2818 lines
103 KiB
2818 lines
103 KiB
This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd.
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the
27th April 2017).
End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence
Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
#include "../../juce_core/system/juce_TargetPlatform.h"
#if JucePlugin_Build_VST3 && (__APPLE_CPP__ || __APPLE_CC__ || _WIN32 || _WIN64)
#include "../../juce_audio_processors/format_types/juce_VST3Headers.h"
#include "../utility/juce_CheckSettingMacros.h"
#include "../utility/juce_IncludeModuleHeaders.h"
#include "../utility/juce_WindowsHooks.h"
#include "../utility/juce_FakeMouseMoveGenerator.h"
#include "../../juce_audio_processors/format_types/juce_LegacyAudioParameter.cpp"
#include "../../juce_audio_processors/format_types/juce_VST3Common.h"
#include "../../juce_audio_processors/format_types/juce_VSTInterface.h"
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4514 4996)
#pragma warning (pop)
namespace juce
using namespace Steinberg;
extern void initialiseMacVST();
#if ! JUCE_64BIT
extern void updateEditorCompBoundsVST (Component*);
extern JUCE_API void* attachComponentToWindowRefVST (Component*, void* parentWindowOrView, bool isNSView);
extern JUCE_API void detachComponentFromWindowRefVST (Component*, void* nsWindow, bool isNSView);
extern JUCE_API void setNativeHostWindowSizeVST (void* window, Component*, int newWidth, int newHeight, bool isNSView);
class JuceAudioProcessor : public FUnknown
JuceAudioProcessor (AudioProcessor* source) noexcept
: audioProcessor (source)
virtual ~JuceAudioProcessor() {}
AudioProcessor* get() const noexcept { return audioProcessor.get(); }
inline Vst::ParamID getVSTParamIDForIndex (int paramIndex) const noexcept
return static_cast<Vst::ParamID> (paramIndex);
return vstParamIDs.getReference (paramIndex);
AudioProcessorParameter* getParamForVSTParamID (Vst::ParamID paramID) const noexcept
return paramMap[static_cast<int32> (paramID)];
AudioProcessorParameter* getBypassParameter() const noexcept
return getParamForVSTParamID (bypassParamID);
int getNumParameters() const noexcept { return vstParamIDs.size(); }
bool isUsingManagedParameters() const noexcept { return juceParameters.isUsingManagedParameters(); }
static const FUID iid;
Array<Vst::ParamID> vstParamIDs;
Vst::ParamID bypassParamID = 0;
bool bypassIsRegularParameter = false;
enum InternalParameters
paramBypass = 0x62797073 // 'byps'
bool isBypassPartOfRegularParemeters() const
int n = juceParameters.getNumParameters();
if (auto* bypassParam = audioProcessor->getBypassParameter())
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (juceParameters.getParamForIndex (i) == bypassParam)
return true;
return false;
void setupParameters()
const bool forceLegacyParamIDs = true;
const bool forceLegacyParamIDs = false;
juceParameters.update (*audioProcessor, forceLegacyParamIDs);
auto numParameters = juceParameters.getNumParameters();
bool vst3WrapperProvidedBypassParam = false;
auto* bypassParameter = audioProcessor->getBypassParameter();
if (bypassParameter == nullptr)
vst3WrapperProvidedBypassParam = true;
ownedBypassParameter.reset (new AudioParameterBool ("byps", "Bypass", false, {}, {}, {}));
bypassParameter = ownedBypassParameter.get();
// if the bypass parameter is not part of the exported parameters that the plug-in supports
// then add it to the end of the list as VST3 requires the bypass parameter to be exported!
bypassIsRegularParameter = isBypassPartOfRegularParemeters();
if (! bypassIsRegularParameter)
juceParameters.params.add (bypassParameter);
int i = 0;
for (auto* juceParam : juceParameters.params)
bool isBypassParameter = (juceParam == bypassParameter);
Vst::ParamID vstParamID = forceLegacyParamIDs ? static_cast<Vst::ParamID> (i++)
: generateVSTParamIDForParam (juceParam);
if (isBypassParameter)
// we need to remain backward compatible with the old bypass id
if (vst3WrapperProvidedBypassParam)
vstParamID = static_cast<Vst::ParamID> (isUsingManagedParameters() ? paramBypass : numParameters);
bypassParamID = vstParamID;
vstParamIDs.add (vstParamID);
paramMap.set (static_cast<int32> (vstParamID), juceParam);
Vst::ParamID generateVSTParamIDForParam (AudioProcessorParameter* param)
auto juceParamID = LegacyAudioParameter::getParamID (param, false);
return static_cast<Vst::ParamID> (juceParamID.getIntValue());
auto paramHash = static_cast<Vst::ParamID> (juceParamID.hashCode());
// studio one doesn't like negative parameters
paramHash &= ~(1 << (sizeof (Vst::ParamID) * 8 - 1));
return paramHash;
Atomic<int> refCount;
std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessor> audioProcessor;
ScopedJuceInitialiser_GUI libraryInitialiser;
LegacyAudioParametersWrapper juceParameters;
HashMap<int32, AudioProcessorParameter*> paramMap;
std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessorParameter> ownedBypassParameter;
JuceAudioProcessor() = delete;
class JuceVST3Component;
static ThreadLocalValue<bool> inParameterChangedCallback;
class JuceVST3EditController : public Vst::EditController,
public Vst::IMidiMapping,
public Vst::ChannelContext::IInfoListener,
public AudioProcessorListener,
private AudioProcessorParameter::Listener
JuceVST3EditController (Vst::IHostApplication* host)
if (host != nullptr)
host->queryInterface (FUnknown::iid, (void**) &hostContext);
static const FUID iid;
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Winconsistent-missing-override"
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
tresult PLUGIN_API queryInterface (const TUID targetIID, void** obj) override
TEST_FOR_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, JuceVST3EditController)
TEST_FOR_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, Vst::IEditController)
TEST_FOR_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, Vst::IEditController2)
TEST_FOR_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, Vst::IConnectionPoint)
TEST_FOR_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, Vst::ChannelContext::IInfoListener)
TEST_FOR_COMMON_BASE_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, IPluginBase, Vst::IEditController)
TEST_FOR_COMMON_BASE_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, IDependent, Vst::IEditController)
TEST_FOR_COMMON_BASE_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, FUnknown, Vst::IEditController)
if (doUIDsMatch (targetIID, JuceAudioProcessor::iid))
*obj = audioProcessor;
return kResultOk;
*obj = nullptr;
return kNoInterface;
tresult PLUGIN_API initialize (FUnknown* context) override
if (hostContext != context)
if (hostContext != nullptr)
hostContext = context;
if (hostContext != nullptr)
return kResultTrue;
tresult PLUGIN_API terminate() override
if (auto* pluginInstance = getPluginInstance())
pluginInstance->removeListener (this);
audioProcessor = nullptr;
return EditController::terminate();
enum InternalParameters
paramPreset = 0x70727374, // 'prst'
paramMidiControllerOffset = 0x6d636d00 // 'mdm*'
struct Param : public Vst::Parameter
Param (JuceVST3EditController& editController, AudioProcessorParameter& p,
Vst::ParamID vstParamID, bool isBypassParameter, bool forceLegacyParamIDs)
: owner (editController), param (p)
info.id = vstParamID;
toString128 (info.title, param.getName (128));
toString128 (info.shortTitle, param.getName (8));
toString128 (info.units, param.getLabel());
info.stepCount = (Steinberg::int32) 0;
if (! forceLegacyParamIDs && param.isDiscrete())
const int numSteps = param.getNumSteps();
info.stepCount = (Steinberg::int32) (numSteps > 0 && numSteps < 0x7fffffff ? numSteps - 1 : 0);
info.defaultNormalizedValue = param.getDefaultValue();
jassert (info.defaultNormalizedValue >= 0 && info.defaultNormalizedValue <= 1.0f);
info.unitId = Vst::kRootUnitId;
// Is this a meter?
