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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd.
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
this permission notice appear in all copies.
namespace juce
namespace BlocksProtocol
/** This value is incremented when the format of the API changes in a way which
breaks compatibility.
static constexpr uint32 currentProtocolVersion = 1;
using ProtocolVersion = IntegerWithBitSize<8>;
/** A timestamp for a packet, in milliseconds since device boot-up */
using PacketTimestamp = IntegerWithBitSize<32>;
/** This relative timestamp is for use inside a packet, and it represents a
number of milliseconds that should be added to the packet's timestamp.
using PacketTimestampOffset = IntegerWithBitSize<5>;
/** Messages that a device may send to the host. */
enum class MessageFromDevice
deviceTopology = 0x01,
packetACK = 0x02,
firmwareUpdateACK = 0x03,
deviceTopologyExtend = 0x04,
deviceTopologyEnd = 0x05,
deviceVersionList = 0x06,
deviceNameList = 0x07,
touchStart = 0x10,
touchMove = 0x11,
touchEnd = 0x12,
touchStartWithVelocity = 0x13,
touchMoveWithVelocity = 0x14,
touchEndWithVelocity = 0x15,
configMessage = 0x18,
controlButtonDown = 0x20,
controlButtonUp = 0x21,
programEventMessage = 0x28,
logMessage = 0x30
/** Messages that the host may send to a device. */
enum class MessageFromHost
deviceCommandMessage = 0x01,
sharedDataChange = 0x02,
programEventMessage = 0x03,
firmwareUpdatePacket = 0x04,
configMessage = 0x10,
factoryReset = 0x11,
blockReset = 0x12,
setName = 0x20
/** This is the first item in a BLOCKS message, identifying the message type. */
using MessageType = IntegerWithBitSize<7>;
/** This is a type of index identifier used to refer to a block within a group.
It refers to the index of a device in the list of devices that was most recently
sent via a topology change message
(It's not a global UID for a block unit).
NB: to send a message to all devices, pass the getDeviceIndexForBroadcast() value.
using TopologyIndex = uint8;
static constexpr int topologyIndexBits = 7;
/** Use this value as the index if you want a message to be sent to all devices in
the group.
static constexpr TopologyIndex topologyIndexForBroadcast = 63;
using DeviceCount = IntegerWithBitSize<7>;
using ConnectionCount = IntegerWithBitSize<8>;
/** Battery charge level. */
using BatteryLevel = IntegerWithBitSize<5>;
/** Battery charger connection flag. */
using BatteryCharging = IntegerWithBitSize<1>;
/** ConnectorPort is an index, starting at 0 for the leftmost port on the
top edge, and going clockwise.
using ConnectorPort = IntegerWithBitSize<5>;
/** Structure describing a block's serial number
struct BlockSerialNumber
uint8 serial[16];
bool isValid() const noexcept
for (auto c : serial)
if (c == 0)
return false;
return isAnyControlBlock() || isPadBlock() || isSeaboardBlock();
bool isPadBlock() const noexcept { return hasPrefix ("LPB") || hasPrefix ("LPM"); }
bool isLiveBlock() const noexcept { return hasPrefix ("LIC"); }
bool isLoopBlock() const noexcept { return hasPrefix ("LOC"); }
bool isDevCtrlBlock() const noexcept { return hasPrefix ("DCB"); }
bool isTouchBlock() const noexcept { return hasPrefix ("TCB"); }
bool isSeaboardBlock() const noexcept { return hasPrefix ("SBB"); }
bool isAnyControlBlock() const noexcept { return isLiveBlock() || isLoopBlock() || isDevCtrlBlock() || isTouchBlock(); }
bool hasPrefix (const char* prefix) const noexcept { return memcmp (serial, prefix, 3) == 0; }
/** Structure for the version number
struct VersionNumber
uint8 version[21] = {};
uint8 length = 0;
/** Structure for the block name
struct BlockName
uint8 name[33] = {};
uint8 length = 0;
/** Structure for the device status
struct DeviceStatus
BlockSerialNumber serialNumber;
TopologyIndex index;
BatteryLevel batteryLevel;
BatteryCharging batteryCharging;
/** Structure for the device connection
struct DeviceConnection
TopologyIndex device1, device2;
ConnectorPort port1, port2;
/** Structure for the device version
struct DeviceVersion
TopologyIndex index;
VersionNumber version;
/** Structure used for the device name
struct DeviceName
TopologyIndex index;
BlockName name;
static constexpr uint8 maxBlocksInTopologyPacket = 6;
static constexpr uint8 maxConnectionsInTopologyPacket = 24;
/** Configuration Item Identifiers. */
enum ConfigItemId
midiStartChannel = 0,
midiEndChannel = 1,
midiUseMPE = 2,
pitchBendRange = 3,
octave = 4,
transpose = 5,
slideCC = 6,
slideMode = 7,
octaveTopology = 8,
// Touch
velocitySensitivity = 10,
glideSensitivity = 11,
slideSensitivity = 12,
pressureSensitivity = 13,
liftSensitivity = 14,
fixedVelocity = 15,
fixedVelocityValue = 16,
pianoMode = 17,
glideLock = 18,
glideLockEnable = 19,
// Live
mode = 20,
volume = 21,
scale = 22,
hideMode = 23,
chord = 24,
arpPattern = 25,
tempo = 26,
// Tracking
xTrackingMode = 30,
yTrackingMode = 31,
zTrackingMode = 32,
// Graphics
gammaCorrection = 33,
// User
user0 = 64,
user1 = 65,
user2 = 66,
user3 = 67,
user4 = 68,
user5 = 69,
user6 = 70,
user7 = 71,
user8 = 72,
user9 = 73,
user10 = 74,
user11 = 75,
user12 = 76,
user13 = 77,
user14 = 78,
user15 = 79,
user16 = 80,
user17 = 81,
user18 = 82,
user19 = 83,
user20 = 84,
user21 = 85,
user22 = 86,
user23 = 87,
user24 = 88,
user25 = 89,
user26 = 90,
user27 = 91,
user28 = 92,
user29 = 93,
user30 = 94,
user31 = 95
static constexpr uint8 numberOfUserConfigs = 32;
static constexpr uint8 maxConfigIndex = uint8 (ConfigItemId::user0) + numberOfUserConfigs;
static constexpr uint8 configUserConfigNameLength = 32;
static constexpr uint8 configMaxOptions = 8;
static constexpr uint8 configOptionNameLength = 16;
/** The coordinates of a touch.
