
115 lines
7.4 KiB

# Keywords (base)
async augment bag before but category circumfix class cmp complex constant \
contend default defer div does dynamic else elsif enum eq eqv extra fail \
fatal ff fff for gather gcd ge given grammar gt handles has if infix is lcm \
le leave leg let lift loop lt macro make maybe method mix mod module multi \
ne not o only oo or orelse orwith postcircumfix postfix prefix proto regex \
repeat require return-rw returns role rule size_t slang start str submethod \
subset supersede take temp term token trusts try unit unless until when \
where while with without x xor xx
# Keywords (functions)
keywords2.*.p6=ACCEPTS AT-KEY EVALFILE EXISTS-KEY Filetests \
IO STORE abs accept acos acosec acosech acosh acotan acotanh alarm and \
antipairs asec asech asin asinh atan atan2 atanh base bind binmode bless \
break caller ceiling chars chdir chmod chomp chop chr chroot chrs cis close \
closedir codes comb conj connect contains continue cos cosec cosech cosh \
cotan cotanh crypt dbm defined die do dump each elems eof exec exists exit \
exp expmod fc fcntl fileno flat flip flock floor fmt fork formats functions \
get getc getpeername getpgrp getppid getpriority getsock gist glob gmtime \
goto grep hyper import index int invert ioctl is-prime iterator join keyof \
keys kill kv last lazy lc lcfirst lines link list listen local localtime \
lock log log10 lsb lstat map match mkdir msb msg my narrow new next no of \
open ord ords our pack package pairs path pick pipe polymod pop pos pred \
print printf prototype push quoting race rand read readdir readline readlink \
readpipe recv redo ref rename requires reset return reverse rewinddir rindex \
rmdir roots round samecase say scalar sec sech seek seekdir select semctl \
semget semop send set setpgrp setpriority setsockopt shift shm shutdown sign \
sin sinh sleep sockets sort splice split sprintf sqrt srand stat state study \
sub subst substr substr-rw succ symlink sys syscall system syswrite tan tanh \
tc tclc tell telldir tie time times trans trim trim-leading trim-trailing \
truncate uc ucfirst unimatch uniname uninames uniprop uniprops unival unlink \
unpack unpolar unshift untie use utime values wait waitpid wantarray warn \
wordcase words write
# Keywords (types)
keywords3.*.p6=AST Any Block Bool CallFrame Callable Code \
Collation Compiler Complex ComplexStr Cool CurrentThreadScheduler Date \
DateTime Dateish Distribution Distribution::Hash Distribution::Locally \
Distribution::Path Duration Encoding Encoding::Registry Endian FatRat \
ForeignCode HyperSeq HyperWhatever Instant Int IntStr Junction Label \
Lock::Async Macro Method Mu Nil Num NumStr Numeric ObjAt Parameter Perl \
PredictiveIterator Proxy RaceSeq Rat RatStr Rational Real Routine \
Routine::WrapHandle Scalar Sequence Signature Str StrDistance Stringy Sub \
Submethod Telemetry Telemetry::Instrument::Thread \
Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadPool Telemetry::Instrument::Usage \
Telemetry::Period Telemetry::Sampler UInt ValueObjAt Variable Version \
Whatever WhateverCode atomicint bit bool buf buf1 buf16 buf2 buf32 buf4 \
buf64 buf8 int int1 int16 int2 int32 int4 int64 int8 long longlong num \
num32 num64 rat rat1 rat16 rat2 rat32 rat4 rat64 rat8 uint uint1 uint16 \
uint2 uint32 uint4 uint64 uint8 utf16 utf32 utf8
# Keywords (types composite)
keywords4.*.p6=Array Associative Bag BagHash Baggy Blob Buf \
Capture Enumeration Hash Iterable Iterator List Map Mix MixHash Mixy NFC NFD \
NFKC NFKD Pair Positional PositionalBindFailover PseudoStash QuantHash Range \
Seq Set SetHash Setty Slip Stash Uni utf8
# Keywords (types domain specific)
keywords5.*.p6=Attribute Cancellation Channel CompUnit \