if (((param.getCategory() & 0xffff0000) >> 16) == 2)
info.flags = Vst::ParameterInfo::kIsReadOnly;
info.flags = param.isAutomatable() ? Vst::ParameterInfo::kCanAutomate : 0;
if (isBypassParameter)
info.flags |= Vst::ParameterInfo::kIsBypass;
valueNormalized = info.defaultNormalizedValue;
virtual ~Param() {}
bool setNormalized (Vst::ParamValue v) override
v = jlimit (0.0, 1.0, v);
if (v != valueNormalized)
valueNormalized = v;
// Only update the AudioProcessor here if we're not playing,
// otherwise we get parallel streams of parameter value updates
// during playback
if (owner.vst3IsPlaying.get() == 0)
auto value = static_cast<float> (v);
param.setValue (value);
inParameterChangedCallback = true;
param.sendValueChangedMessageToListeners (value);
return true;
return false;
void toString (Vst::ParamValue value, Vst::String128 result) const override
if (LegacyAudioParameter::isLegacy (¶m))
// remain backward-compatible with old JUCE code
toString128 (result, param.getCurrentValueAsText());
toString128 (result, param.getText ((float) value, 128));
bool fromString (const Vst::TChar* text, Vst::ParamValue& outValueNormalized) const override
if (! LegacyAudioParameter::isLegacy (¶m))
outValueNormalized = param.getValueForText (getStringFromVstTChars (text));
return true;
return false;
static String getStringFromVstTChars (const Vst::TChar* text)
return juce::String (juce::CharPointer_UTF16 (reinterpret_cast<const juce::CharPointer_UTF16::CharType*> (text)));
Vst::ParamValue toPlain (Vst::ParamValue v) const override { return v; }
Vst::ParamValue toNormalized (Vst::ParamValue v) const override { return v; }
JuceVST3EditController& owner;
AudioProcessorParameter& param;
struct ProgramChangeParameter : public Vst::Parameter
ProgramChangeParameter (AudioProcessor& p) : owner (p)
jassert (owner.getNumPrograms() > 1);
info.id = paramPreset;
toString128 (info.title, "Program");
toString128 (info.shortTitle, "Program");
toString128 (info.units, "");
info.stepCount = owner.getNumPrograms() - 1;
info.defaultNormalizedValue = static_cast<Vst::ParamValue> (owner.getCurrentProgram())
/ static_cast<Vst::ParamValue> (info.stepCount);
info.unitId = Vst::kRootUnitId;
info.flags = Vst::ParameterInfo::kIsProgramChange | Vst::ParameterInfo::kCanAutomate;
virtual ~ProgramChangeParameter() {}
bool setNormalized (Vst::ParamValue v) override
Vst::ParamValue program = v * info.stepCount;
if (! isPositiveAndBelow ((int) program, owner.getNumPrograms()))
return false;
if (valueNormalized != v)
valueNormalized = v;
return true;
return false;
void toString (Vst::ParamValue value, Vst::String128 result) const override
toString128 (result, owner.getProgramName (static_cast<int> (value * info.stepCount)));
bool fromString (const Vst::TChar* text, Vst::ParamValue& outValueNormalized) const override
auto paramValueString = getStringFromVstTChars (text);
auto n = owner.getNumPrograms();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (paramValueString == owner.getProgramName (i))
outValueNormalized = static_cast<Vst::ParamValue> (i) / info.stepCount;
return true;
return false;
static String getStringFromVstTChars (const Vst::TChar* text)
return String (CharPointer_UTF16 (reinterpret_cast<const CharPointer_UTF16::CharType*> (text)));
Vst::ParamValue toPlain (Vst::ParamValue v) const override { return v * info.stepCount; }
Vst::ParamValue toNormalized (Vst::ParamValue v) const override { return v / info.stepCount; }
AudioProcessor& owner;
tresult PLUGIN_API setChannelContextInfos (Vst::IAttributeList* list) override
if (auto* instance = getPluginInstance())
if (list != nullptr)
AudioProcessor::TrackProperties trackProperties;
Vst::String128 channelName;
if (list->getString (Vst::ChannelContext::kChannelNameKey, channelName, sizeof (channelName)) == kResultTrue)
trackProperties.name = toString (channelName);
int64 colour;
if (list->getInt (Vst::ChannelContext::kChannelColorKey, colour) == kResultTrue)
trackProperties.colour = Colour (Vst::ChannelContext::GetRed ((uint32) colour), Vst::ChannelContext::GetGreen ((uint32) colour),
Vst::ChannelContext::GetBlue ((uint32) colour), Vst::ChannelContext::GetAlpha ((uint32) colour));
if (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread())
instance->updateTrackProperties (trackProperties);
MessageManager::callAsync ([trackProperties, instance]
{ instance->updateTrackProperties (trackProperties); });
return kResultOk;
tresult PLUGIN_API setComponentState (IBStream* stream) override
// Cubase and Nuendo need to inform the host of the current parameter values
if (auto* pluginInstance = getPluginInstance())
for (auto vstParamId : audioProcessor->vstParamIDs)
setParamNormalized (vstParamId, audioProcessor->getParamForVSTParamID (vstParamId)->getValue());
auto numPrograms = pluginInstance->getNumPrograms();
if (numPrograms > 1)
setParamNormalized (paramPreset, static_cast<Vst::ParamValue> (pluginInstance->getCurrentProgram())
/ static_cast<Vst::ParamValue> (numPrograms - 1));
if (auto* handler = getComponentHandler())
handler->restartComponent (Vst::kParamValuesChanged);
return Vst::EditController::setComponentState (stream);
void setAudioProcessor (JuceAudioProcessor* audioProc)
if (audioProcessor != audioProc)
audioProcessor = audioProc;
tresult PLUGIN_API connect (IConnectionPoint* other) override
if (other != nullptr && audioProcessor == nullptr)
auto result = ComponentBase::connect (other);
if (! audioProcessor.loadFrom (other))
sendIntMessage ("JuceVST3EditController", (Steinberg::int64) (pointer_sized_int) this);
return result;
return kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API getMidiControllerAssignment (Steinberg::int32 /*busIndex*/, Steinberg::int16 channel,
Vst::CtrlNumber midiControllerNumber, Vst::ParamID& resultID) override
resultID = midiControllerToParameter[channel][midiControllerNumber];
return kResultTrue; // Returning false makes some hosts stop asking for further MIDI Controller Assignments
// Converts an incoming parameter index to a MIDI controller:
bool getMidiControllerForParameter (Vst::ParamID index, int& channel, int& ctrlNumber)
auto mappedIndex = static_cast<int> (index - parameterToMidiControllerOffset);
if (isPositiveAndBelow (mappedIndex, numElementsInArray (parameterToMidiController)))
auto& mc = parameterToMidiController[mappedIndex];
if (mc.channel != -1 && mc.ctrlNumber != -1)
channel = jlimit (1, 16, mc.channel + 1);
ctrlNumber = mc.ctrlNumber;
return true;
return false;
inline bool isMidiControllerParamID (Vst::ParamID paramID) const noexcept
return (paramID >= parameterToMidiControllerOffset
&& isPositiveAndBelow (paramID - parameterToMidiControllerOffset,
static_cast<Vst::ParamID> (numElementsInArray (parameterToMidiController))));
IPlugView* PLUGIN_API createView (const char* name) override
if (auto* pluginInstance = getPluginInstance())
if (pluginInstance->hasEditor() && name != nullptr
&& strcmp (name, Vst::ViewType::kEditor) == 0)
return new JuceVST3Editor (*this, *pluginInstance);
return nullptr;
void paramChanged (Vst::ParamID vstParamId, float newValue)
if (inParameterChangedCallback.get())
inParameterChangedCallback = false;
// NB: Cubase has problems if performEdit is called without setParamNormalized
EditController::setParamNormalized (vstParamId, (double) newValue);
performEdit (vstParamId, (double) newValue);
void audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureBegin (AudioProcessor*, int index) override { beginEdit (audioProcessor->getVSTParamIDForIndex (index)); }
void audioProcessorParameterChangeGestureEnd (AudioProcessor*, int index) override { endEdit (audioProcessor->getVSTParamIDForIndex (index)); }
void audioProcessorParameterChanged (AudioProcessor*, int index, float newValue) override
paramChanged (audioProcessor->getVSTParamIDForIndex (index), newValue);
void audioProcessorChanged (AudioProcessor*) override
if (auto* pluginInstance = getPluginInstance())
if (pluginInstance->getNumPrograms() > 1)
EditController::setParamNormalized (paramPreset, static_cast<Vst::ParamValue> (pluginInstance->getCurrentProgram())
/ static_cast<Vst::ParamValue> (pluginInstance->getNumPrograms() - 1));
if (componentHandler != nullptr)
componentHandler->restartComponent (Vst::kLatencyChanged | Vst::kParamValuesChanged);
void parameterValueChanged (int, float newValue) override
// this can only come from the bypass parameter
paramChanged (audioProcessor->bypassParamID, newValue);
void parameterGestureChanged (int, bool gestureIsStarting) override
// this can only come from the bypass parameter
if (gestureIsStarting) beginEdit (audioProcessor->bypassParamID);
else endEdit (audioProcessor->bypassParamID);
AudioProcessor* getPluginInstance() const noexcept
if (audioProcessor != nullptr)
return audioProcessor->get();
return nullptr;
friend class JuceVST3Component;
friend struct Param;
ComSmartPtr<JuceAudioProcessor> audioProcessor;
ScopedJuceInitialiser_GUI libraryInitialiser;
struct MidiController
int channel = -1, ctrlNumber = -1;
enum { numMIDIChannels = 16 };
Vst::ParamID parameterToMidiControllerOffset;
MidiController parameterToMidiController[numMIDIChannels * Vst::kCountCtrlNumber];
Vst::ParamID midiControllerToParameter[numMIDIChannels][Vst::kCountCtrlNumber];
Atomic<int> vst3IsPlaying { 0 };
void setupParameters()
if (auto* pluginInstance = getPluginInstance())
pluginInstance->addListener (this);
// as the bypass is not part of the regular parameters
// we need to listen for it explicitly
if (! audioProcessor->bypassIsRegularParameter)
audioProcessor->getBypassParameter()->addListener (this);
if (parameters.getParameterCount() <= 0)
const bool forceLegacyParamIDs = true;
const bool forceLegacyParamIDs = false;
