2293 lines
87 KiB
2293 lines
87 KiB
This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd.
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the
27th April 2017).
End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence
Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
#include "../../juce_core/system/juce_TargetPlatform.h"
#include "../utility/juce_CheckSettingMacros.h"
#if JucePlugin_Build_VST
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (disable : 4996 4100)
#include "../utility/juce_IncludeSystemHeaders.h"
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#define __cdecl
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-register"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-writable-strings"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-virtual-dtor"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable : 4458)
#include <juce_core/juce_core.h>
#include "../../juce_audio_processors/format_types/juce_VSTInterface.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (pop)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack (push, 8)
#include "../utility/juce_IncludeModuleHeaders.h"
#include "../utility/juce_FakeMouseMoveGenerator.h"
#include "../utility/juce_WindowsHooks.h"
#include "../../juce_audio_processors/format_types/juce_LegacyAudioParameter.cpp"
#include "../../juce_audio_processors/format_types/juce_VSTCommon.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack (pop)
#undef MemoryBlock
class JuceVSTWrapper;
static bool recursionCheck = false;
namespace juce
extern JUCE_API void initialiseMacVST();
extern JUCE_API void* attachComponentToWindowRefVST (Component*, void* parent, bool isNSView);
extern JUCE_API void detachComponentFromWindowRefVST (Component*, void* window, bool isNSView);
extern JUCE_API void setNativeHostWindowSizeVST (void* window, Component*, int newWidth, int newHeight, bool isNSView);
extern JUCE_API void checkWindowVisibilityVST (void* window, Component*, bool isNSView);
extern JUCE_API bool forwardCurrentKeyEventToHostVST (Component*, bool isNSView);
#if ! JUCE_64BIT
extern JUCE_API void updateEditorCompBoundsVST (Component*);
extern JUCE_API bool handleManufacturerSpecificVST2Opcode (int32, pointer_sized_int, void*, float);
// Returns the actual container window, unlike GetParent, which can also return a separate owner window.
static HWND getWindowParent (HWND w) noexcept { return GetAncestor (w, GA_PARENT); }
static HWND findMDIParentOf (HWND w)
const int frameThickness = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYFIXEDFRAME);
while (w != 0)
auto parent = getWindowParent (w);
if (parent == 0)
TCHAR windowType[32] = { 0 };
GetClassName (parent, windowType, 31);
if (String (windowType).equalsIgnoreCase ("MDIClient"))
return parent;
RECT windowPos, parentPos;
GetWindowRect (w, &windowPos);
GetWindowRect (parent, &parentPos);
auto dw = (parentPos.right - parentPos.left) - (windowPos.right - windowPos.left);
auto dh = (parentPos.bottom - parentPos.top) - (windowPos.bottom - windowPos.top);
if (dw > 100 || dh > 100)
w = parent;
if (dw == 2 * frameThickness)
return w;
static bool messageThreadIsDefinitelyCorrect = false;
struct SharedMessageThread : public Thread
SharedMessageThread() : Thread ("VstMessageThread")
startThread (7);
while (! initialised)
sleep (1);
waitForThreadToExit (5000);
void run() override
initialised = true;
ScopedXDisplay xDisplay;
while ((! threadShouldExit()) && MessageManager::getInstance()->runDispatchLoopUntil (250))
JUCE_DECLARE_SINGLETON (SharedMessageThread, false)
bool initialised = false;
static Array<void*> activePlugins;
// Ableton Live host specific commands
struct AbletonLiveHostSpecific
KCantBeSuspended = (1 << 2)
uint32 magic; // 'AbLi'
int cmd; // 5 = realtime properties
size_t commandSize; // sizeof (int)
int flags; // KCantBeSuspended = (1 << 2)
This is an AudioEffectX object that holds and wraps our AudioProcessor...
class JuceVSTWrapper : public AudioProcessorListener,
public AudioPlayHead,
private Timer,
private AsyncUpdater,
private AudioProcessorParameter::Listener
template <typename FloatType>
struct VstTempBuffers
VstTempBuffers() {}
~VstTempBuffers() { release(); }
void release() noexcept
for (auto* c : tempChannels)
delete[] c;
HeapBlock<FloatType*> channels;
Array<FloatType*> tempChannels; // see note in processReplacing()
juce::AudioBuffer<FloatType> processTempBuffer;
/** Use the same names as the VST SDK. */
struct VstOpCodeArguments
int32 index;
pointer_sized_int value;
void* ptr;
float opt;
JuceVSTWrapper (VstHostCallback cb, AudioProcessor* af)
: hostCallback (cb),
processor (af)
inParameterChangedCallback = false;
// VST-2 does not support disabling buses: so always enable all of them
findMaxTotalChannels (maxNumInChannels, maxNumOutChannels);
// You must at least have some channels
jassert (processor->isMidiEffect() || (maxNumInChannels > 0 || maxNumOutChannels > 0));
if (processor->isMidiEffect())
maxNumInChannels = maxNumOutChannels = 2;
#ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
processor->setPlayConfigDetails (maxNumInChannels, maxNumOutChannels, 44100.0, 1024);
processor->setRateAndBufferSizeDetails (0, 0);
processor->setPlayHead (this);
processor->addListener (this);
if (auto* juceParam = processor->getBypassParameter())
juceParam->addListener (this);
juceParameters.update (*processor, false);
memset (&vstEffect, 0, sizeof (vstEffect));
vstEffect.interfaceIdentifier = juceVstInterfaceIdentifier;
vstEffect.dispatchFunction = dispatcherCB;
vstEffect.processAudioFunction = nullptr;
vstEffect.setParameterValueFunction = setParameterCB;
vstEffect.getParameterValueFunction = getParameterCB;
vstEffect.numPrograms = jmax (1, af->getNumPrograms());
vstEffect.numParameters = juceParameters.getNumParameters();
vstEffect.numInputChannels = maxNumInChannels;
vstEffect.numOutputChannels = maxNumOutChannels;
vstEffect.latency = processor->getLatencySamples();
vstEffect.effectPointer = this;
vstEffect.plugInIdentifier = JucePlugin_VSTUniqueID;
#ifdef JucePlugin_VSTChunkStructureVersion
vstEffect.plugInVersion = JucePlugin_VSTChunkStructureVersion;
vstEffect.plugInVersion = JucePlugin_VersionCode;
vstEffect.processAudioInplaceFunction = processReplacingCB;
vstEffect.processDoubleAudioInplaceFunction = processDoubleReplacingCB;
vstEffect.flags |= vstEffectFlagHasEditor;
vstEffect.flags |= vstEffectFlagInplaceAudio;
if (processor->supportsDoublePrecisionProcessing())
vstEffect.flags |= vstEffectFlagInplaceDoubleAudio;
#if JucePlugin_IsSynth
vstEffect.flags |= vstEffectFlagIsSynth;
vstEffect.flags |= vstEffectFlagDataInChunks;
activePlugins.add (this);
MessageManagerLock mmLock;
deleteEditor (false);
hasShutdown = true;
delete processor;
processor = nullptr;
jassert (editorComp == nullptr);
jassert (activePlugins.contains (this));
activePlugins.removeFirstMatchingValue (this);
if (activePlugins.size() == 0)
messageThreadIsDefinitelyCorrect = false;
VstEffectInterface* getVstEffectInterface() noexcept { return &vstEffect; }
template <typename FloatType>
void internalProcessReplacing (FloatType** inputs, FloatType** outputs,
int32 numSamples, VstTempBuffers<FloatType>& tmpBuffers)
const bool isMidiEffect = processor->isMidiEffect();
if (firstProcessCallback)
firstProcessCallback = false;
// if this fails, the host hasn't called resume() before processing
jassert (isProcessing);
// (tragically, some hosts actually need this, although it's stupid to have
// to do it here..)
