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synced 2025-02-18 12:48:27 +08:00
1) Over time the total amount of files has decreased, and so it made sense to just simplify the folder structure and remove all of the subfolders. 2) Refactor the String class to utilize the existing Vector and StackVector classes instead of managing everything itself.
668 lines
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668 lines
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#pragma once
#include <blah_common.h>
#include <blah_vector.h>
#include <blah_stackvector.h>
#include <blah_string.h>
#include <blah_spatial.h>
#include <blah_image.h>
namespace Blah
class Stream;
class Shader; using ShaderRef = Ref<Shader>;
class Texture; using TextureRef = Ref<Texture>;
class Target; using TargetRef = Ref<Target>;
class Mesh; using MeshRef = Ref<Mesh>;
class Material; using MaterialRef = Ref<Material>;
// Type of Renderer the Application is using
enum class RendererType
None = -1,
// Renderer Information
struct RendererInfo
// The type of Renderer being used
RendererType type = RendererType::None;
// Whether Mesh Instancing is available
bool instancing = false;
// Whether the Texture origin is the bottom left.
// This is true for OpenGL.
bool origin_bottom_left = false;
// Maximum Texture Size available
int max_texture_size = 0;
// Depth comparison function to use during a draw call
enum class Compare
// Cull mode during a draw call
enum class Cull
// No Culling enabled
None = 0,
// Cull front faces
Front = 1,
// Cull back faces
Back = 2,
enum class BlendOp
enum class BlendFactor
enum class BlendMask
None = 0,
Red = 1,
Green = 2,
Blue = 4,
Alpha = 8,
RGB = Red | Green | Blue,
RGBA = Red | Green | Blue | Alpha,
// BlendMode using for rendering
struct BlendMode
// Normal is Premultipled Alpha
// TODO: potentially rename normal to match that it is for Premultiplied Alpha?
static const BlendMode Normal;
static const BlendMode NonPremultiplied;
static const BlendMode Subtract;
static const BlendMode Additive;
BlendOp color_op;
BlendFactor color_src;
BlendFactor color_dst;
BlendOp alpha_op;
BlendFactor alpha_src;
BlendFactor alpha_dst;
BlendMask mask;
u32 rgba;
BlendMode() = default;
BlendMode(BlendOp op, BlendFactor src, BlendFactor dst) :
color_op(op), color_src(src), color_dst(dst),
alpha_op(op), alpha_src(src), alpha_dst(dst),
mask(BlendMask::RGBA), rgba(0xffffffff) {}
BlendOp color_op, BlendFactor color_src, BlendFactor color_dst,
BlendOp alpha_op, BlendFactor alpha_src, BlendFactor alpha_dst,
BlendMask blend_mask, u32 blend_rgba) :
color_op(color_op), color_src(color_src), color_dst(color_dst),
alpha_op(alpha_op), alpha_src(alpha_src), alpha_dst(alpha_dst),
mask(blend_mask), rgba(blend_rgba) {}
constexpr bool operator==(const BlendMode& rhs) const
color_op == rhs.color_op && color_src == rhs.color_src && color_dst == rhs.color_dst &&
alpha_op == rhs.alpha_op && alpha_src == rhs.alpha_src && alpha_dst == rhs.alpha_dst &&
mask == rhs.mask && rgba == rhs.rgba;
constexpr bool operator!=(const BlendMode& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
// Texture filter
enum class TextureFilter
None, // Will fallback to whatever default the driver sets
Linear, // Linear interpolation
Nearest // Nearest Neighbour interpolation
// Texture Wrap Mode
enum class TextureWrap
None, // Will fallback to whatever default the driver sets
Clamp, // Clamps the texture to the edges
Repeat // Repeats the texture
// Texture Sampler State, applied during rendering
struct TextureSampler
// Filter Mode
TextureFilter filter;
// Wrap X Mode
TextureWrap wrap_x;
// Wrap Y Mode
TextureWrap wrap_y;
TextureSampler() :
