494 lines
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494 lines
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/** @file testSparseVector.cxx
** Unit Tests for Scintilla internal data structures
#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include "Debugging.h"
#include "Position.h"
#include "UniqueString.h"
#include "SplitVector.h"
#include "Partitioning.h"
#include "SparseVector.h"
#include "catch.hpp"
using namespace Scintilla::Internal;
// Test SparseVector.
using UniqueInt = std::unique_ptr<int>;
TEST_CASE("CompileCopying SparseVector") {
// These are compile-time tests to check that basic copy and move
// operations are defined correctly.
SECTION("CopyingMoving") {
SparseVector<int> s;
SparseVector<int> s2;
// Copy constructor
const SparseVector<int> sa(s);
// Copy assignment
SparseVector<int> sb;
sb = s;
// Move constructor
const SparseVector<int> sc(std::move(s));
// Move assignment
SparseVector<int> sd;
sd = (std::move(s2));
SECTION("MoveOnly") {
SparseVector<UniqueInt> s;
// Copy is not defined for std::unique_ptr
// Copy constructor fails
SparseVector<UniqueInt> sa(s);
// Copy assignment fails
SparseVector<UniqueInt> sb;
sb = s;
// Move constructor
const SparseVector<UniqueInt> sc(std::move(s));
// Move assignment
SparseVector<UniqueInt> s2;
SparseVector<UniqueInt> sd;
sd = (std::move(s2));
namespace {
// Helper to produce a string representation of a SparseVector<const char *>
// to simplify checks.
std::string Representation(const SparseVector<UniqueString> &st) {
std::string ret;
for (int i = 0;i <= st.Length();i++) {
const char *value = st.ValueAt(i).get();
if (value && *value)
ret += value;
ret += "-";
return ret;
TEST_CASE("SparseVector") {
SparseVector<UniqueString> st;
SECTION("IsEmptyInitially") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(0 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("-" == Representation(st));
SECTION("InsertSpace") {
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(static_cast<const char *>(nullptr) == st.ValueAt(0).get());
REQUIRE(static_cast<const char *>(nullptr) == st.ValueAt(1).get());
REQUIRE(static_cast<const char *>(nullptr) == st.ValueAt(4).get());
SECTION("InsertValue") {
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
st.SetValueAt(3, UniqueStringCopy("3"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("---3--" == Representation(st));
SECTION("InsertAndChangeAndDeleteValue") {
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
REQUIRE(5 == st.Length());
st.SetValueAt(3, UniqueStringCopy("3"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
st.SetValueAt(3, UniqueStringCopy("4"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(4 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("-----" == Representation(st));
SECTION("InsertAndDeleteAtStart") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
st.SetValueAt(0, UniqueStringCopy("3"));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("3-----" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("-----" == Representation(st));
st.SetValueAt(0, UniqueStringCopy("4"));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("4----" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("----" == Representation(st));
st.SetValueAt(0, UniqueStringCopy("4"));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("4---" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("---" == Representation(st));
SECTION("InsertStringAtStartThenInsertSpaceAtStart") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
st.SetValueAt(0, UniqueStringCopy("3"));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("3-----" == Representation(st));
st.InsertSpace(0, 1);
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("-3-----" == Representation(st));
SECTION("InsertSpaceAfterStart") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
st.SetValueAt(1, UniqueStringCopy("1"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("-1----" == Representation(st));
st.InsertSpace(1, 1);
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("--1----" == Representation(st));
SECTION("InsertStringAt1ThenInsertLettersAt1") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
st.SetValueAt(1, UniqueStringCopy("9"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("-9----" == Representation(st));
st.InsertSpace(0, 1);
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("--9----" == Representation(st));
// Initial st has allocation of 9 values so this should cause reallocation
