#include "metadatamodel.h" #include #include #include #include MetadataModel::MetadataModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent) { } MetadataModel::~MetadataModel() { } void MetadataModel::setFile(const QString &imageFilePath) { QFileInfo fileInfo(imageFilePath); // It'll be fine if we don't re-use the image reader we pass to the graphics scene for now. QImageReader imgReader(imageFilePath); const QString & sizeString = QLocale().formattedDataSize(fileInfo.size()); const QString & timeString = QLocale().toString(fileInfo.lastModified(), QLocale::LongFormat); const QString & imageSizeString = imageSize(imgReader.size()); appendSection(QStringLiteral("General"), tr("General", "General info about the image, section name.")); appendProperty(QStringLiteral("General"), QStringLiteral("General.Name"), tr("File Name"), fileInfo.fileName()); appendProperty(QStringLiteral("General"), QStringLiteral("General.Size"), tr("File Size"), sizeString); appendProperty(QStringLiteral("General"), QStringLiteral("General.Time"), tr("Last Modified"), timeString); appendProperty(QStringLiteral("General"), QStringLiteral("General.ImageSize"), tr("Image Size"), imageSizeString); } QString MetadataModel::imageSize(const QSize &size) { QString imageSize; if (size.isValid()) { imageSize = tr("%1 x %2").arg(QString::number(size.width()), QString::number(size.height())); } else { imageSize = QLatin1Char('-'); } return imageSize; } bool MetadataModel::appendSection(const QString §ionKey, const QString §ionDisplayName) { if (m_sections.contains(sectionKey)) { return false; } m_sections.append(sectionKey); m_sectionProperties[sectionKey] = qMakePair >(sectionDisplayName, {}); return true; } bool MetadataModel::appendProperty(const QString §ionKey, const QString &propertyKey, const QString &propertyDisplayName, const QString &propertyValue) { if (!m_sections.contains(sectionKey)) { return false; } QList & propertyList = m_sectionProperties[sectionKey].second; if (!propertyList.contains(propertyKey)) { propertyList.append(propertyKey); } m_properties[propertyKey] = qMakePair(propertyDisplayName, propertyValue); return true; } bool MetadataModel::updateProperty(const QString &propertyKey, const QString &propertyValue) { if (m_properties.contains(propertyKey)) { m_properties[propertyKey].second = propertyValue; return true; } return false; } QModelIndex MetadataModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!hasIndex(row, column, parent)) { return QModelIndex(); } if (!parent.isValid()) { return createIndex(row, column, RowType::SectionRow); } else { // internalid param: row means nth section it belongs to. return createIndex(row, column, RowType::PropertyRow + parent.row()); } } QModelIndex MetadataModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const { if (!child.isValid()) { return QModelIndex(); } if (child.internalId() == RowType::SectionRow) { return QModelIndex(); } else { return createIndex(child.internalId() - RowType::PropertyRow, 0, SectionRow); } } int MetadataModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { return m_sections.count(); } if (parent.internalId() == RowType::SectionRow) { const QString & sectionKey = m_sections[parent.row()]; return m_sectionProperties[sectionKey].second.count(); } return 0; } int MetadataModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const { // Always key(display name) and value. return 2; } QVariant MetadataModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return QVariant(); } if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) { return QVariant(); } if (index.internalId() == RowType::SectionRow) { return (index.column() == 0) ? m_sectionProperties[m_sections[index.row()]].first : QVariant(); } else { int sectionIndex = index.internalId() - RowType::PropertyRow; const QString & sectionKey = m_sections[sectionIndex]; const QList & propertyList = m_sectionProperties[sectionKey].second; return (index.column() == 0) ? m_properties[propertyList[index.row()]].first : m_properties[propertyList[index.row()]].second; } } QVariant MetadataModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation == Qt::Vertical || role != Qt::DisplayRole) { return QVariant(); } return section == 0 ? tr("Property") : tr("Value"); }