filter(TextureFilter::Linear), wrap_x(TextureWrap::Repeat), wrap_y(TextureWrap::Repeat) {}
TextureSampler(TextureFilter filter) :
filter(filter), wrap_x(TextureWrap::Repeat), wrap_y(TextureWrap::Repeat) {}
TextureSampler(TextureFilter filter, TextureWrap wrap_x, TextureWrap wrap_y) :
filter(filter), wrap_x(wrap_x), wrap_y(wrap_y) {}
bool operator==(const TextureSampler& rhs) const
return filter == rhs.filter && wrap_x == rhs.wrap_x && wrap_y == rhs.wrap_y;
bool operator!=(const TextureSampler& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
enum class TextureFormat
None, // Invalid Format
R, // Single 8-bit channe;
RG, // 2 8-bit channels
RGBA, // 4 8-bit channels
DepthStencil, // Depth 24, Stencil 8
Count // Total Formats
enum class ClearMask
None = 0,
Color = 1,
Depth = 2,
Stencil = 4,
All = (int)Color | (int)Depth | (int)Stencil
// Supported Uniform Types
enum class UniformType
// Supported Shader Types
enum class ShaderType
None = 0,
Vertex = 1 << 0,
Fragment = 1 << 1
// Uniform Info, provided by the Shader
struct UniformInfo
// Name of the Uniform
String name;
// The Value type of the Uniform
UniformType type;
// The Shader type the Uniform is a part of
ShaderType shader;
// Texture / Sampler register index, which shaders can manually assign
int register_index = 0;
// Some rendering APIs have uniform buffers. The `buffer_index`
// specifies which buffer the uniform belongs to
int buffer_index = 0;
// Array length of the Uniform (ex. a vec2[4] would be 4)
int array_length = 0;
// Supported Vertex value types
enum class VertexType
// Vertex Attribute information
struct VertexAttribute
// Location / Attribute Index
int index = 0;
// Vertex Type
VertexType type = VertexType::None;
// Whether the Vertex should be normalized (doesn't apply to Floats)
bool normalized = false;
// Vertex Format information.
// Holds a list of attributes and total stride per-vertex.
struct VertexFormat
// List of Attributes
StackVector<VertexAttribute, 16> attributes;
// Total size in bytes of each Vertex element
int stride = 0;
VertexFormat() = default;
VertexFormat(const StackVector<VertexAttribute, 16>& attributes, int stride = 0);
// Supported Vertex Index formats
enum class IndexFormat
// Indices are 16 bit unsigned integers
// Indices are 32 bit unsigned integers
// Data to be passed to the shader to construct it
struct ShaderData
struct HLSL_Attribute
// Semantic Name
const char* semantic_name = nullptr;
// (optional) Semantic Index
int semantic_index = 0;
// Vertex Shader Program data
String vertex;
// Fragment Shader Program data
String fragment;
// HLSL Attributes - required for D3D11
StackVector<HLSL_Attribute, 16> hlsl_attributes;
// A shader used during Rendering
class Shader
Shader() = default;
// Copy / Moves not allowed
Shader(const Shader&) = delete;
Shader(Shader&&) = delete;
Shader& operator=(const Shader&) = delete;
Shader& operator=(Shader&&) = delete;
// Default Destructor
virtual ~Shader() = default;
// Creates a Shader with the given Shader Data.
// If the Shader creation fails, it will return an invalid ShaderRef.
static ShaderRef create(const ShaderData& data);
// Gets a list of Shader Uniforms from Shader
virtual Vector<UniformInfo>& uniforms() = 0;
// Gets a list of Shader Uniforms from Shader
virtual const Vector<UniformInfo>& uniforms() const = 0;
// A 2D Texture held by the GPU to be used during rendering
class Texture
Texture() = default;
// Copy / Moves not allowed
Texture(const Texture&) = delete;
Texture(Texture&&) = delete;
Texture& operator=(const Texture&) = delete;
Texture& operator=(Texture&&) = delete;
// Default Destructor
virtual ~Texture() = default;
// Creates a new Texture.