auto n = audioProcessor->getNumParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
auto vstParamID = audioProcessor->getVSTParamIDForIndex (i);
auto* juceParam = audioProcessor->getParamForVSTParamID (vstParamID);
parameters.addParameter (new Param (*this, *juceParam, vstParamID,
(vstParamID == audioProcessor->bypassParamID), forceLegacyParamIDs));
if (pluginInstance->getNumPrograms() > 1)
parameters.addParameter (new ProgramChangeParameter (*pluginInstance));
parameterToMidiControllerOffset = static_cast<Vst::ParamID> (audioProcessor->isUsingManagedParameters() ? paramMidiControllerOffset
: parameters.getParameterCount());
audioProcessorChanged (pluginInstance);
void initialiseMidiControllerMappings()
for (int c = 0, p = 0; c < numMIDIChannels; ++c)
for (int i = 0; i < Vst::kCountCtrlNumber; ++i, ++p)
midiControllerToParameter[c][i] = static_cast<Vst::ParamID> (p) + parameterToMidiControllerOffset;
parameterToMidiController[p].channel = c;
parameterToMidiController[p].ctrlNumber = i;
parameters.addParameter (new Vst::Parameter (toString ("MIDI CC " + String (c) + "|" + String (i)),
static_cast<Vst::ParamID> (p) + parameterToMidiControllerOffset, 0, 0, 0,
0, Vst::kRootUnitId));
void sendIntMessage (const char* idTag, const Steinberg::int64 value)
jassert (hostContext != nullptr);
if (auto* message = allocateMessage())
const FReleaser releaser (message);
message->setMessageID (idTag);
message->getAttributes()->setInt (idTag, value);
sendMessage (message);
class JuceVST3Editor : public Vst::EditorView,
public Steinberg::IPlugViewContentScaleSupport,
private Timer
JuceVST3Editor (JuceVST3EditController& ec, AudioProcessor& p)
: Vst::EditorView (&ec, nullptr),
owner (&ec), pluginInstance (p)
component.reset (new ContentWrapperComponent (*this, p));
tresult PLUGIN_API queryInterface (const TUID targetIID, void** obj) override
TEST_FOR_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, Steinberg::IPlugViewContentScaleSupport)
return Vst::EditorView::queryInterface (targetIID, obj);
tresult PLUGIN_API isPlatformTypeSupported (FIDString type) override
if (type != nullptr && pluginInstance.hasEditor())
if (strcmp (type, kPlatformTypeHWND) == 0)
if (strcmp (type, kPlatformTypeNSView) == 0 || strcmp (type, kPlatformTypeHIView) == 0)
return kResultTrue;
return kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API attached (void* parent, FIDString type) override
if (parent == nullptr || isPlatformTypeSupported (type) == kResultFalse)
return kResultFalse;
if (component == nullptr)
component.reset (new ContentWrapperComponent (*this, pluginInstance));
component->addToDesktop (0, parent);
component->setOpaque (true);
component->setVisible (true);
isNSView = (strcmp (type, kPlatformTypeNSView) == 0);
macHostWindow = juce::attachComponentToWindowRefVST (component.get(), parent, isNSView);
systemWindow = parent;
// Life's too short to faff around with wave lab
if (getHostType().isWavelab())
startTimer (200);
return kResultTrue;
tresult PLUGIN_API removed() override
if (component != nullptr)
if (macHostWindow != nullptr)
juce::detachComponentFromWindowRefVST (component.get(), macHostWindow, isNSView);
macHostWindow = nullptr;
component = nullptr;
return CPluginView::removed();
tresult PLUGIN_API onSize (ViewRect* newSize) override
if (newSize != nullptr)
rect = *newSize;
if (component != nullptr)
component->setSize (rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
if (auto* peer = component->getPeer())
return kResultTrue;
return kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API getSize (ViewRect* size) override
if (size != nullptr && component != nullptr)
*size = ViewRect (0, 0, component->getWidth(), component->getHeight());
return kResultTrue;
return kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API canResize() override
if (component != nullptr)
if (auto* editor = component->pluginEditor.get())
return editor->isResizable() ? kResultTrue : kResultFalse;
return kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API checkSizeConstraint (ViewRect* rectToCheck) override
if (rectToCheck != nullptr && component != nullptr)
if (auto* editor = component->pluginEditor.get())
// checkSizeConstraint
auto juceRect = editor->getLocalArea (component.get(), Rectangle<int>::leftTopRightBottom (rectToCheck->left, rectToCheck->top,
rectToCheck->right, rectToCheck->bottom));
if (auto* constrainer = editor->getConstrainer())
Rectangle<int> limits (0, 0, constrainer->getMaximumWidth(), constrainer->getMaximumHeight());
constrainer->checkBounds (juceRect, editor->getBounds(), limits, false, false, false, false);
juceRect = component->getLocalArea (editor, juceRect);
rectToCheck->right = rectToCheck->left + juceRect.getWidth();
rectToCheck->bottom = rectToCheck->top + juceRect.getHeight();
return kResultTrue;
return kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API setContentScaleFactor (Steinberg::IPlugViewContentScaleSupport::ScaleFactor factor) override
ignoreUnused (factor);
if (auto* editor = component->pluginEditor.get())
editor->setScaleFactor (factor);
return kResultTrue;
return kResultFalse;
void timerCallback() override
ViewRect viewRect;
getSize (&viewRect);
onSize (&viewRect);
struct ContentWrapperComponent : public Component
ContentWrapperComponent (JuceVST3Editor& editor, AudioProcessor& plugin)
: pluginEditor (plugin.createEditorIfNeeded()),
owner (editor)
setOpaque (true);
setBroughtToFrontOnMouseClick (true);
// if hasEditor() returns true then createEditorIfNeeded has to return a valid editor
jassert (pluginEditor != nullptr);
if (pluginEditor != nullptr)
addAndMakeVisible (pluginEditor.get());
pluginEditor->setTopLeftPosition (0, 0);
lastBounds = getSizeToContainChild();
isResizingParentToFitChild = true;
setBounds (lastBounds);
isResizingParentToFitChild = false;
ignoreUnused (fakeMouseGenerator);
if (pluginEditor != nullptr)
pluginEditor->processor.editorBeingDeleted (pluginEditor.get());
void paint (Graphics& g) override
g.fillAll (Colours::black);
juce::Rectangle<int> getSizeToContainChild()
if (pluginEditor != nullptr)
return getLocalArea (pluginEditor.get(), pluginEditor->getLocalBounds());
return {};
void childBoundsChanged (Component*) override
if (isResizingChildToFitParent)
auto b = getSizeToContainChild();
if (lastBounds != b)
lastBounds = b;
isResizingParentToFitChild = true;
isResizingParentToFitChild = false;
void resized() override
if (pluginEditor != nullptr)
if (! isResizingParentToFitChild)
lastBounds = getLocalBounds();
isResizingChildToFitParent = true;
if (auto* constrainer = pluginEditor->getConstrainer())
auto aspectRatio = constrainer->getFixedAspectRatio();
auto width = (double) lastBounds.getWidth();
auto height = (double) lastBounds.getHeight();
if (aspectRatio != 0)
if (width / height > aspectRatio)
setBounds ({ 0, 0, roundToInt (height * aspectRatio), lastBounds.getHeight() });
setBounds ({ 0, 0, lastBounds.getWidth(), roundToInt (width / aspectRatio) });
pluginEditor->setTopLeftPosition (0, 0);
pluginEditor->setBounds (pluginEditor->getLocalArea (this, getLocalBounds()));
isResizingChildToFitParent = false;
void resizeHostWindow()
if (pluginEditor != nullptr)
auto b = getSizeToContainChild();
auto w = b.getWidth();
auto h = b.getHeight();
auto host = getHostType();
setSize (w, h);
if (owner.macHostWindow != nullptr && ! (host.isWavelab() || host.isReaper() || host.isBitwigStudio()))
juce::setNativeHostWindowSizeVST (owner.macHostWindow, this, w, h, owner.isNSView);
if (owner.plugFrame != nullptr)
ViewRect newSize (0, 0, w, h);
isResizingParentToFitChild = true;
owner.plugFrame->resizeView (&owner, &newSize);
isResizingParentToFitChild = false;
if (host.isWavelab() || host.isReaper())
if (host.isWavelab())
setBounds (0, 0, w, h);
std::unique_ptr<AudioProcessorEditor> pluginEditor;
JuceVST3Editor& owner;
FakeMouseMoveGenerator fakeMouseGenerator;
Rectangle<int> lastBounds;
bool isResizingChildToFitParent = false;
bool isResizingParentToFitChild = false;
ComSmartPtr<JuceVST3EditController> owner;
AudioProcessor& pluginInstance;
std::unique_ptr<ContentWrapperComponent> component;
friend struct ContentWrapperComponent;
void* macHostWindow = nullptr;
bool isNSView = false;
WindowsHooks hooks;
ScopedJuceInitialiser_GUI libraryInitialiser;
template <typename FloatType> struct AudioBusPointerHelper {};
template <> struct AudioBusPointerHelper<float> { static inline float** impl (Vst::AudioBusBuffers& data) noexcept { return data.channelBuffers32; } };
template <> struct AudioBusPointerHelper<double> { static inline double** impl (Vst::AudioBusBuffers& data) noexcept { return data.channelBuffers64; } };
template <typename FloatType> struct ChooseBufferHelper {};
template <> struct ChooseBufferHelper<float> { static inline AudioBuffer<float>& impl (AudioBuffer<float>& f, AudioBuffer<double>& ) noexcept { return f; } };
template <> struct ChooseBufferHelper<double> { static inline AudioBuffer<double>& impl (AudioBuffer<float>& , AudioBuffer<double>& d) noexcept { return d; } };
class JuceVST3Component : public Vst::IComponent,
public Vst::IAudioProcessor,
public Vst::IUnitInfo,
public Vst::IConnectionPoint,
public AudioPlayHead
JuceVST3Component (Vst::IHostApplication* h)
: pluginInstance (createPluginFilterOfType (AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST3)),
host (h)
inParameterChangedCallback = false;
#ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
short configs[][2] = { JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations };
const int numConfigs = sizeof (configs) / sizeof (short[2]);
jassert (numConfigs > 0 && (configs[0][0] > 0 || configs[0][1] > 0));
pluginInstance->setPlayConfigDetails (configs[0][0], configs[0][1], 44100.0, 1024);
// VST-3 requires your default layout to be non-discrete!
