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synced 2025-02-18 12:48:27 +08:00
1) Over time the total amount of files has decreased, and so it made sense to just simplify the folder structure and remove all of the subfolders. 2) Refactor the String class to utilize the existing Vector and StackVector classes instead of managing everything itself.
221 lines
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221 lines
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#pragma once
#include <blah_vector.h>
#include <blah_string.h>
#include <blah_spritefont.h>
#include <blah_subtexture.h>
#include <blah_spatial.h>
#include <blah_color.h>
#include <blah_graphics.h>
namespace Blah
// A 2D sprite batcher, used for drawing shapes and textures
class Batch
// Spritebatcher Color Mode
enum class ColorMode
// Draws textures and shapes normally
// Ignores the texture color but still uses transparency, essentially
// drawing the "shape" of the texture as a solid color
// The name of the default uniforms to set
String texture_uniform = "u_texture";
String sampler_uniform = "u_texture_sampler";
String matrix_uniform = "u_matrix";
// Snaps all drawing coordinates to integer values
// This is useful for drawing Pixel Art stuff
bool integerize = false;
// Default Sampler, set on clear
TextureSampler default_sampler;
// Pushes a new matrix onto the stack, and uses it for transforming all drawing.
// `absolute` means the matrix provided will not be transformed by the current stack.
void push_matrix(const Mat3x2f& matrix, bool absolute = false);
// Pops the matrix from the stack
Mat3x2f pop_matrix();
// Gets the current matrix from the top of the stackKO
Mat3x2f peek_matrix() const;
// Pushes a Scissor rectangle. Note this is not transformed by the matrix stack
// or other scissors. Each push is screen-space.
void push_scissor(const Rectf& scissor);
// Pops a Scissor rectangle from the stack
Rectf pop_scissor();
// Gets the current Scissor rectangle from the top of the stack
Rectf peek_scissor() const;
// Pushes a blend mode
void push_blend(const BlendMode& blend);
// Pops a blend mode
BlendMode pop_blend();
// Gets the current BlendMode from the top of the stack
BlendMode peek_blend() const;
// Pushes a Material to use for all drawing. Note that the state of the Material
// is not copied - it will be drawn with the values of the Material at render.
void push_material(const MaterialRef& material);
// Pops a Material
MaterialRef pop_material();
// Gets the current Material from the top of the stack
MaterialRef peek_material() const;
// Pushes a render layer. Lower values are rendered first. This is not super optimized
// and should generally be avoided.
void push_layer(int layer);
// Pops a Layer
int pop_layer();
// Gets the current Layer from the top of the stack
int peek_layer() const;
// Pushes a Color Mode for drawing Textures
void push_color_mode(ColorMode mode);
// Pops a Color MOde
ColorMode pop_color_mode();
// Gets the current ColorMode from the top of the stack
ColorMode peek_color_mode() const;
// Sets the current texture used for drawing. Note that certain functions will override
// this (ex the `str` and `tex` methods)
void set_texture(const TextureRef& texture);
// Sets the current texture sampler for drawing.
