AboutDialogAbout关于Launch application with image file path as argument to load the file.以图片文件的路径作为参数运行程序即可直接打开图片文件。Drag and drop image file onto the window is also supported.也支持拖放图片文件到窗口内来加载图片。Context menu option explanation:菜单项说明:Make window stay on top of all other windows.使窗口始终至于其它非置顶窗口上方。Avoid close window accidentally. (eg. by double clicking the window)避免窗口意外关闭。(如:不小心双击了窗口触发了关闭窗口行为)Version: %1版本: %1Copyright (c) 2020 %1版权所有 (c) 2020 %1Logo designed by %1Logo 由 %1 设计Built with Qt %1 (%2)使用 Qt %1 (%2) 进行构建Source code源代码Contributors贡献者List of contributors on GitHubGitHub 上的贡献者列表Thanks to all people who contributed to this project.感谢所有参与此项目的朋友。Translators翻译者I would like to thank the following people who volunteered to translate this application.我想要感谢下列自愿参与翻译此应用程序的朋友。&Special Thanks致谢(&S)&Third-party Libraries第三方程序库(&T)Your Rights用户的权利%1 is released under the MIT License.%1 是在 MIT 许可协议下发布的。This license grants people a number of freedoms:此许可证赋予人们以下自由的权利:You are free to use %1, for any purpose任何人都可以为了任何目的自由地使用 %1You are free to distribute %1任何人都可以自由地分发 %1You can study how %1 works and change it任何人都可以自由地研究 %1 的工作原理并对其进行修改You can distribute changed versions of %1任何人都可以自由地分发修改过的 %1 版本The MIT license guarantees you this freedom. Nobody is ever permitted to take it away.此软件通过 MIT 许可证赋予用户上述自由,任何人无权剥夺。Third-party Libraries used by %1%1 使用的第三方程序库%1 is built on the following free software libraries:%1 采用了下列自由软件程序库进行构建:&Help帮助(&H)&About关于(&A)&License软件许可证(&L)GraphicsSceneDrag image here拖放图片至此GraphicsViewFile url list is empty文件 URL 列表为空File is not a valid image文件不是有效的图片文件Image data is invalid or currently unsupported图像数据无效或暂未支持Image data is invalid图片数据无效Not supported mimedata: %1不受支持的 MimeData 格式:%1MainWindowFile url list is empty文件 URL 列表为空&Copy复制(&C)Copy P&ixmap复制位图(&I)Copy &File Path复制文件路径(&F)&Paste Image粘贴图像(&P)&Paste Image File粘贴图像文件(&P)Properties属性Stay on top总在最前Protected mode保护模式Configure...设置...Help帮助MetadataDialogImage Metadata图像元信息MetadataModelOriginSection name.来源ImageSection name.图像FileSection name.文件CameraSection name.照相机%1 File%1 文件DescriptionSection name.说明Advanced photoSection name.高级照片GPSSection name.GPSDimensions分辨率Aspect Ratio纵横比Name名称Item type项目类型Folder path文件夹路径Size大小Date Created创建日期Date Modified修改日期Comments备注Program name程序名称Colour representation颜色表示Camera maker照相机制造商Camera model照相机型号ISO speedISO 速度Focal length焦距Digital zoom数字缩放EXIF versionEXIF 版本%1 x %2%1 x %2%1 : %2%1 : %2Property属性Value值SettingsDialogSettings设定Do nothing什么也不做Close the window关闭窗口Toggle maximize最大化窗口Stay on top when start-up启动时保持窗口总在最前Double-click behavior双击时的行为mainPineapple Pictures菠萝看图File list.文件列表。