// For example, your default layout must be mono, stereo, quadrophonic
// and not AudioChannelSet::discreteChannels (2) etc.
jassert (checkBusFormatsAreNotDiscrete());
comPluginInstance = new JuceAudioProcessor (pluginInstance);
zerostruct (processContext);
processSetup.maxSamplesPerBlock = 1024;
processSetup.processMode = Vst::kRealtime;
processSetup.sampleRate = 44100.0;
processSetup.symbolicSampleSize = Vst::kSample32;
pluginInstance->setPlayHead (this);
if (juceVST3EditController != nullptr)
juceVST3EditController->vst3IsPlaying = 0;
if (pluginInstance != nullptr)
if (pluginInstance->getPlayHead() == this)
pluginInstance->setPlayHead (nullptr);
AudioProcessor& getPluginInstance() const noexcept { return *pluginInstance; }
static const FUID iid;
tresult PLUGIN_API queryInterface (const TUID targetIID, void** obj) override
TEST_FOR_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, Vst::IAudioProcessor)
TEST_FOR_AND_RETURN_IF_VALID (targetIID, Vst::IConnectionPoint)
if (doUIDsMatch (targetIID, JuceAudioProcessor::iid))
*obj = comPluginInstance;
return kResultOk;
*obj = nullptr;
return kNoInterface;
tresult PLUGIN_API initialize (FUnknown* hostContext) override
if (host != hostContext)
host.loadFrom (hostContext);
processContext.sampleRate = processSetup.sampleRate;
preparePlugin (processSetup.sampleRate, (int) processSetup.maxSamplesPerBlock);
return kResultTrue;
tresult PLUGIN_API terminate() override
return kResultTrue;
tresult PLUGIN_API connect (IConnectionPoint* other) override
if (other != nullptr && juceVST3EditController == nullptr)
juceVST3EditController.loadFrom (other);
return kResultTrue;
tresult PLUGIN_API disconnect (IConnectionPoint*) override
if (juceVST3EditController != nullptr)
juceVST3EditController->vst3IsPlaying = 0;
juceVST3EditController = nullptr;
return kResultTrue;
tresult PLUGIN_API notify (Vst::IMessage* message) override
if (message != nullptr && juceVST3EditController == nullptr)
Steinberg::int64 value = 0;
if (message->getAttributes()->getInt ("JuceVST3EditController", value) == kResultTrue)
juceVST3EditController = (JuceVST3EditController*) (pointer_sized_int) value;
if (juceVST3EditController != nullptr)
juceVST3EditController->setAudioProcessor (comPluginInstance);
return kResultTrue;
tresult PLUGIN_API getControllerClassId (TUID classID) override
memcpy (classID, JuceVST3EditController::iid, sizeof (TUID));
return kResultTrue;
tresult PLUGIN_API setActive (TBool state) override
if (! state)
deallocateChannelListAndBuffers (channelListFloat, emptyBufferFloat);
deallocateChannelListAndBuffers (channelListDouble, emptyBufferDouble);
auto sampleRate = getPluginInstance().getSampleRate();
auto bufferSize = getPluginInstance().getBlockSize();
sampleRate = processSetup.sampleRate > 0.0
? processSetup.sampleRate
: sampleRate;
bufferSize = processSetup.maxSamplesPerBlock > 0
? (int) processSetup.maxSamplesPerBlock
: bufferSize;
allocateChannelListAndBuffers (channelListFloat, emptyBufferFloat);
allocateChannelListAndBuffers (channelListDouble, emptyBufferDouble);
preparePlugin (sampleRate, bufferSize);
return kResultOk;
tresult PLUGIN_API setIoMode (Vst::IoMode) override { return kNotImplemented; }
tresult PLUGIN_API getRoutingInfo (Vst::RoutingInfo&, Vst::RoutingInfo&) override { return kNotImplemented; }
bool isBypassed()
if (auto* bypassParam = comPluginInstance->getBypassParameter())
return (bypassParam->getValue() != 0.0f);
return false;
void setBypassed (bool shouldBeBypassed)
if (auto* bypassParam = comPluginInstance->getBypassParameter())
auto floatValue = (shouldBeBypassed ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
bypassParam->setValue (floatValue);
inParameterChangedCallback = true;
bypassParam->sendValueChangedMessageToListeners (floatValue);
void writeJucePrivateStateInformation (MemoryOutputStream& out)
if (pluginInstance->getBypassParameter() == nullptr)
ValueTree privateData (kJucePrivateDataIdentifier);
// for now we only store the bypass value
privateData.setProperty ("Bypass", var (isBypassed()), nullptr);
privateData.writeToStream (out);
void setJucePrivateStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes)
if (pluginInstance->getBypassParameter() == nullptr)
if (auto* bypassParam = comPluginInstance->getBypassParameter())
auto privateData = ValueTree::readFromData (data, static_cast<size_t> (sizeInBytes));
setBypassed (static_cast<bool> (privateData.getProperty ("Bypass", var (false))));
void getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData)
pluginInstance->getStateInformation (destData);
// With bypass support, JUCE now needs to store private state data.
// Put this at the end of the plug-in state and add a few null characters
// so that plug-ins built with older versions of JUCE will hopefully ignore
// this data. Additionally, we need to add some sort of magic identifier
// at the very end of the private data so that JUCE has some sort of
// way to figure out if the data was stored with a newer JUCE version.
MemoryOutputStream extraData;
extraData.writeInt64 (0);
writeJucePrivateStateInformation (extraData);
auto privateDataSize = (int64) (extraData.getDataSize() - sizeof (int64));
extraData.writeInt64 (privateDataSize);
extraData << kJucePrivateDataIdentifier;
// write magic string
destData.append (extraData.getData(), extraData.getDataSize());
void setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeAsInt)
int64 size = sizeAsInt;
// Check if this data was written with a newer JUCE version
// and if it has the JUCE private data magic code at the end
auto jucePrivDataIdentifierSize = std::strlen (kJucePrivateDataIdentifier);
if ((size_t) size >= jucePrivDataIdentifierSize + sizeof (int64))
auto buffer = static_cast<const char*> (data);
String magic (CharPointer_UTF8 (buffer + size - jucePrivDataIdentifierSize),
CharPointer_UTF8 (buffer + size));
if (magic == kJucePrivateDataIdentifier)
// found a JUCE private data section
uint64 privateDataSize;
std::memcpy (&privateDataSize,
buffer + ((size_t) size - jucePrivDataIdentifierSize - sizeof (uint64)),
sizeof (uint64));
privateDataSize = ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian (privateDataSize);
size -= privateDataSize + jucePrivDataIdentifierSize + sizeof (uint64);
if (privateDataSize > 0)
setJucePrivateStateInformation (buffer + size, static_cast<int> (privateDataSize));
size -= sizeof (uint64);
if (size >= 0)
pluginInstance->setStateInformation (data, static_cast<int> (size));
bool loadVST2VstWBlock (const char* data, int size)
jassert ('VstW' == htonl (*(juce::int32*) data));
jassert (1 == htonl (*(juce::int32*) (data + 8))); // version should be 1 according to Steinberg's docs
auto headerLen = (int) htonl (*(juce::int32*) (data + 4)) + 8;
return loadVST2CcnKBlock (data + headerLen, size - headerLen);
bool loadVST2CcnKBlock (const char* data, int size)
auto bank = (const vst2FxBank*) data;
jassert ('CcnK' == htonl (bank->magic1));
jassert ('FBCh' == htonl (bank->magic2));
jassert (htonl (bank->version1) == 1 || htonl (bank->version1) == 2);
jassert (JucePlugin_VSTUniqueID == htonl (bank->fxID));
setStateInformation (bank->chunk,
jmin ((int) (size - (bank->chunk - data)),
(int) htonl (bank->chunkSize)));
return true;
bool loadVST3PresetFile (const char* data, int size)
if (size < 48)
return false;
// At offset 4 there's a little-endian version number which seems to typically be 1
// At offset 8 there's 32 bytes the SDK calls "ASCII-encoded class id"
auto chunkListOffset = (int) ByteOrder::littleEndianInt (data + 40);
jassert (memcmp (data + chunkListOffset, "List", 4) == 0);
auto entryCount = (int) ByteOrder::littleEndianInt (data + chunkListOffset + 4);
jassert (entryCount > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; ++i)
auto entryOffset = chunkListOffset + 8 + 20 * i;
if (entryOffset + 20 > size)
return false;
if (memcmp (data + entryOffset, "Comp", 4) == 0)
// "Comp" entries seem to contain the data.