void set_sampler(const TextureSampler& sampler);
// Draws the batch to the given target
void render(const TargetRef& target = TargetRef());
// Draws the batch to the given target, with the provided matrix
void render(const TargetRef& target, const Mat4x4f& matrix);
// Clears the batch
void clear();
// Clears and disposes all resources that the batch is using
void dispose();
void line(const Vec2f& from, const Vec2f& to, float t, Color color);
void line(const Vec2f& from, const Vec2f& to, float t, Color fromColor, Color toColor);
void bezier_line(const Vec2f& from, const Vec2f& b, const Vec2f& to, int steps, float t, Color color);
void bezier_line(const Vec2f& from, const Vec2f& b, const Vec2f& c, const Vec2f& to, int steps, float t, Color color);
void tri(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, Color color);
void tri(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, Color col0, Color col1, Color col2);
void tri(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& tex0, const Vec2f& tex1, const Vec2f& tex2, Color color);
void tri(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& tex0, const Vec2f& tex1, const Vec2f& tex2, Color col0, Color col1, Color col2);
void tri_line(const Vec2f& a, const Vec2f& b, const Vec2f& c, float t, Color color);
void rect(const Rectf& rect, Color color);
void rect_line(const Rectf& rect, float t, Color color);
void rect_rounded(const Rectf& rect, float radius, int steps, Color color);
void rect_rounded(const Rectf& rect, float rtl, int rtl_steps, float rtr, int rtr_steps, float rbr, int rbr_steps, float rbl, int rbl_steps, Color color);
void rect_rounded_line(const Rectf& rect, float radius, int steps, float t, Color color);
void rect_rounded_line(const Rectf& rect, float rtl, int rtl_steps, float rtr, int rtr_steps, float rbr, int rbr_steps, float rbl, int rbl_steps, float t, Color color);
void semi_circle(const Vec2f& center, float start_radians, float end_radians, float radius, int steps, Color centerColor, Color edgeColor);
void semi_circle(const Vec2f& center, float start_radians, float end_radians, float radius, int steps, Color color);
void semi_circle_line(const Vec2f& center, float start_radians, float end_radians, float radius, int steps, float t, Color color);
void circle(const Vec2f& center, float radius, int steps, Color color);
void circle(const Vec2f& center, float radius, int steps, Color center_color, Color outer_color);
void circle_line(const Vec2f& center, float radius, float t, int steps, Color color);
void quad(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& pos3, Color color);
void quad(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& pos3, Color col0, Color col1, Color col2, Color col3);
void quad(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& pos3, const Vec2f& tex0, const Vec2f& tex1, const Vec2f& tex2, const Vec2f& tex3, Color color);
void quad(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& pos3, const Vec2f& tex0, const Vec2f& tex1, const Vec2f& tex2, const Vec2f& tex3, Color col0, Color col1, Color col2, Color col3);
void quad_line(const Vec2f& a, const Vec2f& b, const Vec2f& c, const Vec2f& d, float t, Color color);
void arrow_head(const Vec2f& point_pos, float radians, float side_len, Color color);
void arrow_head(const Vec2f& point_pos, const Vec2f& from_pos, float side_len, Color color);
void tex(const TextureRef& texture, const Vec2f& position = Vec2f::zero, Color color = Color::white);
void tex(const TextureRef& texture, const Vec2f& position, const Vec2f& origin, const Vec2f& scale, float rotation, Color color);
void tex(const TextureRef& texture, const Rectf& clip, const Vec2f& position, const Vec2f& origin, const Vec2f& scale, float rotation, Color color);
void tex(const Subtexture& subtexture, const Vec2f& position = Vec2f::zero, Color color = Color::white);
void tex(const Subtexture& subtexture, const Vec2f& pos, const Vec2f& origin, const Vec2f& scale, float rotation, Color color);
void tex(const Subtexture& subtexture, const Rectf& clip, const Vec2f& pos, const Vec2f& origin, const Vec2f& scale, float rotation, Color color);
void str(const SpriteFont& font, const String& text, const Vec2f& pos, Color color);
void str(const SpriteFont& font, const String& text, const Vec2f& pos, const Vec2f& justify, float size, Color color);
struct Vertex
Vec2f pos;
Vec2f tex;
Color col;
u8 mult;
u8 wash;
u8 fill;
u8 pad;
struct DrawBatch
int layer;
int offset;
int elements;
MaterialRef material;
BlendMode blend;
TextureRef texture;
TextureSampler sampler;
bool flip_vertically;
Rectf scissor;
DrawBatch() :
scissor(0, 0, -1, -1) {}
MaterialRef m_default_material;
MeshRef m_mesh;
Mat3x2f m_matrix = Mat3x2f::identity;
ColorMode m_color_mode = ColorMode::Normal;
u8 m_tex_mult = 255;
u8 m_tex_wash = 0;
DrawBatch m_batch;
Vector<Vertex> m_vertices;
Vector<u32> m_indices;
Vector<Mat3x2f> m_matrix_stack;
Vector<Rectf> m_scissor_stack;
Vector<BlendMode> m_blend_stack;
Vector<MaterialRef> m_material_stack;
Vector<ColorMode> m_color_mode_stack;
Vector<int> m_layer_stack;
Vector<DrawBatch> m_batches;
int m_batch_insert = 0;
void render_single_batch(DrawCall& pass, const DrawBatch& b, const Mat4x4f& matrix);
} |