// If the Texture creation fails, it will return an invalid TextureRef.
static TextureRef create(const Image& image);
// Creates a new Texture.
// If image data is provided, it should be the full size of the texture.
// If the Texture creation fails, it will return an invalid TextureRef.
static TextureRef create(int width, int height, TextureFormat format, unsigned char* data = nullptr);
// Creates a new Texture from a Stream.
// If the Texture creation fails, it will return an invalid TextureRef.
static TextureRef create(Stream& stream);
// Creates a new Texture from a File.
// If the Texture creation fails, it will return an invalid TextureRef.
static TextureRef create(const FilePath& file);
// gets the width of the texture
virtual int width() const = 0;
// gets the height of the texture
virtual int height() const = 0;
// Gets the format of the Texture
virtual TextureFormat format() const = 0;
// Sets the data of the Texture.
// Note that the data should be the same format and size as the Texture. There is no row padding.
virtual void set_data(const u8* data) = 0;
// Sets the data of the Texture to the provided Color buffer.
// If the Texture Format is not RGBA, this won't do anything.
void set_data(const Color* data);
// Gets the data of the Texture.
// Note that the data will be written to in the same format as the Texture,
// and you should allocate enough space for the full texture. There is no row padding.
virtual void get_data(u8* data) = 0;
// Gets the data of the Texture.
// If the Texture Format is not RGBA, this won't do anything.
void get_data(Color* data);
// Returns true if the Texture is part of a FrameBuffer
virtual bool is_framebuffer() const = 0;
// Up to 4 color textures + 1 depth/stencil
using Attachments = StackVector<TextureRef, 5>;
using AttachmentFormats = StackVector<TextureFormat, 5>;
// Target is a 2D Buffer that can be drawn to.
// It can hold up to 4 color Textures, and 1 Depth/Stencil Texture.
class Target
Target() = default;
// Copy / Moves not allowed
Target(const Target&) = delete;
Target(Target&&) = delete;
Target& operator=(const Target&) = delete;
Target& operator=(Target&&) = delete;
// Default Destructor
virtual ~Target() = default;
// Creates a new Target with a single Color texture
// If the Target creation fails, it will return an invalid TargetRef.
static TargetRef create(int width, int height);
// Creates a new Target with the given Texture Attachments. You must provide at least one Attachment.
// If the Target creation fails, it will return an invalid TargetRef.
static TargetRef create(int width, int height, const AttachmentFormats& textures);
// Gets the list of Attachments from the Target
virtual Attachments& textures() = 0;
// Gets the list of Attachments from the Target
virtual const Attachments& textures() const = 0;
// Gets the Attachment at a given index from the Target
TextureRef& texture(int index);
// Gets the Attachment at a given index from the Target
const TextureRef& texture(int index) const;
// Gets the width of the Target
virtual int width() const;
// Gets the height of the Target
virtual int height() const;
// Clears the Target
virtual void clear(Color color = Color::black, float depth = 1.0f, u8 stencil = 0, ClearMask mask = ClearMask::All) = 0;
// A Mesh is a set of Indices and Vertices which are used for drawing
class Mesh
Mesh() = default;
// Copy / Moves not allowed
Mesh(const Mesh&) = delete;
Mesh(Mesh&&) = delete;
Mesh& operator=(const Mesh&) = delete;
Mesh& operator=(Mesh&&) = delete;
// Default Destructor
virtual ~Mesh() = default;
// Creates a new Mesh.
