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import bpy
#region Translation Contexts
## NOTE: Translation Priniciple
# Due to the shitty design of Blender I18N tools (I can't specify context for every translation entries and its static analyse is so bad),
# I will specify all context but I can't do anything if Blender throw my translation context away.
# BME module has its own context naming convention which make sure all configuration fields of prototypes are properly translated.
# This module also provide a corresponding function to compute these context string from given BME prototype name and the index of configuration fields.
# For BBP plugin self, there is a priniciple list which you should follow when providing translation context.
# - For operator, menu, panel and etc, set their `bl_translation_context` to their names, such as `BBP_OT_some_operator`
# - For property located in operator, menu, panel and etc, set their `translation_context` to corresponding class name,
# plus `/property` suffix, such as `BBP_OT_some_operator/property`.
# - For draw function located in operator, menu, panel and etc, set their `translation_context` to corresponding class name,
# plus `/draw` suffix, such as `BBP_OT_some_operator/draw`.
# - For property loacted in shared class (usually shared by multiple operators), set their `translation_context` to `BME/<MODULE_NAME>.<CLASS_NAME>/property`.
# `<MODULE_NAME>` is the module name (file name) where this class located. `<CLASS_NAME>` is the name of this class.
# For example, `BBP/some_module.some_class/property`
# Due to the shitty design, I can't find a way to add translation context for descrption field.
# So these description may collide with Blender official translation and thus not put in result file.
# I have no idea about this.
# Due to the shitty static analyse ability of Blender I18N plugin, all context should be written in literal,
# not the reference to other fields or the return value of some function.
# However for those strings, which originally should not be extracted by Blender I18N plugin, the way to get their context string is free.
# For the string given to Python `print()` which will be output in console,
# please use `` to get translation message because they are report.
# For the string given to `UTIL_functions.message_box()`, please use `` because they are UI elements.
# It seema that `` function family has fatal error when extracting message with context
# (it will produce a correct one and a wrong one which just simply concat the message and its context. I don't know why).
# All translation annotation are started with `TR:`
# The universal translation context prefix for BBP_NG plugin.
CTX_BBP: str = 'BBP'
# The universal translation context prefix for BME module in BBP_NG plugin.
def build_prototype_showcase_context(identifier: str) -> str:
Build the context for getting the translation for BME prototype showcase title.
@param[in] identifier The identifier of this prototype.
@return The context for getting translation.
return CTX_BBP_BME + '/' + identifier
def build_prototype_showcase_cfg_context(identifier: str, cfg_index: int) -> str:
Build the context for getting the translation for BME prototype showcase configuration title or description.
@param[in] identifier The identifier of this prototype.
@param[in] cfg_index The index of this configuration in this prototype showcase.
@return The context for getting translation.
return CTX_BBP_BME + f'/{identifier}/[{cfg_index}]'
# NOTE: You can safely move around this auto-generated block (with the begin/end markers!),
# and edit the translations by hand.
# Just carefully respect the format of the tuple!
# Tuple of tuples:
# ((msgctxt, msgid), (sources, gen_comments), (lang, translation, (is_fuzzy, comments)), ...)
translations_tuple = ()
translations_dict = {}
for msg in translations_tuple:
key = msg[0]
for lang, trans, (is_fuzzy, comments) in msg[2:]:
if trans and not is_fuzzy:
translations_dict.setdefault(lang, {})[key] = trans
def register() -> None:, translations_dict)
def unregister() -> None: