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2024-07-02 23:47:26 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# - discover, read, and write dependencies file for make.
# The format like the output from "g++ -MM" which produces a
# list of header (.h) files used by source files (.cxx).
# As a module, provides
# FindPathToHeader(header, includePath) -> path
# FindHeadersInFile(filePath) -> [headers]
# FindHeadersInFileRecursive(filePath, includePath, renames) -> [paths]
# FindDependencies(sourceGlobs, includePath, objExt, startDirectory, renames) -> [dependencies]
# ExtractDependencies(input) -> [dependencies]
# TextFromDependencies(dependencies)
# WriteDependencies(output, dependencies)
# UpdateDependencies(filepath, dependencies)
# PathStem(p) -> stem
# InsertSynonym(dependencies, current, additional) -> [dependencies]
# If run as a script reads from stdin and writes to stdout.
# Only tested with ASCII file names.
# Copyright 2019 by Neil Hodgson <>
# The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
# Requires Python 2.7 or later
import codecs, glob, os, sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
import FileGenerator
from . import FileGenerator
continuationLineEnd = " \\"
def FindPathToHeader(header, includePath):
for incDir in includePath:
relPath = os.path.join(incDir, header)
if os.path.exists(relPath):
return relPath
return ""
fhifCache = {} # Remember the includes in each file. ~5x speed up.
def FindHeadersInFile(filePath):
if filePath not in fhifCache:
headers = []
with, "r", "utf-8") as f:
for line in f:
if line.strip().startswith("#include"):
parts = line.split()
if len(parts) > 1:
header = parts[1]
if header[0] != '<': # No system headers
fhifCache[filePath] = headers
return fhifCache[filePath]
def FindHeadersInFileRecursive(filePath, includePath, renames):
headerPaths = []
for header in FindHeadersInFile(filePath):
if header in renames:
header = renames[header]
relPath = FindPathToHeader(header, includePath)
if relPath and relPath not in headerPaths:
subHeaders = FindHeadersInFileRecursive(relPath, includePath, renames)
headerPaths.extend(sh for sh in subHeaders if sh not in headerPaths)
return headerPaths
def RemoveStart(relPath, start):
if relPath.startswith(start):
return relPath[len(start):]
return relPath
def ciKey(f):
return f.lower()
def FindDependencies(sourceGlobs, includePath, objExt, startDirectory, renames={}):
deps = []
for sourceGlob in sourceGlobs:
sourceFiles = glob.glob(sourceGlob)
# Sorting the files minimizes deltas as order returned by OS may be arbitrary
for sourceName in sourceFiles:
objName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sourceName))[0]+objExt
headerPaths = FindHeadersInFileRecursive(sourceName, includePath, renames)
depsForSource = [sourceName] + headerPaths
depsToAppend = [RemoveStart(fn.replace("\\", "/"), startDirectory) for
fn in depsForSource]
deps.append([objName, depsToAppend])
return deps
def PathStem(p):
""" Return the stem of a filename: "CallTip.o" -> "CallTip" """
return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(p))[0]
def InsertSynonym(dependencies, current, additional):
""" Insert a copy of one object file with dependencies under a different name.
Used when one source file is used to create two object files with different
preprocessor definitions. """
result = []
for dep in dependencies:
if (dep[0] == current):
depAdd = [additional, dep[1]]
return result
def ExtractDependencies(input):
""" Create a list of dependencies from input list of lines
Each element contains the name of the object and a list of
files that it depends on.
Dependencies that contain "/usr/" are removed as they are system headers. """
deps = []
for line in input:
headersLine = line.startswith(" ") or line.startswith("\t")
line = line.strip()
line = line.rstrip("\\ ")
fileNames = line.strip().split(" ")
if not headersLine:
# its a source file line, there may be headers too
sourceLine = fileNames[0].rstrip(":")
fileNames = fileNames[1:]
deps.append([sourceLine, []])
deps[-1][1].extend(header for header in fileNames if "/usr/" not in header)
return deps
def TextFromDependencies(dependencies):
""" Convert a list of dependencies to text. """
text = ""
indentHeaders = "\t"
joinHeaders = continuationLineEnd + os.linesep + indentHeaders
for dep in dependencies:
object, headers = dep
text += object + ":"
for header in headers:
text += joinHeaders
text += header
if headers:
text += os.linesep
return text
def UpdateDependencies(filepath, dependencies, comment=""):
""" Write a dependencies file if different from dependencies. """
FileGenerator.UpdateFile(os.path.abspath(filepath), comment.rstrip() + os.linesep +
def WriteDependencies(output, dependencies):
""" Write a list of dependencies out to a stream. """
if __name__ == "__main__":
""" Act as a filter that reformats input dependencies to one per line. """
inputLines = sys.stdin.readlines()
deps = ExtractDependencies(inputLines)
WriteDependencies(sys.stdout, deps)