#!/usr/bin/env python3 # LexillaData.py - implemented 2013 by Neil Hodgson neilh@scintilla.org # Released to the public domain. # Requires FileGenerator from Scintilla so scintilla must be a peer directory of lexilla. """ Common code used by Lexilla and SciTE for source file regeneration. """ # The LexillaData object exposes information about Lexilla as properties: # Version properties # version # versionDotted # versionCommad # # Date last modified # dateModified # yearModified # mdyModified # dmyModified # myModified # # Information about lexers and properties defined in lexers # lexFiles # sorted list of lexer file stems like LexAbaqus # lexerModules # sorted list of module names like lmAbaqus # lexerProperties # sorted list of lexer properties like lexer.bash.command.substitution # propertyDocuments # dictionary of property documentation { name: document string } # like lexer.bash.special.parameter: Set shell (default is Bash) special parameters. # sclexFromName # dictionary of SCLEX_* IDs { name: SCLEX_ID } like ave: SCLEX_AVE # fileFromSclex # dictionary of file names { SCLEX_ID: file name } like SCLEX_AU3: LexAU3.cxx # lexersXcode # dictionary of project file UUIDs { file name: [build UUID, file UUID] } # like LexTCL: [28BA733B24E34D9700272C2D,28BA72C924E34D9100272C2D] # credits # list of names of contributors like Atsuo Ishimoto # This file can be run to see the data it provides. # Requires Python 3.6 or later import datetime, pathlib, sys, textwrap neutralEncoding = "iso-8859-1" # Each byte value is valid in iso-8859-1 def ReadFileAsList(path): """Read all the lnes in the file and return as a list of strings without line ends. """ with path.open(encoding="utf-8") as f: return [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f] def FindModules(lexFile): """ Return a list of modules found within a lexer implementation file. """ modules = [] partLine = "" with lexFile.open(encoding=neutralEncoding) as f: lineNum = 0 for line in f.readlines(): lineNum += 1 line = line.rstrip() if partLine or line.startswith("extern const LexerModule"): if ")" in line: line = partLine + line original = line line = line.replace("(", " ") line = line.replace(")", " ") line = line.replace(",", " ") parts = line.split()[2:] lexerName = parts[4] if not (lexerName.startswith('"') and lexerName.endswith('"')): print(f"{lexFile}:{lineNum}: Bad LexerModule statement:\n{original}") sys.exit(1) lexerName = lexerName.strip('"') modules.append([parts[1], parts[2], lexerName]) partLine = "" else: partLine = partLine + line return modules def FindSectionInList(lines, markers): """Find a section defined by an initial start marker, an optional secondary marker and an end marker. The section is between the secondary/initial start and the end. Report as a slice object so the section can be extracted or replaced. Raises an exception if the markers can't be found. Currently only used for Xcode project files. """ start = -1 end = -1 state = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if markers[0] in line: if markers[1]: state = 1 else: start = i+1 state = 2 elif state == 1: if markers[1] in line: start = i+1 state = 2 elif state == 2: if markers[2] in line: end = i state = 3 # Check that section was found if start == -1: raise ValueError("Could not find start marker(s) |" + markers[0] + "|" + markers[1] + "|") if end == -1: raise ValueError("Could not find end marker " + markers[2]) return slice(start, end) def FindLexersInXcode(xCodeProject): """ Return a dictionary { file name: [build UUID, file UUID] } of lexers in Xcode project. """ lines = ReadFileAsList(xCodeProject) # PBXBuildFile section is a list of all buildable files in the project so extract the file # basename and its build and file IDs uidsOfBuild = {} markersPBXBuildFile = ["Begin PBXBuildFile section", "", "End PBXBuildFile section"] for buildLine in lines[FindSectionInList(lines, markersPBXBuildFile)]: # Occurs for each file in the build. Find the UIDs used for the file. #\t\t[0-9A-F]+ /* [a-zA-Z]+.cxx in sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = [0-9A-F]+ /* [a-zA-Z]+ */; }; pieces = buildLine.split() uid1 = pieces[0] filename = pieces[2].split(".")[0] uid2 = pieces[12] uidsOfBuild[filename] = [uid1, uid2] # PBXGroup section contains the folders (Lexilla, Lexers, LexLib, ...) so is used to find the lexers lexers = {} markersLexers = ["/* Lexers */ =", "children", ");"] for lexerLine in lines[FindSectionInList(lines, markersLexers)]: #\t\t\t\t[0-9A-F]+ /* [a-zA-Z]+.cxx */, uid, _, rest = lexerLine.partition("/* ") uid = uid.strip() lexer, _, _ = rest.partition(".") lexers[lexer] = uidsOfBuild[lexer] return lexers # Properties that start with lexer. or fold. are automatically found but there are some # older properties that don't follow this pattern so must be explicitly listed. knownIrregularProperties = [ "fold", "styling.within.preprocessor", "tab.timmy.whinge.level", "asp.default.language", "html.tags.case.sensitive", "ps.level", "ps.tokenize", "sql.backslash.escapes", "nsis.uservars", "nsis.ignorecase" ] def FindProperties(lexFile): """ Return a set of property names in a lexer implementation file. """ properties = set() with open(lexFile, encoding=neutralEncoding) as f: for s in f.readlines(): if ("GetProperty" in s or "DefineProperty" in s) and "\"" in s: s = s.strip() if not s.startswith("//"): # Drop comments propertyName = s.split("\"")[1] if propertyName.lower() == propertyName: # Only allow lower case property names if propertyName in knownIrregularProperties or \ propertyName.startswith("fold.") or \ propertyName.startswith("lexer."): properties.add(propertyName) return properties def FindPropertyDocumentation(lexFile): """ Return a dictionary { name: document string } of property documentation in a lexer. """ documents = {} with lexFile.open(encoding=neutralEncoding) as f: name = "" for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if "// property " in line: propertyName = line.split()[2] if propertyName.lower() == propertyName: # Only allow lower case property names name = propertyName documents[name] = "" elif "DefineProperty" in line and "\"" in line: propertyName = line.split("\"")[1] if propertyName.lower() == propertyName: # Only allow lower case property names name = propertyName documents[name] = "" elif name: if line.startswith("//"): if documents[name]: documents[name] += " " documents[name] += line[2:].strip() elif line.startswith("\""): line = line[1:].strip() if line.endswith(";"): line = line[:-1].strip() if line.endswith(")"): line = line[:-1].strip() if line.endswith("\""): line = line[:-1] # Fix escaped double quotes line = line.replace("\\\"", "\"") documents[name] += line else: name = "" for name in list(documents.keys()): if documents[name] == "": del documents[name] return documents def FindCredits(historyFile): """ Return a list of contributors in a history file. """ creditList = [] stage = 0 with historyFile.open(encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if stage == 0 and line == "": stage = 1 elif stage == 1 and line == "
": stage = 2 if stage == 1 and line.startswith(""): credit = line[4:-5] if "") name = end.split("<")[0] url = urlplus[1:-1] credit = title.strip() if credit: credit += " " credit += name + " " + url creditList.append(credit) return creditList def ciKey(a): """ Return a string lowered to be used when sorting. """ return str(a).lower() def SortListInsensitive(l): """ Sort a list of strings case insensitively. """ l.sort(key=ciKey) class LexillaData: """ Expose information about Lexilla as properties. """ def __init__(self, scintillaRoot): # Discover version information self.version = (scintillaRoot / "version.txt").read_text().strip() self.versionDotted = self.version[0:-2] + '.' + self.version[-2] + '.' + \ self.version[-1] self.versionCommad = self.versionDotted.replace(".", ", ") + ', 0' with (scintillaRoot / "doc" / "Lexilla.html").open() as f: self.dateModified = [d for d in f.readlines() if "Date.Modified" in d]\ [0].split('\"')[3] # 20130602 # Lexilla.html dtModified = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.dateModified, "%Y%m%d") self.yearModified = self.dateModified[0:4] monthModified = dtModified.strftime("%B") dayModified = f"{dtModified.day}" self.mdyModified = monthModified + " " + dayModified + " " + self.yearModified # May 22 2013 # Lexilla.html, SciTE.html self.dmyModified = dayModified + " " + monthModified + " " + self.yearModified # 22 May 2013 # LexillaHistory.html -- only first should change self.myModified = monthModified + " " + self.yearModified # Find all the lexer source code files lexFilePaths = list((scintillaRoot / "lexers").glob("Lex*.cxx")) SortListInsensitive(lexFilePaths) self.lexFiles = [f.stem for f in lexFilePaths] self.lexerModules = [] lexerProperties = set() self.propertyDocuments = {} self.sclexFromName = {} self.fileFromSclex = {} for lexFile in lexFilePaths: modules = FindModules(lexFile) for module in modules: self.sclexFromName[module[2]] = module[1] self.fileFromSclex[module[1]] = lexFile self.lexerModules.append(module[0]) for prop in FindProperties(lexFile): lexerProperties.add(prop) documents = FindPropertyDocumentation(lexFile) for prop, doc in documents.items(): if prop not in self.propertyDocuments: self.propertyDocuments[prop] = doc SortListInsensitive(self.lexerModules) self.lexerProperties = list(lexerProperties) SortListInsensitive(self.lexerProperties) self.lexersXcode = FindLexersInXcode(scintillaRoot / "src/Lexilla/Lexilla.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj") self.credits = FindCredits(scintillaRoot / "doc" / "LexillaHistory.html") def printWrapped(text): """ Print string wrapped with subsequent lines indented. """ print(textwrap.fill(text, subsequent_indent=" ")) if __name__=="__main__": sci = LexillaData(pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent) print(f"Version {sci.version} {sci.versionDotted} {sci.versionCommad}") print(f"Date last modified {sci.dateModified} {sci.yearModified} {sci.mdyModified}" f" {sci.dmyModified} {sci.myModified}") printWrapped(str(len(sci.lexFiles)) + " lexer files: " + ", ".join(sci.lexFiles)) printWrapped(str(len(sci.lexerModules)) + " lexer modules: " + ", ".join(sci.lexerModules)) #~ printWrapped(str(len(sci.lexersXcode)) + " Xcode lexer references: " + ", ".join( #~ [lex+":"+uids[0]+","+uids[1] for lex, uids in sci.lexersXcode.items()])) print("Lexer name to ID:") lexNames = sorted(sci.sclexFromName.keys()) for lexName in lexNames: sclex = sci.sclexFromName[lexName] fileName = sci.fileFromSclex[sclex].name print(" " + lexName + " -> " + sclex + " in " + fileName) printWrapped("Lexer properties: " + ", ".join(sci.lexerProperties)) print("Lexer property documentation:") documentProperties = list(sci.propertyDocuments.keys()) SortListInsensitive(documentProperties) for k in documentProperties: print(" " + k) print(textwrap.fill(sci.propertyDocuments[k], initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ")) print("Credits:") for c in sci.credits: sys.stdout.buffer.write(b" " + c.encode("utf-8") + b"\n")