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#pragma once
#include <blah_vector.h>
#include <blah_string.h>
#include <blah_spritefont.h>
#include <blah_subtexture.h>
#include <blah_spatial.h>
#include <blah_color.h>
#include <blah_graphics.h>
namespace Blah
// A 2D sprite batcher, used for drawing shapes and textures
class Batch
// Spritebatcher Color Mode
enum class ColorMode
// Draws textures and shapes normally
// Ignores the texture color but still uses transparency, essentially
// drawing the "shape" of the texture as a solid color
// The name of the default uniforms to set
String texture_uniform = "u_texture";
String sampler_uniform = "u_texture_sampler";
String matrix_uniform = "u_matrix";
// Snaps all drawing coordinates to integer values
// This is useful for drawing Pixel Art stuff
bool integerize = false;
// Default Sampler, set on clear
TextureSampler default_sampler;
// Pushes a new matrix onto the stack, and uses it for transforming all drawing.
// `absolute` means the matrix provided will not be transformed by the current stack.
void push_matrix(const Mat3x2f& matrix, bool absolute = false);
// Pops the matrix from the stack
Mat3x2f pop_matrix();
// Gets the current matrix from the top of the stackKO
Mat3x2f peek_matrix() const;
// Pushes a Scissor rectangle. Note this is not transformed by the matrix stack
// or other scissors. Each push is screen-space.
void push_scissor(const Rectf& scissor);
// Pops a Scissor rectangle from the stack
Rectf pop_scissor();
// Gets the current Scissor rectangle from the top of the stack
Rectf peek_scissor() const;
// Pushes a blend mode
void push_blend(const BlendMode& blend);
// Pops a blend mode
BlendMode pop_blend();
// Gets the current BlendMode from the top of the stack
BlendMode peek_blend() const;
// Pushes a Material to use for all drawing. Note that the state of the Material
// is not copied - it will be drawn with the values of the Material at render.
void push_material(const MaterialRef& material);
// Pops a Material
MaterialRef pop_material();
// Gets the current Material from the top of the stack
MaterialRef peek_material() const;
// Pushes a render layer. Lower values are rendered first. This is not super optimized
// and should generally be avoided.
void push_layer(int layer);
// Pops a Layer
int pop_layer();
// Gets the current Layer from the top of the stack
int peek_layer() const;
// Pushes a Color Mode for drawing Textures
void push_color_mode(ColorMode mode);
// Pops a Color MOde
ColorMode pop_color_mode();
// Gets the current ColorMode from the top of the stack
ColorMode peek_color_mode() const;
// Sets the current texture used for drawing. Note that certain functions will override
// this (ex the `str` and `tex` methods)
void set_texture(const TextureRef& texture);
// Sets the current texture sampler for drawing.
void set_sampler(const TextureSampler& sampler);
// Draws the batch to the given target
void render(const TargetRef& target = TargetRef());
// Draws the batch to the given target, with the provided matrix
void render(const TargetRef& target, const Mat4x4f& matrix);
// Clears the batch
void clear();
// Clears and disposes all resources that the batch is using
void dispose();
void line(const Vec2f& from, const Vec2f& to, float t, Color color);
void line(const Vec2f& from, const Vec2f& to, float t, Color fromColor, Color toColor);
void bezier_line(const Vec2f& from, const Vec2f& b, const Vec2f& to, int steps, float t, Color color);
void bezier_line(const Vec2f& from, const Vec2f& b, const Vec2f& c, const Vec2f& to, int steps, float t, Color color);
void tri(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, Color color);
void tri(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, Color col0, Color col1, Color col2);
void tri(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& tex0, const Vec2f& tex1, const Vec2f& tex2, Color color);
void tri(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& tex0, const Vec2f& tex1, const Vec2f& tex2, Color col0, Color col1, Color col2);
