// Scintilla source code edit control /** @file LexBasic.cxx ** Lexer for BlitzBasic and PureBasic. ** Converted to lexer object and added further folding features/properties by "Udo Lechner" **/ // Copyright 1998-2003 by Neil Hodgson // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. // This tries to be a unified Lexer/Folder for all the BlitzBasic/BlitzMax/PurBasic basics // and derivatives. Once they diverge enough, might want to split it into multiple // lexers for more code clearity. // // Mail me (elias users sf net) for any bugs. // Folding only works for simple things like functions or types. // You may want to have a look at my ctags lexer as well, if you additionally to coloring // and folding need to extract things like label tags in your editor. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ILexer.h" #include "Scintilla.h" #include "SciLexer.h" #include "WordList.h" #include "LexAccessor.h" #include "StyleContext.h" #include "CharacterSet.h" #include "LexerModule.h" #include "OptionSet.h" #include "DefaultLexer.h" using namespace Scintilla; using namespace Lexilla; /* Bits: * 1 - whitespace * 2 - operator * 4 - identifier * 8 - decimal digit * 16 - hex digit * 32 - bin digit * 64 - letter */ static int character_classification[128] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 10, 2, 60, 60, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 84, 84, 84, 84, 84, 84, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 2, 2, 2, 2, 68, 2, 84, 84, 84, 84, 84, 84, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 }; static bool IsSpace(int c) { return c < 128 && (character_classification[c] & 1); } static bool IsOperator(int c) { return c < 128 && (character_classification[c] & 2); } static bool IsIdentifier(int c) { return c < 128 && (character_classification[c] & 4); } static bool IsDigit(int c) { return c < 128 && (character_classification[c] & 8); } static bool IsHexDigit(int c) { return c < 128 && (character_classification[c] & 16); } static bool IsBinDigit(int c) { return c < 128 && (character_classification[c] & 32); } static bool IsLetter(int c) { return c < 128 && (character_classification[c] & 64); } static int LowerCase(int c) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return 'a' + c - 'A'; return c; } static int CheckBlitzFoldPoint(char const *token, int &level) { if (!strcmp(token, "function") || !strcmp(token, "type")) { level |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; return 1; } if (!strcmp(token, "end function") || !strcmp(token, "end type")) { return -1; } return 0; } static int CheckPureFoldPoint(char const *token, int &level) { if (!strcmp(token, "procedure") || !strcmp(token, "enumeration") || !strcmp(token, "interface") || !strcmp(token, "structure")) { level |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; return 1; } if (!strcmp(token, "endprocedure") || !strcmp(token, "endenumeration") || !strcmp(token, "endinterface") || !strcmp(token, "endstructure")) { return -1; } return 0; } static int CheckFreeFoldPoint(char const *token, int &level) { if (!strcmp(token, "function") || !strcmp(token, "sub") || !strcmp(token, "enum") || !strcmp(token, "type") || !strcmp(token, "union") || !strcmp(token, "property") || !strcmp(token, "destructor") || !strcmp(token, "constructor")) { level |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; return 1; } if (!strcmp(token, "end function") || !strcmp(token, "end sub") || !strcmp(token, "end enum") || !strcmp(token, "end type") || !strcmp(token, "end union") || !strcmp(token, "end property") || !strcmp(token, "end destructor") || !strcmp(token, "end constructor")) { return -1; } return 0; } // An individual named option for use in an OptionSet // Options used for LexerBasic struct OptionsBasic { bool fold; bool foldSyntaxBased; bool foldCommentExplicit; std::string foldExplicitStart; std::string foldExplicitEnd; bool foldExplicitAnywhere; bool foldCompact; OptionsBasic() { fold = false; foldSyntaxBased = true; foldCommentExplicit = false; foldExplicitStart = ""; foldExplicitEnd = ""; foldExplicitAnywhere = false; foldCompact = true; } }; static const char * const blitzbasicWordListDesc[] = { "BlitzBasic Keywords", "user1", "user2", "user3", 0 }; static const char * const purebasicWordListDesc[] = { "PureBasic Keywords", "PureBasic PreProcessor Keywords", "user defined 1", "user defined 2", 0 }; static const char * const freebasicWordListDesc[] = { "FreeBasic Keywords", "FreeBasic PreProcessor Keywords", "user defined 1", "user defined 2", 0 }; struct OptionSetBasic : public OptionSet { OptionSetBasic(const char * const wordListDescriptions[]) { DefineProperty("fold", &OptionsBasic::fold); DefineProperty("fold.basic.syntax.based", &OptionsBasic::foldSyntaxBased, "Set this property to 0 to disable syntax based folding."); DefineProperty("fold.basic.comment.explicit", &OptionsBasic::foldCommentExplicit, "This option enables folding explicit fold points when using the Basic lexer. " "Explicit fold points allows adding extra folding by placing a ;{ (BB/PB) or '{ (FB) comment at the start " "and a ;} (BB/PB) or '} (FB) at the end of a section that should be folded."); DefineProperty("fold.basic.explicit.start", &OptionsBasic::foldExplicitStart, "The string to use for explicit fold start points, replacing the standard ;{ (BB/PB) or '{ (FB)."); DefineProperty("fold.basic.explicit.end", &OptionsBasic::foldExplicitEnd, "The string to use for explicit fold end points, replacing the standard ;} (BB/PB) or '} (FB)."); DefineProperty("fold.basic.explicit.anywhere", &OptionsBasic::foldExplicitAnywhere, "Set this property to 1 to enable explicit fold points anywhere, not just in line comments."); DefineProperty("fold.compact", &OptionsBasic::foldCompact); DefineWordListSets(wordListDescriptions); } }; class LexerBasic : public DefaultLexer { char comment_char; int (*CheckFoldPoint)(char const *, int &); WordList keywordlists[4]; OptionsBasic options; OptionSetBasic osBasic; public: LexerBasic(const char *languageName_, int language_, char comment_char_, int (*CheckFoldPoint_)(char const *, int &), const char * const wordListDescriptions[]) : DefaultLexer(languageName_, language_), comment_char(comment_char_), CheckFoldPoint(CheckFoldPoint_), osBasic(wordListDescriptions) { } virtual ~LexerBasic() { } void SCI_METHOD Release() override { delete this; } int SCI_METHOD Version() const override { return lvRelease5; } const char * SCI_METHOD PropertyNames() override { return osBasic.PropertyNames(); } int SCI_METHOD PropertyType(const char *name) override { return osBasic.PropertyType(name); } const char * SCI_METHOD DescribeProperty(const char *name) override { return osBasic.DescribeProperty(name); } Sci_Position SCI_METHOD PropertySet(const char *key, const char *val) override; const char * SCI_METHOD PropertyGet(const char *key) override { return osBasic.PropertyGet(key); } const char * SCI_METHOD DescribeWordListSets() override { return osBasic.DescribeWordListSets(); } Sci_Position SCI_METHOD WordListSet(int n, const char *wl) override; void SCI_METHOD Lex(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) override; void SCI_METHOD Fold(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) override; void * SCI_METHOD PrivateCall(int, void *) override { return 0; } static ILexer5 *LexerFactoryBlitzBasic() { return new LexerBasic("blitzbasic", SCLEX_BLITZBASIC, ';', CheckBlitzFoldPoint, blitzbasicWordListDesc); } static ILexer5 *LexerFactoryPureBasic() { return new LexerBasic("purebasic", SCLEX_PUREBASIC, ';', CheckPureFoldPoint, purebasicWordListDesc); } static ILexer5 *LexerFactoryFreeBasic() { return new LexerBasic("freebasic", SCLEX_FREEBASIC, '\'', CheckFreeFoldPoint, freebasicWordListDesc ); } }; Sci_Position SCI_METHOD LexerBasic::PropertySet(const char *key, const char *val) { if (osBasic.PropertySet(&options, key, val)) { return 0; } return -1; } Sci_Position SCI_METHOD LexerBasic::WordListSet(int