mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 12:48:27 +08:00
1) Over time the total amount of files has decreased, and so it made sense to just simplify the folder structure and remove all of the subfolders. 2) Refactor the String class to utilize the existing Vector and StackVector classes instead of managing everything itself.
803 lines
19 KiB
803 lines
19 KiB
#pragma once
#include <blah_common.h>
#include <blah_spatial.h>
#include <blah_string.h>
#include <blah_stackvector.h>
// These are generally copied from the SDL2 Scancode Keys,
// which are in turn based on the USB standards:
// https://www.usb.org/sites/default/files/documents/hut1_12v2.pdf
DEFINE_KEY(Unknown, 0) \
DEFINE_KEY(D1, 30) \
DEFINE_KEY(D2, 31) \
DEFINE_KEY(D3, 32) \
DEFINE_KEY(D4, 33) \
DEFINE_KEY(D5, 34) \
DEFINE_KEY(D6, 35) \
DEFINE_KEY(D7, 36) \
DEFINE_KEY(D8, 37) \
DEFINE_KEY(D9, 38) \
DEFINE_KEY(D0, 39) \
DEFINE_KEY(Enter, 40) \
DEFINE_KEY(Escape, 41) \
DEFINE_KEY(Backspace, 42) \
DEFINE_KEY(Tab, 43) \
DEFINE_KEY(Space, 44) \
DEFINE_KEY(Minus, 45) \
DEFINE_KEY(Equals, 46) \
DEFINE_KEY(LeftBracket, 47) \
DEFINE_KEY(RightBracket, 48) \
DEFINE_KEY(Backslash, 49) \
DEFINE_KEY(Semicolon, 51) \
DEFINE_KEY(Apostrophe, 52) \
DEFINE_KEY(Tilde, 53) \
DEFINE_KEY(Comma, 54) \
DEFINE_KEY(Period, 55) \
DEFINE_KEY(Slash, 56) \
DEFINE_KEY(Capslock, 57) \
DEFINE_KEY(F1, 58) \
DEFINE_KEY(F2, 59) \
DEFINE_KEY(F3, 60) \
DEFINE_KEY(F4, 61) \
DEFINE_KEY(F5, 62) \
DEFINE_KEY(F6, 63) \
DEFINE_KEY(F7, 64) \
DEFINE_KEY(F8, 65) \
DEFINE_KEY(F9, 66) \
DEFINE_KEY(F10, 67) \
DEFINE_KEY(F11, 68) \
DEFINE_KEY(F12, 69) \
DEFINE_KEY(F13, 104) \
DEFINE_KEY(F14, 105) \
DEFINE_KEY(F15, 106) \
DEFINE_KEY(F16, 107) \
DEFINE_KEY(F17, 108) \
DEFINE_KEY(F18, 109) \
DEFINE_KEY(F19, 110) \
DEFINE_KEY(F20, 111) \
DEFINE_KEY(F21, 112) \
DEFINE_KEY(F22, 113) \
DEFINE_KEY(F23, 114) \
DEFINE_KEY(F24, 115) \
DEFINE_KEY(PrintScreen, 70) \
DEFINE_KEY(ScrollLock, 71) \
DEFINE_KEY(Pause, 72) \
DEFINE_KEY(Insert, 73) \
DEFINE_KEY(Home, 74) \
DEFINE_KEY(PageUp, 75) \
DEFINE_KEY(Delete, 76) \
DEFINE_KEY(End, 77) \
DEFINE_KEY(PageDown, 78) \
DEFINE_KEY(Right, 79) \
DEFINE_KEY(Left, 80) \
DEFINE_KEY(Down, 81) \
DEFINE_KEY(Up, 82) \
DEFINE_KEY(Numlock, 83) \
DEFINE_KEY(Application, 101) \
DEFINE_KEY(Execute, 116) \
DEFINE_KEY(Help, 117) \
DEFINE_KEY(Menu, 118) \
DEFINE_KEY(Select, 119) \
DEFINE_KEY(Stop, 120) \
DEFINE_KEY(Redo, 121) \
DEFINE_KEY(Undo, 122) \
DEFINE_KEY(Cut, 123) \
DEFINE_KEY(Copy, 124) \
DEFINE_KEY(Paste, 125) \
DEFINE_KEY(Find, 126) \
DEFINE_KEY(Mute, 127) \
DEFINE_KEY(VolumeUp, 128) \
DEFINE_KEY(VolumeDown, 129) \
DEFINE_KEY(AltErase, 153) \
DEFINE_KEY(SysReq, 154) \
DEFINE_KEY(Cancel, 155) \
DEFINE_KEY(Clear, 156) \
DEFINE_KEY(Prior, 157) \
DEFINE_KEY(Enter2, 158) \
DEFINE_KEY(Separator, 159) \
DEFINE_KEY(Out, 160) \
DEFINE_KEY(Oper, 161) \
DEFINE_KEY(ClearAgain, 162) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadA, 188) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadB, 189) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadC, 190) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadD, 191) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadE, 192) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadF, 193) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad0, 98) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad00, 176) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad000, 177) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad1, 89) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad2, 90) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad3, 91) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad4, 92) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad5, 93) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad6, 94) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad7, 95) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad8, 96) \