void tri_line(const Vec2f& a, const Vec2f& b, const Vec2f& c, float t, Color color);
void rect(const Rectf& rect, Color color);
void rect_line(const Rectf& rect, float t, Color color);
void rect_rounded(const Rectf& rect, float radius, int steps, Color color);
void rect_rounded(const Rectf& rect, float rtl, int rtl_steps, float rtr, int rtr_steps, float rbr, int rbr_steps, float rbl, int rbl_steps, Color color);
void rect_rounded_line(const Rectf& rect, float radius, int steps, float t, Color color);
void rect_rounded_line(const Rectf& rect, float rtl, int rtl_steps, float rtr, int rtr_steps, float rbr, int rbr_steps, float rbl, int rbl_steps, float t, Color color);
void semi_circle(const Vec2f& center, float start_radians, float end_radians, float radius, int steps, Color centerColor, Color edgeColor);
void semi_circle(const Vec2f& center, float start_radians, float end_radians, float radius, int steps, Color color);
void semi_circle_line(const Vec2f& center, float start_radians, float end_radians, float radius, int steps, float t, Color color);
void circle(const Vec2f& center, float radius, int steps, Color color);
void circle(const Vec2f& center, float radius, int steps, Color center_color, Color outer_color);
void circle_line(const Vec2f& center, float radius, float t, int steps, Color color);
void quad(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& pos3, Color color);
void quad(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& pos3, Color col0, Color col1, Color col2, Color col3);
void quad(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& pos3, const Vec2f& tex0, const Vec2f& tex1, const Vec2f& tex2, const Vec2f& tex3, Color color);
void quad(const Vec2f& pos0, const Vec2f& pos1, const Vec2f& pos2, const Vec2f& pos3, const Vec2f& tex0, const Vec2f& tex1, const Vec2f& tex2, const Vec2f& tex3, Color col0, Color col1, Color col2, Color col3);
void quad_line(const Vec2f& a, const Vec2f& b, const Vec2f& c, const Vec2f& d, float t, Color color);
void arrow_head(const Vec2f& point_pos, float radians, float side_len, Color color);
void arrow_head(const Vec2f& point_pos, const Vec2f& from_pos, float side_len, Color color);
void tex(const TextureRef& texture, const Vec2f& position = Vec2f::zero, Color color = Color::white);
void tex(const TextureRef& texture, const Vec2f& position, const Vec2f& origin, const Vec2f& scale, float rotation, Color color);
void tex(const TextureRef& texture, const Rectf& clip, const Vec2f& position, const Vec2f& origin, const Vec2f& scale, float rotation, Color color);
void tex(const Subtexture& subtexture, const Vec2f& position = Vec2f::zero, Color color = Color::white);
void tex(const Subtexture& subtexture, const Vec2f& pos, const Vec2f& origin, const Vec2f& scale, float rotation, Color color);
void tex(const Subtexture& subtexture, const Rectf& clip, const Vec2f& pos, const Vec2f& origin, const Vec2f& scale, float rotation, Color color);
void str(const SpriteFont& font, const String& text, const Vec2f& pos, Color color);
void str(const SpriteFont& font, const String& text, const Vec2f& pos, const Vec2f& justify, float size, Color color);
struct Vertex
Vec2f pos;
Vec2f tex;
Color col;
u8 mult;
u8 wash;
u8 fill;
u8 pad;
struct DrawBatch
int layer;
int offset;
int elements;
MaterialRef material;
BlendMode blend;
TextureRef texture;
TextureSampler sampler;
bool flip_vertically;
Rectf scissor;
DrawBatch() :
scissor(0, 0, -1, -1) {}
MaterialRef m_default_material;
MeshRef m_mesh;
Mat3x2f m_matrix = Mat3x2f::identity;
ColorMode m_color_mode = ColorMode::Normal;
u8 m_tex_mult = 255;
u8 m_tex_wash = 0;
DrawBatch m_batch;
Vector<Vertex> m_vertices;
Vector<u32> m_indices;
Vector<Mat3x2f> m_matrix_stack;
Vector<Rectf> m_scissor_stack;
Vector<BlendMode> m_blend_stack;
Vector<MaterialRef> m_material_stack;
Vector<ColorMode> m_color_mode_stack;
Vector<int> m_layer_stack;
Vector<DrawBatch> m_batches;
int m_batch_insert = 0;
void render_single_batch(DrawCall& pass, const DrawBatch& b, const Mat4x4f& matrix);
} |