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synced 2025-02-18 12:48:27 +08:00
1) Over time the total amount of files has decreased, and so it made sense to just simplify the folder structure and remove all of the subfolders. 2) Refactor the String class to utilize the existing Vector and StackVector classes instead of managing everything itself.
371 lines
8.2 KiB
371 lines
8.2 KiB
#pragma once
#include <blah_common.h>
#include <blah_vector.h>
#include <blah_stackvector.h>
namespace Blah
class BaseString
const char* cstr() const { return s_ptr(); }
char* cstr() { return s_ptr(); }
const char* begin() const { return s_ptr(); }
char* begin() { return s_ptr(); }
const char* end() const { return s_ptr() + length(); }
char* end() { return s_ptr() + length(); }
char& operator[](int index)
BLAH_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < length(), "Index out of range");
return s_ptr()[index];
const char& operator[](int index) const
BLAH_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < length(), "Index out of range");
return s_ptr()[index];
operator char* () { return cstr(); }
operator const char* () const { return cstr(); }
void assign(const char* cstr, const char* cstr_end = nullptr);
void append(const char* cstr, const char* cstr_end = nullptr);
void append(const u16* u16_cstr, const u16* u16_cstr_end = nullptr, bool swap_endian = false);
void append(char ch, int count = 1);
void append(u32 unicode);
void append_fmt(const char* fmt, ...);
bool starts_with(const char* cstr, bool ignore_case = false) const;
bool ends_with(const char* cstr, bool ignore_case = false) const;
bool contains(const char* cstr, bool ignore_case = false) const;
int first_index_of(char ch) const;
int last_index_of(char ch) const;
int length() const
int n = s_len() - 1; // reduce by 1 for null-terminator
return (n > 0 ? n : 0); // safety, although due to how StackString is implemented s_len shouldn't ever be less than 1
bool equals(const char* other, bool ignore_case = false) const;
bool empty() const { return length() == 0; }
void clear() { s_clear(); }
bool operator==(const char* rhs) const { return equals(rhs); }
bool operator!=(const char* rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
bool operator==(const BaseString& rhs) const { return s_len() == rhs.s_len() && *this == rhs.cstr(); }
bool operator!=(const BaseString& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
virtual void s_clear() = 0;
virtual void s_ensure(int capacity) = 0;
virtual char* s_ptr() = 0;
virtual const char* s_ptr() const = 0;
virtual int s_len() const = 0;
template<size_t StackSize>
class StackString final : public BaseString
StackString() { assign(""); }
StackString(const char* cstr, const char* cstr_end = nullptr) { assign(cstr, cstr_end); }
StackString(const BaseString& other) { assign(other.cstr()); }
StackString& operator=(const BaseString& rhs)
assign(rhs.cstr(), rhs.cstr() + rhs.length());
return *this;
StackString& operator=(const char* rhs)
assign(rhs, nullptr);
return *this;
StackString& operator+=(const BaseString& rhs)
return *this;
StackString& operator+=(const char* rhs)
return *this;
StackString& operator+=(const char& rhs)
return *this;
StackString operator+(const BaseString& rhs)
StackString str(*this);
str += rhs;
return str;
StackString operator+(const char* rhs)
StackString str(*this);
str += rhs;
return str;
StackString operator+(const char& rhs)
StackString str(*this);
str += rhs;
return str;
StackString substr(int start, int len = 0) const
if (len == 0) len = length() - start;
return StackString(cstr() + start, cstr() + start + len);
StackString trim() const
if (length() > 0)
const char* s = begin();
const char* e = end() - 1;
while (s < e && (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\r' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\v' || *s == '\f')) s++;
while (e > s && (*e == ' ' || *e == '\t' || *e == '\r' || *e == '\n' || *e == '\v' || *e == '\f')) e--;
return StackString(s, e + 1);
return StackString();
Vector<StackString> split(char ch) const
Vector<StackString> result;
const char* ptr = s_ptr();
const char* end = ptr + length();
const char* last = ptr;
while (ptr < end)
if (*ptr == ch)
result.emplace_back(last, ptr);
last = ptr + 1;
if (last < ptr)
result.emplace_back(last, ptr);
return result;
static StackString fmt(const char* fmt, ...)
