
382 lines
9.6 KiB

/** @file testRunStyles.cxx
** Unit Tests for Scintilla internal data structures
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include "Debugging.h"
#include "Position.h"
#include "SplitVector.h"
#include "Partitioning.h"
#include "RunStyles.h"
#include "catch.hpp"
using namespace Scintilla::Internal;
// Test RunStyles.
using UniqueInt = std::unique_ptr<int>;
TEST_CASE("CompileCopying RunStyles") {
// These are compile-time tests to check that basic copy and move
// operations are defined correctly.
SECTION("CopyingMoving") {
RunStyles<int, int> s;
RunStyles<int, int> s2;
// Copy constructor
const RunStyles<int, int> sa(s);
// Copy assignment fails
RunStyles<int, int> sb;
sb = s;
// Move constructor
const RunStyles<int, int> sc(std::move(s));
// Move assignment
RunStyles<int, int> sd;
sd = (std::move(s2));
// It should be reasonable to instantiate RunStyles where STYLE is move-only but fails
SECTION("MoveOnly") {
RunStyles<int, UniqueInt> s;
// Copy is not defined for std::unique_ptr
// Copy constructor fails
RunStyles<int, UniqueInt> sa(s);
// Copy assignment fails
RunStyles<int, UniqueInt> sb;
sb = s;
// Move constructor fails
RunStyles<int, UniqueInt> sc(std::move(s));
// Move assignment fails
RunStyles<int, UniqueInt> sd;
sd = (std::move(s));
namespace Scintilla::Internal { // Xcode clang 9.0 doesn't like this when in the unnamed namespace
bool operator==(const FillResult<int> &fra, const FillResult<int> &frb) noexcept {
return fra.changed == frb.changed &&
fra.position == frb.position &&
fra.fillLength == frb.fillLength;
TEST_CASE("RunStyles") {
RunStyles<int, int> rs;
SECTION("IsEmptyInitially") {
REQUIRE(0 == rs.Length());
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
SECTION("SimpleInsert") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 1);
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Length());
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
REQUIRE(0 == rs.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.FindNextChange(0, rs.Length()));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.FindNextChange(1, rs.Length()));
SECTION("TwoRuns") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 2);
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Length());
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
rs.SetValueAt(0, 2);
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Runs());
REQUIRE(2 == rs.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE(0 == rs.ValueAt(1));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.FindNextChange(0, rs.Length()));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.FindNextChange(1, rs.Length()));
REQUIRE(3 == rs.FindNextChange(2, rs.Length()));
SECTION("LongerRuns") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 5);
rs.SetValueAt(0, 3);
rs.SetValueAt(1, 3);
REQUIRE(3 == rs.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE(3 == rs.ValueAt(1));
REQUIRE(0 == rs.ValueAt(2));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Runs());
REQUIRE(0 == rs.StartRun(0));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.EndRun(0));
REQUIRE(0 == rs.StartRun(1));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.EndRun(1));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.StartRun(2));
REQUIRE(5 == rs.EndRun(2));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.StartRun(3));
REQUIRE(5 == rs.EndRun(3));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.StartRun(4));
REQUIRE(5 == rs.EndRun(4));
// At end
REQUIRE(2 == rs.StartRun(5));
REQUIRE(5 == rs.EndRun(5));
// After end is same as end
REQUIRE(2 == rs.StartRun(6));
REQUIRE(5 == rs.EndRun(6));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.FindNextChange(0, rs.Length()));
REQUIRE(5 == rs.FindNextChange(2, rs.Length()));
REQUIRE(6 == rs.FindNextChange(5, rs.Length()));
SECTION("FillRange") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 5);
const int startFill = 1;
const int lengthFill = 3;
const auto fr = rs.FillRange(startFill, 99, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(FillResult<int>{true, 1, 3} == fr);
REQUIRE(0 == rs.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE(99 == rs.ValueAt(1));
REQUIRE(99 == rs.ValueAt(2));
REQUIRE(99 == rs.ValueAt(3));
REQUIRE(0 == rs.ValueAt(4));
REQUIRE(0 == rs.StartRun(0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.EndRun(0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.StartRun(1));
REQUIRE(4 == rs.EndRun(1));
SECTION("FillRangeAlreadyFilled") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 5);
const int startFill = 1;
const int lengthFill = 3;
const auto fr = rs.FillRange(startFill, 99, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(FillResult<int>{true, 1, 3} == fr);
const int startFill2 = 2;
const int lengthFill2 = 1;
// Compiler warnings if 'false' used instead of '0' as expected value:
const auto fr2 = rs.FillRange(startFill2, 99, lengthFill2);
REQUIRE(FillResult<int>{false, 2, 1} == fr2);
REQUIRE(0 == rs.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE(99 == rs.ValueAt(1));
REQUIRE(99 == rs.ValueAt(2));
REQUIRE(99 == rs.ValueAt(3));
REQUIRE(0 == rs.ValueAt(4));
REQUIRE(3 == rs.Runs());
SECTION("FillRangeAlreadyPartFilled") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 5);
const int startFill = 1;
const int lengthFill = 2;
const auto fr = rs.FillRange(startFill, 99, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(FillResult<int>{true, 1, 2} == fr);
const int startFill2 = 2;
const int lengthFill2 = 2;
const auto fr2 = rs.FillRange(startFill2, 99, lengthFill2);
REQUIRE(FillResult<int>{true, 3, 1} == fr2);
REQUIRE(3 == rs.Runs());
SECTION("DeleteRange") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 5);
rs.SetValueAt(0, 3);
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Runs());