if (! isProcessing)
processor->setNonRealtime (isProcessLevelOffline());
if (getHostType().isWavelab())
int priority = GetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread());
processor->setNonRealtime (true);
#if JUCE_DEBUG && ! (JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput || JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect)
const int numMidiEventsComingIn = midiEvents.getNumEvents();
jassert (activePlugins.contains (this));
const int numIn = processor->getTotalNumInputChannels();
const int numOut = processor->getTotalNumOutputChannels();
const ScopedLock sl (processor->getCallbackLock());
if (processor->isSuspended())
for (int i = 0; i < numOut; ++i)
if (outputs[i] != nullptr)
FloatVectorOperations::clear (outputs[i], numSamples);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numOut; ++i)
auto* chan = tmpBuffers.tempChannels.getUnchecked(i);
if (chan == nullptr)
chan = outputs[i];
bool bufferPointerReusedForOtherChannels = false;
for (int j = i; --j >= 0;)
if (outputs[j] == chan)
bufferPointerReusedForOtherChannels = true;
// if some output channels are disabled, some hosts supply the same buffer
// for multiple channels or supply a nullptr - this buggers up our method
// of copying the inputs over the outputs, so we need to create unique temp
// buffers in this case..
if (bufferPointerReusedForOtherChannels || chan == nullptr)
chan = new FloatType [(size_t) blockSize * 2];
tmpBuffers.tempChannels.set (i, chan);
if (i < numIn)
if (chan != inputs[i])
memcpy (chan, inputs[i], sizeof (FloatType) * (size_t) numSamples);
FloatVectorOperations::clear (chan, numSamples);
tmpBuffers.channels[i] = chan;
for (; i < numIn; ++i)
tmpBuffers.channels[i] = inputs[i];
const int numChannels = jmax (numIn, numOut);
AudioBuffer<FloatType> chans (tmpBuffers.channels, isMidiEffect ? 0 : numChannels, numSamples);
if (isBypassed)
processor->processBlockBypassed (chans, midiEvents);
processor->processBlock (chans, midiEvents);
// copy back any temp channels that may have been used..
for (i = 0; i < numOut; ++i)
if (auto* chan = tmpBuffers.tempChannels.getUnchecked(i))
if (auto* dest = outputs[i])
memcpy (dest, chan, sizeof (FloatType) * (size_t) numSamples);
if (! midiEvents.isEmpty())
#if JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput || JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect
auto numEvents = midiEvents.getNumEvents();
outgoingEvents.ensureSize (numEvents);
const uint8* midiEventData;
int midiEventSize, midiEventPosition;
MidiBuffer::Iterator i (midiEvents);
while (i.getNextEvent (midiEventData, midiEventSize, midiEventPosition))
jassert (midiEventPosition >= 0 && midiEventPosition < numSamples);
outgoingEvents.addEvent (midiEventData, midiEventSize, midiEventPosition);
// Send VST events to the host.
if (hostCallback != nullptr)
hostCallback (&vstEffect, hostOpcodePreAudioProcessingEvents, 0, 0, outgoingEvents.events, 0);
/* This assertion is caused when you've added some events to the
midiMessages array in your processBlock() method, which usually means
that you're trying to send them somewhere. But in this case they're
getting thrown away.
If your plugin does want to send midi messages, you'll need to set
the JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput macro to 1 in your
JucePluginCharacteristics.h file.
If you don't want to produce any midi output, then you should clear the
midiMessages array at the end of your processBlock() method, to
indicate that you don't want any of the events to be passed through
to the output.
jassert (midiEvents.getNumEvents() <= numMidiEventsComingIn);
void processReplacing (float** inputs, float** outputs, int32 sampleFrames)
jassert (! processor->isUsingDoublePrecision());
internalProcessReplacing (inputs, outputs, sampleFrames, floatTempBuffers);
static void processReplacingCB (VstEffectInterface* vstInterface, float** inputs, float** outputs, int32 sampleFrames)
getWrapper (vstInterface)->processReplacing (inputs, outputs, sampleFrames);
void processDoubleReplacing (double** inputs, double** outputs, int32 sampleFrames)
jassert (processor->isUsingDoublePrecision());
internalProcessReplacing (inputs, outputs, sampleFrames, doubleTempBuffers);
static void processDoubleReplacingCB (VstEffectInterface* vstInterface, double** inputs, double** outputs, int32 sampleFrames)
getWrapper (vstInterface)->processDoubleReplacing (inputs, outputs, sampleFrames);
void resume()
if (processor != nullptr)
isProcessing = true;
auto numInAndOutChannels = static_cast<size_t> (vstEffect.numInputChannels + vstEffect.numOutputChannels);
floatTempBuffers .channels.calloc (numInAndOutChannels);
doubleTempBuffers.channels.calloc (numInAndOutChannels);
auto currentRate = sampleRate;
auto currentBlockSize = blockSize;
firstProcessCallback = true;
processor->setNonRealtime (isProcessLevelOffline());
processor->setRateAndBufferSizeDetails (currentRate, currentBlockSize);
processor->prepareToPlay (currentRate, currentBlockSize);
midiEvents.ensureSize (2048);
vstEffect.latency = processor->getLatencySamples();
/** If this plug-in is a synth or it can receive midi events we need to tell the
host that we want midi. In the SDK this method is marked as deprecated, but
some hosts rely on this behaviour.
if (vstEffect.flags & vstEffectFlagIsSynth || JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput || JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect)
if (hostCallback != nullptr)
hostCallback (&vstEffect, hostOpcodePlugInWantsMidi, 0, 1, 0, 0);
if (getHostType().isAbletonLive()
&& hostCallback != nullptr
&& processor->getTailLengthSeconds() == std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
AbletonLiveHostSpecific hostCmd;
hostCmd.magic = 0x41624c69; // 'AbLi'
hostCmd.cmd = 5;
hostCmd.commandSize = sizeof (int);
hostCmd.flags = AbletonLiveHostSpecific::KCantBeSuspended;
hostCallback (&vstEffect, hostOpcodeManufacturerSpecific, 0, 0, &hostCmd, 0.0f);
#if JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput || JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect
outgoingEvents.ensureSize (512);
void suspend()
if (processor != nullptr)
isProcessing = false;
bool getCurrentPosition (AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfo& info) override
const VstTimingInformation* ti = nullptr;
if (hostCallback != nullptr)
int32 flags = vstTimingInfoFlagMusicalPositionValid | vstTimingInfoFlagTempoValid
| vstTimingInfoFlagLastBarPositionValid | vstTimingInfoFlagLoopPositionValid
| vstTimingInfoFlagTimeSignatureValid | vstTimingInfoFlagSmpteValid
| vstTimingInfoFlagNearestClockValid;
auto result = hostCallback (&vstEffect, hostOpcodeGetTimingInfo, 0, flags, 0, 0);
ti = reinterpret_cast<VstTimingInformation*> (result);
if (ti == nullptr || ti->sampleRate <= 0)
return false;
info.bpm = (ti->flags & vstTimingInfoFlagTempoValid) != 0 ? ti->tempoBPM : 0.0;
if ((ti->flags & vstTimingInfoFlagTimeSignatureValid) != 0)
info.timeSigNumerator = ti->timeSignatureNumerator;
info.timeSigDenominator = ti->timeSignatureDenominator;
info.timeSigNumerator = 4;
info.timeSigDenominator = 4;
info.timeInSamples = (int64) (ti->samplePosition + 0.5);
info.timeInSeconds = ti->samplePosition / ti->sampleRate;
info.ppqPosition = (ti->flags & vstTimingInfoFlagMusicalPositionValid) != 0 ? ti->musicalPosition : 0.0;
info.ppqPositionOfLastBarStart = (ti->flags & vstTimingInfoFlagLastBarPositionValid) != 0 ? ti->lastBarPosition : 0.0;
if ((ti->flags & vstTimingInfoFlagSmpteValid) != 0)
AudioPlayHead::FrameRateType rate = AudioPlayHead::fpsUnknown;
double fps = 1.0;
switch (ti->smpteRate)
case vstSmpteRateFps239: rate = AudioPlayHead::fps23976; fps = 24.0 * 1000.0 / 1001.0; break;
case vstSmpteRateFps24: rate = AudioPlayHead::fps24; fps = 24.0; break;
case vstSmpteRateFps25: rate = AudioPlayHead::fps25; fps = 25.0; break;
case vstSmpteRateFps2997: rate = AudioPlayHead::fps2997; fps = 30.0 * 1000.0 / 1001.0; break;
case vstSmpteRateFps30: rate = AudioPlayHead::fps30; fps = 30.0; break;
case vstSmpteRateFps2997drop: rate = AudioPlayHead::fps2997drop; fps = 30.0 * 1000.0 / 1001.0; break;
case vstSmpteRateFps30drop: rate = AudioPlayHead::fps30drop; fps = 30.0; break;
case vstSmpteRate16mmFilm:
case vstSmpteRate35mmFilm: fps = 24.0; break;
case vstSmpteRateFps249: fps = 25.0 * 1000.0 / 1001.0; break;
case vstSmpteRateFps599: fps = 60.0 * 1000.0 / 1001.0; break;
case vstSmpteRateFps60: fps = 60; break;
default: jassertfalse; // unknown frame-rate..