struct TouchPosition
using Xcoord = IntegerWithBitSize<12>;
using Ycoord = IntegerWithBitSize<12>;
using Zcoord = IntegerWithBitSize<8>;
Xcoord x;
Ycoord y;
Zcoord z;
enum { bits = Xcoord::bits + Ycoord::bits + Zcoord::bits };
/** The velocities for each dimension of a touch.
struct TouchVelocity
using VXcoord = IntegerWithBitSize<8>;
using VYcoord = IntegerWithBitSize<8>;
using VZcoord = IntegerWithBitSize<8>;
VXcoord vx;
VYcoord vy;
VZcoord vz;
enum { bits = VXcoord::bits + VYcoord::bits + VZcoord::bits };
/** The index of a touch, i.e. finger number. */
using TouchIndex = IntegerWithBitSize<5>;
using PacketCounter = IntegerWithBitSize<10>;
enum DeviceCommands
beginAPIMode = 0x00,
requestTopologyMessage = 0x01,
endAPIMode = 0x02,
ping = 0x03,
debugMode = 0x04,
saveProgramAsDefault = 0x05
using DeviceCommand = IntegerWithBitSize<9>;
enum ConfigCommands
setConfig = 0x00,
requestConfig = 0x01, // Request a config update
requestFactorySync = 0x02, // Requests all active factory config data
requestUserSync = 0x03, // Requests all active user config data
updateConfig = 0x04, // Set value, min and max
updateUserConfig = 0x05, // As above but contains user config metadata
setConfigState = 0x06, // Set config activation state and whether it is saved in flash
factorySyncEnd = 0x07,
clusterConfigSync = 0x08
using ConfigCommand = IntegerWithBitSize<4>;
using ConfigItemIndex = IntegerWithBitSize<8>;
using ConfigItemValue = IntegerWithBitSize<32>;
/** An ID for a control-block button type */
using ControlButtonID = IntegerWithBitSize<12>;
using RotaryDialIndex = IntegerWithBitSize<7>;
using RotaryDialAngle = IntegerWithBitSize<14>;
using RotaryDialDelta = IntegerWithBitSize<14>;
enum DataChangeCommands
endOfPacket = 0,
endOfChanges = 1,
skipBytesFew = 2,
skipBytesMany = 3,
setSequenceOfBytes = 4,
setFewBytesWithValue = 5,
setFewBytesWithLastValue = 6,
setManyBytesWithValue = 7
using PacketIndex = IntegerWithBitSize<16>;
using DataChangeCommand = IntegerWithBitSize<3>;
using ByteCountFew = IntegerWithBitSize<4>;
using ByteCountMany = IntegerWithBitSize<8>;
using ByteValue = IntegerWithBitSize<8>;
using ByteSequenceContinues = IntegerWithBitSize<1>;
using FirmwareUpdateACKCode = IntegerWithBitSize<7>;
using FirmwareUpdateACKDetail = IntegerWithBitSize<32>;
using FirmwareUpdatePacketSize = IntegerWithBitSize<7>;
static constexpr uint32 numProgramMessageInts = 3;
static constexpr uint32 apiModeHostPingTimeoutMs = 5000;
static constexpr uint32 padBlockProgramAndHeapSize = 7200;
static constexpr uint32 padBlockStackSize = 800;
static constexpr uint32 controlBlockProgramAndHeapSize = 3000;
static constexpr uint32 controlBlockStackSize = 800;
/** Contains the number of bits required to encode various items in the packets */
enum BitSizes
topologyMessageHeader = MessageType::bits + ProtocolVersion::bits + DeviceCount::bits + ConnectionCount::bits,
topologyDeviceInfo = sizeof (BlockSerialNumber) * 7 + BatteryLevel::bits + BatteryCharging::bits,
topologyConnectionInfo = topologyIndexBits + ConnectorPort::bits + topologyIndexBits + ConnectorPort::bits,
typeDeviceAndTime = MessageType::bits + PacketTimestampOffset::bits,
touchMessage = typeDeviceAndTime + TouchIndex::bits + TouchPosition::bits,
touchMessageWithVelocity = touchMessage + TouchVelocity::bits,
programEventMessage = MessageType::bits + 32 * numProgramMessageInts,
packetACK = MessageType::bits + PacketCounter::bits,
firmwareUpdateACK = MessageType::bits + FirmwareUpdateACKCode::bits + FirmwareUpdateACKDetail::bits,
controlButtonMessage = typeDeviceAndTime + ControlButtonID::bits,
configSetMessage = MessageType::bits + ConfigCommand::bits + ConfigItemIndex::bits + ConfigItemValue::bits,
configRespMessage = MessageType::bits + ConfigCommand::bits + ConfigItemIndex::bits + (ConfigItemValue::bits * 3),
configSyncEndMessage = MessageType::bits + ConfigCommand::bits,
// These are the littlefoot functions provided for use in BLOCKS programs
static constexpr const char* ledProgramLittleFootFunctions[] =
} // namespace BlocksProtocol
} // namespace juce