auto chunkOffset = ByteOrder::littleEndianInt64 (data + entryOffset + 4);
auto chunkSize = ByteOrder::littleEndianInt64 (data + entryOffset + 12);
if (chunkOffset + chunkSize > static_cast<juce::uint64> (size))
return false;
loadVST2VstWBlock (data + chunkOffset, (int) chunkSize);
return true;
bool loadVST2CompatibleState (const char* data, int size)
if (size < 4)
return false;
auto header = htonl (*(juce::int32*) data);
if (header == 'VstW')
return loadVST2VstWBlock (data, size);
if (header == 'CcnK')
return loadVST2CcnKBlock (data, size);
if (memcmp (data, "VST3", 4) == 0)
// In Cubase 5, when loading VST3 .vstpreset files,
// we get the whole content of the files to load.
// In Cubase 7 we get just the contents within and
// we go directly to the loadVST2VstW codepath instead.
return loadVST3PresetFile (data, size);
return false;
bool loadStateData (const void* data, int size)
return loadVST2CompatibleState ((const char*) data, size);
setStateInformation (data, size);
return true;
bool readFromMemoryStream (IBStream* state)
FUnknownPtr<ISizeableStream> s (state);
Steinberg::int64 size = 0;
if (s != nullptr
&& s->getStreamSize (size) == kResultOk
&& size > 0
&& size < 1024 * 1024 * 100) // (some hosts seem to return junk for the size)
MemoryBlock block (static_cast<size_t> (size));
// turns out that Cubase 9 might give you the incorrect stream size :-(
Steinberg::int32 bytesRead = 1;
int len;
for (len = 0; bytesRead > 0 && len < static_cast<int> (block.getSize()); len += bytesRead)
if (state->read (block.getData(), static_cast<int32> (block.getSize()), &bytesRead) != kResultOk)
if (len == 0)
return false;
block.setSize (static_cast<size_t> (len));
// Adobe Audition CS6 hack to avoid trying to use corrupted streams:
if (getHostType().isAdobeAudition())
if (block.getSize() >= 5 && memcmp (block.getData(), "VC2!E", 5) == 0)
return false;
return loadStateData (block.getData(), (int) block.getSize());
return false;
bool readFromUnknownStream (IBStream* state)
MemoryOutputStream allData;
const size_t bytesPerBlock = 4096;
HeapBlock<char> buffer (bytesPerBlock);
for (;;)
Steinberg::int32 bytesRead = 0;
auto status = state->read (buffer, (Steinberg::int32) bytesPerBlock, &bytesRead);
if (bytesRead <= 0 || (status != kResultTrue && ! getHostType().isWavelab()))
allData.write (buffer, static_cast<size_t> (bytesRead));
const size_t dataSize = allData.getDataSize();
return dataSize > 0 && dataSize < 0x7fffffff
&& loadStateData (allData.getData(), (int) dataSize);
tresult PLUGIN_API setState (IBStream* state) override
if (state == nullptr)
return kInvalidArgument;
FUnknownPtr<IBStream> stateRefHolder (state); // just in case the caller hasn't properly ref-counted the stream object
if (state->seek (0, IBStream::kIBSeekSet, nullptr) == kResultTrue)
if (! getHostType().isFruityLoops() && readFromMemoryStream (state))
return kResultTrue;
if (readFromUnknownStream (state))
return kResultTrue;
return kResultFalse;
static tresult writeVST2Int (IBStream* state, int n)
juce::int32 t = (juce::int32) htonl (n);
return state->write (&t, 4);
static tresult writeVST2Header (IBStream* state, bool bypassed)
tresult status = writeVST2Int (state, 'VstW');
if (status == kResultOk) status = writeVST2Int (state, 8); // header size
if (status == kResultOk) status = writeVST2Int (state, 1); // version
if (status == kResultOk) status = writeVST2Int (state, bypassed ? 1 : 0); // bypass
return status;
tresult PLUGIN_API getState (IBStream* state) override
if (state == nullptr)
return kInvalidArgument;
juce::MemoryBlock mem;
getStateInformation (mem);
tresult status = writeVST2Header (state, isBypassed());
if (status != kResultOk)
return status;
const int bankBlockSize = 160;
vst2FxBank bank;
zerostruct (bank);
bank.magic1 = (int32) htonl ('CcnK');
bank.size = (int32) htonl (bankBlockSize - 8 + (unsigned int) mem.getSize());
bank.magic2 = (int32) htonl ('FBCh');
bank.version1 = (int32) htonl (2);
bank.fxID = (int32) htonl (JucePlugin_VSTUniqueID);
bank.version2 = (int32) htonl (JucePlugin_VersionCode);
bank.chunkSize = (int32) htonl ((unsigned int) mem.getSize());
status = state->write (&bank, bankBlockSize);
if (status != kResultOk)
return status;
return state->write (mem.getData(), (Steinberg::int32) mem.getSize());
Steinberg::int32 PLUGIN_API getUnitCount() override
return 1;
tresult PLUGIN_API getUnitInfo (Steinberg::int32 unitIndex, Vst::UnitInfo& info) override
if (unitIndex == 0)
info.id = Vst::kRootUnitId;
info.parentUnitId = Vst::kNoParentUnitId;
info.programListId = Vst::kNoProgramListId;
toString128 (info.name, TRANS("Root Unit"));
return kResultTrue;
zerostruct (info);
return kResultFalse;
Steinberg::int32 PLUGIN_API getProgramListCount() override
if (getPluginInstance().getNumPrograms() > 0)
return 1;
return 0;
tresult PLUGIN_API getProgramListInfo (Steinberg::int32 listIndex, Vst::ProgramListInfo& info) override
if (listIndex == 0)
info.id = JuceVST3EditController::paramPreset;
info.programCount = (Steinberg::int32) getPluginInstance().getNumPrograms();
toString128 (info.name, TRANS("Factory Presets"));
return kResultTrue;
zerostruct (info);
return kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API getProgramName (Vst::ProgramListID listId, Steinberg::int32 programIndex, Vst::String128 name) override
if (listId == JuceVST3EditController::paramPreset
&& isPositiveAndBelow ((int) programIndex, getPluginInstance().getNumPrograms()))
toString128 (name, getPluginInstance().getProgramName ((int) programIndex));
return kResultTrue;
toString128 (name, juce::String());
return kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API getProgramInfo (Vst::ProgramListID, Steinberg::int32, Vst::CString, Vst::String128) override { return kNotImplemented; }
tresult PLUGIN_API hasProgramPitchNames (Vst::ProgramListID, Steinberg::int32) override { return kNotImplemented; }
tresult PLUGIN_API getProgramPitchName (Vst::ProgramListID, Steinberg::int32, Steinberg::int16, Vst::String128) override { return kNotImplemented; }
tresult PLUGIN_API selectUnit (Vst::UnitID) override { return kNotImplemented; }
tresult PLUGIN_API setUnitProgramData (Steinberg::int32, Steinberg::int32, IBStream*) override { return kNotImplemented; }
Vst::UnitID PLUGIN_API getSelectedUnit() override { return Vst::kRootUnitId; }
tresult PLUGIN_API getUnitByBus (Vst::MediaType, Vst::BusDirection, Steinberg::int32, Steinberg::int32, Vst::UnitID& unitId) override
zerostruct (unitId);
return kNotImplemented;
bool getCurrentPosition (CurrentPositionInfo& info) override
info.timeInSamples = jmax ((juce::int64) 0, processContext.projectTimeSamples);
info.timeInSeconds = static_cast<double> (info.timeInSamples) / processContext.sampleRate;
info.bpm = jmax (1.0, processContext.tempo);
info.timeSigNumerator = jmax (1, (int) processContext.timeSigNumerator);
info.timeSigDenominator = jmax (1, (int) processContext.timeSigDenominator);
info.ppqPositionOfLastBarStart = processContext.barPositionMusic;
info.ppqPosition = processContext.projectTimeMusic;
info.ppqLoopStart = processContext.cycleStartMusic;
info.ppqLoopEnd = processContext.cycleEndMusic;
info.isRecording = (processContext.state & Vst::ProcessContext::kRecording) != 0;
info.isPlaying = (processContext.state & Vst::ProcessContext::kPlaying) != 0;
info.isLooping = (processContext.state & Vst::ProcessContext::kCycleActive) != 0;
info.editOriginTime = 0.0;
info.frameRate = AudioPlayHead::fpsUnknown;
if ((processContext.state & Vst::ProcessContext::kSmpteValid) != 0)
switch (processContext.frameRate.framesPerSecond)
case 24:
if ((processContext.frameRate.flags & Vst::FrameRate::kPullDownRate) != 0)
info.frameRate = AudioPlayHead::fps23976;
info.frameRate = AudioPlayHead::fps24;
case 25: info.frameRate = AudioPlayHead::fps25; break;
case 29: info.frameRate = AudioPlayHead::fps30drop; break;
case 30:
if ((processContext.frameRate.flags & Vst::FrameRate::kDropRate) != 0)
info.frameRate = AudioPlayHead::fps30drop;
info.frameRate = AudioPlayHead::fps30;
default: break;
return true;
int getNumAudioBuses (bool isInput) const