DEFINE_KEY(Keypad9, 97) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadDivide, 84) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadMultiply, 85) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadMinus, 86) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadPlus, 87) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadEnter, 88) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadPeroid, 99) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadEquals, 103) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadComma, 133) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadLeftParen, 182) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadRightParen, 183) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadLeftBrace, 184) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadRightBrace, 185) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadTab, 186) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadBackspace, 187) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadXor, 194) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadPower, 195) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadPercent, 196) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadLess, 197) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadGreater, 198) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadAmpersand, 199) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadColon, 203) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadHash, 204) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadSpace, 205) \
DEFINE_KEY(KeypadClear, 216) \
DEFINE_KEY(LeftControl, 224) \
DEFINE_KEY(LeftShift, 225) \
DEFINE_KEY(LeftAlt, 226) \
DEFINE_KEY(LeftOS, 227) \
DEFINE_KEY(RightControl, 228) \
DEFINE_KEY(RightShift, 229) \
DEFINE_KEY(RightAlt, 230) \
DEFINE_KEY(RightOS, 231)
DEFINE_BTN(None, -1) \
DEFINE_BTN(Back, 4) \
DEFINE_BTN(Select, 5) \
DEFINE_BTN(Start, 6) \
DEFINE_BTN(LeftStick, 7) \
DEFINE_BTN(RightStick, 8) \
DEFINE_BTN(LeftShoulder, 9) \
DEFINE_BTN(RightShoulder, 10) \
DEFINE_BTN(Up, 11) \
DEFINE_BTN(Down, 12) \
DEFINE_BTN(Left, 13) \
DEFINE_BTN(Right, 14)
namespace Blah
namespace Input
// maximum number of controllers the input can handle
constexpr int max_controllers = 8;
// maximum number of buttons the input will track
constexpr int max_controller_buttons = 64;
// maximum number of controller axis the input will track
constexpr int max_controller_axis = 16;
// maximum number of mouse buttons the input will track
constexpr int max_mouse_buttons = 16;
// maximum number of keys the input will track
constexpr int max_keyboard_keys = 512;
// Keyboard Keys
enum class Key
#define DEFINE_KEY(name, value) name = value,
// Game Controller Buttons
enum class Button
#define DEFINE_BTN(name, value) name = value,
// Game Controller Axis
enum class Axis
None = -1,
LeftX = 0,
LeftY = 1,
RightX = 2,
RightY = 3,
LeftTrigger = 4,
RightTrigger = 5,
// Mouse Buttons
enum class MouseButton
None = -1,
Left = 0,
Middle = 1,
Right = 2,
// Controller State
struct ControllerState
// The name of the gamepad, or NULL if not connected
String name;
