
688 lines
21 KiB

This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd.
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
this permission notice appear in all copies.
namespace juce
inline uint16 readUnalignedLittleEndianShort (const void* buffer)
auto data = readUnaligned<uint16> (buffer);
return ByteOrder::littleEndianShort (&data);
inline uint32 readUnalignedLittleEndianInt (const void* buffer)
auto data = readUnaligned<uint32> (buffer);
return ByteOrder::littleEndianInt (&data);
struct ZipFile::ZipEntryHolder
ZipEntryHolder (const char* buffer, int fileNameLen)
isCompressed = readUnalignedLittleEndianShort (buffer + 10) != 0;
entry.fileTime = parseFileTime (readUnalignedLittleEndianShort (buffer + 12),
readUnalignedLittleEndianShort (buffer + 14));
compressedSize = (int64) readUnalignedLittleEndianInt (buffer + 20);
entry.uncompressedSize = (int64) readUnalignedLittleEndianInt (buffer + 24);
streamOffset = (int64) readUnalignedLittleEndianInt (buffer + 42);
auto externalFileAttributes = (int32) readUnalignedLittleEndianInt (buffer + 38);
auto fileType = (externalFileAttributes >> 28) & 0xf;
entry.isSymbolicLink = (fileType == 0xA);
entry.filename = String::fromUTF8 (buffer + 46, fileNameLen);
static Time parseFileTime (uint32 time, uint32 date) noexcept
int year = 1980 + (date >> 9);
int month = ((date >> 5) & 15) - 1;
int day = date & 31;
int hours = time >> 11;
int minutes = (time >> 5) & 63;
int seconds = (int) ((time & 31) << 1);
return { year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds };
ZipEntry entry;
int64 streamOffset, compressedSize;
bool isCompressed;
static int64 findCentralDirectoryFileHeader (InputStream& input, int& numEntries)
BufferedInputStream in (input, 8192);
in.setPosition (in.getTotalLength());
auto pos = in.getPosition();
auto lowestPos = jmax ((int64) 0, pos - 1048576);
char buffer[32] = {};
while (pos > lowestPos)
in.setPosition (pos - 22);
pos = in.getPosition();
memcpy (buffer + 22, buffer, 4);
if (in.read (buffer, 22) != 22)
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i)
if (readUnalignedLittleEndianInt (buffer + i) == 0x06054b50)
in.setPosition (pos + i);
in.read (buffer, 22);
numEntries = readUnalignedLittleEndianShort (buffer + 10);
auto offset = (int64) readUnalignedLittleEndianInt (buffer + 16);
if (offset >= 4)
in.setPosition (offset);
// This is a workaround for some zip files which seem to contain the
// wrong offset for the central directory - instead of including the
// header, they point to the byte immediately after it.
if (in.readInt() != 0x02014b50)
in.setPosition (offset - 4);
if (in.readInt() == 0x02014b50)
offset -= 4;
return offset;
return 0;
struct ZipFile::ZipInputStream : public InputStream
ZipInputStream (ZipFile& zf, const ZipFile::ZipEntryHolder& zei)
: file (zf),
zipEntryHolder (zei),
inputStream (zf.inputStream)
if (zf.inputSource != nullptr)
streamToDelete.reset (file.inputSource->createInputStream());
inputStream = streamToDelete.get();
char buffer[30];
if (inputStream != nullptr
&& inputStream->setPosition (zei.streamOffset)
&& inputStream->read (buffer, 30) == 30
&& ByteOrder::littleEndianInt (buffer) == 0x04034b50)
headerSize = 30 + ByteOrder::littleEndianShort (buffer + 26)
+ ByteOrder::littleEndianShort (buffer + 28);
~ZipInputStream() override
if (inputStream != nullptr && inputStream == file.inputStream)
int64 getTotalLength() override
return zipEntryHolder.compressedSize;
int read (void* buffer, int howMany) override
if (headerSize <= 0)
return 0;
howMany = (int) jmin ((int64) howMany, zipEntryHolder.compressedSize - pos);
if (inputStream == nullptr)
return 0;
int num;
if (inputStream == file.inputStream)
const ScopedLock sl (file.lock);
inputStream->setPosition (pos + zipEntryHolder.streamOffset + headerSize);