StackString str;
va_list args;
// determine arg m_length
va_start(args, fmt);
auto add = vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, fmt, args);
if (add <= 0)
return str;
// reserve (+1 for null-terminator)
auto len = str.length();
str.s_ensure(len + add + 1);
// print out
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(str.s_ptr() + len, add + 1, fmt, args);
return str;
void s_clear() override
void s_ensure(int capacity) override
int count = capacity - s_len();
if (count <= 0)
// expand heap buffer
if (m_heap_buffer.size() > 0)
// switch from stack to heap
else if (capacity > StackSize)
char* src = m_stack_buffer.data();
char* len = src + m_stack_buffer.size();
char* dst = m_heap_buffer.data();
while (src < len) *(dst++) = *(src++);
// expand stack buffer
*(s_ptr() + s_len() - 1) = '\0';
char* s_ptr() override
return m_heap_buffer.size() > 0 ? m_heap_buffer.data() : m_stack_buffer.data();
const char* s_ptr() const override
return m_heap_buffer.size() > 0 ? m_heap_buffer.data() : m_stack_buffer.data();
int s_len() const override
return m_heap_buffer.size() > 0 ? m_heap_buffer.size() : m_stack_buffer.size();
Vector<char> m_heap_buffer;
StackVector<char, StackSize> m_stack_buffer;
template<size_t StackSize>
StackString<StackSize> operator+(const StackString<StackSize>& lhs, const BaseString& rhs)
StackString str(lhs);
str += rhs;
return str;
template<size_t StackSize>
StackString<StackSize> operator+(const StackString<StackSize>& lhs, const char* rhs)
StackString str(lhs);
str += rhs;
return str;
template<size_t StackSize>
StackString<StackSize> operator+(const StackString<StackSize>& lhs, const char& rhs)
StackString str(lhs);
str += rhs;
return str;
// Stores enough for an empty string on the stack, and afterwards allocates on the heap
using HeapString = StackString<1>;
// Standard String with a fair amount of stack storage
using String = StackString<64>;
// Large String with enough stack storage to store FilePaths without allocating.
using FilePath = StackString<260>;
// Utf8 Utility, to iterate over a string and read utf-8 characters
struct Utf8
const char* str = nullptr;
u32 character = 0;
u32 character_size = 0;
Utf8() = default;
Utf8(const char* cstr);
// moves to the next character, returns false if at end of string or an invalid character
bool next();
struct CaseInsenstiveStringHash
std::size_t operator()(const Blah::BaseString& key) const
std::size_t result = 2166136261U;
for (auto& it : key)
if (it >= 'A' && it <= 'Z')
result ^= (static_cast<std::size_t>(it) - 'A' + 'a');
result ^= static_cast<std::size_t>(it);
result *= 16777619U;
return result;
struct CaseInsenstiveStringCompare
bool operator() (const BaseString& lhs, const BaseString& rhs) const
return lhs.length() == rhs.length() && lhs.starts_with(rhs, true);
// STD Hash Utility, so the String can be used in a set / unordered_map / map
namespace std
template <>
struct hash<Blah::BaseString>
std::size_t operator()(const Blah::BaseString& key) const
std::size_t result = 2166136261U;
for (auto& it : key)
result ^= static_cast<std::size_t>(it);
result *= 16777619U;
return result;
template <size_t StackSize>
struct hash<Blah::StackString<StackSize>>
std::size_t operator()(const Blah::StackString<StackSize>& key) const
std::size_t result = 2166136261U;
for (auto& it : key)
result ^= static_cast<std::size_t>(it);
result *= 16777619U;
return result;
} |