// Whether this gamepad is connected
bool is_connected;
// Whether this gamepad is a standard Game Controller
bool is_gamepad;
// The total button count for this controller
int button_count;
// The total axis count for this controller
int axis_count;
// An array holding the pressed state of each button
bool pressed[Input::max_controller_buttons];
// An array holding the down state of each button
bool down[Input::max_controller_buttons];
// An array holding the released state of each button
bool released[Input::max_controller_buttons];
// An array holding the value state of each axis
float axis[Input::max_controller_axis];
// Timestamp, in milliseconds, since each button was last pressed
u64 button_timestamp[Input::max_controller_buttons];
// Timestamp, in milliseconds, since each axis last had a value set
u64 axis_timestamp[Input::max_controller_axis];
// The USB Vendor ID
u16 vendor;
// The USB Product ID
u16 product;
// the Product Version
u16 version;
// marks the controller as connected
void on_connect(const String& name, bool is_gamepad, int button_count, int axis_count, u16 vendor, u16 product, u16 version);
// marks the controller as disconnected
void on_disconnect();
// invokes a button press
void on_press(Button button);
// invokes a button release
void on_release(Button button);
// invokes an axis movement
void on_axis(Axis axis, float value);
// Keyboard State
struct KeyboardState
// whether a key was pressed this frame
bool pressed[Input::max_keyboard_keys];
// whether a key is currently held
bool down[Input::max_keyboard_keys];
// whether a key was released this frame
bool released[Input::max_keyboard_keys];
// the timestamp for the key being pressed
u64 timestamp[Input::max_keyboard_keys];
// current text input this frame
String text;
// Checks if the Left or Right Ctrl Key is down
bool ctrl();
// Checks if the Left or Right Shift Key is down
bool shift();
// Checks if the Left or Right Alt Key is down
bool alt();
// invokes a key press
void on_press(Key key);
// invokes a key release
void on_release(Key key);
// Mouse State
struct MouseState
// whether a button was pressed this frame
bool pressed[Input::max_mouse_buttons];
// whether a button was held this frame
bool down[Input::max_mouse_buttons];
// whether a button was released this frame
bool released[Input::max_mouse_buttons];
// the timestamp for the button being pressed
u64 timestamp[Input::max_mouse_buttons];
// mouse position in screen coordinates
Vec2f screen_position;
// mouse position in pixel coordinates
Vec2f draw_position;
// mouse position on the window
Vec2f position;
// mouse wheel value this frame
Point wheel;
// invokes a key press
void on_press(MouseButton button);
// invokes a mouse movement
void on_move(const Vec2f& position, const Vec2f& screen_position);
// invokes a key release
void on_release(MouseButton button);
// An Input State, which stores the state for gamepads, keyboard, and mouse
struct InputState
// All the Gamepads. Note that not all gamepads are necessarily connected,
// and each one must be checked before use.
ControllerState controllers[Input::max_controllers];
// The current Keyboard state
KeyboardState keyboard;
// The current Mouse state
MouseState mouse;
class ButtonBinding;
using ButtonBindingRef = Ref<ButtonBinding>;
class AxisBinding;
using AxisBindingRef = Ref<AxisBinding>;
class StickBinding;
using StickBindingRef = Ref<StickBinding>;
// Single input Binding
// You must call Binding::update() every frame to poll the input state.