n, const char *wl) { WordList *wordListN = 0; switch (n) { case 0: wordListN = &keywordlists[0]; break; case 1: wordListN = &keywordlists[1]; break; case 2: wordListN = &keywordlists[2]; break; case 3: wordListN = &keywordlists[3]; break; } Sci_Position firstModification = -1; if (wordListN) { WordList wlNew; wlNew.Set(wl); if (*wordListN != wlNew) { wordListN->Set(wl); firstModification = 0; } } return firstModification; } void SCI_METHOD LexerBasic::Lex(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int initStyle, IDocument *pAccess) { LexAccessor styler(pAccess); bool wasfirst = true, isfirst = true; // true if first token in a line styler.StartAt(startPos); int styleBeforeKeyword = SCE_B_DEFAULT; StyleContext sc(startPos, length, initStyle, styler); // Can't use sc.More() here else we miss the last character for (; ; sc.Forward()) { if (sc.state == SCE_B_IDENTIFIER) { if (!IsIdentifier(sc.ch)) { // Labels if (wasfirst && sc.Match(':')) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_B_LABEL); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } else { char s[100]; int kstates[4] = { SCE_B_KEYWORD, SCE_B_KEYWORD2, SCE_B_KEYWORD3, SCE_B_KEYWORD4, }; sc.GetCurrentLowered(s, sizeof(s)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (keywordlists[i].InList(s)) { sc.ChangeState(kstates[i]); } } // Types, must set them as operator else they will be // matched as number/constant if (sc.Match('.') || sc.Match('$') || sc.Match('%') || sc.Match('#')) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_OPERATOR); } else { sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } } } } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_OPERATOR) { if (!IsOperator(sc.ch) || sc.Match('#')) sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_LABEL) { if (!IsIdentifier(sc.ch)) sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_CONSTANT) { if (!IsIdentifier(sc.ch)) sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_NUMBER) { if (!IsDigit(sc.ch)) sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_HEXNUMBER) { if (!IsHexDigit(sc.ch)) sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_BINNUMBER) { if (!IsBinDigit(sc.ch)) sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_STRING) { if (sc.ch == '"') { sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.ChangeState(SCE_B_ERROR); sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_COMMENT || sc.state == SCE_B_PREPROCESSOR) { if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_DOCLINE) { if (sc.atLineEnd) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.ch == '\\' || sc.ch == '@') { if (IsLetter(sc.chNext) && sc.chPrev != '\\') { styleBeforeKeyword = sc.state; sc.SetState(SCE_B_DOCKEYWORD); }; } } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_DOCKEYWORD) { if (IsSpace(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(styleBeforeKeyword); } else if (sc.atLineEnd && styleBeforeKeyword == SCE_B_DOCLINE) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_COMMENTBLOCK) { if (sc.Match("\'/")) { sc.Forward(); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } } else if (sc.state == SCE_B_DOCBLOCK) { if (sc.Match("\'/")) { sc.Forward(); sc.ForwardSetState(SCE_B_DEFAULT); } else if (sc.ch == '\\' || sc.ch == '@') { if (IsLetter(sc.chNext) && sc.chPrev != '\\') { styleBeforeKeyword = sc.state; sc.SetState(SCE_B_DOCKEYWORD); }; } } if (sc.atLineStart) isfirst = true; if (sc.state == SCE_B_DEFAULT || sc.state == SCE_B_ERROR) { if (isfirst && sc.Match('.') && comment_char != '\'') { sc.SetState(SCE_B_LABEL); } else if (isfirst && sc.Match('#')) { wasfirst = isfirst; sc.SetState(SCE_B_IDENTIFIER); } else if (sc.Match(comment_char)) { // Hack to make deprecated QBASIC '$Include show // up in freebasic with SCE_B_PREPROCESSOR. if (comment_char == '\'' && sc.Match(comment_char, '$')) sc.SetState(SCE_B_PREPROCESSOR); else if (sc.Match("\'*") || sc.Match("\'!")) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_DOCLINE); } else { sc.SetState(SCE_B_COMMENT); } } else if (sc.Match("/\'")) { if (sc.Match("/\'*") || sc.Match("/\'!")) { // Support of gtk-doc/Doxygen doc. style sc.SetState(SCE_B_DOCBLOCK); } else { sc.SetState(SCE_B_COMMENTBLOCK); } sc.Forward(); // Eat the ' so it isn't used for the end of the comment } else if (sc.Match('"')) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_STRING); } else if (IsDigit(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_NUMBER); } else if (sc.Match('$') || sc.Match("&h") || sc.Match("&H") || sc.Match("&o") || sc.Match("&O")) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_HEXNUMBER); } else if (sc.Match('%') || sc.Match("&b") || sc.Match("&B")) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_BINNUMBER); } else if (sc.Match('#')) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_CONSTANT); } else if (IsOperator(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_OPERATOR); } else if (IsIdentifier(sc.ch)) { wasfirst = isfirst; sc.SetState(SCE_B_IDENTIFIER); } else if (!IsSpace(sc.ch)) { sc.SetState(SCE_B_ERROR); } } if (!IsSpace(sc.ch)) isfirst = false; if (!sc.More()) break; } sc.Complete(); } void SCI_METHOD LexerBasic::Fold(Sci_PositionU startPos, Sci_Position length, int /* initStyle */, IDocument *pAccess) { if (!options.fold) return; LexAccessor styler(pAccess); Sci_Position line = styler.GetLine(startPos); int level = styler.LevelAt(line); int go = 0, done = 0; Sci_Position endPos = startPos + length; char word[256]; int wordlen = 0; const bool userDefinedFoldMarkers = !options.foldExplicitStart.empty() && !options.foldExplicitEnd.empty(); int cNext = styler[startPos]; // Scan for tokens at the start of the line (they may include // whitespace, for tokens like "End Function" for (Sci_Position i = startPos; i < endPos; i++) { int c = cNext; cNext = styler.SafeGetCharAt(i + 1); bool atEOL = (c == '\r' && cNext != '\n') || (c == '\n'); if (options.foldSyntaxBased && !done && !go) { if (wordlen) { // are we scanning a token already? word[wordlen] = static_cast(LowerCase(c)); if (!IsIdentifier(c)) { // done with token word[wordlen] = '\0'; go = CheckFoldPoint(word, level); if (!go) { // Treat any whitespace as single blank, for // things like "End Function". if (IsSpace(c) && IsIdentifier(word[wordlen - 1])) { word[wordlen] = ' '; if (wordlen < 255) wordlen++; } else // done with this line done = 1; } } else if (wordlen < 255) { wordlen++; } } else { // start scanning at first non-whitespace character if (!IsSpace(c)) { if (IsIdentifier(c)) { word[0] = static_cast(LowerCase(c)); wordlen = 1; } else // done with this line done = 1; } } } if (options.foldCommentExplicit && ((styler.StyleAt(i) == SCE_B_COMMENT) || options.foldExplicitAnywhere)) { if (userDefinedFoldMarkers) { if (styler.Match(i, options.foldExplicitStart.c_str())) { level |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; go = 1; } else if (styler.Match(i, options.foldExplicitEnd.c_str())) { go = -1; } } else { if (c == comment_char) { if (cNext == '{') { level |= SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; go = 1; } else if (cNext == '}') { go = -1; } } } } if (atEOL) { // line end if (!done && wordlen == 0 && options.foldCompact) // line was only space level |= SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG; if (level != styler.LevelAt(line)) styler.SetLevel(line, level); level += go; line++; // reset state wordlen = 0; level &= ~SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG; level &= ~SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG; go = 0; done = 0; } } } extern const LexerModule lmBlitzBasic(SCLEX_BLITZBASIC, LexerBasic::LexerFactoryBlitzBasic, "blitzbasic", blitzbasicWordListDesc); extern const LexerModule lmPureBasic(SCLEX_PUREBASIC, LexerBasic::LexerFactoryPureBasic, "purebasic", purebasicWordListDesc); extern const LexerModule lmFreeBasic(SCLEX_FREEBASIC, LexerBasic::LexerFactoryFreeBasic, "freebasic", freebasicWordListDesc);