const std::string letters("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"); // 16 letters
for (const char letter : letters) {
const char sLetter[] = { letter, 0 };
st.InsertSpace(0, 1);
st.SetValueAt(1, UniqueStringCopy(sLetter));
REQUIRE("-PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA-9----" == Representation(st));
SECTION("InsertAndDeleteAtEnd") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
st.SetValueAt(4, UniqueStringCopy("5"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("----5-" == Representation(st));
st.SetValueAt(5, UniqueStringCopy("6"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("----56" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("----6" == Representation(st));
st.SetValueAt(4, UniqueStringCopy("7"));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("----7" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
st.SetValueAt(4, UniqueStringCopy("5"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("----5-" == Representation(st));
st.SetValueAt(4, nullptr);
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("------" == Representation(st));
st.SetValueAt(5, nullptr);
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("------" == Representation(st));
SECTION("CheckDeletionLeavesOrdered") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 1);
st.SetValueAt(0, UniqueStringCopy("1"));
REQUIRE("1-" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(1, 1);
st.SetValueAt(1, UniqueStringCopy("2"));
REQUIRE("12-" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE("2-" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("-" == Representation(st));
SECTION("DeleteAll") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 10);
st.SetValueAt(9, UniqueStringCopy("9"));
st.SetValueAt(7, UniqueStringCopy("7"));
st.SetValueAt(4, UniqueStringCopy("4"));
st.SetValueAt(3, UniqueStringCopy("3"));
REQUIRE(5 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("---34--7-9-" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("-" == Representation(st));
SECTION("DeleteStarting") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 2);
st.SetValueAt(0, UniqueStringCopy("1"));
st.SetValueAt(1, UniqueStringCopy("2"));
REQUIRE("12-" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE("2-" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE("-" == Representation(st));
SECTION("DeleteRange") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 10);
st.SetValueAt(9, UniqueStringCopy("9"));
st.SetValueAt(7, UniqueStringCopy("7"));
st.SetValueAt(4, UniqueStringCopy("4"));
st.SetValueAt(3, UniqueStringCopy("3"));
REQUIRE(5 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(10 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("---34--7-9-" == Representation(st));
// Delete in space
st.DeleteRange(1, 1);
REQUIRE(5 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(9 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("--34--7-9-" == Representation(st));
// Delete 2 values
st.DeleteRange(3, 4);
REQUIRE(3 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(5 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("--3-9-" == Representation(st));
// Deletion at start
st.DeleteRange(0, 1);
REQUIRE(3 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(4 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("-3-9-" == Representation(st));
SECTION("DeleteRangeAtEnds") {
// There are always elements at start and end although they can be nulled
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 4);
REQUIRE(4 == st.Length());
st.SetValueAt(1, UniqueStringCopy("3"));
st.SetValueAt(4, UniqueStringCopy("9"));
REQUIRE("-3--9" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
// Empty deletion at end -> no effect
st.DeleteRange(4, 0);
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(4 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("-3--9" == Representation(st));
// Delete value at start
st.InsertSpace(0, 1);
st.SetValueAt(0, UniqueStringCopy("0"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(5 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("0-3--9" == Representation(st));
st.DeleteRange(0, 1);
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(4 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("03--9" == Representation(st));
// Empty deletion at start -> no effect
st.InsertSpace(0, 1);
st.SetValueAt(0, UniqueStringCopy("1"));
REQUIRE(3 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(5 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("103--9" == Representation(st));