int busCount = pluginInstance->getBusCount (isInput);
#ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
short configs[][2] = {JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations};
const int numConfigs = sizeof (configs) / sizeof (short[2]);
bool hasOnlyZeroChannels = true;
for (int i = 0; i < numConfigs && hasOnlyZeroChannels == true; ++i)
if (configs[i][isInput ? 0 : 1] != 0)
hasOnlyZeroChannels = false;
busCount = jmin (busCount, hasOnlyZeroChannels ? 0 : 1);
return busCount;
Steinberg::int32 PLUGIN_API getBusCount (Vst::MediaType type, Vst::BusDirection dir) override
if (type == Vst::kAudio)
return getNumAudioBuses (dir == Vst::kInput);
if (type == Vst::kEvent)
if (dir == Vst::kInput)
return isMidiInputBusEnabled ? 1 : 0;
if (dir == Vst::kOutput)
return isMidiOutputBusEnabled ? 1 : 0;
return 0;
tresult PLUGIN_API getBusInfo (Vst::MediaType type, Vst::BusDirection dir,
Steinberg::int32 index, Vst::BusInfo& info) override
if (type == Vst::kAudio)
if (index < 0 || index >= getNumAudioBuses (dir == Vst::kInput))
return kResultFalse;
if (auto* bus = pluginInstance->getBus (dir == Vst::kInput, index))
info.mediaType = Vst::kAudio;
info.direction = dir;
info.channelCount = bus->getLastEnabledLayout().size();
toString128 (info.name, bus->getName());
#if JucePlugin_IsSynth
info.busType = (dir == Vst::kInput && index > 0 ? Vst::kAux : Vst::kMain);
info.busType = (index == 0 ? Vst::kMain : Vst::kAux);
info.flags = (bus->isEnabledByDefault()) ? Vst::BusInfo::kDefaultActive : 0;
return kResultTrue;
if (type == Vst::kEvent)
info.flags = Vst::BusInfo::kDefaultActive;
#if JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput
if (dir == Vst::kInput && index == 0)
info.mediaType = Vst::kEvent;
info.direction = dir;
info.channelCount = 16;
toString128 (info.name, TRANS("MIDI Input"));
info.busType = Vst::kMain;
return kResultTrue;
#if JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput
if (dir == Vst::kOutput && index == 0)
info.mediaType = Vst::kEvent;
info.direction = dir;
info.channelCount = 16;
toString128 (info.name, TRANS("MIDI Output"));
info.busType = Vst::kMain;
return kResultTrue;
zerostruct (info);
return kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API activateBus (Vst::MediaType type, Vst::BusDirection dir, Steinberg::int32 index, TBool state) override
if (type == Vst::kEvent)
if (index != 0)
return kResultFalse;
if (dir == Vst::kInput)
isMidiInputBusEnabled = (state != 0);
isMidiOutputBusEnabled = (state != 0);
return kResultTrue;
if (type == Vst::kAudio)
if (index < 0 || index >= getNumAudioBuses (dir == Vst::kInput))
return kResultFalse;
if (auto* bus = pluginInstance->getBus (dir == Vst::kInput, index))
#ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
auto newLayout = pluginInstance->getBusesLayout();
auto targetLayout = (state != 0 ? bus->getLastEnabledLayout() : AudioChannelSet::disabled());
(dir == Vst::kInput ? newLayout.inputBuses : newLayout.outputBuses).getReference (index) = targetLayout;
short configs[][2] = { JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations };
auto compLayout = pluginInstance->getNextBestLayoutInLayoutList (newLayout, configs);
if ((dir == Vst::kInput ? compLayout.inputBuses : compLayout.outputBuses).getReference (index) != targetLayout)
return kResultFalse;
return bus->enable (state != 0) ? kResultTrue : kResultFalse;
return kResultFalse;
bool checkBusFormatsAreNotDiscrete()
auto numInputBuses = pluginInstance->getBusCount (true);
auto numOutputBuses = pluginInstance->getBusCount (false);
for (int i = 0; i < numInputBuses; ++i)
auto layout = pluginInstance->getChannelLayoutOfBus (true, i);
if (layout.isDiscreteLayout() && ! layout.isDisabled())
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < numOutputBuses; ++i)
auto layout = pluginInstance->getChannelLayoutOfBus (false, i);
if (layout.isDiscreteLayout() && ! layout.isDisabled())
return false;
return true;
tresult PLUGIN_API setBusArrangements (Vst::SpeakerArrangement* inputs, Steinberg::int32 numIns,
Vst::SpeakerArrangement* outputs, Steinberg::int32 numOuts) override
auto numInputBuses = pluginInstance->getBusCount (true);
auto numOutputBuses = pluginInstance->getBusCount (false);
if (numIns > numInputBuses || numOuts > numOutputBuses)
return false;
auto requested = pluginInstance->getBusesLayout();
for (int i = 0; i < numIns; ++i)
requested.getChannelSet (true, i) = getChannelSetForSpeakerArrangement (inputs[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < numOuts; ++i)
requested.getChannelSet (false, i) = getChannelSetForSpeakerArrangement (outputs[i]);
#ifdef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations
short configs[][2] = { JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations };
if (! AudioProcessor::containsLayout (requested, configs))
return kResultFalse;
return pluginInstance->setBusesLayoutWithoutEnabling (requested) ? kResultTrue : kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API getBusArrangement (Vst::BusDirection dir, Steinberg::int32 index, Vst::SpeakerArrangement& arr) override
if (auto* bus = pluginInstance->getBus (dir == Vst::kInput, index))
arr = getVst3SpeakerArrangement (bus->getLastEnabledLayout());
return kResultTrue;
return kResultFalse;
tresult PLUGIN_API canProcessSampleSize (Steinberg::int32 symbolicSampleSize) override
return (symbolicSampleSize == Vst::kSample32
|| (getPluginInstance().supportsDoublePrecisionProcessing()
&& symbolicSampleSize == Vst::kSample64)) ? kResultTrue : kResultFalse;
Steinberg::uint32 PLUGIN_API getLatencySamples() override
return (Steinberg::uint32) jmax (0, getPluginInstance().getLatencySamples());
tresult PLUGIN_API setupProcessing (Vst::ProcessSetup& newSetup) override
if (canProcessSampleSize (newSetup.symbolicSampleSize) != kResultTrue)
return kResultFalse;
processSetup = newSetup;
processContext.sampleRate = processSetup.sampleRate;
getPluginInstance().setProcessingPrecision (newSetup.symbolicSampleSize == Vst::kSample64
? AudioProcessor::doublePrecision
: AudioProcessor::singlePrecision);
getPluginInstance().setNonRealtime (newSetup.processMode == Vst::kOffline);
preparePlugin (processSetup.sampleRate, processSetup.maxSamplesPerBlock);
return kResultTrue;
tresult PLUGIN_API setProcessing (TBool state) override
if (! state)
return kResultTrue;
Steinberg::uint32 PLUGIN_API getTailSamples() override
auto tailLengthSeconds = getPluginInstance().getTailLengthSeconds();
if (tailLengthSeconds <= 0.0 || processSetup.sampleRate <= 0.0)
return Vst::kNoTail;
return (Steinberg::uint32) roundToIntAccurate (tailLengthSeconds * processSetup.sampleRate);
void processParameterChanges (Vst::IParameterChanges& paramChanges)
jassert (pluginInstance != nullptr);
auto numParamsChanged = paramChanges.getParameterCount();
for (Steinberg::int32 i = 0; i < numParamsChanged; ++i)
if (auto* paramQueue = paramChanges.getParameterData (i))
auto numPoints = paramQueue->getPointCount();
Steinberg::int32 offsetSamples = 0;
double value = 0.0;
if (paramQueue->getPoint (numPoints - 1, offsetSamples, value) == kResultTrue)
auto vstParamID = paramQueue->getParameterId();
if (vstParamID == JuceVST3EditController::paramPreset)
auto numPrograms = pluginInstance->getNumPrograms();
auto programValue = roundToInt (value * (jmax (0, numPrograms - 1)));
if (numPrograms > 1 && isPositiveAndBelow (programValue, numPrograms)
&& programValue != pluginInstance->getCurrentProgram())
pluginInstance->setCurrentProgram (programValue);
else if (juceVST3EditController->isMidiControllerParamID (vstParamID))
addParameterChangeToMidiBuffer (offsetSamples, vstParamID, value);
auto floatValue = static_cast<float> (value);
if (auto* param = comPluginInstance->getParamForVSTParamID (vstParamID))
param->setValue (floatValue);
inParameterChangedCallback = true;
param->sendValueChangedMessageToListeners (floatValue);
void addParameterChangeToMidiBuffer (const Steinberg::int32 offsetSamples, const Vst::ParamID id, const double value)
// If the parameter is mapped to a MIDI CC message then insert it into the midiBuffer.