// If the Mesh creation fails, it will return an invalid Mesh.
static MeshRef create();
// Uploads the given index buffer to the Mesh
virtual void index_data(IndexFormat format, const void* indices, i64 count) = 0;
// Uploads the given vertex buffer to the Mesh
virtual void vertex_data(const VertexFormat& format, const void* vertices, i64 count) = 0;
// Uploads the given instance buffer to the Mesh
virtual void instance_data(const VertexFormat& format, const void* instances, i64 count) = 0;
// Gets the index count of the Mesh
virtual i64 index_count() const = 0;
// Gets the vertex count of the Mesh
virtual i64 vertex_count() const = 0;
// Gets the instance count of the Mesh
virtual i64 instance_count() const = 0;
// Materials hold values that can be assigned to a shader during rendering
class Material final
Material(const ShaderRef& shader);
// Copy / Moves not allowed
Material(const Material&) = delete;
Material(Material&&) = delete;
Material& operator=(const Material&) = delete;
Material& operator=(Material&&) = delete;
// Default destructor
~Material() = default;
// Creates a new Material from the given Shader.
// If the Shader is invalid, it will return an invalid MaterialRef.
static MaterialRef create(const ShaderRef& shader);
// Clones the material and returns a new one
MaterialRef clone() const;
// Returns the Shader assigned to the Material.
ShaderRef shader() const;
// Sets the texture
void set_texture(const char* name, const TextureRef& texture, int array_index = 0);
// Sets the texture
void set_texture(int register_index, const TextureRef& texture);
// Gets the texture, or an empty reference if invalid
TextureRef get_texture(const char* name, int array_index = 0) const;
// Gets the texture, or an empty reference if invalid
TextureRef get_texture(int register_index) const;
// Sets the sampler
void set_sampler(const char* name, const TextureSampler& sampler, int array_index = 0);
// Sets the sampler
void set_sampler(int register_index, const TextureSampler& sampler);
// Gets the sampler
TextureSampler get_sampler(const char* name, int array_index = 0) const;
// Gets the sampler
TextureSampler get_sampler(int register_index) const;
// Sets the value. `length` is the total number of floats to set
// For example if the uniform is a float2[4], a total of 8 float values
// can be set.
void set_value(const char* name, const float* value, i64 length);
// Shorthands to more easily assign uniform values
void set_value(const char* name, float value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Vec2f& value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Vec3f& value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Vec4f& value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Mat3x2f& value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Mat4x4f& value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Vector<float>& value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Vector<Vec2f>& value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Vector<Vec3f>& value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Vector<Vec4f>& value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Vector<Mat3x2f>& value);
void set_value(const char* name, const Vector<Mat4x4f>& value);
// Gets a pointer to the values of the given Uniform, or nullptr if it doesn't exist.
const float* get_value(const char* name, i64* length = nullptr) const;
// Checks if the shader attached to the material has a uniform value with the given name
bool has_value(const char* name) const;
// Returns the internal Texture buffer
const Vector<TextureRef>& textures() const;
// Returns the internal Sampler buffer
const Vector<TextureSampler>& samplers() const;
// Returns the interal float buffer of all the values
const float* data() const;
ShaderRef m_shader;
Vector<TextureRef> m_textures;
Vector<TextureSampler> m_samplers;
Vector<float> m_data;
// A single draw call
struct DrawCall
// Framebuffer to draw to
TargetRef target;
// Mesh to draw with
MeshRef mesh;
// Material to draw with
MaterialRef material;
// Whether the DrawCall should use a specific viewport
bool has_viewport;
// Whether the DrawCall should use a scissor rectangle
bool has_scissor;
// The viewport (only used if hasViewport is true)
Rectf viewport;
// The scissor rectangle (only used if hasScissor is true)
Rectf scissor;
// First index in the Mesh to draw from
i64 index_start;
// Total amount of indices to draw from the Mesh
i64 index_count;
// Total amount of instances to draw from the Mesh
i64 instance_count;
// Depth Compare Function
Compare depth;
// Cull Mode
Cull cull;
// Blend Mode
BlendMode blend;
// Initializes a default DrawCall
// Performs the render
void perform();
} |