// Alternatively, bindings can be registered to Input which will
// automatically update them.
class ButtonBinding
// Represents a Controller Trigger or a single direction of a Controller Axis.
struct TriggerBind
// Controller Index we're bound to
int controller = 0;
// The Axis we're bound to
Axis axis = Axis::None;
// Minimum value of the axis
float threshold = 0.01f;
// requires a positive value
// otherwise requires a negative value
bool positive = true;
TriggerBind() = default;
TriggerBind(Axis axis);
TriggerBind(int controller, Axis axis, float threshold, bool positive);
bool is_down(float axis_value) const;
// Represents a Controller Button.
struct ButtonBind
// Controller Index we're bound to
int controller = 0;
// Button we're bound to
Button button = Button::None;
ButtonBind() = default;
ButtonBind(Button button);
ButtonBind(int controller, Button button);
// Input Buffer for press events
float press_buffer = 0;
// Input Buffer for release events
float release_buffer = 0;
// List of bound Keys
StackVector<Key, 16> keys;
// List of bound Buttons
StackVector<ButtonBind, 16> buttons;
// List of bound Triggers / Axis
StackVector<TriggerBind, 16> triggers;
// List of bound Mouse buttons
StackVector<MouseButton, 16> mouse;
ButtonBinding() = default;
ButtonBinding(float press_buffer)
: press_buffer(press_buffer)
template<typename ... Args>
ButtonBinding(float press_buffer, const Args&... args)
: press_buffer(press_buffer)
// if the binding has been pressed
bool pressed() const;
// if the binding has been released
bool released() const;
// if the binding is currently held
bool down() const;
// returns the binding's value from 0-1
float value() const;
// returns the bindings signed value (0 or 1)
int sign() const;
// returns the timestamp of the last time the binding was pressed
double timestamp() const;
// updates the binding state
void update();
// consumes the current press, and pressed() will return false until the next press
void consume_press();
// consumes the current release, and released() will return false until the next release
void consume_release();
// adds a key to the binding
ButtonBinding& add(Key key);
// adds a button to the binding
ButtonBinding& add(ButtonBind button);
// adds an trigger to the binding
ButtonBinding& add(TriggerBind trigger);
// adds a mouse button to the binding
ButtonBinding& add(MouseButton mouse);
// adds an input to the binding
template<typename T, typename T2, typename ... Args>
ButtonBinding& add(T first, T2 second, const Args&... args)
add(second, args...);
return *this;
// adds the left trigger to the binding
ButtonBinding& add_left_trigger(int controller, float threshold);
// adds the right trigger to the binding
ButtonBinding& add_right_trigger(int controller, float threshold);
// assigns all the bindings to the specific controller
ButtonBinding& set_controller(int index);
// removes all bindings
void clear();
double m_last_timestamp = 0;
double m_last_press_time = -1;
double m_last_release_time = -1;
float m_value = 0.0f;
bool m_pressed = false;
bool m_released = false;
bool m_down = false;
bool m_press_consumed = false;
bool m_release_consumed = false;
bool get_pressed() const;
bool get_released() const;
bool get_down() const;
float get_value() const;
// Axis Binding (ex. Left/Right movement, or a Trigger)
// You must call AxisBinding::update() every frame to poll the input state.
// Alternatively, bindings can be registered to Input which will
// automatically update them.
class AxisBinding
enum class Overlap
// Negative Value Binding
ButtonBinding negative;
// Positive Value Binding
ButtonBinding positive;
// How to handle overlaps (ex. Left and Right are both held)
Overlap overlap = Overlap::Newer;
AxisBinding() = default;
AxisBinding(const ButtonBinding& negative, const ButtonBinding& positive, Overlap overlap = Overlap::Newer)
: negative(negative)
, positive(positive)
, overlap(overlap)
// Current Value from -1 to 1
float value() const;
// Current value, either -1, 0, or 1
int sign() const;
// updates the Binding
void update();
// checks if the axis was pressed this frame (ie. went from 0 to -1 or 1)
bool pressed() const { return negative.pressed() || positive.pressed(); }
// consumes the press buffer
void consume_press();
// consumes the release buffer
void consume_release();
// Adds a negative & positive binding pair
template<typename NegativeT, typename PositiveT>
AxisBinding& add(NegativeT negative, PositiveT positive)
return *this;
// Adds a Stick binding
AxisBinding& add_left_stick_x(int controller, float threshold);
AxisBinding& add_left_stick_y(int controller, float threshold);
AxisBinding& add_right_stick_x(int controller, float threshold);
AxisBinding& add_right_stick_y(int controller, float threshold);
// assigns all the bindings to the specific controller
AxisBinding& set_controller(int index);
// Clears all Bindings
void clear();
// Stick Binding (ex. Joystick, Dpad, Arrow Keys, WASD, etc)
// You must call StickBinding::update() every frame to poll the input state.