st.DeleteRange(0, 0);
REQUIRE(3 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(5 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("103--9" == Representation(st));
SECTION("DeleteStartingRange") {
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
st.InsertSpace(0, 2);
st.SetValueAt(0, UniqueStringCopy("1"));
st.SetValueAt(1, UniqueStringCopy("2"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("12-" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("2-" == Representation(st));
REQUIRE(0 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("-" == Representation(st));
st.InsertSpace(0, 2);
st.SetValueAt(1, UniqueStringCopy("1"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("-1-" == Representation(st));
st.DeleteRange(0, 2);
REQUIRE("-" == Representation(st));
st.InsertSpace(0, 4);
st.SetValueAt(1, UniqueStringCopy("1"));
st.SetValueAt(3, UniqueStringCopy("3"));
REQUIRE(4 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("-1-3-" == Representation(st));
st.DeleteRange(0, 3);
REQUIRE("3-" == Representation(st));
st.DeleteRange(0, 1);
REQUIRE("-" == Representation(st));
st.InsertSpace(0, 4);
st.SetValueAt(1, UniqueStringCopy("1"));
st.SetValueAt(4, UniqueStringCopy("4"));
st.SetValueAt(3, UniqueStringCopy("3"));
REQUIRE("-1-34" == Representation(st));
st.DeleteRange(1, 3);
REQUIRE("-4" == Representation(st));
st.InsertSpace(1, 3);
REQUIRE("----4" == Representation(st));
st.SetValueAt(4, UniqueStringCopy("4"));
st.SetValueAt(3, UniqueStringCopy("3"));
REQUIRE("---34" == Representation(st));
st.DeleteRange(1, 3);
REQUIRE("-4" == Representation(st));
TEST_CASE("SparseTextInt") {
SparseVector<int> st;
SECTION("InsertAndDeleteValue") {
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
st.SetValueAt(3, 3);
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(1));
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(2));
REQUIRE(3 == st.ValueAt(3));
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(4));
st.SetValueAt(3, -3);
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(1));
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(2));
REQUIRE(-3 == st.ValueAt(3));
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(4));
st.SetValueAt(3, 0);
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(1));
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(2));
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(3));
REQUIRE(0 == st.ValueAt(4));
SECTION("IndexAfter") {
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(0 == st.IndexAfter(-1));
REQUIRE(0 == st.PositionOfElement(0));
REQUIRE(1 == st.IndexAfter(0));
REQUIRE(5 == st.PositionOfElement(1));
st.SetValueAt(3, 3);
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(0 == st.IndexAfter(-1));
REQUIRE(0 == st.PositionOfElement(0));
REQUIRE(1 == st.IndexAfter(0));
REQUIRE(3 == st.PositionOfElement(1));
REQUIRE(2 == st.IndexAfter(3));
REQUIRE(5 == st.PositionOfElement(2));
REQUIRE(2 == st.IndexAfter(4));
SECTION("PositionNext") {
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(5 == st.PositionNext(-1));
REQUIRE(5 == st.PositionNext(0));
REQUIRE(6 == st.PositionNext(5));
st.SetValueAt(3, 3);
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(3 == st.PositionNext(-1));
REQUIRE(3 == st.PositionNext(0));
REQUIRE(5 == st.PositionNext(3));
REQUIRE(6 == st.PositionNext(5));
TEST_CASE("SparseTextString") {
SparseVector<std::string> st;
SECTION("InsertAndDeleteValue") {
st.InsertSpace(0, 5);
REQUIRE(5 == st.Length());
st.SetValueAt(3, std::string("3"));
REQUIRE(2 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE("" == st.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE("" == st.ValueAt(2));
REQUIRE("3" == st.ValueAt(3));
REQUIRE("" == st.ValueAt(4));
REQUIRE(4 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("3" == st.ValueAt(2));
REQUIRE(1 == st.Elements());
REQUIRE(3 == st.Length());
REQUIRE("" == st.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE("" == st.ValueAt(1));
REQUIRE("" == st.ValueAt(2));
SECTION("SetAndMoveString") {
st.InsertSpace(0, 2);
REQUIRE(2u == st.Length());
const std::string s24("24");
st.SetValueAt(0, s24);
REQUIRE("24" == s24); // Not moved from
REQUIRE("" == st.ValueAt(-1));
REQUIRE("24" == st.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE("" == st.ValueAt(1));
std::string s25("25");
st.SetValueAt(1, std::move(s25));
// Deliberate check of moved from: provokes warning from Visual C++ code analysis
REQUIRE("" == s25);
REQUIRE("25" == st.ValueAt(1));