CompUnit::Repository CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem \
CompUnit::Repository::Installation Distro Grammar IO IO::ArgFiles \
IO::CatHandle IO::Handle IO::Notification IO::Path IO::Path::Cygwin \
IO::Path::QNX IO::Path::Unix IO::Path::Win32 IO::Pipe IO::Socket \
IO::Socket::Async IO::Socket::INET IO::Spec IO::Spec::Cygwin \
IO::Spec::QNX IO::Spec::Unix IO::Spec::Win32 IO::Special Kernel Lock \
Match Order Pod::Block Pod::Block::Code Pod::Block::Comment \
Pod::Block::Declarator Pod::Block::Named Pod::Block::Para Pod::Block::Table \
Pod::Defn Pod::FormattingCode Pod::Heading Pod::Item Proc Proc::Async \
Promise Regex Scheduler Semaphore Supplier Supplier::Preserving Supply \
Systemic Tap Thread ThreadPoolScheduler VM
# Keywords (types domain exceptions)
keywords6.*.p6=Backtrace Backtrace::Frame CX::Done CX::Emit \
CX::Last CX::Next CX::Proceed CX::Redo CX::Return CX::Succeed CX::Take \
CX::Warn Exception Failure X::AdHoc X::Anon::Augment X::Anon::Multi \
X::Assignment::RO X::Attribute::NoPackage X::Attribute::Package \
X::Attribute::Required X::Attribute::Undeclared X::Augment::NoSuchType \
X::Bind X::Bind::NativeType X::Bind::Slice X::Caller::NotDynamic \
X::Channel::ReceiveOnClosed X::Channel::SendOnClosed X::Comp \
X::Composition::NotComposable X::Constructor::Positional X::Control \
X::ControlFlow X::ControlFlow::Return X::DateTime::TimezoneClash \
X::Declaration::Scope X::Declaration::Scope::Multi X::Does::TypeObject \
X::Dynamic::NotFound X::Eval::NoSuchLang X::Export::NameClash X::IO \
X::IO::Chdir X::IO::Chmod X::IO::Copy X::IO::Cwd X::IO::Dir X::IO::DoesNotExist \
X::IO::Link X::IO::Mkdir X::IO::Move X::IO::Rename X::IO::Rmdir \
X::IO::Symlink X::IO::Unlink X::Inheritance::NotComposed \
X::Inheritance::Unsupported X::Method::InvalidQualifier X::Method::NotFound \
X::Method::Private::Permission X::Method::Private::Unqualified \
X::Mixin::NotComposable X::NYI X::NoDispatcher X::Numeric::Real \
X::OS X::Obsolete X::OutOfRange X::Package::Stubbed X::Parameter::Default \
X::Parameter::MultipleTypeConstraints X::Parameter::Placeholder \
X::Parameter::Twigil X::Parameter::WrongOrder X::Phaser::Multiple \
X::Phaser::PrePost X::Placeholder::Block X::Placeholder::Mainline \
X::Pod X::Proc::Async X::Proc::Async::AlreadyStarted X::Proc::Async::BindOrUse \
X::Proc::Async::CharsOrBytes X::Proc::Async::MustBeStarted \
X::Proc::Async::OpenForWriting X::Proc::Async::TapBeforeSpawn \
X::Proc::Unsuccessful X::Promise::CauseOnlyValidOnBroken X::Promise::Vowed \
X::Redeclaration X::Role::Initialization X::Scheduler::CueInNaNSeconds \
X::Seq::Consumed X::Sequence::Deduction X::Signature::NameClash \
X::Signature::Placeholder X::Str::Numeric X::StubCode X::Syntax \
X::Syntax::Augment::WithoutMonkeyTyping X::Syntax::Comment::Embedded \
X::Syntax::Confused X::Syntax::InfixInTermPosition X::Syntax::Malformed \
X::Syntax::Missing X::Syntax::NegatedPair X::Syntax::NoSelf \
X::Syntax::Number::RadixOutOfRange X::Syntax::P5 X::Syntax::Perl5Var \
X::Syntax::Regex::Adverb X::Syntax::Regex::SolitaryQuantifier \
X::Syntax::Reserved X::Syntax::Self::WithoutObject \
X::Syntax::Signature::InvocantMarker X::Syntax::Term::MissingInitializer \
X::Syntax::UnlessElse X::Syntax::Variable::Match X::Syntax::Variable::Numeric \
X::Syntax::Variable::Twigil X::Temporal X::Temporal::InvalidFormat \
X::TypeCheck X::TypeCheck::Assignment X::TypeCheck::Binding \
X::TypeCheck::Return X::TypeCheck::Splice X::Undeclared
# Keywords (adverbs)
keywords7.*.p6=D a array b backslash c closure delete double \
exec exists f function h hash heredoc k kv p q qq quotewords s scalar single \
sym to v val w words ww x