num = inputStream->read (buffer, howMany);
inputStream->setPosition (pos + zipEntryHolder.streamOffset + headerSize);
num = inputStream->read (buffer, howMany);
pos += num;
return num;
bool isExhausted() override
return headerSize <= 0 || pos >= zipEntryHolder.compressedSize;
int64 getPosition() override
return pos;
bool setPosition (int64 newPos) override
pos = jlimit ((int64) 0, zipEntryHolder.compressedSize, newPos);
return true;
ZipFile& file;
ZipEntryHolder zipEntryHolder;
int64 pos = 0;
int headerSize = 0;
InputStream* inputStream;
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> streamToDelete;
ZipFile::ZipFile (InputStream* stream, bool deleteStreamWhenDestroyed)
: inputStream (stream)
if (deleteStreamWhenDestroyed)
streamToDelete.reset (inputStream);
ZipFile::ZipFile (InputStream& stream) : inputStream (&stream)
ZipFile::ZipFile (const File& file) : inputSource (new FileInputSource (file))
ZipFile::ZipFile (InputSource* source) : inputSource (source)
/* If you hit this assertion, it means you've created a stream to read one of the items in the
zipfile, but you've forgotten to delete that stream object before deleting the file..
Streams can't be kept open after the file is deleted because they need to share the input
stream that is managed by the ZipFile object.
jassert (numOpenStreams == 0);
int ZipFile::getNumEntries() const noexcept
return entries.size();
const ZipFile::ZipEntry* ZipFile::getEntry (const int index) const noexcept
if (auto* zei = entries[index])
return &(zei->entry);
return nullptr;
int ZipFile::getIndexOfFileName (const String& fileName, bool ignoreCase) const noexcept
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i)
auto& entryFilename = entries.getUnchecked (i)->entry.filename;
if (ignoreCase ? entryFilename.equalsIgnoreCase (fileName)
: entryFilename == fileName)
return i;
return -1;
const ZipFile::ZipEntry* ZipFile::getEntry (const String& fileName, bool ignoreCase) const noexcept
return getEntry (getIndexOfFileName (fileName, ignoreCase));
InputStream* ZipFile::createStreamForEntry (const int index)
InputStream* stream = nullptr;
if (auto* zei = entries[index])
stream = new ZipInputStream (*this, *zei);
if (zei->isCompressed)
stream = new GZIPDecompressorInputStream (stream, true,
// (much faster to unzip in big blocks using a buffer..)
stream = new BufferedInputStream (stream, 32768, true);
return stream;
InputStream* ZipFile::createStreamForEntry (const ZipEntry& entry)
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i)
if (&entries.getUnchecked (i)->entry == &entry)
return createStreamForEntry (i);
return nullptr;
void ZipFile::sortEntriesByFilename()
std::sort (entries.begin(), entries.end(),
[] (const ZipEntryHolder* e1, const ZipEntryHolder* e2) { return e1->entry.filename < e2->entry.filename; });
void ZipFile::init()
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> toDelete;
InputStream* in = inputStream;
if (inputSource != nullptr)
in = inputSource->createInputStream();
toDelete.reset (in);
if (in != nullptr)
int numEntries = 0;
auto centralDirectoryPos = findCentralDirectoryFileHeader (*in, numEntries);
if (centralDirectoryPos >= 0 && centralDirectoryPos < in->getTotalLength())
auto size = (size_t) (in->getTotalLength() - centralDirectoryPos);
in->setPosition (centralDirectoryPos);
MemoryBlock headerData;
if (in->readIntoMemoryBlock (headerData, (ssize_t) size) == size)
size_t pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i)
if (pos + 46 > size)
auto* buffer = static_cast<const char*> (headerData.getData()) + pos;
auto fileNameLen = readUnalignedLittleEndianShort (buffer + 28);
if (pos + 46 + fileNameLen > size)
entries.add (new ZipEntryHolder (buffer, fileNameLen));
pos += 46 + fileNameLen