info.frameRate = rate;
info.editOriginTime = ti->smpteOffset / (80.0 * fps);
info.frameRate = AudioPlayHead::fpsUnknown;
info.editOriginTime = 0;
info.isRecording = (ti->flags & vstTimingInfoFlagCurrentlyRecording) != 0;
info.isPlaying = (ti->flags & (vstTimingInfoFlagCurrentlyRecording | vstTimingInfoFlagCurrentlyPlaying)) != 0;
info.isLooping = (ti->flags & vstTimingInfoFlagLoopActive) != 0;
if ((ti->flags & vstTimingInfoFlagLoopPositionValid) != 0)
info.ppqLoopStart = ti->loopStartPosition;
info.ppqLoopEnd = ti->loopEndPosition;
info.ppqLoopStart = 0;
info.ppqLoopEnd = 0;
return true;
float getParameter (int32 index) const
if (auto* param = juceParameters.getParamForIndex (index))
return param->getValue();
return 0.0f;
static float getParameterCB (VstEffectInterface* vstInterface, int32 index)
return getWrapper (vstInterface)->getParameter (index);
void setParameter (int32 index, float value)
if (auto* param = juceParameters.getParamForIndex (index))
param->setValue (value);
inParameterChangedCallback = true;
param->sendValueChangedMessageToListeners (value);
static void setParameterCB (VstEffectInterface* vstInterface, int32 index, float value)
getWrapper (vstInterface)->setParameter (index, value);
void audioProcessorParameterChanged (AudioProcessor*, int index, float newValue) override
if (inParameterChangedCallback.get())
inParameterChangedCallback = false;
if (hostCallback != nullptr)
hostCallback (&vstEffect, hostOpcodeParameterChanged, index, 0, 0, newValue);
void audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureBegin (AudioProcessor*, int index) override
if (hostCallback != nullptr)
hostCallback (&vstEffect, hostOpcodeParameterChangeGestureBegin, index, 0, 0, 0);
void audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureEnd (AudioProcessor*, int index) override
if (hostCallback != nullptr)
hostCallback (&vstEffect, hostOpcodeParameterChangeGestureEnd, index, 0, 0, 0);
void parameterValueChanged (int, float newValue) override
// this can only come from the bypass parameter
isBypassed = (newValue != 0.0f);
void parameterGestureChanged (int, bool) override {}
void audioProcessorChanged (AudioProcessor*) override
vstEffect.latency = processor->getLatencySamples();
if (hostCallback != nullptr)
hostCallback (&vstEffect, hostOpcodeUpdateView, 0, 0, 0, 0);
void handleAsyncUpdate() override
if (hostCallback != nullptr)
hostCallback (&vstEffect, hostOpcodeIOModified, 0, 0, 0, 0);
bool getPinProperties (VstPinInfo& properties, bool direction, int index) const
if (processor->isMidiEffect())
return false;
int channelIdx, busIdx;
// fill with default
properties.flags = 0;
properties.text[0] = 0;
properties.shortText[0] = 0;
properties.configurationType = vstSpeakerConfigTypeEmpty;
if ((channelIdx = processor->getOffsetInBusBufferForAbsoluteChannelIndex (direction, index, busIdx)) >= 0)
auto& bus = *processor->getBus (direction, busIdx);
auto& channelSet = bus.getCurrentLayout();
auto channelType = channelSet.getTypeOfChannel (channelIdx);
properties.flags = vstPinInfoFlagIsActive | vstPinInfoFlagValid;
properties.configurationType = SpeakerMappings::channelSetToVstArrangementType (channelSet);
String label = bus.getName();
#ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
label += " " + String (channelIdx);
if (channelSet.size() > 1)
label += " " + AudioChannelSet::getAbbreviatedChannelTypeName (channelType);
label.copyToUTF8 (properties.text, (size_t) (vstMaxParameterOrPinLabelLength + 1));
label.copyToUTF8 (properties.shortText, (size_t) (vstMaxParameterOrPinShortLabelLength + 1));
if (channelType == AudioChannelSet::left
|| channelType == AudioChannelSet::leftSurround
|| channelType == AudioChannelSet::leftCentre
|| channelType == AudioChannelSet::leftSurroundSide
|| channelType == AudioChannelSet::topFrontLeft
|| channelType == AudioChannelSet::topRearLeft
|| channelType == AudioChannelSet::leftSurroundRear
|| channelType == AudioChannelSet::wideLeft)
properties.flags |= vstPinInfoFlagIsStereo;
return true;
return false;
struct SpeakerMappings : private AudioChannelSet // (inheritance only to give easier access to items in the namespace)
struct Mapping
int32 vst2;
ChannelType channels[13];
bool matches (const Array<ChannelType>& chans) const noexcept
const int n = sizeof (channels) / sizeof (ChannelType);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (channels[i] == unknown) return (i == chans.size());
if (i == chans.size()) return (channels[i] == unknown);
if (channels[i] != chans.getUnchecked(i))
return false;
return true;
static AudioChannelSet vstArrangementTypeToChannelSet (const VstSpeakerConfiguration& arr)
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeEmpty) return AudioChannelSet::disabled();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeMono) return AudioChannelSet::mono();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLR) return AudioChannelSet::stereo();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRC) return AudioChannelSet::createLCR();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRS) return AudioChannelSet::createLRS();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCS) return AudioChannelSet::createLCRS();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRs) return AudioChannelSet::create5point0();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRs) return AudioChannelSet::create5point1();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsCs) return AudioChannelSet::create6point0();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsCs) return AudioChannelSet::create6point1();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLsRsSlSr) return AudioChannelSet::create6point0Music();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLfeLsRsSlSr) return AudioChannelSet::create6point1Music();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsSlSr) return AudioChannelSet::create7point0();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsLcRc) return AudioChannelSet::create7point0SDDS();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsSlSr) return AudioChannelSet::create7point1();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsLcRc) return AudioChannelSet::create7point1SDDS();
if (arr.type == vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLsRs) return AudioChannelSet::quadraphonic();
for (auto* m = getMappings(); m->vst2 != vstSpeakerConfigTypeEmpty; ++m)
if (m->vst2 == arr.type)
AudioChannelSet s;
for (int i = 0; m->channels[i] != 0; ++i)
s.addChannel (m->channels[i]);
return s;
return AudioChannelSet::discreteChannels (arr.numberOfChannels);
static int32 channelSetToVstArrangementType (AudioChannelSet channels)
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::disabled()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeEmpty;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::mono()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeMono;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::stereo()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLR;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::createLCR()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRC;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::createLRS()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRS;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::createLCRS()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCS;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::create5point0()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRs;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::create5point1()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRs;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::create6point0()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsCs;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::create6point1()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsCs;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::create6point0Music()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLsRsSlSr;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::create6point1Music()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLfeLsRsSlSr;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::create7point0()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsSlSr;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::create7point0SDDS()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsLcRc;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::create7point1()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsSlSr;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::create7point1SDDS()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsLcRc;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::quadraphonic()) return vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLsRs;
if (channels == AudioChannelSet::disabled())
return vstSpeakerConfigTypeEmpty;
auto chans = channels.getChannelTypes();
for (auto* m = getMappings(); m->vst2 != vstSpeakerConfigTypeEmpty; ++m)
if (m->matches (chans))
return m->vst2;
return vstSpeakerConfigTypeUser;
static void channelSetToVstArrangement (const AudioChannelSet& channels, VstSpeakerConfiguration& result)
