// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Gary Wang // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Tad Young // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT #include "framelesswindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include FramelessWindow::FramelessWindow(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , m_centralLayout(new QVBoxLayout(this)) , m_oldCursorShape(Qt::ArrowCursor) , m_oldEdges() { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowMinMaxButtonsHint); #else // There is a bug in Qt 5 that will make pressing Meta+Up cause the app // fullscreen under Windows, see QTBUG-91226 to learn more. // The bug seems no longer exists in Qt 6 (I only tested it under Qt 6.3.0). this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint); #endif // QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) this->setMouseTracking(true); this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Hover, true); this->installEventFilter(this); m_centralLayout->setContentsMargins(QMargins()); } void FramelessWindow::setCentralWidget(QWidget *widget) { if (m_centralWidget) { m_centralLayout->removeWidget(m_centralWidget); m_centralWidget->deleteLater(); } m_centralLayout->addWidget(widget); m_centralWidget = widget; } void FramelessWindow::installResizeCapture(QObject* widget) { widget->installEventFilter(this); } bool FramelessWindow::eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::HoverMove: { QWidget* wg = qobject_cast(o); if (wg != nullptr) return mouseHover(static_cast(e), wg); break; } case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: return mousePress(static_cast(e)); } return QWidget::eventFilter(o, e); } bool FramelessWindow::mouseHover(QHoverEvent* event, QWidget* wg) { QWindow* win = window()->windowHandle(); Qt::Edges edges = this->getEdgesByPos(wg->mapToGlobal(event->oldPos()), win->frameGeometry()); // backup & restore cursor shape if (edges && !m_oldEdges) // entering the edge. backup cursor shape m_oldCursorShape = win->cursor().shape(); if (!edges && m_oldEdges) // leaving the edge. restore cursor shape win->setCursor(m_oldCursorShape); // save the latest edges status m_oldEdges = edges; // show resize cursor shape if cursor is within border if (edges) { win->setCursor(this->getCursorByEdge(edges, Qt::ArrowCursor)); return true; } return false; } bool FramelessWindow::mousePress(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton && !isMaximized()) { QWindow* win = window()->windowHandle(); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) Qt::Edges edges = this->getEdgesByPos(event->globalPosition().toPoint(), win->frameGeometry()); #else Qt::Edges edges = this->getEdgesByPos(event->globalPos(), win->frameGeometry()); #endif // QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) if (edges) { win->startSystemResize(edges); return true; } } return false; } Qt::CursorShape FramelessWindow::getCursorByEdge(const Qt::Edges& edges, Qt::CursorShape default_cursor) { if ((edges == (Qt::TopEdge | Qt::LeftEdge)) || (edges == (Qt::RightEdge | Qt::BottomEdge))) return Qt::SizeFDiagCursor; else if ((edges == (Qt::TopEdge | Qt::RightEdge)) || (edges == (Qt::LeftEdge | Qt::BottomEdge))) return Qt::SizeBDiagCursor; else if (edges & (Qt::TopEdge | Qt::BottomEdge)) return Qt::SizeVerCursor; else if (edges & (Qt::LeftEdge | Qt::RightEdge)) return Qt::SizeHorCursor; else return default_cursor; } Qt::Edges FramelessWindow::getEdgesByPos(const QPoint gpos, const QRect& winrect) { const int borderWidth = 8; Qt::Edges edges; int x = gpos.x() - winrect.x(); int y = gpos.y() - winrect.y(); if (x < borderWidth) edges |= Qt::LeftEdge; if (x > (winrect.width() - borderWidth)) edges |= Qt::RightEdge; if (y < borderWidth) edges |= Qt::TopEdge; if (y > (winrect.height() - borderWidth)) edges |= Qt::BottomEdge; return edges; }