#include #include #include #include #include "internal/platform.h" #include "internal/renderer.h" #include "internal/input.h" #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ #include #include #endif using namespace Blah; #define BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING() BLAH_ASSERT(app_is_running, "The App is not running (call App::run)") namespace { // A dummy Frame Buffer that represents the Back Buffer // it doesn't actually contain any textures or details. class BackBuffer final : public Target { Attachments empty_textures; Attachments& textures() override { BLAH_ASSERT(false, "Backbuffer doesn't have any textures"); return empty_textures; } const Attachments& textures() const override { BLAH_ASSERT(false, "Backbuffer doesn't have any textures"); return empty_textures; } int width() const override { int w, h; Platform::get_draw_size(&w, &h); return w; } int height() const override { int w, h; Platform::get_draw_size(&w, &h); return h; } void clear(Color color, float depth, u8 stencil, ClearMask mask) override { if (Renderer::instance) Renderer::instance->clear_backbuffer(color, depth, stencil, mask); } }; Config app_config; bool app_is_running = false; bool app_is_exiting = false; u64 app_time_last; u64 app_time_accumulator = 0; TargetRef app_backbuffer; void app_iterate() { // update at a fixed timerate // TODO: allow a non-fixed step update? { u64 time_target = (u64)((1.0 / app_config.target_framerate) * Time::ticks_per_second); u64 time_curr = Platform::ticks(); u64 time_diff = time_curr - app_time_last; app_time_last = time_curr; app_time_accumulator += time_diff; // do not let us run too fast while (app_time_accumulator < time_target) { int milliseconds = (int)(time_target - app_time_accumulator) / (Time::ticks_per_second / 1000); Platform::sleep(milliseconds); time_curr = Platform::ticks(); time_diff = time_curr - app_time_last; app_time_last = time_curr; app_time_accumulator += time_diff; } // Do not allow us to fall behind too many updates // (otherwise we'll get spiral of death) u64 time_maximum = app_config.max_updates * time_target; if (app_time_accumulator > time_maximum) app_time_accumulator = time_maximum; // do as many updates as we can while (app_time_accumulator >= time_target) { app_time_accumulator -= time_target; Time::delta = (1.0f / app_config.target_framerate); if (Time::pause_timer > 0) { Time::pause_timer -= Time::delta; if (Time::pause_timer <= -0.0001) Time::delta = -Time::pause_timer; else continue; } Time::previous_ticks = Time::ticks; Time::ticks += time_target; Time::previous_seconds = Time::seconds; Time::seconds += Time::delta; Input::update_state(); Platform::update(Input::state); Input::update_bindings(); Renderer::instance->update(); if (app_config.on_update != nullptr) app_config.on_update(); } } // render { Renderer::instance->before_render(); if (app_config.on_render != nullptr) app_config.on_render(); Renderer::instance->after_render(); Platform::present(); } } } bool App::run(const Config* c) { BLAH_ASSERT(!app_is_running, "The Application is already running"); BLAH_ASSERT(c != nullptr, "The Application requires a valid Config"); BLAH_ASSERT(c->name != nullptr, "The Application Name cannot be null"); BLAH_ASSERT(c->width > 0 && c->height > 0, "The Width and Height must be larget than 0"); BLAH_ASSERT(c->max_updates > 0, "Max Updates must be >= 1"); BLAH_ASSERT(c->target_framerate > 0, "Target Framerate must be >= 1"); // copy config over app_config = *c; // exit the application by default if (!app_config.on_exit_request) app_config.on_exit_request = App::exit; // default renderer type if (app_config.renderer_type == RendererType::None) app_config.renderer_type = Renderer::default_type(); // default values app_is_running = true; app_is_exiting = false; app_backbuffer = TargetRef(new BackBuffer()); // initialize the system if (!Platform::init(app_config)) { Log::error("Failed to initialize Platform module"); return false; } // initialize graphics { // instantiate Renderer::instance = Renderer::try_make_renderer(app_config.renderer_type); // wasn't able to make any if (Renderer::instance == nullptr) { Log::error("Renderer implementation was not found"); return false; } if (!Renderer::instance->init()) { Log::error("Renderer failed to initialize"); delete Renderer::instance; return false; } } // input Input::init(); // prepare by updating input & platform once Input::update_state(); Platform::update(Input::state); // startup if (app_config.on_startup != nullptr) app_config.on_startup(); app_time_last = Platform::ticks(); app_time_accumulator = 0; // display window Platform::ready(); // Begin main loop // Emscripten requires the main loop be separated into its own call #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ emscripten_set_main_loop(app_iterate, 0, 1); #else while (!app_is_exiting) app_iterate(); #endif // shutdown if (app_config.on_shutdown != nullptr) app_config.on_shutdown(); Renderer::instance->shutdown(); Platform::shutdown(); // clear static state app_is_running = false; app_is_exiting = false; app_backbuffer = nullptr; delete Renderer::instance; Renderer::instance = nullptr; Time::ticks = 0; Time::seconds = 0; Time::previous_ticks = 0; Time::previous_seconds = 0; Time::delta = 0; return true; } void App::exit() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); if (!app_is_exiting && app_is_running) app_is_exiting = true; } const Config& App::config() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); return app_config; } const char* App::path() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); return Platform::app_path(); } const char* App::user_path() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); return Platform::user_path(); } const char* App::get_title() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); return Platform::get_title(); } void App::set_title(const char* title) { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); Platform::set_title(title); } Point App::get_position() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); Point result; Platform::get_position(&result.x, &result.y); return result; } void App::set_position(Point point) { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); Platform::set_position(point.x, point.y); } Point App::get_size() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); Point result; Platform::get_size(&result.x, &result.y); return result; } void App::set_size(Point point) { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); Platform::set_size(point.x, point.y); } Point App::get_backbuffer_size() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); if (app_backbuffer) return Point(app_backbuffer->width(), app_backbuffer->height()); return Point(0, 0); } float App::content_scale() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); return Platform::get_content_scale(); } bool App::focused() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); return Platform::get_focused(); } void App::fullscreen(bool enabled) { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); Platform::set_fullscreen(enabled); } const RendererFeatures& App::renderer() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); BLAH_ASSERT_RENDERER(); return Renderer::instance->features; } const TargetRef& App::backbuffer() { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); return app_backbuffer; } void System::open_url(const char* url) { BLAH_ASSERT_RUNNING(); Platform::open_url(url); }