result.type = channelSetToVstArrangementType (channels);
result.numberOfChannels = channels.size();
for (int i = 0; i < result.numberOfChannels; ++i)
auto& speaker = result.speakers[i];
zeromem (&speaker, sizeof (VstIndividualSpeakerInfo));
speaker.type = getSpeakerType (channels.getTypeOfChannel (i));
static const Mapping* getMappings() noexcept
static const Mapping mappings[] =
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeMono, { centre, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLR, { left, right, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLsRs, { leftSurround, rightSurround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLcRc, { leftCentre, rightCentre, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeSlSr, { leftSurroundRear, rightSurroundRear, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeCLfe, { centre, LFE, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRC, { left, right, centre, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRS, { left, right, surround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfe, { left, right, centre, LFE, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLfeS, { left, right, LFE, surround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCS, { left, right, centre, surround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLsRs, { left, right, leftSurround, rightSurround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeS, { left, right, centre, LFE, surround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLfeLsRs, { left, right, LFE, leftSurround, rightSurround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRs, { left, right, centre, leftSurround, rightSurround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRs, { left, right, centre, LFE, leftSurround, rightSurround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsCs, { left, right, centre, leftSurround, rightSurround, surround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLsRsSlSr, { left, right, leftSurround, rightSurround, leftSurroundRear, rightSurroundRear, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsCs, { left, right, centre, LFE, leftSurround, rightSurround, surround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRLfeLsRsSlSr, { left, right, LFE, leftSurround, rightSurround, leftSurroundRear, rightSurroundRear, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsLcRc, { left, right, centre, leftSurround, rightSurround, topFrontLeft, topFrontRight, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsSlSr, { left, right, centre, leftSurround, rightSurround, leftSurroundRear, rightSurroundRear, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsLcRc, { left, right, centre, LFE, leftSurround, rightSurround, topFrontLeft, topFrontRight, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsSlSr, { left, right, centre, LFE, leftSurround, rightSurround, leftSurroundRear, rightSurroundRear, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsLcRcCs, { left, right, centre, leftSurround, rightSurround, topFrontLeft, topFrontRight, surround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLsRsCsSlSr, { left, right, centre, leftSurround, rightSurround, surround, leftSurroundRear, rightSurroundRear, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsLcRcCs, { left, right, centre, LFE, leftSurround, rightSurround, topFrontLeft, topFrontRight, surround, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsCsSlSr, { left, right, centre, LFE, leftSurround, rightSurround, surround, leftSurroundRear, rightSurroundRear, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeLRCLfeLsRsTflTfcTfrTrlTrrLfe2, { left, right, centre, LFE, leftSurround, rightSurround, topFrontLeft, topFrontCentre, topFrontRight, topRearLeft, topRearRight, LFE2, unknown } },
{ vstSpeakerConfigTypeEmpty, { unknown } }
return mappings;
static inline int32 getSpeakerType (AudioChannelSet::ChannelType type) noexcept
switch (type)
case AudioChannelSet::left: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLeft;
case AudioChannelSet::right: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeRight;
case AudioChannelSet::centre: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeCentre;
case AudioChannelSet::LFE: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLFE;
case AudioChannelSet::leftSurround: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLeftSurround;
case AudioChannelSet::rightSurround: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeRightSurround;
case AudioChannelSet::leftCentre: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLeftCentre;
case AudioChannelSet::rightCentre: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeRightCentre;
case AudioChannelSet::surround: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeSurround;
case AudioChannelSet::leftSurroundRear: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLeftRearSurround;
case AudioChannelSet::rightSurroundRear: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeRightRearSurround;
case AudioChannelSet::topMiddle: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopMiddle;
case AudioChannelSet::topFrontLeft: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopFrontLeft;
case AudioChannelSet::topFrontCentre: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopFrontCentre;
case AudioChannelSet::topFrontRight: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopFrontRight;
case AudioChannelSet::topRearLeft: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopRearLeft;
case AudioChannelSet::topRearCentre: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopRearCentre;
case AudioChannelSet::topRearRight: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopRearRight;
case AudioChannelSet::LFE2: return vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLFE2;
default: break;
return 0;
static inline AudioChannelSet::ChannelType getChannelType (int32 type) noexcept
switch (type)
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLeft: return AudioChannelSet::left;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeRight: return AudioChannelSet::right;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeCentre: return AudioChannelSet::centre;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLFE: return AudioChannelSet::LFE;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLeftSurround: return AudioChannelSet::leftSurround;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeRightSurround: return AudioChannelSet::rightSurround;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLeftCentre: return AudioChannelSet::leftCentre;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeRightCentre: return AudioChannelSet::rightCentre;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeSurround: return AudioChannelSet::surround;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLeftRearSurround: return AudioChannelSet::leftSurroundRear;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeRightRearSurround: return AudioChannelSet::rightSurroundRear;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopMiddle: return AudioChannelSet::topMiddle;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopFrontLeft: return AudioChannelSet::topFrontLeft;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopFrontCentre: return AudioChannelSet::topFrontCentre;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopFrontRight: return AudioChannelSet::topFrontRight;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopRearLeft: return AudioChannelSet::topRearLeft;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopRearCentre: return AudioChannelSet::topRearCentre;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeTopRearRight: return AudioChannelSet::topRearRight;
case vstIndividualSpeakerTypeLFE2: return AudioChannelSet::LFE2;
default: break;
return AudioChannelSet::unknown;
void timerCallback() override
if (shouldDeleteEditor)
shouldDeleteEditor = false;
deleteEditor (true);
if (chunkMemoryTime > 0
&& chunkMemoryTime < juce::Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter() - 2000
&& ! recursionCheck)
chunkMemoryTime = 0;
if (editorComp != nullptr)
void createEditorComp()
if (hasShutdown || processor == nullptr)
if (editorComp == nullptr)
if (auto* ed = processor->createEditorIfNeeded())
vstEffect.flags |= vstEffectFlagHasEditor;
editorComp.reset (new EditorCompWrapper (*this, *ed));
#if ! (JUCE_MAC || JUCE_IOS)
ed->setScaleFactor (editorScaleFactor);
vstEffect.flags &= ~vstEffectFlagHasEditor;
shouldDeleteEditor = false;
void deleteEditor (bool canDeleteLaterIfModal)
jassert (! recursionCheck);
ScopedValueSetter<bool> svs (recursionCheck, true, false);
if (editorComp != nullptr)
if (auto* modalComponent = Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent())
modalComponent->exitModalState (0);
if (canDeleteLaterIfModal)
shouldDeleteEditor = true;
if (auto* ed = editorComp->getEditorComp())
processor->editorBeingDeleted (ed);
editorComp = nullptr;
// there's some kind of component currently modal, but the host
// is trying to delete our plugin. You should try to avoid this happening..