rs.SetValueAt(1, 3);
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Runs());
rs.DeleteRange(1, 1);
REQUIRE(4 == rs.Length());
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Runs());
REQUIRE(3 == rs.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE(0 == rs.ValueAt(1));
REQUIRE(0 == rs.StartRun(0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.EndRun(0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.StartRun(1));
REQUIRE(4 == rs.EndRun(1));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.StartRun(2));
REQUIRE(4 == rs.EndRun(2));
SECTION("Find") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 5);
const int startFill = 1;
const int lengthFill = 3;
const auto fr = rs.FillRange(startFill, 99, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(FillResult<int>{true, 1, 3} == fr);
REQUIRE(0 == rs.Find(0,0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Find(99,0));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(3,0));
REQUIRE(4 == rs.Find(0,1));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Find(99,1));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(3,1));
REQUIRE(4 == rs.Find(0,2));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Find(99,2));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(3, 2));
REQUIRE(4 == rs.Find(0,4));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(99,4));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(3,4));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(0,5));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(99,5));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(3,5));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(0,6));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(99,6));
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(3,6));
SECTION("AllSame") {
REQUIRE(true == rs.AllSame());
rs.InsertSpace(0, 5);
REQUIRE(true == rs.AllSame());
REQUIRE(false == rs.AllSameAs(88));
REQUIRE(true == rs.AllSameAs(0));
const int startFill = 1;
const int lengthFill = 3;
const auto fr = rs.FillRange(startFill, 99, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(true == fr.changed);
REQUIRE(false == rs.AllSame());
REQUIRE(false == rs.AllSameAs(88));
REQUIRE(false == rs.AllSameAs(0));
const auto fr2 = rs.FillRange(startFill, 0, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(true == fr2.changed);
REQUIRE(true == rs.AllSame());
REQUIRE(false == rs.AllSameAs(88));
REQUIRE(true == rs.AllSameAs(0));
SECTION("FindWithReversion") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 5);
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
int startFill = 1;
int lengthFill = 1;
const auto fr = rs.FillRange(startFill, 99, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(FillResult<int>{true, 1, 1} == fr);
REQUIRE(3 == rs.Runs());
startFill = 2;
lengthFill = 1;
const auto fr2 = rs.FillRange(startFill, 99, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(FillResult<int>{true, 2, 1} == fr2);
REQUIRE(3 == rs.Runs());
startFill = 1;
lengthFill = 1;
const auto fr3 = rs.FillRange(startFill, 0, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(FillResult<int>{true, 1, 1} == fr3);
REQUIRE(3 == rs.Runs());
startFill = 2;
lengthFill = 1;
const auto fr4 = rs.FillRange(startFill, 0, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(FillResult<int>{true, 2, 1} == fr4);
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
REQUIRE(-1 == rs.Find(0,6));
SECTION("FinalRunInversion") {
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
rs.InsertSpace(0, 1);
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
rs.SetValueAt(0, 1);
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
rs.InsertSpace(1, 1);
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
rs.SetValueAt(1, 1);
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
rs.SetValueAt(1, 0);
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Runs());
rs.SetValueAt(1, 1);
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
SECTION("DeleteAll") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 5);
rs.SetValueAt(0, 3);
rs.SetValueAt(1, 3);
REQUIRE(0 == rs.Length());
REQUIRE(0 == rs.ValueAt(0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
SECTION("DeleteSecond") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 3);
const int startFill = 1;
const int lengthFill = 1;
const auto fr = rs.FillRange(startFill, 99, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(true == fr.changed);
REQUIRE(3 == rs.Length());
REQUIRE(3 == rs.Runs());
rs.DeleteRange(1, 1);
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Length());
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
SECTION("DeleteEndRun") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 2);
const int startFill = 1;
const int lengthFill = 1;
const auto fr = rs.FillRange(startFill, 99, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(true == fr.changed);
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Length());
REQUIRE(2 == rs.Runs());
REQUIRE(0 == rs.StartRun(0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.EndRun(0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.StartRun(1));
REQUIRE(2 == rs.EndRun(1));
rs.DeleteRange(1, 1);
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Length());
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
REQUIRE(0 == rs.StartRun(0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.EndRun(0));
REQUIRE(0 == rs.StartRun(1));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.EndRun(1));
SECTION("OutsideBounds") {
rs.InsertSpace(0, 1);
const int startFill = 1;
const int lengthFill = 1;
rs.FillRange(startFill, 99, lengthFill);
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Length());
REQUIRE(1 == rs.Runs());
REQUIRE(0 == rs.StartRun(0));
REQUIRE(1 == rs.EndRun(0));