/** @file testWordList.cxx ** Unit Tests for Lexilla internal data structures ** Tests WordList, WordClassifier, and SubStyles **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "WordList.h" #include "CharacterSet.h" #include "SubStyles.h" #include "catch.hpp" using namespace Lexilla; // Test WordList. TEST_CASE("WordList") { WordList wl; SECTION("IsEmptyInitially") { REQUIRE(0 == wl.Length()); REQUIRE(!wl.InList("struct")); } SECTION("InList") { wl.Set("else struct"); REQUIRE(2 == wl.Length()); REQUIRE(wl.InList("struct")); REQUIRE(!wl.InList("class")); } SECTION("StringInList") { wl.Set("else struct"); std::string sStruct = "struct"; REQUIRE(wl.InList(sStruct)); std::string sClass = "class"; REQUIRE(!wl.InList(sClass)); } SECTION("InListUnicode") { // "cheese" in English // "kase" ('k', 'a with diaeresis', 's', 'e') in German // "syr", ('CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES', 'CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU', 'CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER') in Russian wl.Set("cheese \x6b\xc3\xa4\x73\x65 \xd1\x81\xd1\x8b\xd1\x80"); REQUIRE(3 == wl.Length()); REQUIRE(wl.InList("cheese")); REQUIRE(wl.InList("\x6b\xc3\xa4\x73\x65")); REQUIRE(wl.InList("\xd1\x81\xd1\x8b\xd1\x80")); } SECTION("Set") { // Check whether Set returns whether it has changed correctly const bool changed = wl.Set("else struct"); REQUIRE(changed); // Changing to same thing const bool changed2 = wl.Set("else struct"); REQUIRE(!changed2); // Changed order shouldn't be seen as a change const bool changed3 = wl.Set("struct else"); REQUIRE(!changed3); // Removing word is a change const bool changed4 = wl.Set("struct"); REQUIRE(changed4); } SECTION("WordAt") { wl.Set("else struct"); REQUIRE_THAT(wl.WordAt(0), Catch::Matchers::Equals("else")); } SECTION("InListAbbreviated") { wl.Set("else stru~ct w~hile \xd1\x81~\xd1\x8b\xd1\x80"); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbbreviated("else", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbbreviated("struct", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbbreviated("stru", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbbreviated("struc", '~')); REQUIRE(!wl.InListAbbreviated("str", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbbreviated("while", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbbreviated("wh", '~')); // TODO: Next line fails but should allow single character prefixes //REQUIRE(wl.InListAbbreviated("w", '~')); REQUIRE(!wl.InListAbbreviated("", '~')); // Russian syr REQUIRE(wl.InListAbbreviated("\xd1\x81\xd1\x8b\xd1\x80", '~')); } SECTION("InListAbridged") { wl.Set("list w.~.active bo~k a~z ~_frozen \xd1\x81~\xd1\x80"); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("list", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("w.front.active", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("w.x.active", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("w..active", '~')); REQUIRE(!wl.InListAbridged("w.active", '~')); REQUIRE(!wl.InListAbridged("w.x.closed", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("book", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("bok", '~')); REQUIRE(!wl.InListAbridged("bk", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("a_frozen", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("_frozen", '~')); REQUIRE(!wl.InListAbridged("frozen", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("abcz", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("abz", '~')); REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("az", '~')); // Russian syr REQUIRE(wl.InListAbridged("\xd1\x81\xd1\x8b\xd1\x80", '~')); } } // Test WordClassifier. TEST_CASE("WordClassifier") { constexpr int base = 1; constexpr int key = 10; constexpr int type = 11; constexpr int other = 40; WordClassifier wc(1); SECTION("Base") { REQUIRE(wc.Base() == base); wc.Allocate(key, 2); REQUIRE(wc.Start() == key); REQUIRE(wc.Last() == type); REQUIRE(wc.Length() == 2); REQUIRE(wc.IncludesStyle(key)); REQUIRE(wc.IncludesStyle(type)); REQUIRE(!wc.IncludesStyle(other)); wc.Clear(); REQUIRE(wc.Base() == base); REQUIRE(wc.Start() == 0); REQUIRE(wc.Last() == -1); REQUIRE(wc.Length() == 0); } SECTION("ValueFor") { wc.Allocate(key, 2); wc.SetIdentifiers(key, "else if then", false); wc.SetIdentifiers(type, "double float int long", false); REQUIRE(wc.ValueFor("if") == key); REQUIRE(wc.ValueFor("double") == type); REQUIRE(wc.ValueFor("fish") < 0); wc.RemoveStyle(type); REQUIRE(wc.ValueFor("double") < 0); } } // Test SubStyles. TEST_CASE("SubStyles") { constexpr char bases[] = "\002\005"; constexpr int base = 2; constexpr int base2 = 5; constexpr int styleFirst = 0x80; constexpr int stylesAvailable = 0x40; constexpr int distanceToSecondary = 0x40; SubStyles subStyles(bases, styleFirst, stylesAvailable, distanceToSecondary); SECTION("All") { REQUIRE(subStyles.DistanceToSecondaryStyles() == distanceToSecondary); // Before allocation REQUIRE(subStyles.Start(base) == 0); const int startSubStyles = subStyles.Allocate(base, 3); REQUIRE(startSubStyles == styleFirst); REQUIRE(subStyles.Start(base) == styleFirst); REQUIRE(subStyles.Length(base) == 3); REQUIRE(subStyles.BaseStyle(128) == 2); // Not a substyle so returns argument. REQUIRE(subStyles.BaseStyle(96) == 96); REQUIRE(subStyles.FirstAllocated() == styleFirst); REQUIRE(subStyles.LastAllocated() == styleFirst + 3 - 1); subStyles.SetIdentifiers(styleFirst, "int long size_t"); const WordClassifier &wc = subStyles.Classifier(base); REQUIRE(wc.ValueFor("int") == styleFirst); REQUIRE(wc.ValueFor("double") < 0); // Add second set of substyles which shouldn't affect first const int startSecondSet = subStyles.Allocate(base2, 2); constexpr int expectedStylesSecond = styleFirst + 3; REQUIRE(startSecondSet == expectedStylesSecond); REQUIRE(subStyles.Start(base) == styleFirst); REQUIRE(subStyles.Start(base2) == expectedStylesSecond); REQUIRE(subStyles.LastAllocated() == styleFirst + 5 - 1); // Clear and check that earlier call no longer works subStyles.Free(); REQUIRE(subStyles.Start(base) == 0); } }