jassert (Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent() == nullptr);
pointer_sized_int dispatcher (int32 opCode, VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (hasShutdown)
return 0;
switch (opCode)
case plugInOpcodeOpen: return handleOpen (args);
case plugInOpcodeClose: return handleClose (args);
case plugInOpcodeSetCurrentProgram: return handleSetCurrentProgram (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetCurrentProgram: return handleGetCurrentProgram (args);
case plugInOpcodeSetCurrentProgramName: return handleSetCurrentProgramName (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetCurrentProgramName: return handleGetCurrentProgramName (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetParameterLabel: return handleGetParameterLabel (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetParameterText: return handleGetParameterText (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetParameterName: return handleGetParameterName (args);
case plugInOpcodeSetSampleRate: return handleSetSampleRate (args);
case plugInOpcodeSetBlockSize: return handleSetBlockSize (args);
case plugInOpcodeResumeSuspend: return handleResumeSuspend (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetEditorBounds: return handleGetEditorBounds (args);
case plugInOpcodeOpenEditor: return handleOpenEditor (args);
case plugInOpcodeCloseEditor: return handleCloseEditor (args);
case plugInOpcodeIdentify: return (pointer_sized_int) ByteOrder::bigEndianInt ("NvEf");
case plugInOpcodeGetData: return handleGetData (args);
case plugInOpcodeSetData: return handleSetData (args);
case plugInOpcodePreAudioProcessingEvents: return handlePreAudioProcessingEvents (args);
case plugInOpcodeIsParameterAutomatable: return handleIsParameterAutomatable (args);
case plugInOpcodeParameterValueForText: return handleParameterValueForText (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetProgramName: return handleGetProgramName (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetInputPinProperties: return handleGetInputPinProperties (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetOutputPinProperties: return handleGetOutputPinProperties (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetPlugInCategory: return handleGetPlugInCategory (args);
case plugInOpcodeSetSpeakerConfiguration: return handleSetSpeakerConfiguration (args);
case plugInOpcodeSetBypass: return handleSetBypass (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetPlugInName: return handleGetPlugInName (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetManufacturerProductName: return handleGetPlugInName (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetManufacturerName: return handleGetManufacturerName (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetManufacturerVersion: return handleGetManufacturerVersion (args);
case plugInOpcodeManufacturerSpecific: return handleManufacturerSpecific (args);
case plugInOpcodeCanPlugInDo: return handleCanPlugInDo (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetTailSize: return handleGetTailSize (args);
case plugInOpcodeKeyboardFocusRequired: return handleKeyboardFocusRequired (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetVstInterfaceVersion: return handleGetVstInterfaceVersion (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetCurrentMidiProgram: return handleGetCurrentMidiProgram (args);
case plugInOpcodeGetSpeakerArrangement: return handleGetSpeakerConfiguration (args);
case plugInOpcodeSetNumberOfSamplesToProcess: return handleSetNumberOfSamplesToProcess (args);
case plugInOpcodeSetSampleFloatType: return handleSetSampleFloatType (args);
case pluginOpcodeGetNumMidiInputChannels: return handleGetNumMidiInputChannels();
case pluginOpcodeGetNumMidiOutputChannels: return handleGetNumMidiOutputChannels();
default: return 0;
static pointer_sized_int dispatcherCB (VstEffectInterface* vstInterface, int32 opCode, int32 index,
pointer_sized_int value, void* ptr, float opt)
auto* wrapper = getWrapper (vstInterface);
VstOpCodeArguments args = { index, value, ptr, opt };
if (opCode == plugInOpcodeClose)
wrapper->dispatcher (opCode, args);
delete wrapper;
return 1;
return wrapper->dispatcher (opCode, args);
// A component to hold the AudioProcessorEditor, and cope with some housekeeping
// chores when it changes or repaints.
struct EditorCompWrapper : public Component
EditorCompWrapper (JuceVSTWrapper& w, AudioProcessorEditor& editor) : wrapper (w)
editor.setOpaque (true);
editor.setVisible (true);
setOpaque (true);
setTopLeftPosition (editor.getPosition());
editor.setTopLeftPosition (0, 0);
auto b = getLocalArea (&editor, editor.getLocalBounds());
setSize (b.getWidth(), b.getHeight());
addAndMakeVisible (editor);
if (! getHostType().isReceptor())
addMouseListener (this, true);
ignoreUnused (fakeMouseGenerator);
deleteAllChildren(); // note that we can't use a std::unique_ptr because the editor may
// have been transferred to another parent which takes over ownership.
void paint (Graphics&) override {}
void getEditorBounds (VstEditorBounds& bounds)
auto b = getSizeToContainChild();
bounds.upper = 0;
bounds.leftmost = 0;
bounds.lower = (int16) b.getHeight();
bounds.rightmost = (int16) b.getWidth();
void attachToHost (VstOpCodeArguments args)
setOpaque (true);
setVisible (false);
addToDesktop (0, args.ptr);
hostWindow = (HWND) args.ptr;
addToDesktop (0, args.ptr);
hostWindow = (Window) args.ptr;
XReparentWindow (display.display, (Window) getWindowHandle(), hostWindow, 0, 0);
hostWindow = attachComponentToWindowRefVST (this, args.ptr, wrapper.useNSView);
setVisible (true);
void detachHostWindow()
if (hostWindow != 0)
detachComponentFromWindowRefVST (this, hostWindow, wrapper.useNSView);
hostWindow = 0;
hostWindow = 0;
void checkVisibility()
if (hostWindow != 0)
checkWindowVisibilityVST (hostWindow, this, wrapper.useNSView);
AudioProcessorEditor* getEditorComp() const noexcept
return dynamic_cast<AudioProcessorEditor*> (getChildComponent(0));
void resized() override
if (auto* ed = getEditorComp())
ed->setTopLeftPosition (0, 0);
if (shouldResizeEditor)
ed->setBounds (ed->getLocalArea (this, getLocalBounds()));
if (! getHostType().isBitwigStudio())
updateWindowSize (false);
#if JUCE_MAC && ! JUCE_64BIT
if (! wrapper.useNSView)
updateEditorCompBoundsVST (this);
void childBoundsChanged (Component*) override
updateWindowSize (false);
juce::Rectangle<int> getSizeToContainChild()
if (auto* ed = getEditorComp())
return getLocalArea (ed, ed->getLocalBounds());
return {};
void updateWindowSize (bool resizeEditor)
if (! isInSizeWindow)
if (auto* ed = getEditorComp())
ed->setTopLeftPosition (0, 0);
auto pos = getSizeToContainChild();
if (wrapper.useNSView)
setTopLeftPosition (0, getHeight() - pos.getHeight());
resizeHostWindow (pos.getWidth(), pos.getHeight());
#if ! JUCE_LINUX // setSize() on linux causes renoise and energyxt to fail.