int channel, ctrlNumber;
if (juceVST3EditController->getMidiControllerForParameter (id, channel, ctrlNumber))
if (ctrlNumber == Vst::kAfterTouch)
midiBuffer.addEvent (MidiMessage::channelPressureChange (channel,
jlimit (0, 127, (int) (value * 128.0))), offsetSamples);
else if (ctrlNumber == Vst::kPitchBend)
midiBuffer.addEvent (MidiMessage::pitchWheel (channel,
jlimit (0, 0x3fff, (int) (value * 0x4000))), offsetSamples);
midiBuffer.addEvent (MidiMessage::controllerEvent (channel,
jlimit (0, 127, ctrlNumber),
jlimit (0, 127, (int) (value * 128.0))), offsetSamples);
tresult PLUGIN_API process (Vst::ProcessData& data) override
if (pluginInstance == nullptr)
return kResultFalse;
if ((processSetup.symbolicSampleSize == Vst::kSample64) != pluginInstance->isUsingDoublePrecision())
return kResultFalse;
if (data.processContext != nullptr)
processContext = *data.processContext;
if (juceVST3EditController != nullptr)
juceVST3EditController->vst3IsPlaying = processContext.state & Vst::ProcessContext::kPlaying;
zerostruct (processContext);
if (juceVST3EditController != nullptr)
juceVST3EditController->vst3IsPlaying = 0;
if (data.inputParameterChanges != nullptr)
processParameterChanges (*data.inputParameterChanges);
#if JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput
if (data.inputEvents != nullptr)
MidiEventList::toMidiBuffer (midiBuffer, *data.inputEvents);
if (getHostType().isWavelab())
const int numInputChans = (data.inputs != nullptr && data.inputs[0].channelBuffers32 != nullptr) ? (int) data.inputs[0].numChannels : 0;
const int numOutputChans = (data.outputs != nullptr && data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32 != nullptr) ? (int) data.outputs[0].numChannels : 0;
if ((pluginInstance->getTotalNumInputChannels() + pluginInstance->getTotalNumOutputChannels()) > 0
&& (numInputChans + numOutputChans) == 0)
return kResultFalse;
if (processSetup.symbolicSampleSize == Vst::kSample32) processAudio<float> (data, channelListFloat);
else if (processSetup.symbolicSampleSize == Vst::kSample64) processAudio<double> (data, channelListDouble);
else jassertfalse;
#if JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput
if (data.outputEvents != nullptr)
MidiEventList::toEventList (*data.outputEvents, midiBuffer);
return kResultTrue;
Atomic<int> refCount { 1 };
AudioProcessor* pluginInstance;
ComSmartPtr<Vst::IHostApplication> host;
ComSmartPtr<JuceAudioProcessor> comPluginInstance;
ComSmartPtr<JuceVST3EditController> juceVST3EditController;
Since VST3 does not provide a way of knowing the buffer size and sample rate at any point,
this object needs to be copied on every call to process() to be up-to-date...
Vst::ProcessContext processContext;
Vst::ProcessSetup processSetup;
MidiBuffer midiBuffer;
Array<float*> channelListFloat;
Array<double*> channelListDouble;
AudioBuffer<float> emptyBufferFloat;
AudioBuffer<double> emptyBufferDouble;
#if JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput
bool isMidiInputBusEnabled = true;
bool isMidiInputBusEnabled = false;
#if JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput
bool isMidiOutputBusEnabled = true;
bool isMidiOutputBusEnabled = false;
ScopedJuceInitialiser_GUI libraryInitialiser;
static const char* kJucePrivateDataIdentifier;
template <typename FloatType>
void processAudio (Vst::ProcessData& data, Array<FloatType*>& channelList)
int totalInputChans = 0, totalOutputChans = 0;
bool tmpBufferNeedsClearing = false;
auto plugInInputChannels = pluginInstance->getTotalNumInputChannels();
auto plugInOutputChannels = pluginInstance->getTotalNumOutputChannels();
// Wavelab workaround: wave-lab lies on the number of inputs/outputs so re-count here
int vstInputs;
for (vstInputs = 0; vstInputs < data.numInputs; ++vstInputs)
if (getPointerForAudioBus<FloatType> (data.inputs[vstInputs]) == nullptr
&& data.inputs[vstInputs].numChannels > 0)
int vstOutputs;
for (vstOutputs = 0; vstOutputs < data.numOutputs; ++vstOutputs)
if (getPointerForAudioBus<FloatType> (data.outputs[vstOutputs]) == nullptr
&& data.outputs[vstOutputs].numChannels > 0)
auto n = jmax (vstOutputs, getNumAudioBuses (false));
for (int bus = 0; bus < n && totalOutputChans < plugInOutputChannels; ++bus)
if (bus < vstOutputs)
if (auto** const busChannels = getPointerForAudioBus<FloatType> (data.outputs[bus]))
auto numChans = jmin ((int) data.outputs[bus].numChannels, plugInOutputChannels - totalOutputChans);
for (int i = 0; i < numChans; ++i)
if (auto dst = busChannels[i])
if (totalOutputChans >= plugInInputChannels)
FloatVectorOperations::clear (dst, (int) data.numSamples);
channelList.set (totalOutputChans++, busChannels[i]);
const int numChans = jmin (pluginInstance->getChannelCountOfBus (false, bus), plugInOutputChannels - totalOutputChans);
for (int i = 0; i < numChans; ++i)
if (auto* tmpBuffer = getTmpBufferForChannel<FloatType> (totalOutputChans, data.numSamples))\
tmpBufferNeedsClearing = true;
channelList.set (totalOutputChans++, tmpBuffer);
auto n = jmax (vstInputs, getNumAudioBuses (true));
for (int bus = 0; bus < n && totalInputChans < plugInInputChannels; ++bus)
if (bus < vstInputs)
if (auto** const busChannels = getPointerForAudioBus<FloatType> (data.inputs[bus]))
const int numChans = jmin ((int) data.inputs[bus].numChannels, plugInInputChannels - totalInputChans);
for (int i = 0; i < numChans; ++i)
if (busChannels[i] != nullptr)
if (totalInputChans >= totalOutputChans)
channelList.set (totalInputChans, busChannels[i]);
auto* dst = channelList.getReference (totalInputChans);
auto* src = busChannels[i];
if (dst != src)
FloatVectorOperations::copy (dst, src, (int) data.numSamples);
auto numChans = jmin (pluginInstance->getChannelCountOfBus (true, bus), plugInInputChannels - totalInputChans);
for (int i = 0; i < numChans; ++i)
if (auto* tmpBuffer = getTmpBufferForChannel<FloatType> (totalInputChans, data.numSamples))
tmpBufferNeedsClearing = true;
channelList.set (totalInputChans++, tmpBuffer);
if (tmpBufferNeedsClearing)
ChooseBufferHelper<FloatType>::impl (emptyBufferFloat, emptyBufferDouble).clear();
AudioBuffer<FloatType> buffer;
if (int totalChans = jmax (totalOutputChans, totalInputChans))
buffer.setDataToReferTo (channelList.getRawDataPointer(), totalChans, (int) data.numSamples);
const ScopedLock sl (pluginInstance->getCallbackLock());
pluginInstance->setNonRealtime (data.processMode == Vst::kOffline);
#if JUCE_DEBUG && ! JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput
const int numMidiEventsComingIn = midiBuffer.getNumEvents();
if (pluginInstance->isSuspended())
if (totalInputChans == pluginInstance->getTotalNumInputChannels()
&& totalOutputChans == pluginInstance->getTotalNumOutputChannels())
if (isBypassed())
pluginInstance->processBlockBypassed (buffer, midiBuffer);
pluginInstance->processBlock (buffer, midiBuffer);
#if JUCE_DEBUG && (! JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput)
/* This assertion is caused when you've added some events to the
midiMessages array in your processBlock() method, which usually means
that you're trying to send them somewhere. But in this case they're
getting thrown away.
If your plugin does want to send MIDI messages, you'll need to set
the JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput macro to 1 in your
JucePluginCharacteristics.h file.