// Alternatively, bindings can be registered to Input which will
// automatically update them.
class StickBinding
// X Axis Binding
AxisBinding x;
// Y Axis Binding
AxisBinding y;
// An optional threshold for circular thresholds
float round_threshold = 0.0f;
StickBinding() = default;
StickBinding(const AxisBinding& x, const AxisBinding& y, float round_threshold = 0)
: x(x)
, y(y)
, round_threshold(round_threshold)
// Current Value, -1 to 1
Vec2f value() const;
// Current value, either -1, 0, or 1
Point sign() const;
// Updates the Binding
void update();
// checks if the stick was pressed this frame
bool pressed() const { return x.pressed() || y.pressed(); }
// Consumes the Press Buffer
void consume_press();
// Consumes the Release Buffer
void consume_release();
// Adds directional bindings
template<typename LeftT, typename RightT, typename UpT, typename DownT>
StickBinding& add(LeftT left, RightT right, UpT up, DownT down)
return *this;
// Adds the dpad binding
StickBinding& add_dpad(int controller);
// Adds the left stick binding
StickBinding& add_left_stick(int controller, float threshold);
// Adds the right stick binding
StickBinding& add_right_stick(int controller, float threshold);
// assigns all the bindings to the specific controller
StickBinding& set_controller(int index);
// Clears all the bindings
void clear();
namespace Input
// Input State for the current frame
extern InputState state;
// Input State for the previous frame
extern InputState last_state;
// Key-Repeating intervals
extern float repeat_delay;
extern float repeat_interval;
// Gets the Mouse Position
Vec2f mouse();
// Gets the Draw Mouse Position (Mouse Position / Window Size * Draw Size)
Vec2f mouse_draw();
// Gets the Mouse Position in Screen Coordinates
Vec2f mouse_screen();
// Checks if the given Mouse Button is pressed
bool pressed(MouseButton button);
// Checks if the given Mouse Button is down
bool down(MouseButton button);
// Checks if the given Mouse Button is released
bool released(MouseButton button);
// Gets the Mouse Wheel
Point mouse_wheel();
// Checks if the keyboard key was pressed this frame
bool pressed(Key key);
// Checks if the keyboard key was held this frame
bool down(Key key);
// Checks if the keyboard key was released this frame
bool released(Key key);
// Pressed or repeating on-interval
bool repeating(Key key);
// Checks if the Left or Right Ctrl Key is down
bool ctrl();
// Checks if the Left or Right Shift Key is down
bool shift();
// Checks if the Left or Right Alt Key is down
bool alt();
// Checks if the given Controller Button is pressed
bool pressed(int controller_index, Button button);
// Checks if the given Controller Button is down
bool down(int controller_index, Button button);
// Checks if the given Controller Button is released
bool released(int controller_index, Button button);
// returns a string name of the key
const char* name_of(Key key);
// returns a string name of the button
const char* name_of(Button button);
// gets the string contents of the clipboard
const String& get_clipboard();
// sets the string contents of the clipboard
void set_clipboard(const String& text);
// registers a new binding and returns a handle to it
ButtonBindingRef register_binding(const ButtonBinding& binding_data);
// registers a new binding and returns a handle to it
AxisBindingRef register_binding(const AxisBinding& binding_data);
// registers a new binding and returns a handle to it
StickBindingRef register_binding(const StickBinding& binding_data);
} |