if (! resizeEditor) // this is needed to prevent an infinite resizing loop due to coordinate rounding
shouldResizeEditor = false;
setSize (pos.getWidth(), pos.getHeight());
shouldResizeEditor = true;
ignoreUnused (resizeEditor);
XResizeWindow (display.display, (Window) getWindowHandle(), pos.getWidth(), pos.getHeight());
resizeHostWindow (pos.getWidth(), pos.getHeight()); // (doing this a second time seems to be necessary in tracktion)
void resizeHostWindow (int newWidth, int newHeight)
bool sizeWasSuccessful = false;
if (auto host = wrapper.hostCallback)
auto status = host (wrapper.getVstEffectInterface(), hostOpcodeCanHostDo, 0, 0, const_cast<char*> ("sizeWindow"), 0);
if (status == (pointer_sized_int) 1 || getHostType().isAbletonLive())
isInSizeWindow = true;
sizeWasSuccessful = (host (wrapper.getVstEffectInterface(), hostOpcodeWindowSize, newWidth, newHeight, 0, 0) != 0);
isInSizeWindow = false;
if (! sizeWasSuccessful)
// some hosts don't support the sizeWindow call, so do it manually..
setNativeHostWindowSizeVST (hostWindow, this, newWidth, newHeight, wrapper.useNSView);
// (Currently, all linux hosts support sizeWindow, so this should never need to happen)
setSize (newWidth, newHeight);
int dw = 0;
int dh = 0;
const int frameThickness = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYFIXEDFRAME);
HWND w = (HWND) getWindowHandle();
while (w != 0)
HWND parent = getWindowParent (w);
if (parent == 0)
TCHAR windowType [32] = { 0 };
GetClassName (parent, windowType, 31);
if (String (windowType).equalsIgnoreCase ("MDIClient"))
RECT windowPos, parentPos;
GetWindowRect (w, &windowPos);
GetWindowRect (parent, &parentPos);
SetWindowPos (w, 0, 0, 0, newWidth + dw, newHeight + dh,
dw = (parentPos.right - parentPos.left) - (windowPos.right - windowPos.left);
dh = (parentPos.bottom - parentPos.top) - (windowPos.bottom - windowPos.top);
w = parent;
if (dw == 2 * frameThickness)
if (dw > 100 || dh > 100)
w = 0;
if (w != 0)
SetWindowPos (w, 0, 0, 0, newWidth + dw, newHeight + dh,
if (auto* peer = getPeer())
void mouseDown (const MouseEvent&) override
void broughtToFront() override
// for hosts like nuendo, need to also pop the MDI container to the
// front when our comp is clicked on.
if (! isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent())
if (HWND parent = findMDIParentOf ((HWND) getWindowHandle()))
SetWindowPos (parent, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE);
bool keyPressed (const KeyPress&) override
// If we have an unused keypress, move the key-focus to a host window
// and re-inject the event..
return forwardCurrentKeyEventToHostVST (this, wrapper.useNSView);
JuceVSTWrapper& wrapper;
FakeMouseMoveGenerator fakeMouseGenerator;
bool isInSizeWindow = false;
bool shouldResizeEditor = true;
void* hostWindow = {};
ScopedXDisplay display;
Window hostWindow = {};
HWND hostWindow = {};
WindowsHooks hooks;
VstHostCallback hostCallback;
AudioProcessor* processor = {};
double sampleRate = 44100.0;
int32 blockSize = 1024;
VstEffectInterface vstEffect;
juce::MemoryBlock chunkMemory;
juce::uint32 chunkMemoryTime = 0;
std::unique_ptr<EditorCompWrapper> editorComp;
VstEditorBounds editorBounds;
MidiBuffer midiEvents;
VSTMidiEventList outgoingEvents;
float editorScaleFactor = 1.0f;
LegacyAudioParametersWrapper juceParameters;
bool isProcessing = false, isBypassed = false, hasShutdown = false;
bool firstProcessCallback = true, shouldDeleteEditor = false;
#if JUCE_64BIT
bool useNSView = true;
bool useNSView = false;
VstTempBuffers<float> floatTempBuffers;
VstTempBuffers<double> doubleTempBuffers;
int maxNumInChannels = 0, maxNumOutChannels = 0;
HeapBlock<VstSpeakerConfiguration> cachedInArrangement, cachedOutArrangement;
ThreadLocalValue<bool> inParameterChangedCallback;
static JuceVSTWrapper* getWrapper (VstEffectInterface* v) noexcept { return static_cast<JuceVSTWrapper*> (v->effectPointer); }
bool isProcessLevelOffline()
return hostCallback != nullptr
&& (int32) hostCallback (&vstEffect, hostOpcodeGetCurrentAudioProcessingLevel, 0, 0, 0, 0) == 4;
static inline int32 convertHexVersionToDecimal (const unsigned int hexVersion)
return (int32) hexVersion;
// Currently, only Cubase displays the version number to the user
// We are hoping here that when other DAWs start to display the version
// number, that they do so according to yfede's encoding table in the link
// below. If not, then this code will need an if (isSteinberg()) in the
// future.
int major = (hexVersion >> 16) & 0xff;
int minor = (hexVersion >> 8) & 0xff;
int bugfix = hexVersion & 0xff;
// for details, see: https://forum.juce.com/t/issues-with-version-integer-reported-by-vst2/23867
// Encoding B
if (major < 1)
return major * 1000 + minor * 100 + bugfix * 10;
// Encoding E
if (major > 100)
return major * 10000000 + minor * 100000 + bugfix * 1000;
// Encoding D
return static_cast<int32> (hexVersion);
// Workarounds for hosts which attempt to open editor windows on a non-GUI thread.. (Grrrr...)
static void checkWhetherMessageThreadIsCorrect()
auto host = getHostType();
if (host.isWavelab() || host.isCubaseBridged() || host.isPremiere())
if (! messageThreadIsDefinitelyCorrect)
struct MessageThreadCallback : public CallbackMessage
MessageThreadCallback (bool& tr) : triggered (tr) {}
void messageCallback() override { triggered = true; }
bool& triggered;
(new MessageThreadCallback (messageThreadIsDefinitelyCorrect))->post();
static void checkWhetherMessageThreadIsCorrect() {}
template <typename FloatType>
void deleteTempChannels (VstTempBuffers<FloatType>& tmpBuffers)
if (processor != nullptr)
tmpBuffers.tempChannels.insertMultiple (0, nullptr, vstEffect.numInputChannels
+ vstEffect.numOutputChannels);
void deleteTempChannels()
deleteTempChannels (floatTempBuffers);
deleteTempChannels (doubleTempBuffers);
void findMaxTotalChannels (int& maxTotalIns, int& maxTotalOuts)
#ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
int configs[][2] = { JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations };
maxTotalIns = maxTotalOuts = 0;
for (auto& config : configs)
maxTotalIns = jmax (maxTotalIns, config[0]);
maxTotalOuts = jmax (maxTotalOuts, config[1]);
auto numInputBuses = processor->getBusCount (true);
auto numOutputBuses = processor->getBusCount (false);
if (numInputBuses > 1 || numOutputBuses > 1)
maxTotalIns = maxTotalOuts = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numInputBuses; ++i)
maxTotalIns += processor->getChannelCountOfBus (true, i);
for (int i = 0; i < numOutputBuses; ++i)
maxTotalOuts += processor->getChannelCountOfBus (false, i);
maxTotalIns = numInputBuses > 0 ? processor->getBus (true, 0)->getMaxSupportedChannels (64) : 0;
maxTotalOuts = numOutputBuses > 0 ? processor->getBus (false, 0)->getMaxSupportedChannels (64) : 0;
bool pluginHasSidechainsOrAuxs() const { return (processor->getBusCount (true) > 1 || processor->getBusCount (false) > 1); }
/** Host to plug-in calls. */
pointer_sized_int handleOpen (VstOpCodeArguments)
// Note: most hosts call this on the UI thread, but wavelab doesn't, so be careful in here.
if (processor->hasEditor())
vstEffect.flags |= vstEffectFlagHasEditor;
vstEffect.flags &= ~vstEffectFlagHasEditor;
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleClose (VstOpCodeArguments)
// Note: most hosts call this on the UI thread, but wavelab doesn't, so be careful in here.