If you don't want to produce any MIDI output, then you should clear the
midiMessages array at the end of your processBlock() method, to
indicate that you don't want any of the events to be passed through
to the output.
jassert (midiBuffer.getNumEvents() <= numMidiEventsComingIn);
template <typename FloatType>
void allocateChannelListAndBuffers (Array<FloatType*>& channelList, AudioBuffer<FloatType>& buffer)
channelList.insertMultiple (0, nullptr, 128);
auto& p = getPluginInstance();
buffer.setSize (jmax (p.getTotalNumInputChannels(), p.getTotalNumOutputChannels()), p.getBlockSize() * 4);
template <typename FloatType>
void deallocateChannelListAndBuffers (Array<FloatType*>& channelList, AudioBuffer<FloatType>& buffer)
channelList.resize (0);
buffer.setSize (0, 0);
template <typename FloatType>
static FloatType** getPointerForAudioBus (Vst::AudioBusBuffers& data) noexcept
return AudioBusPointerHelper<FloatType>::impl (data);
template <typename FloatType>
FloatType* getTmpBufferForChannel (int channel, int numSamples) noexcept
auto& buffer = ChooseBufferHelper<FloatType>::impl (emptyBufferFloat, emptyBufferDouble);
// we can't do anything if the host requests to render many more samples than the
// block size, we need to bail out
if (numSamples > buffer.getNumSamples() || channel >= buffer.getNumChannels())
return nullptr;
return buffer.getWritePointer (channel);
void preparePlugin (double sampleRate, int bufferSize)
auto& p = getPluginInstance();
p.setRateAndBufferSizeDetails (sampleRate, bufferSize);
p.prepareToPlay (sampleRate, bufferSize);
const char* JuceVST3Component::kJucePrivateDataIdentifier = "JUCEPrivateData";
#pragma warning (push, 0)
#pragma warning (disable: 4310)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wall"
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (JuceAudioProcessor, 0x0101ABAB, 0xABCDEF01, JucePlugin_ManufacturerCode, JucePlugin_PluginCode)
DEF_CLASS_IID (JuceAudioProcessor)
FUID getFUIDForVST2ID (bool forControllerUID)
TUID uuid;
extern JUCE_API void getUUIDForVST2ID (bool, uint8[16]);
getUUIDForVST2ID (forControllerUID, (uint8*) uuid);
return FUID (uuid);
const Steinberg::FUID JuceVST3Component ::iid (getFUIDForVST2ID (false));
const Steinberg::FUID JuceVST3EditController::iid (getFUIDForVST2ID (true));
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (JuceVST3EditController, 0xABCDEF01, 0x1234ABCD, JucePlugin_ManufacturerCode, JucePlugin_PluginCode)
DEF_CLASS_IID (JuceVST3EditController)
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (JuceVST3Component, 0xABCDEF01, 0x9182FAEB, JucePlugin_ManufacturerCode, JucePlugin_PluginCode)
DEF_CLASS_IID (JuceVST3Component)
#pragma warning (pop)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
bool initModule()
return true;
bool shutdownModule()
return true;
extern "C" __declspec (dllexport) bool InitDll() { return initModule(); }
extern "C" __declspec (dllexport) bool ExitDll() { return shutdownModule(); }
#define JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION extern "C" __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
CFBundleRef globalBundleInstance = nullptr;
juce::uint32 numBundleRefs = 0;
juce::Array<CFBundleRef> bundleRefs;
enum { MaxPathLength = 2048 };
char modulePath[MaxPathLength] = { 0 };
void* moduleHandle = nullptr;
JUCE_EXPORTED_FUNCTION bool bundleEntry (CFBundleRef ref)
if (ref != nullptr)
CFRetain (ref);
bundleRefs.add (ref);
if (moduleHandle == nullptr)
globalBundleInstance = ref;
moduleHandle = ref;
CFURLRef tempURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL (ref);
CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation (tempURL, true, (UInt8*) modulePath, MaxPathLength);
CFRelease (tempURL);
return initModule();
if (shutdownModule())
if (--numBundleRefs == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < bundleRefs.size(); ++i)
CFRelease (bundleRefs.getUnchecked (i));
return true;
return false;
/** This typedef represents VST3's createInstance() function signature */
typedef FUnknown* (*CreateFunction) (Vst::IHostApplication*);
static FUnknown* createComponentInstance (Vst::IHostApplication* host)
return static_cast<Vst::IAudioProcessor*> (new JuceVST3Component (host));
static FUnknown* createControllerInstance (Vst::IHostApplication* host)
return static_cast<Vst::IEditController*> (new JuceVST3EditController (host));
struct JucePluginFactory;
static JucePluginFactory* globalFactory = nullptr;
struct JucePluginFactory : public IPluginFactory3
: factoryInfo (JucePlugin_Manufacturer, JucePlugin_ManufacturerWebsite,
JucePlugin_ManufacturerEmail, Vst::kDefaultFactoryFlags)
virtual ~JucePluginFactory()
if (globalFactory == this)
globalFactory = nullptr;
bool registerClass (const PClassInfo2& info, CreateFunction createFunction)
if (createFunction == nullptr)
return false;
auto* entry = classes.add (new ClassEntry (info, createFunction));
entry->infoW.fromAscii (info);
return true;
tresult PLUGIN_API queryInterface (const TUID targetIID, void** obj) override
jassertfalse; // Something new?
*obj = nullptr;
return kNotImplemented;
Steinberg::int32 PLUGIN_API countClasses() override
return (Steinberg::int32) classes.size();
tresult PLUGIN_API getFactoryInfo (PFactoryInfo* info) override
if (info == nullptr)
return kInvalidArgument;
memcpy (info, &factoryInfo, sizeof (PFactoryInfo));
return kResultOk;
tresult PLUGIN_API getClassInfo (Steinberg::int32 index, PClassInfo* info) override
return getPClassInfo<PClassInfo> (index, info);
tresult PLUGIN_API getClassInfo2 (Steinberg::int32 index, PClassInfo2* info) override
return getPClassInfo<PClassInfo2> (index, info);
tresult PLUGIN_API getClassInfoUnicode (Steinberg::int32 index, PClassInfoW* info) override
if (info != nullptr)
if (auto* entry = classes[(int) index])
memcpy (info, &entry->infoW, sizeof (PClassInfoW));
return kResultOk;
return kInvalidArgument;
tresult PLUGIN_API createInstance (FIDString cid, FIDString sourceIid, void** obj) override
*obj = nullptr;
TUID tuid;
memcpy (tuid, sourceIid, sizeof (TUID));
#if VST_VERSION >= 0x030608
auto sourceFuid = FUID::fromTUID (tuid);
FUID sourceFuid;
sourceFuid = tuid;
if (cid == nullptr || sourceIid == nullptr || ! sourceFuid.isValid())
jassertfalse; // The host you're running in has severe implementation issues!
return kInvalidArgument;
TUID iidToQuery;
sourceFuid.toTUID (iidToQuery);
for (auto* entry : classes)
if (doUIDsMatch (entry->infoW.cid, cid))
if (auto* instance = entry->createFunction (host))
const FReleaser releaser (instance);
if (instance->queryInterface (iidToQuery, obj) == kResultOk)
return kResultOk;
return kNoInterface;
tresult PLUGIN_API setHostContext (FUnknown* context) override
host.loadFrom (context);
if (host != nullptr)
Vst::String128 name;
host->getName (name);
return kResultTrue;
return kNotImplemented;
ScopedJuceInitialiser_GUI libraryInitialiser;
Atomic<int> refCount { 1 };
const PFactoryInfo factoryInfo;
ComSmartPtr<Vst::IHostApplication> host;
struct ClassEntry
ClassEntry() noexcept {}
ClassEntry (const PClassInfo2& info, CreateFunction fn) noexcept
: info2 (info), createFunction (fn) {}
PClassInfo2 info2;
PClassInfoW infoW;
CreateFunction createFunction = {};
bool isUnicode = false;
OwnedArray<ClassEntry> classes;
template<class PClassInfoType>
tresult PLUGIN_API getPClassInfo (Steinberg::int32 index, PClassInfoType* info)
if (info != nullptr)
zerostruct (*info);
if (auto* entry = classes[(int) index])
if (entry->isUnicode)
return kResultFalse;
memcpy (info, &entry->info2, sizeof (PClassInfoType));
return kResultOk;
return kInvalidArgument;
} // juce namespace
#ifndef JucePlugin_Vst3ComponentFlags
#if JucePlugin_IsSynth
#define JucePlugin_Vst3ComponentFlags Vst::kSimpleModeSupported
#define JucePlugin_Vst3ComponentFlags 0
#ifndef JucePlugin_Vst3Category
#if JucePlugin_IsSynth
#define JucePlugin_Vst3Category Vst::PlugType::kInstrumentSynth
#define JucePlugin_Vst3Category Vst::PlugType::kFx
using namespace juce;
// The VST3 plugin entry point.
PluginHostType::jucePlugInClientCurrentWrapperType = AudioProcessor::wrapperType_VST3;
// Cunning trick to force this function to be exported. Life's too short to
// faff around creating .def files for this kind of thing.
#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:" __FUNCTION__ "=" __FUNCDNAME__)
if (globalFactory == nullptr)
globalFactory = new JucePluginFactory();
static const PClassInfo2 componentClass (JuceVST3Component::iid,
globalFactory->registerClass (componentClass, createComponentInstance);
static const PClassInfo2 controllerClass (JuceVST3EditController::iid,
globalFactory->registerClass (controllerClass, createControllerInstance);
return dynamic_cast<IPluginFactory*> (globalFactory);
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE instance, DWORD reason, LPVOID) { if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) Process::setCurrentModuleInstanceHandle (instance); return true; }
#endif //JucePlugin_Build_VST3