#include "mainwindow.h" #include "settings.h" #include "toolbutton.h" #include "bottombuttongroup.h" #include "graphicsview.h" #include "navigatorview.h" #include "graphicsscene.h" #include "settingsdialog.h" #include "aboutdialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif // _WIN32 MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { if (Settings::instance()->stayOnTop()) { this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); } else { this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint); } this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true); this->setMinimumSize(350, 330); this->setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icons/app-icon.svg")); this->setMouseTracking(true); m_fadeOutAnimation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "windowOpacity"); m_fadeOutAnimation->setDuration(300); m_fadeOutAnimation->setStartValue(1); m_fadeOutAnimation->setEndValue(0); m_floatUpAnimation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "geometry"); m_floatUpAnimation->setDuration(300); m_floatUpAnimation->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutCirc); m_exitAnimationGroup = new QParallelAnimationGroup; m_exitAnimationGroup->addAnimation(m_fadeOutAnimation); m_exitAnimationGroup->addAnimation(m_floatUpAnimation); connect(m_exitAnimationGroup, &QParallelAnimationGroup::finished, this, &QMainWindow::close); GraphicsScene * scene = new GraphicsScene(this); m_graphicsView = new GraphicsView(this); m_graphicsView->setScene(scene); this->setCentralWidget(m_graphicsView); m_gv = new NavigatorView(this); m_gv->setFixedSize(220, 160); m_gv->setScene(scene); m_gv->setMainView(m_graphicsView); m_gv->fitInView(m_gv->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); connect(m_graphicsView, &GraphicsView::navigatorViewRequired, this, [ = ](bool required, qreal angle){ m_gv->resetTransform(); m_gv->rotate(angle); m_gv->fitInView(m_gv->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); m_gv->setVisible(required); m_gv->updateMainViewportRegion(); }); connect(m_graphicsView, &GraphicsView::viewportRectChanged, m_gv, &NavigatorView::updateMainViewportRegion); connect(m_graphicsView, &GraphicsView::requestGallery, this, &MainWindow::loadGalleryBySingleLocalFile); m_closeButton = new ToolButton(true, m_graphicsView); m_closeButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/window-close")); m_closeButton->setIconSize(QSize(50, 50)); connect(m_closeButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::closeWindow); m_prevButton = new ToolButton(false, m_graphicsView); m_prevButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/go-previous")); m_prevButton->setIconSize(QSize(75, 75)); m_prevButton->setVisible(false); m_prevButton->setOpacity(0, false); m_nextButton = new ToolButton(false, m_graphicsView); m_nextButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/icons/go-next")); m_nextButton->setIconSize(QSize(75, 75)); m_nextButton->setVisible(false); m_nextButton->setOpacity(0, false); connect(m_prevButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::galleryPrev); connect(m_nextButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::galleryNext); m_bottomButtonGroup = new BottomButtonGroup(this); connect(m_bottomButtonGroup, &BottomButtonGroup::resetToOriginalBtnClicked, this, [ = ](){ m_graphicsView->resetScale(); }); connect(m_bottomButtonGroup, &BottomButtonGroup::toggleWindowMaximum, this, &MainWindow::toggleMaximize); connect(m_bottomButtonGroup, &BottomButtonGroup::zoomInBtnClicked, this, [ = ](){ m_graphicsView->zoomView(1.25); }); connect(m_bottomButtonGroup, &BottomButtonGroup::zoomOutBtnClicked, this, [ = ](){ m_graphicsView->zoomView(0.75); }); connect(m_bottomButtonGroup, &BottomButtonGroup::toggleCheckerboardBtnClicked, this, [ = ](){ m_graphicsView->toggleCheckerboard(); }); connect(m_bottomButtonGroup, &BottomButtonGroup::rotateRightBtnClicked, this, [ = ](){ m_graphicsView->resetScale(); m_graphicsView->rotateView(90); m_graphicsView->checkAndDoFitInView(); m_gv->setVisible(false); }); m_bottomButtonGroup->setOpacity(0, false); m_gv->setOpacity(0, false); m_closeButton->setOpacity(0, false); connect(this, &MainWindow::galleryLoaded, this, [this]() { m_prevButton->setVisible(isGalleryAvailable()); m_nextButton->setVisible(isGalleryAvailable()); }); QShortcut * quitAppShorucut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Space), this); connect(quitAppShorucut, &QShortcut::activated, std::bind(&MainWindow::quitAppAction, this, false)); QShortcut * quitAppShorucut2 = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Escape), this); connect(quitAppShorucut2, &QShortcut::activated, std::bind(&MainWindow::quitAppAction, this, false)); QShortcut * prevPictureShorucut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_PageUp), this); connect(prevPictureShorucut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &MainWindow::galleryPrev); QShortcut * nextPictureShorucut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_PageDown), this); connect(nextPictureShorucut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &MainWindow::galleryNext); QShortcut * fullscreenShorucut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::FullScreen), this); connect(fullscreenShorucut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &MainWindow::toggleFullscreen); centerWindow(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { } void MainWindow::showUrls(const QList &urls) { if (!urls.isEmpty()) { if (urls.count() == 1) { m_graphicsView->showFileFromUrl(urls.first(), true); } else { m_graphicsView->showFileFromUrl(urls.first(), false); m_files = urls; m_currentFileIndex = 0; } } else { m_graphicsView->showText(tr("File url list is empty")); return; } m_gv->fitInView(m_gv->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); } void MainWindow::adjustWindowSizeBySceneRect() { QSize sceneSize = m_graphicsView->sceneRect().toRect().size(); QSize sceneSizeWithMargins = sceneSize + QSize(130, 125); if (m_graphicsView->scaleFactor() < 1 || size().expandedTo(sceneSizeWithMargins) != size()) { // if it scaled down by the resize policy: QSize screenSize = qApp->screenAt(QCursor::pos())->availableSize(); if (screenSize.expandedTo(sceneSize) == screenSize) { // we can show the picture by increase the window size. QSize finalSize = (screenSize.expandedTo(sceneSizeWithMargins) == screenSize) ? sceneSizeWithMargins : screenSize; // We have a very reasonable sizeHint() value ;P this->resize(finalSize.expandedTo(this->sizeHint())); // We're sure the window can display the whole thing with 1:1 scale. // The old window size may cause fitInView call from resize() and the // above resize() call won't reset the scale back to 1:1, so we // just call resetScale() here to ensure the thing is no longer scaled. m_graphicsView->resetScale(); centerWindow(); } else { // toggle maximum showMaximized(); } } } // can be empty if it is NOT from a local file. QUrl MainWindow::currentImageFileUrl() const { if (m_currentFileIndex != -1) { return m_files.value(m_currentFileIndex); } return QUrl(); } void MainWindow::clearGallery() { m_currentFileIndex = -1; m_files.clear(); } void MainWindow::loadGalleryBySingleLocalFile(const QString &path) { QFileInfo info(path); QDir dir(info.path()); QString currentFileName = info.fileName(); QStringList entryList = dir.entryList({"*.jpg", "*.jpeg", "*.jfif", "*.png", "*.gif", "*.svg", "*.bmp"}, QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks, QDir::NoSort); QCollator collator; collator.setNumericMode(true); std::sort(entryList.begin(), entryList.end(), collator); clearGallery(); for (int i = 0; i < entryList.count(); i++) { const QString & fileName = entryList.at(i); const QString & oneEntry = dir.absoluteFilePath(fileName); QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(oneEntry); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // TODO: remove this workaround when M$ change the "wsl$" hostname. // Qt will convert path "\\wsl$\" to "//wsl$/"... if (Q_UNLIKELY(oneEntry.startsWith(R"(//wsl$/)"))) { url.clear(); url.setScheme(QStringLiteral("qtbug-86277")); url.setPath(oneEntry); } #endif // Q_OS_WIN m_files.append(url); if (fileName == currentFileName) { m_currentFileIndex = i; } } emit galleryLoaded(); } void MainWindow::galleryPrev() { int count = m_files.count(); if (!isGalleryAvailable()) { return; } m_currentFileIndex = m_currentFileIndex - 1 < 0 ? count - 1 : m_currentFileIndex - 1; m_graphicsView->showFileFromUrl(m_files.at(m_currentFileIndex), false); } void MainWindow::galleryNext() { int count = m_files.count(); if (!isGalleryAvailable()) { return; } m_currentFileIndex = m_currentFileIndex + 1 == count ? 0 : m_currentFileIndex + 1; m_graphicsView->showFileFromUrl(m_files.at(m_currentFileIndex), false); } bool MainWindow::isGalleryAvailable() { if (m_currentFileIndex < 0 || m_files.isEmpty() || m_currentFileIndex >= m_files.count()) { return false; } return true; } void MainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { updateWidgetsPosition(); return QMainWindow::showEvent(event); } void MainWindow::enterEvent(QEvent *event) { m_bottomButtonGroup->setOpacity(1); m_gv->setOpacity(1); m_closeButton->setOpacity(1); m_prevButton->setOpacity(1); m_nextButton->setOpacity(1); return QMainWindow::enterEvent(event); } void MainWindow::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { m_bottomButtonGroup->setOpacity(0); m_gv->setOpacity(0); m_closeButton->setOpacity(0); m_prevButton->setOpacity(0); m_nextButton->setOpacity(0); return QMainWindow::leaveEvent(event); } void MainWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton && !isMaximized()) { m_clickedOnWindow = true; m_oldMousePos = event->pos(); // qDebug() << m_oldMousePos << m_graphicsView->transform().m11() // << m_graphicsView->transform().m22() << m_graphicsView->matrix().m12(); event->accept(); } return QMainWindow::mousePressEvent(event); } void MainWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton && m_clickedOnWindow && !isMaximized()) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) if (!window()->windowHandle()->startSystemMove()) { move(event->globalPos() - m_oldMousePos); } #else move(event->globalPos() - m_oldMousePos); #endif // QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) event->accept(); } return QMainWindow::mouseMoveEvent(event); } void MainWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { m_clickedOnWindow = false; return QMainWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(event); } void MainWindow::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { switch (Settings::instance()->doubleClickBehavior()) { case ActionCloseWindow: quitAppAction(); event->accept(); break; case ActionMaximizeWindow: toggleMaximize(); event->accept(); break; case ActionDoNothing: break; } // blumia: don't call parent constructor here, seems it will cause mouse move // event get called even if we set event->accept(); // return QMainWindow::mouseDoubleClickEvent(event); } void MainWindow::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { QPoint numDegrees = event->angleDelta() / 8; bool needZoom = false, zoomIn = false; // NOTE: Only checking angleDelta since the QWheelEvent::pixelDelta() doc says // pixelDelta() value is driver specific and unreliable on X11... // We are not scrolling the canvas, just zoom in or out, so it probably // doesn't matter here. if (!numDegrees.isNull() && numDegrees.y() != 0) { needZoom = true; zoomIn = numDegrees.y() > 0; } if (needZoom) { m_graphicsView->zoomView(zoomIn ? 1.25 : 0.8); event->accept(); } else { QMainWindow::wheelEvent(event); } } void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { updateWidgetsPosition(); return QMainWindow::resizeEvent(event); } void MainWindow::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { QMenu * menu = new QMenu; QMenu * copyMenu = new QMenu(tr("&Copy")); QUrl currentFileUrl = currentImageFileUrl(); QImage clipboardImage; QUrl clipboardFileUrl; const QMimeData * clipboardData = QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData(); if (clipboardData->hasImage()) { QVariant imageVariant(clipboardData->imageData()); if (imageVariant.isValid()) { clipboardImage = qvariant_cast(imageVariant); } } else if (clipboardData->hasText()) { QString clipboardText(clipboardData->text()); if (clipboardText.startsWith("PICTURE:")) { QString maybeFilename(clipboardText.mid(8)); if (QFile::exists(maybeFilename)) { clipboardFileUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(maybeFilename); } } } QAction * copyPixmap = new QAction(tr("Copy P&ixmap")); connect(copyPixmap, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ](){ QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard(); cb->setPixmap(m_graphicsView->scene()->renderToPixmap()); }); QAction * copyFilePath = new QAction(tr("Copy &File Path")); connect(copyFilePath, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ](){ QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard(); cb->setText(currentFileUrl.toLocalFile()); }); copyMenu->addAction(copyPixmap); if (currentFileUrl.isValid()) { copyMenu->addAction(copyFilePath); } QAction * pasteImage = new QAction(tr("&Paste Image")); connect(pasteImage, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ](){ clearGallery(); m_graphicsView->showImage(clipboardImage); }); QAction * pasteImageFile = new QAction(tr("&Paste Image File")); connect(pasteImageFile, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ](){ m_graphicsView->showFileFromUrl(clipboardFileUrl, true); }); QAction * stayOnTopMode = new QAction(tr("Stay on top")); connect(stayOnTopMode, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ](){ toggleStayOnTop(); }); stayOnTopMode->setCheckable(true); stayOnTopMode->setChecked(stayOnTop()); QAction * protectedMode = new QAction(tr("Protected mode")); connect(protectedMode, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ](){ toggleProtectedMode(); }); protectedMode->setCheckable(true); protectedMode->setChecked(m_protectedMode); QAction * toggleSettings = new QAction(tr("Configure...")); connect(toggleSettings, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ](){ SettingsDialog * sd = new SettingsDialog(this); sd->exec(); sd->deleteLater(); }); QAction * helpAction = new QAction(tr("Help")); connect(helpAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ](){ AboutDialog * ad = new AboutDialog(this); ad->exec(); ad->deleteLater(); }); if (copyMenu->actions().count() == 1) { menu->addActions(copyMenu->actions()); } else { menu->addMenu(copyMenu); } if (!clipboardImage.isNull()) { menu->addAction(pasteImage); } else if (clipboardFileUrl.isValid()) { menu->addAction(pasteImageFile); } menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(stayOnTopMode); menu->addAction(protectedMode); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(toggleSettings); menu->addAction(helpAction); menu->exec(mapToGlobal(event->pos())); menu->deleteLater(); return QMainWindow::contextMenuEvent(event); } bool MainWindow::nativeEvent(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *result) { #ifdef _WIN32 // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43505580/qt-windows-resizable-frameless-window // Too lazy to do this now.. just stackoverflow it and did a copy and paste.. Q_UNUSED(eventType) MSG* msg = static_cast(message); if (msg->message == WM_NCHITTEST) { if (isMaximized()) { return false; } *result = 0; const LONG borderWidth = 8; RECT winrect; GetWindowRect(reinterpret_cast(winId()), &winrect); // must be short to correctly work with multiple monitors (negative coordinates) short x = msg->lParam & 0x0000FFFF; short y = (msg->lParam & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16; bool resizeWidth = minimumWidth() != maximumWidth(); bool resizeHeight = minimumHeight() != maximumHeight(); if (resizeWidth) { //left border if (x >= winrect.left && x < winrect.left + borderWidth) { *result = HTLEFT; } //right border if (x < winrect.right && x >= winrect.right - borderWidth) { *result = HTRIGHT; } } if (resizeHeight) { //bottom border if (y < winrect.bottom && y >= winrect.bottom - borderWidth) { *result = HTBOTTOM; } //top border if (y >= winrect.top && y < winrect.top + borderWidth) { *result = HTTOP; } } if (resizeWidth && resizeHeight) { //bottom left corner if (x >= winrect.left && x < winrect.left + borderWidth && y < winrect.bottom && y >= winrect.bottom - borderWidth) { *result = HTBOTTOMLEFT; } //bottom right corner if (x < winrect.right && x >= winrect.right - borderWidth && y < winrect.bottom && y >= winrect.bottom - borderWidth) { *result = HTBOTTOMRIGHT; } //top left corner if (x >= winrect.left && x < winrect.left + borderWidth && y >= winrect.top && y < winrect.top + borderWidth) { *result = HTTOPLEFT; } //top right corner if (x < winrect.right && x >= winrect.right - borderWidth && y >= winrect.top && y < winrect.top + borderWidth) { *result = HTTOPRIGHT; } } if (*result != 0) return true; QWidget *action = QApplication::widgetAt(QCursor::pos()); if (action == this) { *result = HTCAPTION; return true; } } return false; #else return QMainWindow::nativeEvent(eventType, message, result); #endif // _WIN32 } QSize MainWindow::sizeHint() const { return QSize(710, 530); } void MainWindow::centerWindow() { this->setGeometry( QStyle::alignedRect( Qt::LeftToRight, Qt::AlignCenter, this->size(), qApp->screenAt(QCursor::pos())->geometry() ) ); } void MainWindow::closeWindow() { QRect windowRect(this->geometry()); m_floatUpAnimation->setStartValue(windowRect); m_floatUpAnimation->setEndValue(windowRect.adjusted(0, -80, 0, 0)); m_floatUpAnimation->setStartValue(QRect(this->geometry().x(), this->geometry().y(), this->geometry().width(), this->geometry().height())); m_floatUpAnimation->setEndValue(QRect(this->geometry().x(), this->geometry().y()-80, this->geometry().width(), this->geometry().height())); m_exitAnimationGroup->start(); } void MainWindow::updateWidgetsPosition() { m_closeButton->move(width() - m_closeButton->width(), 0); m_prevButton->move(25, (height() - m_prevButton->height()) / 2); m_nextButton->move(width() - m_nextButton->width() - 25, (height() - m_prevButton->height()) / 2); m_bottomButtonGroup->move((width() - m_bottomButtonGroup->width()) / 2, height() - m_bottomButtonGroup->height()); m_gv->move(width() - m_gv->width(), height() - m_gv->height()); } void MainWindow::toggleProtectedMode() { m_protectedMode = !m_protectedMode; m_closeButton->setVisible(!m_protectedMode); m_prevButton->setVisible(!m_protectedMode); m_nextButton->setVisible(!m_protectedMode); } void MainWindow::toggleStayOnTop() { setWindowFlag(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint, !stayOnTop()); show(); } bool MainWindow::stayOnTop() { return windowFlags().testFlag(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); } void MainWindow::quitAppAction(bool force) { if (!m_protectedMode || force) { closeWindow(); } } void MainWindow::toggleFullscreen() { if (isFullScreen()) { showNormal(); } else { showFullScreen(); } } void MainWindow::toggleMaximize() { if (isMaximized()) { showNormal(); } else { showMaximized(); } }