2023-11-22 19:57:29 +08:00
import bpy, bpy.utils.previews
import os, enum, typing
2023-10-23 10:57:29 +08:00
class BlenderPresetIcons(enum.Enum):
Info = 'INFO'
Warning = 'ERROR'
Error = 'CANCEL'
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#region Custom Icons Helper
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_g_SupportedImageExts: set[str] = set((
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2023-11-23 22:34:06 +08:00
2023-11-22 19:57:29 +08:00
_g_IconsManager: bpy.utils.previews.ImagePreviewCollection | None = None
_g_EmptyIcon: int = 0
_g_IconPrefix: str = "BlcBldPlg_"
_g_FloorIconsMap: dict[str, int] = {}
_g_FloorIconPrefix: str = _g_IconPrefix + 'Floor_'
_g_ElementIconsMap: dict[str, int] = {}
_g_ElementIconPrefix: str = _g_IconPrefix + 'Element_'
_g_GroupIconsMap: dict[str, int] = {}
_g_GroupIconPrefix: str = _g_IconPrefix + 'Group_'
def _iterate_folder_images(folder: str) -> typing.Iterator[tuple[str, str]]:
for name in os.listdir(folder):
# check whether it is file
filepath: str = os.path.join(folder, name)
if os.path.isfile(filepath):
# check file exts
(root, ext) = os.path.splitext(name)
if ext.lower() in _g_SupportedImageExts:
yield (filepath, root)
def _load_image_folder(
folder: str,
loader: bpy.utils.previews.ImagePreviewCollection,
container: dict[str, int],
name_prefix: str) -> None:
# iterate folder
for (filepath, filename_no_ext) in _iterate_folder_images(folder):
# generate name for unique
icon_name: str = name_prefix + filename_no_ext
# load it
loader.load(icon_name, filepath, 'IMAGE')
# add into list. use plain name (not the unique name)
container[filename_no_ext] = loader[icon_name].icon_id
#region Custom Icons Visitors
def get_empty_icon() -> int:
return _g_EmptyIcon
def get_floor_icon(name: str) -> int | None:
return _g_FloorIconsMap.get(name, None)
def get_element_icon(name: str) -> int | None:
return _g_ElementIconsMap.get(name, None)
def get_group_icon(name: str) -> int | None:
return _g_GroupIconsMap.get(name, None)
def register():
global _g_IconsManager
global _g_EmptyIcon
global _g_FloorIconsMap, _g_ElementIconsMap, _g_GroupIconsMap
# create preview collection and get icon folder
icons_folder: str = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "icons")
_g_IconsManager = bpy.utils.previews.new()
# load empty icon as default fallback
empty_icon_name: str = _g_IconPrefix + 'EmptyIcon'
_g_IconsManager.load(empty_icon_name, os.path.join(icons_folder, "Empty.png"), 'IMAGE')
_g_EmptyIcon = _g_IconsManager[empty_icon_name].icon_id
# load floor, element, group icon
os.path.join(icons_folder, 'floor'),
os.path.join(icons_folder, 'element'),
os.path.join(icons_folder, 'group'),
def unregister():
global _g_IconsManager
global _g_EmptyIcon
global _g_FloorIconsMap, _g_ElementIconsMap, _g_GroupIconsMap
_g_IconsManager = None