AudioParameterBool::isBoolean() const { return true; }
void AudioParameterBool::valueChanged (bool) {}
float AudioParameterBool::getValueForText (const String& text) const
return boolFromStringFunction (text) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
String AudioParameterBool::getText (float v, int maximumLength) const
return stringFromBoolFunction (v >= 0.5f, maximumLength);
AudioParameterBool& AudioParameterBool::operator= (bool newValue)
if (get() != newValue)
setValueNotifyingHost (newValue ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
return *this;
AudioParameterChoice::AudioParameterChoice (const String& idToUse, const String& nameToUse,
const StringArray& c, int def, const String& labelToUse,
std::function<String (int, int)> stringFromIndex,
std::function<int (const String&)> indexFromString)
: AudioProcessorParameterWithID (idToUse, nameToUse, labelToUse), choices (c),
value ((float) def),
maxIndex (choices.size() - 1),
defaultValue (convertTo0to1 (def)),
stringFromIndexFunction (stringFromIndex),
indexFromStringFunction (indexFromString)
jassert (choices.size() > 0); // you must supply an actual set of items to choose from!
if (stringFromIndexFunction == nullptr)
stringFromIndexFunction = [this] (int index, int) { return choices [index]; };
if (indexFromStringFunction == nullptr)
indexFromStringFunction = [this] (const String& text) { return choices.indexOf (text); };
AudioParameterChoice::~AudioParameterChoice() {}
int AudioParameterChoice::limitRange (int v) const noexcept { return jlimit (0, maxIndex, v); }
float AudioParameterChoice::convertTo0to1 (int v) const noexcept { return jlimit (0.0f, 1.0f, v / (float) maxIndex); }
int AudioParameterChoice::convertFrom0to1 (float v) const noexcept { return limitRange (roundToInt (v * (float) maxIndex)); }
float AudioParameterChoice::getValue() const { return convertTo0to1 (roundToInt (value)); }
void AudioParameterChoice::setValue (float newValue) { value = (float) convertFrom0to1 (newValue); valueChanged (getIndex()); }
float AudioParameterChoice::getDefaultValue() const { return defaultValue; }
int AudioParameterChoice::getNumSteps() const { return choices.size(); }
bool AudioParameterChoice::isDiscrete() const { return true; }
float AudioParameterChoice::getValueForText (const String& text) const { return convertTo0to1 (indexFromStringFunction (text)); }
String AudioParameterChoice::getText (float v, int length) const { return stringFromIndexFunction (convertFrom0to1 (v), length); }
void AudioParameterChoice::valueChanged (int) {}
AudioParameterChoice& AudioParameterChoice::operator= (int newValue)
if (getIndex() != newValue)
setValueNotifyingHost (convertTo0to1 (newValue));
return *this;
} // namespace juce