if (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread())
deleteEditor (false);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleSetCurrentProgram (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (processor != nullptr && isPositiveAndBelow ((int) args.value, processor->getNumPrograms()))
processor->setCurrentProgram ((int) args.value);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetCurrentProgram (VstOpCodeArguments)
return (processor != nullptr && processor->getNumPrograms() > 0 ? processor->getCurrentProgram() : 0);
pointer_sized_int handleSetCurrentProgramName (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (processor != nullptr && processor->getNumPrograms() > 0)
processor->changeProgramName (processor->getCurrentProgram(), (char*) args.ptr);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetCurrentProgramName (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (processor != nullptr && processor->getNumPrograms() > 0)
processor->getProgramName (processor->getCurrentProgram()).copyToUTF8 ((char*) args.ptr, 24 + 1);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetParameterLabel (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (auto* param = juceParameters.getParamForIndex (args.index))
// length should technically be kVstMaxParamStrLen, which is 8, but hosts will normally allow a bit more.
param->getLabel().copyToUTF8 ((char*) args.ptr, 24 + 1);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetParameterText (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (auto* param = juceParameters.getParamForIndex (args.index))
// length should technically be kVstMaxParamStrLen, which is 8, but hosts will normally allow a bit more.
param->getCurrentValueAsText().copyToUTF8 ((char*) args.ptr, 24 + 1);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetParameterName (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (auto* param = juceParameters.getParamForIndex (args.index))
// length should technically be kVstMaxParamStrLen, which is 8, but hosts will normally allow a bit more.
param->getName (32).copyToUTF8 ((char*) args.ptr, 32 + 1);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleSetSampleRate (VstOpCodeArguments args)
sampleRate = args.opt;
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleSetBlockSize (VstOpCodeArguments args)
blockSize = (int32) args.value;
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleResumeSuspend (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (args.value)
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetEditorBounds (VstOpCodeArguments args)
const MessageManagerLock mmLock;
if (editorComp != nullptr)
editorComp->getEditorBounds (editorBounds);
*((VstEditorBounds**) args.ptr) = &editorBounds;
return (pointer_sized_int) &editorBounds;
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleOpenEditor (VstOpCodeArguments args)
const MessageManagerLock mmLock;
jassert (! recursionCheck);
startTimerHz (4); // performs misc housekeeping chores
deleteEditor (true);
if (editorComp != nullptr)
editorComp->attachToHost (args);
return 1;
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleCloseEditor (VstOpCodeArguments)
const MessageManagerLock mmLock;
deleteEditor (true);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetData (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (processor == nullptr)
return 0;
auto data = (void**) args.ptr;
bool onlyStoreCurrentProgramData = (args.index != 0);
if (onlyStoreCurrentProgramData)
processor->getCurrentProgramStateInformation (chunkMemory);
processor->getStateInformation (chunkMemory);
*data = (void*) chunkMemory.getData();
// because the chunk is only needed temporarily by the host (or at least you'd
// hope so) we'll give it a while and then free it in the timer callback.
chunkMemoryTime = juce::Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter();
return (int32) chunkMemory.getSize();
pointer_sized_int handleSetData (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (processor != nullptr)
void* data = args.ptr;
int32 byteSize = (int32) args.value;
bool onlyRestoreCurrentProgramData = (args.index != 0);
chunkMemoryTime = 0;
if (byteSize > 0 && data != nullptr)
if (onlyRestoreCurrentProgramData)
processor->setCurrentProgramStateInformation (data, byteSize);
processor->setStateInformation (data, byteSize);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handlePreAudioProcessingEvents (VstOpCodeArguments args)
#if JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput || JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect
VSTMidiEventList::addEventsToMidiBuffer ((VstEventBlock*) args.ptr, midiEvents);
return 1;
ignoreUnused (args);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleIsParameterAutomatable (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (auto* param = juceParameters.getParamForIndex (args.index))
const bool isMeter = (((param->getCategory() & 0xffff0000) >> 16) == 2);
return (param->isAutomatable() && (! isMeter) ? 1 : 0);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleParameterValueForText (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (auto* param = juceParameters.getParamForIndex (args.index))
if (! LegacyAudioParameter::isLegacy (param))
auto value = param->getValueForText (String::fromUTF8 ((char*) args.ptr));
param->setValue (value);
inParameterChangedCallback = true;
param->sendValueChangedMessageToListeners (value);
return 1;
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetProgramName (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (processor != nullptr && isPositiveAndBelow (args.index, processor->getNumPrograms()))
processor->getProgramName (args.index).copyToUTF8 ((char*) args.ptr, 24 + 1);
return 1;
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetInputPinProperties (VstOpCodeArguments args)
return (processor != nullptr && getPinProperties (*(VstPinInfo*) args.ptr, true, args.index)) ? 1 : 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetOutputPinProperties (VstOpCodeArguments args)
return (processor != nullptr && getPinProperties (*(VstPinInfo*) args.ptr, false, args.index)) ? 1 : 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetPlugInCategory (VstOpCodeArguments)
return JucePlugin_VSTCategory;
pointer_sized_int handleSetSpeakerConfiguration (VstOpCodeArguments args)
auto* pluginInput = reinterpret_cast<VstSpeakerConfiguration*> (args.value);
auto* pluginOutput = reinterpret_cast<VstSpeakerConfiguration*> (args.ptr);
if (processor->isMidiEffect())
return 0;
auto numIns = processor->getBusCount (true);
auto numOuts = processor->getBusCount (false);
if (pluginInput != nullptr && pluginInput->type >= 0)
// inconsistent request?
if (SpeakerMappings::vstArrangementTypeToChannelSet (*pluginInput).size() != pluginInput->numberOfChannels)
return 0;
if (pluginOutput != nullptr && pluginOutput->type >= 0)
// inconsistent request?
if (SpeakerMappings::vstArrangementTypeToChannelSet (*pluginOutput).size() != pluginOutput->numberOfChannels)
return 0;
if (pluginInput != nullptr && pluginInput->numberOfChannels > 0 && numIns == 0)
return 0;
if (pluginOutput != nullptr && pluginOutput->numberOfChannels > 0 && numOuts == 0)
return 0;
auto layouts = processor->getBusesLayout();
if (pluginInput != nullptr && pluginInput-> numberOfChannels >= 0 && numIns > 0)
layouts.getChannelSet (true, 0) = SpeakerMappings::vstArrangementTypeToChannelSet (*pluginInput);
if (pluginOutput != nullptr && pluginOutput->numberOfChannels >= 0 && numOuts > 0)
layouts.getChannelSet (false, 0) = SpeakerMappings::vstArrangementTypeToChannelSet (*pluginOutput);
#ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
short configs[][2] = { JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations };
if (! AudioProcessor::containsLayout (layouts, configs))
return 0;
return processor->setBusesLayout (layouts) ? 1 : 0;
pointer_sized_int handleSetBypass (VstOpCodeArguments args)
isBypassed = (args.value != 0);
if (auto* bypass = processor->getBypassParameter())
bypass->setValueNotifyingHost (isBypassed ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
return 1;
pointer_sized_int handleGetPlugInName (VstOpCodeArguments args)
String (JucePlugin_Name).copyToUTF8 ((char*) args.ptr, 64 + 1);
return 1;
pointer_sized_int handleGetManufacturerName (VstOpCodeArguments args)
String (JucePlugin_Manufacturer).copyToUTF8 ((char*) args.ptr, 64 + 1);
return 1;
pointer_sized_int handleGetManufacturerVersion (VstOpCodeArguments)
return convertHexVersionToDecimal (JucePlugin_VersionCode);
pointer_sized_int handleManufacturerSpecific (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (handleManufacturerSpecificVST2Opcode (args.index, args.value, args.ptr, args.opt))
return 1;
if (args.index == presonusVendorID && args.value == presonusSetContentScaleFactor)
return handleSetContentScaleFactor (args.opt);
if (args.index == plugInOpcodeGetParameterText)
return handleCockosGetParameterText (args.value, args.ptr, args.opt);
if (auto callbackHandler = dynamic_cast<VSTCallbackHandler*> (processor))
return callbackHandler->handleVstManufacturerSpecific (args.index, args.value, args.ptr, args.opt);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleCanPlugInDo (VstOpCodeArguments args)
auto text = (const char*) args.ptr;
auto matches = [=](const char* s) { return strcmp (text, s) == 0; };
if (matches ("receiveVstEvents")
|| matches ("receiveVstMidiEvent")
|| matches ("receiveVstMidiEvents"))
#if JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput || JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect
return 1;
return -1;
if (matches ("sendVstEvents")
|| matches ("sendVstMidiEvent")
|| matches ("sendVstMidiEvents"))
#if JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput || JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect
return 1;
return -1;
if (matches ("receiveVstTimeInfo")
|| matches ("conformsToWindowRules")
|| matches ("supportsViewDpiScaling")
|| matches ("bypass"))
return 1;
// This tells Wavelab to use the UI thread to invoke open/close,
// like all other hosts do.
