## blah a small C++ game framework for 2D games. this will likely see breaking changes. #### prerequisites - A C++17 compiler and CMake - Only an SDL2 `platform` [is done](https://github.com/NoelFB/blah/blob/master/private/blah/internal/platform_sdl2.cpp). CMake will need to find SDL2 via `SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS` and `SDL2_LIBRARIES` - Only an OpenGL `graphics` [is done](https://github.com/NoelFB/blah/blob/master/private/blah/internal/graphics_opengl.cpp), so it currently requires OpenGL. #### notes - There are probably lots of small bugs as this is highly untested. Best used as a learning resource for now. - There's a custom "vector" class which is called List and Stacklist which may later be replaced with std::vector - There's no Shader abstraction, so the [Sprite Batcher](https://github.com/NoelFB/blah/blob/master/public/blah/drawing/batch.h) has hard-coded GLSL. This will need to change. - The rendering layer may be replaced with [FNA3D](https://github.com/FNA-XNA/FNA3D), [BGFX](https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx), [Sokol](https://github.com/floooh/sokol), or something else. - There's no Audio layer implementation yet. #### a sample application ```cpp #include using namespace Blah; Batch batch; void render() { Graphics::clear(Graphics::backbuffer, 0x00000000); Vec2 center = Vec2(App::draw_width(), App::draw_height()) / 2; float rotation = Time::elapsed * Calc::TAU; Mat3x2 transform = Mat3x2::create_transform(center, Vec2::zero, Vec2::one, rotation); batch.push_matrix(transform); batch.rect(Rect(-32, -32, 64, 64), 0xff0000); batch.pop_matrix(); batch.render(Graphics::backbuffer); batch.clear(); } int main() { Config config; config.name = "blah app"; config.width = 1280; config.height = 720; config.on_render = render; App::run(&config); return 0; } ```