+ readUnalignedLittleEndianShort (buffer + 30)
+ readUnalignedLittleEndianShort (buffer + 32);
Result ZipFile::uncompressTo (const File& targetDirectory,
const bool shouldOverwriteFiles)
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i)
auto result = uncompressEntry (i, targetDirectory, shouldOverwriteFiles);
if (result.failed())
return result;
return Result::ok();
Result ZipFile::uncompressEntry (int index, const File& targetDirectory, bool shouldOverwriteFiles)
auto* zei = entries.getUnchecked (index);
auto entryPath = zei->entry.filename;
auto entryPath = zei->entry.filename.replaceCharacter ('\\', '/');
if (entryPath.isEmpty())
return Result::ok();
auto targetFile = targetDirectory.getChildFile (entryPath);
if (entryPath.endsWithChar ('/') || entryPath.endsWithChar ('\\'))
return targetFile.createDirectory(); // (entry is a directory, not a file)
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> in (createStreamForEntry (index));
if (in == nullptr)
return Result::fail ("Failed to open the zip file for reading");
if (targetFile.exists())
if (! shouldOverwriteFiles)
return Result::ok();
if (! targetFile.deleteFile())
return Result::fail ("Failed to write to target file: " + targetFile.getFullPathName());
if (! targetFile.getParentDirectory().createDirectory())
return Result::fail ("Failed to create target folder: " + targetFile.getParentDirectory().getFullPathName());
if (zei->entry.isSymbolicLink)
String originalFilePath (in->readEntireStreamAsString()
.replaceCharacter (L'/', File::getSeparatorChar()));
if (! File::createSymbolicLink (targetFile, originalFilePath, true))
return Result::fail ("Failed to create symbolic link: " + originalFilePath);
FileOutputStream out (targetFile);
if (out.failedToOpen())
return Result::fail ("Failed to write to target file: " + targetFile.getFullPathName());
out << *in;
targetFile.setCreationTime (zei->entry.fileTime);
targetFile.setLastModificationTime (zei->entry.fileTime);
targetFile.setLastAccessTime (zei->entry.fileTime);
return Result::ok();
struct ZipFile::Builder::Item
Item (const File& f, InputStream* s, int compression, const String& storedPath, Time time)
: file (f), stream (s), storedPathname (storedPath), fileTime (time), compressionLevel (compression)
symbolicLink = (file.exists() && file.isSymbolicLink());
bool writeData (OutputStream& target, const int64 overallStartPosition)
MemoryOutputStream compressedData ((size_t) file.getSize());
if (symbolicLink)
auto relativePath = file.getNativeLinkedTarget().replaceCharacter (File::getSeparatorChar(), L'/');
uncompressedSize = relativePath.length();
checksum = zlibNamespace::crc32 (0, (uint8_t*) relativePath.toRawUTF8(), (unsigned int) uncompressedSize);
compressedData << relativePath;
else if (compressionLevel > 0)
GZIPCompressorOutputStream compressor (compressedData, compressionLevel,
if (! writeSource (compressor))
return false;
if (! writeSource (compressedData))
return false;
compressedSize = (int64) compressedData.getDataSize();
headerStart = target.getPosition() - overallStartPosition;
target.writeInt (0x04034b50);
writeFlagsAndSizes (target);
target << storedPathname
<< compressedData;
return true;
bool writeDirectoryEntry (OutputStream& target)
target.writeInt (0x02014b50);
target.writeShort (symbolicLink ? 0x0314 : 0x0014);
writeFlagsAndSizes (target);
target.writeShort (0); // comment length
target.writeShort (0); // start disk num
target.writeShort (0); // internal attributes
target.writeInt ((int) (symbolicLink ? 0xA1ED0000 : 0)); // external attributes
target.writeInt ((int) (uint32) headerStart);
target << storedPathname;
return true;
const File file;
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> stream;
String storedPathname;
Time fileTime;
int64 compressedSize = 0, uncompressedSize = 0, headerStart = 0;
