2023-11-23 22:34:06 +08:00
import bpy
2023-11-26 12:57:49 +08:00
import typing, enum
2023-11-23 22:34:06 +08:00
from . import UTIL_functions
2023-11-26 12:57:49 +08:00
from . import PROP_virtools_group
#region Rename Error Reporter
class _RenameErrorType(enum.IntEnum):
ERROR = enum.auto()
WARNING = enum.auto()
INFO = enum.auto()
class _RenameErrorItem():
mErrType: _RenameErrorType
mDescription: str
def __init__(self, err_t: _RenameErrorType, description: str):
self.mErrType = err_t
self.mDescription = description
def get_presentation(self):
return "[{}]\t{}".format(_RenameErrorType.cvt_err_from_int_to_str(self.err_type), self.description)
class _RenameErrorReporter():
mErrList: list[_RenameErrorItem]
def __init__(self):
self.mErrList = []
def add_error(self, description: str):
self.mErrList.append(_RenameErrorItem(_RenameErrorType.ERROR, description))
def add_warning(self, description: str):
self.mErrList.append(_RenameErrorItem(_RenameErrorType.WARNING, description))
def add_info(self, description: str):
self.mErrList.append(_RenameErrorItem(_RenameErrorType.INFO, description))
def need_report(self):
return len(self.mErrList) != 0
def report(self, header: str):
for item in self.mErrList:
print('\t' + _RenameErrorReporter.__erritem_to_string(item))
def clear(self):
def __errtype_to_string(err_v: _RenameErrorType) -> str:
case _RenameErrorType.ERROR: return 'ERROR'
case _RenameErrorType.WARNING: return 'WARN'
case _RenameErrorType.INFO: return 'INFO'
case _: raise UTIL_functions.BBPException("Unknown error type.")
def __erritem_to_string(item: _RenameErrorItem) -> str:
return f'[{_RenameErrorReporter.__errtype_to_string(item.mErrType)}]\t{item.mDescription}'
#region Naming Convention Used Types
class _BallanceObjectType(enum.IntEnum):
COMPONENT = enum.auto()
FLOOR = enum.auto()
RAIL = enum.auto()
WOOD = enum.auto()
STOPPER = enum.auto()
LEVEL_START = enum.auto()
LEVEL_END = enum.auto()
CHECKPOINT = enum.auto()
RESETPOINT = enum.auto()
DEPTH_CUBE = enum.auto()
SKYLAYER = enum.auto()
DECORATION = enum.auto()
class _BallanceObjectInfo():
mBasicType: _BallanceObjectType
## Only available for COMPONENT basic type
mComponentType: str | None
## Only available for COMPONENT, CHECKPOINT, RESETPOINT basic type
# For COMPONENT, it indicate which sector this component belong to.
# For CHECKPOINT, RESETPOINT, it indicate the index of this object.
# In CHECKPOINT, RESETPOINT mode, the sector actually is the suffix number of these objects' name. So checkpoint starts with 1, not 0.
mSector: int | None
def __init__(self, basic_type: _BallanceObjectType):
self.mBasicType = basic_type
def create_from_component(cls, comp_type: str, sector: int):
inst = cls(_BallanceObjectType.COMPONENT)
inst.mComponentType = comp_type
inst.mSector = sector
return inst
def create_from_checkpoint(cls, sector: int):
inst = cls(_BallanceObjectType.CHECKPOINT)
inst.mSector = sector
return inst
def create_from_resetpoint(cls, sector: int):
inst = cls(_BallanceObjectType.RESETPOINT)
inst.mSector = sector
return inst
def create_from_others(cls, basic_type: _BallanceObjectType):
return cls(basic_type)
class _NamingConventionProfile():
_TNameFct = typing.Callable[[], str]
_TDescFct = typing.Callable[[], str]
_TParseFct = typing.Callable[[bpy.types.Object, _RenameErrorReporter], _BallanceObjectInfo]
_TSetFct = typing.Callable[[bpy.types.Object,_BallanceObjectInfo, _RenameErrorReporter], None]
mNameFct: _TNameFct
mDescFct: _TDescFct
mParseFct: _TParseFct
mSetFct: _TSetFct
def __init__(self, name_fct: _TNameFct, desc_fct: _TDescFct, parse_fct: _TParseFct, set_fct: _TSetFct):
self.mNameFct = name_fct
self.mDescFct = desc_fct
self.mParseFct = parse_fct
self.mSetFct = set_fct
#region Naming Convention Declaration
class _VirtoolsGroupConvention():
def parse_from_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, reporter: _RenameErrorReporter) -> _BallanceObjectInfo:
def set_to_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, info: _BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: _RenameErrorReporter) -> None:
def register() -> _NamingConventionProfile:
return _NamingConventionProfile(
lambda: 'Virtools Group',
lambda: 'Virtools Group',
class _YYCToolchainConvention():
def parse_from_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, reporter: _RenameErrorReporter) -> _BallanceObjectInfo:
def set_to_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, info: _BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: _RenameErrorReporter) -> None:
def register() -> _NamingConventionProfile:
return _NamingConventionProfile(
lambda: 'YYC Toolchain',
lambda: 'YYC Toolchain name standard.',
class _ImengyuConvention():
def parse_from_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, reporter: _RenameErrorReporter) -> _BallanceObjectInfo:
def set_to_object(obj: bpy.types.Object, info: _BallanceObjectInfo, reporter: _RenameErrorReporter) -> None:
def register() -> _NamingConventionProfile:
return _NamingConventionProfile(
lambda: 'Imengyu Ballance',
lambda: 'Auto grouping name standard for Imengyu/Ballance.',
#region Nameing Convention Register
## The native naming convention is Virtools Group
# We treat it as naming convention because we want use a universal interface to process naming converting.
# So Virtools Group can no be seen as a naming convention, but we treat it like naming convention in code.
# The "native" mean this is
_g_NativeNamingConvention: _NamingConventionProfile = _VirtoolsGroupConvention.register()
## All available naming conventions
# Each naming convention should have a identifier for visiting them.
# The identifier is its index in this tuple.
_g_NamingConventions: tuple[_NamingConventionProfile, ...] = (
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