## SWORD II: ADVENTURE OF FROG A small game made entirely on live stream over about 15 hours. I intend to add more documentation and clarify some of the code and assets over the next few days. ### building - You need C++17 and CMake 3.12+ - Pull Submodule (`git submodule init`, `git submodule update`) (this repo references the [blah](https://github.com/NoelFB/blah) repo) - Make sure you have SDL2 headers & libraries, and make sure CMake can find them - All the art was made in [Aseprite](https://www.aseprite.org/). To modify or add new sprites, you'll need to use aseprite. ### links - [windows build](https://github.com/NoelFB/tiny_link/releases/tag/v1.0.0) - stream archive: [Day 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp4WNWnoDus), [Day 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgkljqG2rKA), [twitch](https://twitch.tv/noelfb) ![Screenshot](https://github.com/noelfb/tiny_link/raw/main/screenshot.png "Screenshot") ### box art ![box art](https://github.com/noelfb/tiny_link/raw/main/boxart.jpg "Box art by Grayson") *Box Art by [Grayson](https://twitter.com/soft_rumpus/status/1345934041527144459/photo/1)* *Mosquito enemy sprite by [Randy](https://twitter.com/RandyPGaul))*