int compressionLevel = 0;
unsigned long checksum = 0;
bool symbolicLink = false;
static void writeTimeAndDate (OutputStream& target, Time t)
target.writeShort ((short) (t.getSeconds() + (t.getMinutes() << 5) + (t.getHours() << 11)));
target.writeShort ((short) (t.getDayOfMonth() + ((t.getMonth() + 1) << 5) + ((t.getYear() - 1980) << 9)));
bool writeSource (OutputStream& target)
if (stream == nullptr)
stream.reset (file.createInputStream());
if (stream == nullptr)
return false;
checksum = 0;
uncompressedSize = 0;
const int bufferSize = 4096;
HeapBlock<unsigned char> buffer (bufferSize);
while (! stream->isExhausted())
auto bytesRead = stream->read (buffer, bufferSize);
if (bytesRead < 0)
return false;
checksum = zlibNamespace::crc32 (checksum, buffer, (unsigned int) bytesRead);
target.write (buffer, (size_t) bytesRead);
uncompressedSize += bytesRead;
return true;
void writeFlagsAndSizes (OutputStream& target) const
target.writeShort (10); // version needed
target.writeShort ((short) (1 << 11)); // this flag indicates UTF-8 filename encoding
target.writeShort ((! symbolicLink && compressionLevel > 0) ? (short) 8 : (short) 0); //symlink target path is not compressed
writeTimeAndDate (target, fileTime);
target.writeInt ((int) checksum);
target.writeInt ((int) (uint32) compressedSize);
target.writeInt ((int) (uint32) uncompressedSize);
target.writeShort ((short) storedPathname.toUTF8().sizeInBytes() - 1);
target.writeShort (0); // extra field length
ZipFile::Builder::Builder() {}
ZipFile::Builder::~Builder() {}
void ZipFile::Builder::addFile (const File& file, int compression, const String& path)
items.add (new Item (file, nullptr, compression,
path.isEmpty() ? file.getFileName() : path,
void ZipFile::Builder::addEntry (InputStream* stream, int compression, const String& path, Time time)
jassert (stream != nullptr); // must not be null!
jassert (path.isNotEmpty());
items.add (new Item ({}, stream, compression, path, time));
bool ZipFile::Builder::writeToStream (OutputStream& target, double* const progress) const
auto fileStart = target.getPosition();
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i)
if (progress != nullptr)
*progress = (i + 0.5) / items.size();
if (! items.getUnchecked (i)->writeData (target, fileStart))
return false;
auto directoryStart = target.getPosition();
for (auto* item : items)
if (! item->writeDirectoryEntry (target))
return false;
auto directoryEnd = target.getPosition();
target.writeInt (0x06054b50);
target.writeShort (0);
target.writeShort (0);
target.writeShort ((short) items.size());
target.writeShort ((short) items.size());
target.writeInt ((int) (directoryEnd - directoryStart));
target.writeInt ((int) (directoryStart - fileStart));
target.writeShort (0);
if (progress != nullptr)
*progress = 1.0;
return true;
struct ZIPTests : public UnitTest
ZIPTests() : UnitTest ("ZIP") {}
void runTest() override
beginTest ("ZIP");
ZipFile::Builder builder;
StringArray entryNames { "first", "second", "third" };
HashMap<String, MemoryBlock> blocks;
for (auto& entryName : entryNames)
auto& block = blocks.getReference (entryName);
MemoryOutputStream mo (block, false);
mo << entryName;
builder.addEntry (new MemoryInputStream (block, false), 9, entryName, Time::getCurrentTime());
MemoryBlock data;
MemoryOutputStream mo (data, false);
builder.writeToStream (mo, nullptr);
MemoryInputStream mi (data, false);
ZipFile zip (mi);
expectEquals (zip.getNumEntries(), entryNames.size());
for (auto& entryName : entryNames)
auto* entry = zip.getEntry (entryName);
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> input (zip.createStreamForEntry (*entry));
expectEquals (input->readEntireStreamAsString(), entryName);
static ZIPTests zipTests;
} // namespace juce