if (matches ("openCloseAnyThread"))
return -1;
if (matches ("MPE"))
return processor->supportsMPE() ? 1 : 0;
if (matches ("hasCockosViewAsConfig"))
useNSView = true;
return (int32) 0xbeef0000;
if (matches ("hasCockosExtensions"))
return (int32) 0xbeef0000;
if (auto callbackHandler = dynamic_cast<VSTCallbackHandler*> (processor))
return callbackHandler->handleVstPluginCanDo (args.index, args.value, args.ptr, args.opt);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetTailSize (VstOpCodeArguments)
if (processor != nullptr)
return (pointer_sized_int) (processor->getTailLengthSeconds() * sampleRate);
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleKeyboardFocusRequired (VstOpCodeArguments)
return (JucePlugin_EditorRequiresKeyboardFocus != 0) ? 1 : 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetVstInterfaceVersion (VstOpCodeArguments)
return juceVstInterfaceVersion;
pointer_sized_int handleGetCurrentMidiProgram (VstOpCodeArguments)
return -1;
pointer_sized_int handleGetSpeakerConfiguration (VstOpCodeArguments args)
auto** pluginInput = reinterpret_cast<VstSpeakerConfiguration**> (args.value);
auto** pluginOutput = reinterpret_cast<VstSpeakerConfiguration**> (args.ptr);
if (pluginHasSidechainsOrAuxs() || processor->isMidiEffect())
return false;
auto inputLayout = processor->getChannelLayoutOfBus (true, 0);
auto outputLayout = processor->getChannelLayoutOfBus (false, 0);
auto speakerBaseSize = sizeof (VstSpeakerConfiguration) - (sizeof (VstIndividualSpeakerInfo) * 8);
cachedInArrangement .malloc (speakerBaseSize + (static_cast<std::size_t> (inputLayout. size()) * sizeof (VstSpeakerConfiguration)), 1);
cachedOutArrangement.malloc (speakerBaseSize + (static_cast<std::size_t> (outputLayout.size()) * sizeof (VstSpeakerConfiguration)), 1);
*pluginInput = cachedInArrangement. getData();
*pluginOutput = cachedOutArrangement.getData();
SpeakerMappings::channelSetToVstArrangement (processor->getChannelLayoutOfBus (true, 0), **pluginInput);
SpeakerMappings::channelSetToVstArrangement (processor->getChannelLayoutOfBus (false, 0), **pluginOutput);
return 1;
pointer_sized_int handleSetNumberOfSamplesToProcess (VstOpCodeArguments args)
return args.value;
pointer_sized_int handleSetSampleFloatType (VstOpCodeArguments args)
if (! isProcessing)
if (processor != nullptr)
processor->setProcessingPrecision ((args.value == vstProcessingSampleTypeDouble
&& processor->supportsDoublePrecisionProcessing())
? AudioProcessor::doublePrecision
: AudioProcessor::singlePrecision);
return 1;
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleSetContentScaleFactor (float scale)
if (editorScaleFactor != scale)
editorScaleFactor = scale;
#if ! (JUCE_MAC || JUCE_IOS)
if (editorComp != nullptr)
if (auto* ed = editorComp->getEditorComp())
ed->setScaleFactor (editorScaleFactor);
if (editorComp != nullptr)
editorComp->updateWindowSize (true);
return 1;
pointer_sized_int handleCockosGetParameterText (pointer_sized_int paramIndex,
void* dest,
float value)
if (processor != nullptr && dest != nullptr)
if (auto* param = juceParameters.getParamForIndex ((int) paramIndex))
if (! LegacyAudioParameter::isLegacy (param))
String text (param->getText (value, 1024));
memcpy (dest, text.toRawUTF8(), ((size_t) text.length()) + 1);
return 0xbeef;
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetNumMidiInputChannels()
#if JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput || JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect
return 16;
return 0;
pointer_sized_int handleGetNumMidiOutputChannels()
#if JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput || JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect
return 16;
return 0;
VstEffectInterface* pluginEntryPoint (VstHostCallback audioMaster)
if (audioMaster (0, hostOpcodeVstVersion, 0, 0, 0, 0) != 0)
MessageManagerLock mmLock;
auto* processor = createPluginFilterOfType (AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST);
auto* wrapper = new JuceVSTWrapper (audioMaster, processor);
return wrapper->getVstEffectInterface();
catch (...)
return nullptr;
#define JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION extern "C" __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
// Mac startup code..
JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION VstEffectInterface* VSTPluginMain (VstHostCallback audioMaster);
JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION VstEffectInterface* VSTPluginMain (VstHostCallback audioMaster)
PluginHostType::jucePlugInClientCurrentWrapperType = AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST;
return pluginEntryPoint (audioMaster);
JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION VstEffectInterface* main_macho (VstHostCallback audioMaster);
JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION VstEffectInterface* main_macho (VstHostCallback audioMaster)
PluginHostType::jucePlugInClientCurrentWrapperType = AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST;
return pluginEntryPoint (audioMaster);
// Linux startup code..
JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION VstEffectInterface* VSTPluginMain (VstHostCallback audioMaster);
JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION VstEffectInterface* VSTPluginMain (VstHostCallback audioMaster)
PluginHostType::jucePlugInClientCurrentWrapperType = AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST;
return pluginEntryPoint (audioMaster);
JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION VstEffectInterface* main_plugin (VstHostCallback audioMaster) asm ("main");
JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION VstEffectInterface* main_plugin (VstHostCallback audioMaster)
PluginHostType::jucePlugInClientCurrentWrapperType = AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST;
return VSTPluginMain (audioMaster);
// don't put initialiseJuce_GUI or shutdownJuce_GUI in these... it will crash!
__attribute__((constructor)) void myPluginInit() {}
__attribute__((destructor)) void myPluginFini() {}
// Win32 startup code..
extern "C" __declspec (dllexport) VstEffectInterface* VSTPluginMain (VstHostCallback audioMaster)
PluginHostType::jucePlugInClientCurrentWrapperType = AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST;
return pluginEntryPoint (audioMaster);
#ifndef JUCE_64BIT // (can't compile this on win64, but it's not needed anyway with VST2.4)
extern "C" __declspec (dllexport) int main (VstHostCallback audioMaster)
PluginHostType::jucePlugInClientCurrentWrapperType = AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST;
return (int) pluginEntryPoint (audioMaster);
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE instance, DWORD reason, LPVOID)
if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
Process::setCurrentModuleInstanceHandle (instance);
return true;